Pepper robot: on which body frame is "LandmarkDetection" based? - matrix

For a while I have tried to figure out that on which coordinate or body frame the ”LandmarkDetection“ Module is based on . Because I need the (0, 0, 0) position for the calculation to achieve the self localization for the robot with the help of "Landmark detection", I think it's already important...
I have letted it working together with the Pepper robot under NAOqi 2.5.5 which I hope it's compatible.
You can read the whole code of "" here:
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
"""Example: Demonstrates a way to localize the robot with
import qi
import time
import sys
import argparse
import math
import almath
class LandmarkDetector(object):
We first instantiate a proxy to the ALLandMarkDetection module
Note that this module should be loaded on the robot's naoqi.
The module output its results in ALMemory in a variable
called "LandmarkDetected".
We then read this ALMemory value and check whether we get
interesting things.
After that we get the related position of the landmark compared to robot.
def __init__(self, app):
Initialisation of qi framework and event detection.
super(LandmarkDetector, self).__init__()
session = app.session
# Get the service ALMemory.
self.memory = session.service("ALMemory")
# Connect the event callback.
# Get the services ALMotion & ALRobotPosture.
self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
self.posture_service = session.service("ALRobotPosture")
self.subscriber = self.memory.subscriber("LandmarkDetected")
print "self.subscriber = self.memory.subscriber(LandmarkDetected)"
print "self.subscriber.signal.connect(self.on_landmark_detected)"
# Get the services ALTextToSpeech, ALLandMarkDetection and ALMotion.
self.tts = session.service("ALTextToSpeech")
self.landmark_detection = session.service("ALLandMarkDetection")
# print "self.landmark_detection" is repr(self.landmark_detection)
self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
self.landmark_detection.subscribe("LandmarkDetector", 500, 0.0 )
print "self.landmark_detection.subscribe(LandmarkDetector, 500, 0.0 )"
self.got_landmark = False
# Set here the size of the landmark in meters.
self.landmarkTheoreticalSize = 0.06 #in meters 0 #.05 or 0.06?
# Set here the current camera ("CameraTop" or "CameraBottom").
self.currentCamera = "CameraTop"
def on_landmark_detected(self, markData):
Callback for event LandmarkDetected.
while markData == [] : # empty value when the landmark disappears
self.got_landmark = False
self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, 0.1 * math.pi)
if not self.got_landmark: # only speak the first time a landmark appears
self.got_landmark = True
print "Ich sehe eine Landmarke! "
self.tts.say("Ich sehe eine Landmarke! ")
# Retrieve landmark center position in radians.
wzCamera = markData[1][0][0][1]
wyCamera = markData[1][0][0][2]
# Retrieve landmark angular size in radians.
angularSize = markData[1][0][0][3]
# Compute distance to landmark.
distanceFromCameraToLandmark = self.landmarkTheoreticalSize / ( 2 * math.tan( angularSize / 2))
# Get current camera position in NAO space.
transform = self.motion_service.getTransform(self.currentCamera, 2, True)
transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)
# Compute the rotation to point towards the landmark.
cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, wyCamera, wzCamera)
# Compute the translation to reach the landmark.
cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distanceFromCameraToLandmark, 0, 0)
# Combine all transformations to get the landmark position in NAO space.
robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform *cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform
# robotTurnAroundAngle = almath.rotationFromAngleDirection(0, 1, 1, 1)
# print "robotTurnAroundAngle = ", robotTurnAroundAngle
print "x " + str(robotToLandmark.r1_c4) + " (in meters)"
print "y " + str(robotToLandmark.r2_c4) + " (in meters)"
print "z " + str(robotToLandmark.r3_c4) + " (in meters)"
def run(self):
Loop on, wait for events until manual interruption.
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Pose Init
self.posture_service.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
# Example showing how to get a simplified robot position in world.
useSensorValues = False
result = self.motion_service.getRobotPosition(useSensorValues)
print "Robot Position", result
# Example showing how to use this information to know the robot's diplacement.
useSensorValues = False
# initRobotPosition = almath.Pose2D(self.motion_service.getRobotPosition(useSensorValues))
# Make the robot move
for i in range(1, 12, 1):
self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, 0.1 * math.pi)
print "self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, (0.1)*math.pi)"
print "Starting LandmarkDetector"
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Interrupted by user, stopping LandmarkDetector"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="",
help="Robot IP address. On robot or Local Naoqi: use
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559,
help="Naoqi port number")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Initialize qi framework.
connection_url = "tcp://" + args.ip + ":" + str(args.port)
app = qi.Application(["LandmarkDetector", "--qi-url=" + connection_url])
except RuntimeError:
print ("Can't connect to Naoqi at ip \"" + args.ip + "\" on port " + str(args.port) +".\n"
"Please check your script arguments. Run with -h option for help.")
landmark_detector = LandmarkDetector(app)
At line 69 like the picture shows it says NAO space, but after googling and looking after this concept at the offcial Aledebaran site, I did't find it.
At line 70 from the function "getTransform()" of " transform = self.motion_service.getTransform(self.currentCamera, 2, True)" , combining with the information of the Aldebaran website: Cartesian control API: the parameter "2" could represent "FRAME_ROBOT ".
Due to the official documentation,"FRAME_ROBOT"(I think for NAO) is one of the 3 spatial references used by ALMotion. This is average of the two feet positions projected around a vertical z axis. This space is useful, because the x axis is always forwards, so provides a natural ego-centric reference.
But which from the following body frames is the FRAME coordinate for Pepper?
Body frames - Aldebaran
And basically the sensor values should be based on the Coordinate like it in this picture:
I have just tracked the values of the transformation:
('wzCamera = markData[1][0][0][1] = :', 0.20727014541625977)
('wyCamera = markData[1][0][0][2] = :', 0.13570936024188995)
robotToCamera = [[0.984479, 0.00163947, -0.175494, 0.0191678]
[-0.00241521, 0.999988, -0.00420686, -0.00231434]
[0.175485, 0.00456542, 0.984471, 1.16607]]
cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform =[[0.969599, -0.205789, 0.132397, 0]
[0.203897, 0.978596, 0.0278419, 0]
[-0.135293, 0, 0.990806, 0]]
cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform=[[1, 0, 0, 1.32545]
[0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0]]
robotToLandmark = [[0.978627, -0.200991, -0.0434926, 1.31629]
[0.202122, 0.979082, 0.0233536, 0.265588]
[0.0378889, -0.0316453, 0.998781, 1.21629]]
Combining these with the information of the following picture
from the video: Robotics: 3D World to First Person Transformation
I am really wondering whether the “robot“ of “robotToCamera” means the original cemara point… Has anyone idea how to understand these values of matrix from “robotToCamera”?
Observing the values of “robotTocamera”, it changes a little bit when the robot rotates himself(the whole body + head, he doesn’t nod at the same time) to look for the landmarks on the walls like this:
1. robotToCamera =
[[0.979136, 0.0719852, -0.190025, 0.0157459]
[-0.0700786, 0.997401, 0.0167426, -0.00282726]
[0.190737, -0.00307653, 0.981636, 1.16688]]
2. robotToCamera =
[[0.981156, 0.0583434, -0.184198, 0.0168686]
[-0.057959, 0.998291, 0.00747475, -0.00518941]
[0.184319, 0.00334202, 0.982861, 1.16652]]
3. robotToCamera =
[[0.981628, 0.0598889, -0.18116, 0.0196037]
[-0.0594456, 0.9982, 0.0078808, -0.00525115]
[0.181306, 0.00303314, 0.983422, 1.16649]]
4. robotToCamera =
[[0.982268, 0.0583533, -0.178169, 0.0191384]
[-0.0579817, 0.998291, 0.0072969, -0.00522032]
[0.17829, 0.00316301, 0.983973, 1.16627] ]
5. robotToCamera =
[[0.984, 0.021, -0.178, 0.016]
[-0.021, 1.00, 0.0027, -0.0019]
[0.178, 0.001, 0.984, 1.17] ]
Here are couple of my questions:
Could we just calculate the position of “Robot” with help of “robotToCamera”?
Could we get a value for “CameraToRobot” using the values of “robotToCamera”, e.g. calculating the inverse matrix or adjoint matrix ?
For the fifth matrix from “robotToCamera”, if we calculate the inverse matrix for the part
[[0.984, 0.021, -0.178]
[-0.021, 1.00, 0.0027,]
[0.178, 0.001, 0.984] ]
would be
[[0.984, -0.021,-0.178]
[0.021, 1.00, -0.001,]
[-0.178, 0.0027, 0.984] ]
equal to its adjoint matrix. Then it should be a Orthogonal matrix due to Wikipedia.
What info can I get from this ?
At the time 6:10 of the video, the teacher continues to explain something about lens:
In my situation, there is no need to learn about lens(L), or?

Landmark detection is detecting the NAOMarks with its top camera. The doc explains that you get a "Shape info" in the event value such as:
ShapeInfo = [ 1, alpha, beta, sizeX, sizeY, heading]
alpha and beta represent the Naomark’s location in terms of camera
sizeX and sizeY are the mark’s size in camera angles
the heading angle describes how the Naomark is oriented about the
vertical axis with regards to the robot’s head.
The code then calls getTransform which will give you the direction of the camera, so you can relate the detected mark angles to an actual direction (X,Y,Z) in front of the robot (becoming the robot frame).
marks are here if needed:


Python-ONVIF PTZ control -- Absolute and Relative Move

I am developing an application in Python to control ONVIF-compatible cameras.
Software: Debian Wheezy, Python 2.7, Quatanium python-onvif client
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 2 B, IP camera on local router, wifi/VNC for development
The required PTZ functions include Absolute Move, Relative Move, Continuous Move, Stop and using Preset positions. With the extracted test code below, I have all of that working except Absolute and Relative Moves. All of this code executes without any errors but the camera does not move for the Absolute or Relative Moves. I hope someone can suggest the problem with those two functions. The example is a bit long but I have tried to include enough code to show the contrast between working and non-working (with upper-case comments) portions for reference and test.
A test sketch:
#Test of Python and Quatanium Python-ONVIF with NETCAT camera PT-PTZ2087
#ONVIF Client implementation is in Python
#For IP control of PTZ, the camera should be compliant with ONVIF Profile S
#The PTZ2087 reports it is ONVIF 2.04 but is actually 2.4 (Netcat said text not changed after upgrade)
import onvifconfig
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Do all setup initializations
ptz = onvifconfig.ptzcam()
# IP camera motion tests
print 'Starting tests...'
#Set preset
ptz.move_pan(1.0, 1) #move to a new home position
# move right -- (velocity, duration of move)
ptz.move_pan(1.0, 2)
# move left
ptz.move_pan(-1.0, 2)
# move down
ptz.move_tilt(-1.0, 2)
# Move up
ptz.move_tilt(1.0, 2)
# zoom in
ptz.zoom(8.0, 2)
# zoom out
ptz.zoom(-8.0, 2)
#Absolute pan-tilt (pan position, tilt position, velocity)
ptz.move_abspantilt(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
ptz.move_abspantilt(1.0, -1.0, 1.0)
#Relative move (pan increment, tilt increment, velocity)
ptz.move_relative(0.5, 0.5, 8.0)
#Get presets
#Go back to preset
The referenced class:
#IP Camera control
#Control methods:
# rtsp video streaming via OpenCV for frame capture
# ONVIF for PTZ control
# ONVIF for setup selections
# Starting point for this code was from:
import sys
from onvif import ONVIFCamera
from time import sleep
class ptzcam():
def __init__(self):
print 'IP camera initialization'
#Several cameras that have been tried -------------------------------------
#Netcat camera (on my local network) Port 8899
self.mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 8899, 'admin', 'admin', '/etc/onvif/wsdl/')
#This is a demo camera that anyone can use for testing
#Toshiba IKS-WP816R
#self.mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'toshiba', 'security', '/etc/onvif/wsdl/')
print 'Connected to ONVIF camera'
# Create media service object = self.mycam.create_media_service()
print 'Created media service object'
# Get target profile
self.media_profile =[0]
# Use the first profile and Profiles have at least one
token = self.media_profile._token
#PTZ controls -------------------------------------------------------------
# Create ptz service object
print 'Creating PTZ object'
self.ptz = self.mycam.create_ptz_service()
print 'Created PTZ service object'
#Get available PTZ services
request = self.ptz.create_type('GetServiceCapabilities')
Service_Capabilities = self.ptz.GetServiceCapabilities(request)
print 'PTZ service capabilities:'
print Service_Capabilities
#Get PTZ status
status = self.ptz.GetStatus({'ProfileToken':token})
print 'PTZ status:'
print status
print 'Pan position:', status.Position.PanTilt._x
print 'Tilt position:', status.Position.PanTilt._y
print 'Zoom position:', status.Position.Zoom._x
print 'Pan/Tilt Moving?:', status.MoveStatus.PanTilt
# Get PTZ configuration options for getting option ranges
request = self.ptz.create_type('GetConfigurationOptions')
request.ConfigurationToken = self.media_profile.PTZConfiguration._token
ptz_configuration_options = self.ptz.GetConfigurationOptions(request)
print 'PTZ configuration options:'
print ptz_configuration_options
self.requestc = self.ptz.create_type('ContinuousMove')
self.requestc.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
self.requesta = self.ptz.create_type('AbsoluteMove')
self.requesta.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
print 'Absolute move options'
print self.requesta
self.requestr = self.ptz.create_type('RelativeMove')
self.requestr.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
print 'Relative move options'
print self.requestr
self.requests = self.ptz.create_type('Stop')
self.requests.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
self.requestp = self.ptz.create_type('SetPreset')
self.requestp.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
self.requestg = self.ptz.create_type('GotoPreset')
self.requestg.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
print 'Initial PTZ stop'
#Stop pan, tilt and zoom
def stop(self):
self.requests.PanTilt = True
self.requests.Zoom = True
print 'Stop:'
#print self.requests
print 'Stopped'
#Continuous move functions
def perform_move(self, timeout):
# Start continuous move
ret = self.ptz.ContinuousMove(self.requestc)
print 'Continuous move completed', ret
# Wait a certain time
# Stop continuous move
def move_tilt(self, velocity, timeout):
print 'Move tilt...', velocity
self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._x = 0.0
self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._y = velocity
def move_pan(self, velocity, timeout):
print 'Move pan...', velocity
self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._x = velocity
self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._y = 0.0
def zoom(self, velocity, timeout):
print 'Zoom...', velocity
self.requestc.Velocity.Zoom._x = velocity
#Absolute move functions --NO ERRORS BUT CAMERA DOES NOT MOVE
def move_abspantilt(self, pan, tilt, velocity):
self.requesta.Position.PanTilt._x = pan
self.requesta.Position.PanTilt._y = tilt
self.requesta.Speed.PanTilt._x = velocity
self.requesta.Speed.PanTilt._y = velocity
print 'Absolute move to:', self.requesta.Position
print 'Absolute speed:',self.requesta.Speed
ret = self.ptz.AbsoluteMove(self.requesta)
print 'Absolute move pan-tilt requested:', pan, tilt, velocity
print 'Absolute move completed', ret
#Relative move functions --NO ERRORS BUT CAMERA DOES NOT MOVE
def move_relative(self, pan, tilt, velocity):
self.requestr.Translation.PanTilt._x = pan
self.requestr.Translation.PanTilt._y = tilt
self.requestr.Speed.PanTilt._x = velocity
ret = self.requestr.Speed.PanTilt._y = velocity
print 'Relative move pan-tilt', pan, tilt, velocity
print 'Relative move completed', ret
#Sets preset set, query and and go to
def set_preset(self, name):
self.requestp.PresetName = name
self.requestp.PresetToken = '1'
self.preset = self.ptz.SetPreset(self.requestp) #returns the PresetToken
print 'Set Preset:'
print self.preset
def get_preset(self):
self.ptzPresetsList = self.ptz.GetPresets(self.requestc)
print 'Got preset:'
print self.ptzPresetsList[0]
def goto_preset(self, name):
self.requestg.PresetToken = '1'
print 'Going to Preset:'
print name
#Ottavio, Sorry that I did not make it clear that the camera I used for this test, a Netcat PT-PTZ2084XM-A reported via ONVIF query that it did support Absolute and Relative moves. I have subsequently verified via the site that this camera has not been tested and verified to meet onvif standards. I also have verified that the above code does work correctly with a Amcrest IP2M-841B ptz camera. The upshot of all of this is to never trust the claim that a camera is ONVIF 2.x compatible without testing it. Even the Amcrest has problems with both ONVIF and cgi commands for zoom. Neither Netcat nor Amcrest have been very helpful in resolving these technical problems.
AbsoluteMake and RelativeMove in the Profile S specifications are CONDITIONAL MANDATORY, thus it is not guaranteed a-priori that they are supported.
You need to check the camera's features.

How to choose which figure on which to display an image with matplotlib

I have a python script with multiple figures that I would like to update during a loop. Some will be images, and others will be line/scatter plots. I am having trouble getting the image to display on the correct figure. (the line and scatter data are showing up on the right figures, but the image seems to always be going on the figure that was created last, eventually I'll be displaying more than one image figure, so I can't just create the image figure last)
Here is roughly the code I have so far, the 3D scatter plot is showing up on Figure 1, but both the image and the line plots are showing up on Figure 3, with Figure 2 blank:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
class Bla():
def __init__( self ):
self.pc_fig = plt.figure(1)
self.pc_ax = self.pc_fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
self.pc_ax.set_xlim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_ylim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_zlim3d([0, 20])
self.vts_fig = plt.figure(2)
self.vts_ax = self.vts_fig.add_subplot(111)
self.em_fig = plt.figure(3)
self.em_ax = self.em_fig.add_subplot(111)
self.image_data = deque()
self.motion_data = deque()
def run( self ):
em_prev_xy = ( 0, 0 )
while True:
if len( self.motion_data ) > 0:
data1 = self.motion_data.popleft()
em_xy = data1.get_em()
self.em_ax.plot( [ em_prev_xy[0], em_xy[0] ], [ em_prev_xy[1], em_xy[1] ],'b')
pc = self.get_pc()
pc_index = nonzero(pc>.002)
pc_value = pc[pc_index] * 100
self.pc_ax.set_xlim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_ylim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_zlim3d([0, 20])
plt.pause( 0.0001 ) # This is needed for the display to update
if len( self.image_data ) > 0:
im = self.image_data.popleft()
plt.imshow( im,, axes=self.vts_ax )
plt.pause( 0.0001 )
def main():
bla = Bla()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Basically I have some queues that get populated in a callback when new data arrives, and I want this data to be displayed as it arrives.
I am new to matplotlib, so any help with my image display issue or tips for better ways of using matplotlib to display figures in general will be much appreciated
You are mixing the OO and state machine interfaces. See this answer for an explanation of what is going on.
Replace this line:
plt.imshow( im,, axes=self.vts_ax )
which should fix your image issue.

Python GUI (tkinter.ttk) application slow

I've got (working) application done with ttk. It uses self-created module for showing a comport-related controls and a canvas which draws a few graphs on it. When I crate an instance of my object, it starts a thread in which processes serial input and appends this to a list (one list per graph). When I have 3-6 graphs, the application gets noticeably slow. It also has got a few bugs, but I will adress them when I'm done with the general concept.
Things that may help you help me:
comport is an instance of a self-written object that derives from
LabelFrame and Serial.Serial
coordinates for graphs are stored in a dictionary of lists:
self.graphs = {} self.graphs['name1']=[] number of coordinates stored
is up to the width of canvas, so about 1000-2000 per graph. Have six
graphs - please multiply by 6
With every new coordinate arriving I pop(0) from the list and
append() the new coordinate
I forgot, I also store timing of each new set of coordinates arriving
in a separate list
I use a preiodic call function to process the lists: self.after(100,
func=self.periodicCall)Thus every 100ms I delete(ALL) from the canvas
and I draw every graph with theset of lines. So if I have 1000 coords
in 6 graps, I draw 6000 small lines
Plus some service info of course such as a few rulers
So I guess the idea is clear. I want to figure out what would be the better approach. I'm just a started in python and in programming as well, so I'm asking for your excuse for the code that I'm going to post and for the pain in your eyes it's gonna cause. I don't have any programming style and I want to fix it. At least a bit. So any other comments on anything you'll se in the code are welcome.
# Name: dataVisualizer
# Purpose:
# Author: dccharacter
# Created: 23.03.2012
# Copyright: (c) dccharacter 2012
# Licence: <your licence>
#!/usr/bin/env python
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
from robowidgets.serialPortGui import *
import threading
import re
import atexit
import random
from datetime import datetime
import time
class dataVisualizer(LabelFrame):
def __init__(self, master, comport , cnf={}, **kw):
self.master = master
self.comport = comport
LabelFrame.__init__(self, *cnf, **kw)
self.messageVar = StringVar()
Label(self, text="Message format regexp:").pack()
self.messagePattern = Entry(self, width = 20, text = 234234, textvariable = self.messageVar);
Button(self, text = "Pause", command = self.pause).pack()
self.pauseFlag = TRUE
self.canvWidth, self.canvHeight = 1000, 700
self.density = 1 ##width of pixel - the bigger, the wider graph
self.numOfDots = self.canvWidth//self.density
self.graphs = {}
self.timings = []
self.zeroTiming =
self.colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'violet', 'black', 'cyan']
self.canv = Canvas(self, width = self.canvWidth, height = self.canvHeight)
self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.workerThread)
self.serialData = []
def pause(self):
self.pauseFlag = ~self.pauseFlag
def redraw(self):
colorIndex = 0
for graphName in self.graphs:
runningAverage = sum(self.graphs[graphName][-10:])//10
text = str(runningAverage)
self.canv.create_text(self.canvWidth-60, 20*(colorIndex+1), text = text,
fill = self.colors[colorIndex], anchor = W)
prev_xxx, prev_yyy = 0, 0
for yyy in self.graphs[graphName]:
self.canv.create_line(prev_xxx, prev_yyy, prev_xxx+self.density, self.canvHeight//2 - yyy,
width = 1.4, fill = self.colors[colorIndex])
prev_xxx, prev_yyy = prev_xxx+self.density, self.canvHeight//2 - yyy
colorIndex = colorIndex + 1
def drawMesh(self):
self.canv.create_rectangle(3, 3, self.canvWidth,
self.canvHeight, outline = 'black', width = 2)
self.canv.create_line(0, self.canvHeight/2, self.canvWidth,
self.canvHeight/2, fill="black", width = 1)
mouseX = self.canv.winfo_pointerx() - self.canv.winfo_rootx()
mouseY = self.canv.winfo_pointery() - self.canv.winfo_rooty()
if mouseY < 60: aaa = -1
else: aaa = 1
if mouseX > self.canvWidth - 200 : bbb = -12
else: bbb = 1
self.canv.create_rectangle(mouseX + 10*bbb - 5, mouseY - 20*aaa +10,
mouseX + 10*bbb + 115, mouseY - 20*aaa - 30, outline = "black",
fill = "red")
self.canv.create_text(mouseX + 10*bbb, mouseY - 40*aaa,
text = "t="+str(self.timings[mouseX//self.density]),
anchor = W)
self.canv.create_text(mouseX + 10*bbb, mouseY - 20*aaa,
text = "value="+str(self.canvHeight//2 - mouseY),
anchor = W)
except IndexError:
self.canv.create_line(mouseX, 0, mouseX,
self.canvHeight, fill="blue", dash = [4, 1, 2, 1], width = 1)
self.canv.create_line(0, mouseY, self.canvWidth,
mouseY, fill="blue", dash = [4, 1, 2, 1], width = 1)
def periodicCall(self):
self.after(100, func=self.periodicCall)
def workerThread(self):
while (1):
if self.comport.isOpen() and (self.pauseFlag == TRUE):
comLine = self.comport.readline()
if len(self.timings) == self.numOfDots:
td = - self.zeroTiming
## b'271;-3:-50\r\n'
parsedLine =, str(comLine))
index = 1
if parsedLine:
for graphName in self.graphs:
if len(self.graphs[graphName]) == self.numOfDots:
except IndexError:
index = index + 1
except TclError:
def main():
root = Tk()
mainWindow = Frame(root)
port = comPortWidget(mainWindow)
dv = dataVisualizer(mainWindow, port)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And the serial part - may lag as well (used to lag when I used to reenumerate ports evey second or so...)
# Name: robowidgets
# Purpose:
# Author: dccharacter
# Created: 10.03.2012
# Copyright: (c) dccharacter 2012
# Licence: <your licence>
#!/usr/bin/env python
import serial
from import comports
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
class comPortWidget(LabelFrame, serial.Serial):
commonComPortSpeeds = ["1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "14400", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"]
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
"""Construct a comPortWidget widget with the parent MASTER.
borderwidth, cursor, font, foreground,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, padx, pady, relief,
takefocus, text, background, class, colormap, container,
height, labelanchor, labelwidget,
visual, width
self.master = master
LabelFrame.__init__(self, master, text="Serial settings", *cnf, **kw)
self.parent = master
def draw(self):
self.strVarComPort = StringVar()
self.comboComport = Combobox(self,
self.comboComport.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.labelComportName = Label(self, text="Com port:")
self.labelComportName.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.strVarComSpeed = StringVar()
self.comboComSpeed = Combobox(self,
textvariable=self.strVarComSpeed, values=self.commonComPortSpeeds)
self.comboComSpeed.grid(row=1, column=1)
self.labelComSpeed = Label(self, text="Com speed:")
self.labelComSpeed.grid(row=1, column=0)
self.buttonComOpen = Button(self, text="Open port", command=self.openPort)
self.buttonComOpen.grid(row=0, column=2)
self.buttonComClose = Button(self, text="Close port", command=self.closePort)
self.buttonComClose.grid(row=1, column=2)
self.buttonRefreshPorts = Button(self, text="Re", width=3, command=self.refreshComPortsCombo)
##self.buttonRefreshPorts.grid(row=0, column=2)
def refreshComPortsCombo(self):
listComs = self.enumerateComPorts()
if not listComs:
listComs.append("No com ports found")
##self.after(500, func=self.refreshComPortsCombo)
def enumerateComPorts(self):
Returns the list ofcom port names in the system or an empty list if
no ports found
listComs = []
for port, desc, hwid in sorted(comports()):
return listComs
def openPort(self):
if self.isOpen():
self.port = self.comboComport.get()
self.baudrate = int(self.comboComSpeed.get())
self.timeout = 1
except IOError:
def closePort(self):
if self.isOpen():
def disableControls(self, isConnected):
if isConnected:
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
UPDATE: I did as Brian advised. Now I have two screen redraw functions. Difference between them is that first moves all the lines to the left adding new to the right and deleting those that fall off the canvas. The second one moves lines to the left and re-deploys elements that fall off the canvas to the right (without creating new ones). There's a huge improvement with any of these in respect to my initial variant, but I don't see big difference between the two wit the naked eye - mayme if I had more elements I would. The latter though works better specifically for my application as I don't have to track those who fall off the cliff.
Here the functions:
def drawGraph(self): ###needed for self.updateGraph2() only as it is creates the lines
for graphNum in range(0, self.numOfGraphs):
for iii in range(0,self.numOfDots):
width=1.2, tags=('graphLines', 'graph'+str(graphNum)))
def updateGraph2(self):
while not self.queue.empty():
iTuple = self.queue.get()
self.canv.move('graphLines', -self.density,0)
for graphNum in range(0, self.numOfGraphs):
try: self.graphData[graphNum].append(iTuple[graphNum])
except IndexError:
def updateGraph(self):
while not self.queue.empty():
self.timingIndex = self.timingIndex + 1
self.canv.move('graphLines', -self.density, 0)
iTuple = self.queue.get()
for iii in range(0, len(iTuple)):
yyy = int(iTuple[iii])+self.canv.winfo_height()//2
if yyy < 0: yyy = 0
if yyy > self.canv.winfo_height(): yyy = self.canv.winfo_height()
prev_yyy = int(self.prevTuple[iii])+self.canv.winfo_height()//2
if prev_yyy < 0: prev_yyy = 0
if prev_yyy > self.canv.winfo_height(): prev_yyy = self.canv.winfo_height()
self.canv.winfo_width()-self.density, prev_yyy,
self.canv.winfo_width(), yyy,
width = 1.4, fill = self.colors[iii], tags=('graphLines','graph'+str(iii)))
self.prevTuple = iTuple
My understanding of the canvas is that the more element ids that have been allocated, the slower it gets. It can handle tens of thousands without much problem (and maybe even 100's of thousands), but if you're creating and deleting 6000 items every 100ms, that is likely your problem. Even though you are deleting the items, it still affects performance especially when you are creating 60,000 per second.
Instead of deleting all items every 100ms, simply move the items off screen and remember them, then reuse them by using the coords method to change their coordinates for the new graph.

PyQt QTableView not displaying icons after update to PyQt 4.5.1

I'll try to be as clear as possible, though this is all a bit muddled in my head.
I have a PyQt application that has been working for about a year now. After updating to PyQt 4.5.1 (from 4.3.3) none of my icons appear in the QTableView anymore (this update was concurrent with an update to python 2.6.5 from 2.5.1). Reverting to the older python and PyQt, everything works as expected.
The breakdown is this:
I am using the model-view methodology. My model, when requested via a Qt.DecorationRole in the data() method, will return a custom object (ColorSwatch) that is a subclass of the QIcon class. This has always worked (with the caveat that I, for reasons I don't understand, have to recast it as a QVariant first). After updating to PyQt 4.5.1 it appears to run correctly (i.e. I am not getting any errors), but the icon does not draw (though the space where it would be drawn is "reserved" i.e. the text has been shifted to the right to make way for this invisible icon).
Here are some things that I have tried:
I have verified that the ColorSwatch class does still function. This same class is used to draw icons into a contextual menu - and they appear correctly.
I have verified that the data() method is actually getting called and is returning this ColorSwatch object (recast into a QVariant <- though I have tested without this recasting as well).
Pouring snake blood onto my keyboard and lighting it afire.
Nothing so far has given me any clue as to what I should do. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Here is some of the (potentially) relevant code (note that paramObj.get_icon() returns a ColorSwatch object):
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
Returns the text or formatting for a particular cell, depending on the
role supplied.
elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole:
if platform.system()=='Darwin':
return QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon())
return QtCore.QVariant(paramObj.get_icon())
import os
import tempfile
import sys
import colorsys
import copy
import fnmatch
import time
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtCore
class ColorSwatch(QtGui.QIcon):
A subclass of QIcon, this class draws a colored paint chip with a border
The color and size are determined at construction time, and cannot
be changed later.
def __init__(self, r=1, g=1, b=1, br = 0, bg = 0, bb = 0, w=20, h=20):
Constructor for the ColorSwatch class. Takes the passed arguments and
creates a square icon filled with the given color and with a border
color determined by br, bg, bb. All colors should be in floating point
#normalize the color
r8, g8, b8 = self.normalize_color((r, g, b))
#convert the r, g, b values to 8 bit colors
r8, g8, b8 = self.fp_to_8b_color((r8, g8, b8))
#Create the pixmap and painter objects
paintChip = QtGui.QPixmap(w, h)
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
#fill the swatch
baseColor = QtGui.QColor(r8, g8, b8)
painter.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, baseColor)
#if any of the values were super brights (>1), draw a smaller, white
#box inset to make sure the user knows
if r > 1 or g > 1 or b > 1:
painter.fillRect(5, 5, w-10, h-10, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255))
#if all values are 0, put a faint x through the icon
# # # brush = QtGui.QBrush()
# # # brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(30, 30, 30))
painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(200, 200, 200))
if r ==0 and g == 0 and b == 0:
painter.drawLine(0, 0, w, h)
painter.drawLine(w-1, 0, -1, h)
# # #
# # # #normalize the color
# # # r8, g8, b8 = self.normalize_color((r8, g8, b8))
#now draw the border(s)
#convert the r, g, b values to 8 bit colors
r8, g8, b8 = self.fp_to_8b_color((br, bg, bb))
#draw the border
painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(r8, g8, b8))
#if any of the values were super brights (>1), draw a border around the
#inset box as well.
if r > 1 or g > 1 or b > 1:
#done drawing
#add it (both to the normal and the selected modes)
self.addPixmap(paintChip, QtGui.QIcon.Normal)
self.addPixmap(paintChip, QtGui.QIcon.Selected)
def fp_to_8b_color(self, color):
Convert a floating point color value (passed in the form of a three
element tuple) to a regular 8-bit 0-255 value. Returns a 3 item tuple.
r = max(min(int(color[0]*255),255),0)
g = max(min(int(color[1]*255),255),0)
b = max(min(int(color[2]*255),255),0)
return (r,g,b)
def normalize_color(self, color):
"normalizes" a color value so that if there are any super-whites, it
balances all the other floating point values so that we end up with a
"real" color. Negative values will result in undefined behavior.
Mainly used to make the color chip "look right" when using super whites.
maxValue = max(color)
if maxValue > 1:
return (color[0]/maxValue, color[1]/maxValue, color[2]/maxValue)
return color
Ivo answered my question above.
the actual code that works is:
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
Returns the text or formatting for a particular cell, depending on the
role supplied.
elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole:
if platform.system()=='Darwin':
return QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon())
return QtCore.QVariant(QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon()))
#Note that it is first cast as a QIcon before
#being cast as a QVariant.
Thanks again Ivo.

Matlab GUI: How to Save the Results of Functions (states of application)

I would like to create an animation which enables the user to go backward and forward through the steps of simulation.
An animation has to simulate the iterative process of channel decoding (a receiver receives a block of bits, performs an operation and then checks if the block corresponds to parity rules. If the block doesn't correspond the operation is performed again and the process finally ends when the code corresponds to a given rules).
I have written the functions which perform the decoding process and return a m x n x i matrix where m x n is the block of data and i is the iteration index. So if it takes 3 iterations to decode the data the function returns a m x n x 3 matrix with each step is stired.
In the GUI (.fig file) I put a "decode" button which runs the method for decoding and there are buttons "back" and "forward" which have to enable the user to switch between the data of recorded steps.
I have stored the "decodedData" matrix and currentStep value as a global variable so by clicking "forward" and "next" buttons the indices have to change and point to appropriate step states.
When I tried to debug the application the method returned the decoded data but when I tried to click "back" and "next" the decoded data appeared not to be declared.
Does anyone know how is it possible to access (or store) the results of the functions in order to enable the described logic which I want to implement in Matlab GUI?
Ultimately, this is a scoping of variables problem.
Global variables is rarely the right answer.
This video discusses the handles structure in GUIDE:
This video discusses sharing of variables between GUIs and could apply to a single GUI problem also.
The trick is to use nested functions so that they share the same workspace. Since I already started with an example in your last question, now I'm simply adding GUI controls to enable going forward/backward interactively, in addition to play/stop the animation:
function testAnimationGUI()
%# coordinates
t = (0:.01:2*pi)'; %# 'fix SO syntax highlight
D = [cos(t) -sin(t)];
%# setup a figure and axis
hFig = figure('Backingstore','off', 'DoubleBuffer','on');
hAx = axes('Parent',hFig, 'XLim',[-1 1], 'YLim',[-1 1], ...
'Drawmode','fast', 'NextPlot','add');
axis(hAx, 'off','square')
%# draw circular path
line(D(:,1), D(:,2), 'Color',[.3 .3 .3], 'LineWidth',1);
%# initialize point
hLine = line('XData',D(1,1), 'YData',D(1,2), 'EraseMode','xor', ...
'Color','r', 'marker','.', 'MarkerSize',50);
%# init text
hTxt = text(0, 0, num2str(t(1)), 'FontSize',12, 'EraseMode','xor');
animation = false;
hBeginButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[1 1 30 20], ...
'String','<<', 'Callback',#beginButton_callback);
hPrevButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[30 1 30 20], ...
'String','<', 'Callback',#previousButton_callback);
hNextButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[60 1 30 20], ...
'String','>', 'Callback',#nextButton_callback);
hEndButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[90 1 30 20], ...
'String','>>', 'Callback',#endButton_callback);
hSlider = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Style','slider', 'Value',1, 'Min',1,...
'Max',numel(t), 'SliderStep', [10 100]./numel(t), ...
'Position',[150 1 300 20], 'Callback',#slider_callback);
hPlayButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[500 1 30 20], ...
'String','|>', 'Callback',#playButton_callback);
hStopButton = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[530 1 30 20], ...
'String','#', 'Callback',#stopButton_callback);
%#----------- NESTED CALLBACK FUNCTIONS -----------------
function beginButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
function endButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
function nextButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
i = i+1;
if ( i > numel(t) ), i = 1; end
function previousButton_callback(hObj,eventdata)
i = i-1;
if ( i < 1 ), i = numel(t); end
function slider_callback(hObj, eventdata)
i = round( get(gcbo,'Value') );
function playButton_callback(hObj, eventdata)
animation = true;
while animation
i = i+1;
if ( i > numel(t) ), i = 1; end
function stopButton_callback(hObj, eventdata)
animation = false;
function updateCircle(idx)
set(hSlider, 'Value', rem(idx-1,numel(t))+1) %# update slider to match
set(hLine,'XData',D(idx,1), 'YData',D(idx,2)) %# update X/Y data
set(hTxt,'String',num2str(t(idx))) %# update angle text
drawnow %# force refresh
if ~ishandle(hAx), return; end %# check valid handle
You might find the slider functionality a bit buggy, but you get the idea :)
