How can i define arguments for nested fields on server side using grapqhl? - graphql

How can I define arguments for nested fields? Suppose I want to consult all my posts but limit and sort the comments. Thank you for your help.
allPosts {
comments(limit: 5) {

What you are referring to, is often designated as Pagination, and is something that is covered by the GraphQL's specification.
There are different possible ways of constructing the query to allow retrieving multiple records of a certain object type (comments in our situation).
The simplest option, can be achieved by defining the GraphQL's query string with the object type you want to transverse in the plural form, meaning that your query would look like this:
allPosts {
comments {
But with this implementation you would end up fetching all the data instead of simply retrieving a chunk of it. Obviously this approach can have many drawbacks depending on the volume of the data that is being fetched and should only be used on specific situations.
The easiest approach to achieve what you want is to request the comments as a "slice", meaning that you would be requesting a specific initial portion of the data set.
In this case, you would be requesting the initial 5 comments.
allPosts {
comments(first: 5) {
But what if you want to paginate through the rest of the list?
allPosts {
comments(first: 5, offset:5) {
Doing this, you could ask for the following next 5 comments.
But the approach that is recommend to use when implementing Pagination is the cursor-based pagination, which would translate to something like this:
allPosts {
comments(first: 5) {
edges {
node {
The hard part consists on implementing the resolvers functionality (is slightly easier with frameworks like Apollo).


GraphQL Schema Language Handle Map Type from Uncontrolled API [duplicate]

Let's say my graphql server wants to fetch the following data as JSON where person3 and person5 are some id's:
"persons": {
"person3": {
"id": "person3",
"name": "Mike"
"person5": {
"id": "person5",
"name": "Lisa"
Question: How to create the schema type definition with apollo?
The keys person3 and person5 here are dynamically generated depending on my query (i.e. the area used in the query). So at another time I might get person1, person2, person3 returned.
As you see persons is not an Iterable, so the following won't work as a graphql type definition I did with apollo:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type Query {
persons(area: String): [Person]
The keys in the persons object may always be different.
One solution of course would be to transform the incoming JSON data to use an array for persons, but is there no way to work with the data as such?
GraphQL relies on both the server and the client knowing ahead of time what fields are available available for each type. In some cases, the client can discover those fields (via introspection), but for the server, they always need to be known ahead of time. So to somehow dynamically generate those fields based on the returned data is not really possible.
You could utilize a custom JSON scalar (graphql-type-json module) and return that for your query:
type Query {
persons(area: String): JSON
By utilizing JSON, you bypass the requirement for the returned data to fit any specific structure, so you can send back whatever you want as long it's properly formatted JSON.
Of course, there's significant disadvantages in doing this. For example, you lose the safety net provided by the type(s) you would have previously used (literally any structure could be returned, and if you're returning the wrong one, you won't find out about it until the client tries to use it and fails). You also lose the ability to use resolvers for any fields within the returned data.
But... your funeral :)
As an aside, I would consider flattening out the data into an array (like you suggested in your question) before sending it back to the client. If you're writing the client code, and working with a dynamically-sized list of customers, chances are an array will be much easier to work with rather than an object keyed by id. If you're using React, for example, and displaying a component for each customer, you'll end up converting that object to an array to map it anyway. In designing your API, I would make client usability a higher consideration than avoiding additional processing of your data.
You can write your own GraphQLScalarType and precisely describe your object and your dynamic keys, what you allow and what you do not allow or transform.
You can have a look at taion/graphql-type-json where he creates a Scalar that allows and transforms any kind of content:
I had a similar problem with dynamic keys in a schema, and ended up going with a solution like this:
query lookupPersons {
persons {
person3: personValue(key: "person3") {
data: {
persons: {
personKeys: ["person1", "person2", "person3"]
person3: {
id: "person3"
name: "Mike"
by shifting the complexity to the query, it simplifies the response shape.
the advantage compared to the JSON approach is it doesn't need any deserialisation from the client
Additional info for Venryx: a possible schema to fit my query looks like this:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type PersonsResult {
personKeys: [String]
personValue(key: String): Person
type Query {
persons(area: String): PersonsResult
As an aside, if your data set for persons gets large enough, you're going to probably want pagination on personKeys as well, at which point, you should look into

GatsbyJS passing user input to GraphQL

I’m looking for examples / tutorials on accepting user input from a form in GatsbyJS and passing that to my GraphQL query.
I can get the user input on submit and also pass variables in when testing graphiql, I just can’t figure out how to combine the two.
My data is stored in Drupal and is a list of recipes.
I’d like the user to be able to type in an ingredient e.g. chicken and then retrieve all of the recipes where chicken is an ingredient.
My query is
query SearchPageQuery($ingredient: String) {
allNodeRecipes(filter: {relationships: {field_ingredients: {elemMatch: {title: {eq: $ingredient}}}}}) {
edges {
node {
path {
relationships {
field_ingredients {
If I’m understanding your question correctly, the short answer is you can’t, but another approach might work for you.
Gatsby’s GraphQL queries are run in advance as part of the static build of the site, so the data is part of the client-side JavaScript, but the queries have already been run by that point.
This is the same reason you can’t use JavaScript template literals in a StaticQuery:
// This doesn’t work
let myDynamicSlug = 'home'
return (
query ExampleQuery {
examplePage(slug: { eq: ${myDynamicSlug} }) {
render={data => {
You’ll get an error message explaining “String interpolations are not allowed in graphql fragments.” Further reading:
I had a similar problem recently, and I realised it made a lot of sense why you can’t do this. If you are, ex. generating images using the queries in your GraphQL and things akin to that, you can’t pass in client side variables, because all the “static site” Gatsby operations like handling the images have are already done by that time.
What worked for me was to get the larger portion of data I needed in my query, and find what I needed within. In my previous example, that might mean getting allExamplePages instead of one examplePage, and then finding the myDynamicSlug I needed within it:
// This isn’t exactly how you’d hope to be able to do it,
// but it does work for certain problems
let myDynamicSlug = 'home'
return (
query ExampleQuery {
# You might still be able to limit this query, ex. if you know your item
# is within the last 10 items or you don’t need any items before a certain date,
# but if not you might need to query everything
allExamplePages() {
edges {
node {
render={data => {
// Find and use the item you want, however is appropriate here
data.edges.forEach(item => {
if (item.node.slug === myDynamicSlug) {
In your case, that hopefully there is an equivalent, ex. looking something up based on the user input. If you can be more specific about the structure of your data, I’d be happy to try and make my suggestion more specific. Hope that helps!

Query by relationship for GraphQL?

How would you use graphQL to query by a "relational" entity value?
For instance, lets say we have a bunch of person-objects. Each "person" then has a relation to an interest/hobby which then has a property called "name".
Now lets say that we want to query for the name of each person with a specific interest, how would such a query be "conducted" using GraphQL?
Using OData it would be something like Persons?$select=name&$expand(Interests($filter=name eq 'Surfing')).. what would be the equivalent for GraphQL?
There is no one equivalent. With the exception of introspection, the GraphQL specification does not dictate what types a schema should have, what fields it should expose or what arguments those fields should take. In other words, there is no one way to query relationships or do things like filtering, sorting or pagination. If you use Relay, it has its own spec with a bit more guidance around things like pagination and connections between different nodes, but even Relay is agnostic to filtering. It's up to the individual service to decide how to implement these features.
As an example, if we set up a Graphcool or Prisma server, our query might look something like this:
query {
persons(where: {
interest: {
name: "Surfing"
}) {
A query to a Hasura server might look like this:
query {
persons(where: {
interest: {
name: {
_eq: "Surfing"
}) {
But there's nothing stopping you from creating a schema that would support a query like:
query {
persons(interest: "Surfing") {

Apollo/GraphQL field type for object with dynamic keys

Let's say my graphql server wants to fetch the following data as JSON where person3 and person5 are some id's:
"persons": {
"person3": {
"id": "person3",
"name": "Mike"
"person5": {
"id": "person5",
"name": "Lisa"
Question: How to create the schema type definition with apollo?
The keys person3 and person5 here are dynamically generated depending on my query (i.e. the area used in the query). So at another time I might get person1, person2, person3 returned.
As you see persons is not an Iterable, so the following won't work as a graphql type definition I did with apollo:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type Query {
persons(area: String): [Person]
The keys in the persons object may always be different.
One solution of course would be to transform the incoming JSON data to use an array for persons, but is there no way to work with the data as such?
GraphQL relies on both the server and the client knowing ahead of time what fields are available available for each type. In some cases, the client can discover those fields (via introspection), but for the server, they always need to be known ahead of time. So to somehow dynamically generate those fields based on the returned data is not really possible.
You could utilize a custom JSON scalar (graphql-type-json module) and return that for your query:
type Query {
persons(area: String): JSON
By utilizing JSON, you bypass the requirement for the returned data to fit any specific structure, so you can send back whatever you want as long it's properly formatted JSON.
Of course, there's significant disadvantages in doing this. For example, you lose the safety net provided by the type(s) you would have previously used (literally any structure could be returned, and if you're returning the wrong one, you won't find out about it until the client tries to use it and fails). You also lose the ability to use resolvers for any fields within the returned data.
But... your funeral :)
As an aside, I would consider flattening out the data into an array (like you suggested in your question) before sending it back to the client. If you're writing the client code, and working with a dynamically-sized list of customers, chances are an array will be much easier to work with rather than an object keyed by id. If you're using React, for example, and displaying a component for each customer, you'll end up converting that object to an array to map it anyway. In designing your API, I would make client usability a higher consideration than avoiding additional processing of your data.
You can write your own GraphQLScalarType and precisely describe your object and your dynamic keys, what you allow and what you do not allow or transform.
You can have a look at taion/graphql-type-json where he creates a Scalar that allows and transforms any kind of content:
I had a similar problem with dynamic keys in a schema, and ended up going with a solution like this:
query lookupPersons {
persons {
person3: personValue(key: "person3") {
data: {
persons: {
personKeys: ["person1", "person2", "person3"]
person3: {
id: "person3"
name: "Mike"
by shifting the complexity to the query, it simplifies the response shape.
the advantage compared to the JSON approach is it doesn't need any deserialisation from the client
Additional info for Venryx: a possible schema to fit my query looks like this:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type PersonsResult {
personKeys: [String]
personValue(key: String): Person
type Query {
persons(area: String): PersonsResult
As an aside, if your data set for persons gets large enough, you're going to probably want pagination on personKeys as well, at which point, you should look into

GraphQL: Filter data in an array

I'm sure it's a simple thing to do, but I couldn't find anything in either GraphQL's doc or Graphcool's.
Say I have an entity with this schema (new GraphQL user, sorry if I make mistake in the schema representation):
Book {
name: String!
author: String!
categories: [String!]
How would I do a query for all books that are part of the "mystery" category? I know I can filter with allBooks(filter: {}), but categories_in: ["mystery"] and categories_contains: "mystery" didn't do the trick.
Category model
Thinking a bit more about this situation, creating a Category model is definitely the way to go.
For example, imagine you want to allow readers to subscribe to their favorite categories later. Or, what if you want a list of all existing categories? Using string lists, you would need to query all books and somehow postprocess all obtained categories. Handling this on a model level rather than using string lists feels much more natural.
Instead, you can create a new Category model and add a many-to-many relation between Category and Book. In situations like this, I like to add a unique enum field tag and a string field text. (A unique string field tag alone would also be suitable, probably a matter of taste.)
With this setup, you can easily fulfill data requirements like
Which books are assigned to a given category?
query {
# query books by unique category tag
Category(tag: MYSTERY) {
books {
# query books by specific category text
Category(filter: {
text: "mystery"
}) {
books {
Which books are assigned to at least one category of a given list?
query {
allCategories(filter: {
OR: [{
}, {
tag: MAGIC
}) {
books {
Which books are assigned to all categories of a given list?
query {
allCategories(filter: {
AND: [{
}, {
tag: MAGIC
}) {
books {
Related filters
Even though the above queries fulfill the specified data requirements, books are grouped by Category in the response, meaning that we would have to flatten the groups on the client.
With so called related filters, we can turn that around to only obtain books based on conditions defined its related categories.
For example, to query books assigned to at least one category of a given list:
query {
allBooks(filter: {
OR: [{
categories_some: {
categories_some: {
tag: MAGIC
}) {
If you are interested in using a hosted GraphQL service, has had this feature for a while now. All connection fields in your API come with a WhereArgs argument that exposes filters that let you really dig into your data. When you have a list of scalars like this, the WhereArgs include a contains & notContains field that allow you to filter results based off the values in your list. This allows you to make a query like this.
query MysteriousBooks($where:BookWhereArgs) {
viewer {
allBooks(where:$where) {
edges { node { title, ... } }
# Variables
"where": {
"categories": {
"contains": "mystery"
Just to be complete, you could also do a slight schema readjustment to make this work without having to filter on a scalar list. For example, you could make Category a node implementing type and then create a connection between Category and Book. Although a Book will likely not have many categories, this would allow you to issue a query like this:
query MysteriousBooks($where: CategoryWhereArgs) {
viewer {
allCategories(where: $where) {
books {
edges { node { title, ... } }
# Variables
"where": {
"name": {
"eq": "mystery"
If you structure your schema this way then you would also be able to do more filtering on the books in the category without having to loop through every book in your archive. E.G. you could efficiently ask for "all the mystery books written in the last year."
Full disclosure: I work at Scaphold and although I'd love you to try it out no hard feelings if you don't switch over. I'm excited to see people trying and loving GraphQL. If you're curious about how to implement this type of behavior on your own server let me know and I'd be happy to help there as well!
I hope this helps!
