What's the best way of handling ViewModel destroying for CancellationToken activation with MvvmCross? - xamarin

I am having an MvvmCross ViewModel, which calls different async methods of my DataService.
Similar to the following:
public class LoginViewModel : MvxViewModel
private readonly IIdentityService _dataService;
private CancellationTokenSource _viewModelCancellationTokenSource;
public IMvxCommand GoLogin { get; set; }
public LoginViewModel(IIdentityService identityService)
_dataService = identityService;
_viewModelCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
GoLogin = new MvxCommand(async () => await ProcessLogin());
private async Task ProcessLogin()
// calling the dataservice which must stop processing
// (to cancel) in case if the ViewModel is being destroyed
await _dataService.AssureIsLoggedIn(data, _viewModelCancellationTokenSource.Token);
await NavigationService.Navigate<LoginNextStepViewModel>();
public override void ViewDestroy(bool viewFinishing = true)
// not sure if that is a right (and working) place
So, MvvmCross is quite unclear about the part with the ViewModel destroying. It describes Construction, Init, Reload and Start, but doesn't say any definite regarding the destroying:
Monitoring other View/ViewModel lifecycle event across multiple
platforms is fairly tricky, especially once developers start
experimenting beyond the ‘basic’ presentation models and start using
tabs, splitviews, popups, flyouts, etc
For most viewmodels, it’s common to not try to monitor other lifecyle
events. This is OK since most viewmodels don’t perform any actions and
don’t consume any resources when the view is not present - so these
can just be left to be garbage collected when the system needs the
memory back.
However, besides the custom platform situations, there are still many cases like navigating back from the view model, or (again) navigation away from current viewmodel with its following closing.
So, what's the best way to handle it then?

From your code:
// calling the dataservice which must stop processing
// (to cancel) in case if the ViewModel is being destroyed
The ViewModel won't be destroyed before the async methods finish executing. I think you are confusing the View with the ViewModel.
In case of a login page, you would usually prevent the user from navigating away from it until your server call goes through.
If for some reason you want to cancel then you need to decide what scenarios you want to handle, there is no single universal place. Your options are the view callbacks:
void ViewDisappearing();
void ViewDisappeared();
void ViewDestroy();
and the navigation events:
event BeforeNavigateEventHandler BeforeNavigate;
event AfterNavigateEventHandler AfterNavigate;
event BeforeCloseEventHandler BeforeClose;
event AfterCloseEventHandler AfterClose;
event BeforeChangePresentationEventHandler BeforeChangePresentation;
event AfterChangePresentationEventHandler AfterChangePresentation;


Propagate states to dialogs in MS BotFramework

In Microsoft BotFramework v4 you normally propagate the states (UserState, ConversationState, PrivateConversationState) to a dialog by passing them as parameters to its constructor.
This way:
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// ...
IStorage storage = new MemoryStorage(); // For testing only !
services.AddSingleton(new UserState(storage));
services.AddSingleton(new ConversationState(storage));
// ...
services.AddSingleton<IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter, AdapterWithErrorHandler>();
services.AddSingleton<GoviiBaseDialog>(x => new RootDialog(
services.AddTransient<IBot, Bot<RootDialog>>();
public class Bot<T> : ActivityHandler where T : Dialog
T _dialog;
BotState _userState, _conversationState;
public Bot(T dialog, UserState userState, ConversationState conversationState,)
_userState = userState;
_conversationState = conversationState;
_dialog = dialog;
public override async Task OnTurnAsync(ITurnContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
await base.OnTurnAsync(context, cancellationToken);
await _userState.SaveChangesAsync(context);
await _conversationState.SaveChangesAsync(context);
protected override async Task OnMessageActivityAsync(ITurnContext<IMessageActivity> context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _dialog.RunAsync(context, _conversationState.CreateProperty<DialogState>(nameof(DialogState)), cancellationToken);
public class RootDialog : ComponentDialog
UserState _userState;
ConversationState _conversationState;
public RootDialog(UserState uState, ConversationState cState) : base("id")
_userState = uState;
_conversationState = cState;
// Add some dialogs and pass states as parameters
AddDialog(new CustomDialog_1(uState, cState));
AddDialog(new CustomDialog_2(uState, cState));
// ...
AddDialog(new CustomDialog_N(uState, cState));
Now let's assume that those CustomDialogs again uses some other CustomDialogs which needs to access the state. The states have to be passed again and again as parameters to the constructors.
The question is: Is there another way to access the states to avoid passing them again and again as parameters?
How you access state in a dialog will depend on the scope of the state.
If the state is scoped to the dialog then you should be using dialog state. More specifically, you should be using the state property of the dialog's associated dialog instance. There's some discussion of that in a recent answer here: Dialogs keep their variable values in new conversation in MS BotFramework v4
(Read about dialog instances here). Anything you want your dialog to keep track of, you should put in the associated dialog instance's state object, and the best place to see examples of how to do that is in the SDK source code itself. For example, you can see how a waterfall dialog keeps track of things like its custom values and what step it's on:
// Update persisted step index
var state = dc.ActiveDialog.State;
state[StepIndex] = index;
If the state has a greater scope than one instance of one dialog, you can pass the bot state objects to your dialogs like you've been doing. This can potentially be made easier if you put the dialogs in dependency injection so that your bot state can be automatically injected into their constructors. If your dialogs access state properties that are also used outside of the dialogs then it makes sense to give the dialogs a state property accessor instead of the state itself, reducing redundancy and separating concerns.
If you want to make sure your bot state is accessible anywhere you have a turn context, there's actually a built-in way to automatically add your bot state to turn state every turn. This is with the UseBotState extension method:
adapter.UseBotState(userState, conversationState);
You can then retrieve the state like this:
var userState = turnContext.TurnState.Get<UserState>();
var conversationState = turnContext.TurnState.Get<ConversationState>();

Xamarin form MessagingCenter Unsubscribe is not working as expected

Functionality written inside the MessagingCenter.Subscribe() is called multiple times when i navigate to and fro multiple times in the application. But each time before subscribing, i do unsubscribe to the same in constructor as follows, still it didn't worked.
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<SubmitPage>(this, "Save", (sender) =>
In my application i have 6 pages(git) and i save the data in 6th page with MessagingCenter.Send and same will be subscribed in 2nd page and saved message will be displayed in 2nd page(after navigating to that page).
Now i navigate like 2->1->2->3->4->5->6 in this particular case DisplayToastOnSuccessfulSubmission() would be called two times(because Page2 constructor is called twice).
I even tried placing the same code in OnAppearing.
I can't unsubscribe in OnDisappear as I need the event wiring up to when I reach Page6 for save.
Reproduced the same behaviour in sample project and added here https://github.com/suchithm/MessageCenterSampleApp Drop box link
What is the proper way to do this?
But each time before subscribing, I do unsubscribe to the same in constructor as follows, still it didn't worked.
MessagingCenter.Subscribe() is called multiple times, because there are two instances of Page2 in your code, both of them use MessagingCenter.Subscribe() method, that's why the Unsubscribe didn't work.
You can modify page2() to a singleton to make sure there is only one instance of Page2 in your project, after that when you send a message,
the MessagingCenter.Subscribe() is called only once.
public static Page2 instance = new Page2();
public static Page2 GetPage2Instance()
if(instance == null)
return new Page2();
return instance;
private Page2()
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<Page2>(this, "SaveToastPage2");
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<Page2>(this, "SaveToastPage2", (sender) =>
When you send a message :
MessagingCenter.Send(Page2.GetPage2Instance(), "SaveToastPage2");
Remember that declaring constructors of Page2 class to be private to make sure there is only one instance of Page2 in your project sure.
private Page2()
Modify your Page1.cs code :
async void Handle_Next(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
await App.NavigationRef.PushAsync(Page2.GetPage2Instance(), true);
I faced same issue. I solved issue by passing the same parameters inn subscribe and unsubscribing as well.
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<Page1, T>(this, "Listen", async (Page1 arg1, T
listenedString) =>
Unsubscribe like below
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<Page1, T>(this, "Listen");
I'm using this temporary solution.
I declared a static dictionary to storage my object (to this example I used an object type).
private static Dictionary<string, object> subscribedReferencePages = new Dictionary<string, object>();
And I always storage the last subscribed page reference.
Then I compare the page reference before triggering the message method to fire only the last one.
subscribedReferencePages[pageName] = this;
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<ViewModelBase>(this, pageName, async (sender) =>
if (!ReferenceEquals(sender, this))
To call the message method I need to pass the dictionary as parameter (instead of the "this" reference).
MessagingCenter.Send(subscribedPages[pageName], keyPageName);
Instead of unsubscribing when you navigate TO a page,
unsubscribe when you navigate AWAY from the page. At that point your instance of 'this' is still the same 'this' you think it is.

How to access the Session in MVC.Net 4 from different Thread

I have a MVC.Net4 Application in which i have Longrunning backround operations which is why i use the System.Threading.Tasks.Task Class.
I start the Tasks after the User clicked a certain Button on the GUI, from that Task im going to use async methods from a intern API which i need to await. This is all working.
public ActionResult DoAsyncAction()
//ReturnValue that needs to be further populated by the async action in productive environment
var arv = new AsyncReturnValue
ProgressBar = new ProgressBar {Action = "SomeAction", User = "SomeUser"}
var t = new Task<AsyncReturnValue>(DoAction, arv);
//Add a Progressbar before Task starts so i can visualize the process on the view
//from my understanding this is similar to an event that gets triggered when my DoAction Method finished so i need to remove
//the progressbar there again since the process will be finished in that case
//Returns the User to the Index Page while the Task is processing
return View("Index");
Now what i really want to do is visualizing the operation. I use jQuery Progressbars on the GUI and my Own ProgressBar Object in the Session for this. I have a List of ProgressBars on my Session and a PartialView strongly Typed to a List of those ProgressBars.
ProgressBar Class:
public class ProgressBar
public string Action { get; set; }
public string User { get; set; }
#using AsyncProj.Models
#model List<AsyncProj.Models.ProgressBar>
ViewBag.Title = "ProgressPartial";
var foo = (MySessionObject) HttpContext.Current.Session["__MySessionObject"];
foreach (var pb in foo.ProgressBars)
<div style="border: 1px solid black">
<div id="progressbar">This will be turned into a ProgressBar via jQuery.</div >
And then the Object i have in my Session:
public class MySessionObject
public List<ProgressBar> ProgressBars { get; set; }
public string User { get; set; }}
Whenever i start a new Task i will add another ProgressBar to that List, which works just fine.
No where i get into Troubles is when i want to Remove the ProgressBars from Session again.
In the DoActionkComplete Method which i set in Task.ContinueWith() i want to Remove the ProgressBar corresponding to the finished action. I have the ProgressBar Ready there, its stored in my AsyncReturnValue Class which i have in the Task.Result at this point:
public class AsyncReturnValue
public ProgressBar ProgressBar { get; set; }
In this Method i would like to remove the Progressbar from the Session with
HttpContext.GetSession().ProgressBars.Remove(pbToRemove). But the problem with that im still operating on a different Thread so i have no valid HttpContext there and my SessionObject is null on that Thread.
This is what my DoActionComplete Method looks right now:
public void DoActionkComplete(Task<AsyncReturnValue> t)
//i set the user hardcode because its only a demo
DeleteProgress.Add(new ProgressBarDeleteObject {ProgressBar = t.Result.ProgressBar, User = "Asd123"});
I created a Workaround where i have a static List of Progressbars on my Controller. In the DoActionComplete Method i add the ProgressBars i want to delete to that List. I need to use polling (with jQuery $.get() and setinterval) in order to delete them.
I have a custom Class for the DeleteList on which i can set a Username so i know who is the Owner of that ProgressBar and only show it to him, else everyone would see it because its Static.
public class ProgressBarDeleteObject
public ProgressBar ProgressBar { get; set; }
public string User { get; set; }
Dont get me wrong, my workaround works just fine but i want to know the clean way. From what i know static Lists on Controllers could technically grow very big and slow the site down. Such Lists also lose its entries when the ApplicationPool restarts the Application.
So my Actual Question would be how can i access a HttpContext SessionObject from a different Thread like i'm using? And if its not possible, what would be the proper Way to achieve what i want?
So my Actual Question would be how can i access a HttpContext SessionObject from a different Thread like i'm using?
That's not possible.
And if its not possible, what would be the proper Way to achieve what i want?
First, let's back up to the original scenario. The problem is here:
I have a MVC.Net4 Application in which i have Longrunning backround operations which is why i use the System.Threading.Tasks.Task Class.
That's the wrong solution for that scenario. The proper solution is to have a reliable queue (Azure queue / MSMQ) with an independent background process (Azure webjob / Win32 service) doing the processing. This is a more reliable solution because any work you toss onto the ASP.NET thread pool may be lost (especially if you don't inform ASP.NET about that work).
Once you have this architecture set up, then you can use SignalR to communicate from your web server to your clients. SignalR will use polling if it has to, but it can also use more efficient methods (such as websockets).
You can specify the SynchroniztionContext that the ContinueWith task continues on and then you should be able to access the progress bars. Try changing your t.ContinueWith(DoActionkComplete); call to
t.ContinueWith(DoActionkComplete, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
If you are using .NET 4.5 you can rewrite your method with async\await
public async Task<ActionResult> DoAsyncAction()
//ReturnValue that needs to be further populated by the async action in productive environment
var arv = new AsyncReturnValue
ProgressBar = new ProgressBar {Action = "SomeAction", User = "SomeUser"}
//Add a Progressbar before Task starts so i can visualize the process on the view
var result = await Task.Run(DoAction());
//i set the user hardcode because its only a demo
DeleteProgress.Add(new ProgressBarDeleteObject {ProgressBar = result.ProgressBar, User = "Asd123"});
//Returns the User to the Index Page while the Task is processing
return View("Index");
And if you make the DoAction method async as well, you can remove the Task.Run part as that uses up a thread from the thread pool.

GWT - Handling events from underlying widgets in EntryPoint

I have searched the web for the correct answer, but I've been failing to achieve this :
In EntryPoint class, I need to manage widgets according to events that occur in nested widgets. I've cleaned of the code to focus only on what is important here.
I have built a few UiBinder widgets, for example, a Login pane where the user can enter his credentials. In my EntryPoint class, I add the widgets in the correct position.
// This is from EntryPoint class
public void onModuleLoad() {
LoginPane lp = new LoginPane();
// Other widgets added in same manner after this point...
I would like a successful login to remove the LoginPane and replace it by another widget (AccountPane) that would show the account information for the user that is logged in. I have an onClick event, in LoginPane, that sends a request to a fully functional Servlet that checks the credentials. At this exact point, if the Servlet determines that the login is indeed successful, I would like to fire a "successfulLogin" event (from LoginPane) that could notify the EntryPoint class that the LoginPane can now be replaced by the AccountPane.
// This is from LoginPane class
void onClick(ClickEvent e) {
checkCredentials(usernameField.getText(), passwordField.getText());
public void checkCredentials(String username, String password) {
String usernameToServer = username;
String passwordToServer = password;
credentialsService.credentialsServer(usernameToServer, passwordToServer,
new AsyncCallback<CredentialsPaneContent>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(CredentialsPaneContent result) {
if ( result == null ) {
answerLabel.setText("Login Failed.");
} else {
// Fire event here (to be caught by EntryPoint class)
answerLabel.setText("Login Successful.");
So, the question : How should I proceed to create, fire and listen to the event from my nested widget?
Use an EventBus. Additionally, consider adopting the Model-View-Presenter pattern to keep your application maintainable as it grows:
Large scale application development and MVP, Part I
Large scale application development and MVP, Part II
GWT MVP Development with Activities and Places
Lets have an interface which is implemented by EntryPoint class,
now have a referrence of interface type which actually an object of interface.
Using this interface referrence invoke the listner(interface) mothod, which serves your purpose.

GUI Pattern Question: PropertyChangeListener vs. Specialized View Interface

I'd like to pair a Model with it's View through an interface. I want to control when and how often the view is updated. So something like PropertyChangeListener wouldn't work well (where an event is fired after each property is set).
I'm not developing for a specific GUI framework. The goal here is the ability to swap out different GUI front ends (right now for testing, but might be useful later for different versions of the app). These might be Swing, or it might be a web browser (via GWT, for example).
Below is my approach. The view implements an interface to provide a method to update. This is triggered by the controller when it determines it's done updating the model. This still feels ok to me, since the Controller is only interacting with the view through the model, the controller is not dependent on a particular implementation of the View.
So, I guess my question(s) are
does this work well?
Is this standard practice?
Does this pattern have a name?
Rough code sample (Java):
// Controller, manages Items (the model)
class ItemList {
void addItem(Item item) {
void doStuffWithItems() {
// perform some set of operations, such as sorting or layout
for (Item item : items) {
// ....
// now with everything in it's final position:
for (Item item : items) {
// Model
class Item {
private int top;
private int left;
private int width;
private int height;
// Can remember it's previous position/size:
public void savePostion() {
// And recall it for the Controller to use:
public public Position getSavedPosition() {
// Plus some other useful functions:
public boolean intersectsWith(Item other) {
public void updateView() {
void setView(ItemView view) {
this.view = view;
// Interface used by View implementations
public interface ItemView {
// Trigger the view to reflect the current state of the model
void update();
// Example, as a Swing component
class ItemComponent extends JComponent implements ItemView {
private Item item;
public ItemComponent(Item item) {
this.item = item;
// ItemView#update
public void update() {
// update the component's size/position
setBounds(new Rectangle(item.getLeft(), item.getTop(), item.getWidth(), item.getHeight()));
public void paint(Graphics g) {
// ...
I would avoid forcing the View to implement an interface only for change notification. Create a separate "update now" event on the model instead.
The model should not be controlling or know about the view directly. The view should register a callback with the controller so the controller can tell the view when to update, that's why its the controller. You could have the model allow external listeners for a modelChangedEvent. Then the view could register with the model in that respect without the model knowing there was a view. See the J2EE blueprint for MVC and how there is an indirect event notification of state change in the model.
For traditional applications that run on the desktop of a computer I recommend variants of the Passive View. The class responsible for creating and managing the form is a thin shell that passes events to the UI Object. The UI_Object interact with the form via a interface. In term the UI Object implements a UI_View Interface and registers itself with a View Controller that is situated lower in the object hierarchy.
The UI_Object then execute object implementing the Command Pattern which modifies the model. The command object can interacts with the various views via the interfaces exposed by the View Control.
What this does is allow you to rip off the form classes and replace them with stub classes that implement the form interfaces. The stub classes are used for automated testing especially for integration tests.
The interfaces precisely define the interaction between the Form, the UI_Object, Commands and the views. They can be designed to be relatively language agnostic so they can make porting between platform easier.
What you are missing in your example are command objects. You need this structure
Incorporate ItemList in the ItemViewImplementation
ItemComponent would register with the ItemViewImplementation using the ItemViewInterface.
The sequence of events would look something like this
User wants to update the Item
Clicks on the UI (assuming that UI
involves clicking with a mouse)
The Form tells the
ItemViewImplementation through the
ItemViewInterface that X has been
done with Y parameters.
The ItemViewImplementation then
creates a command object with the
parameters it needs from Y.
The Command Object take the Y
Parameters modifies the model and
then tells the
ItemViewImplementation through the
ItemViewInterface to update the UI.
The ItemViewImplementation tells the
ItemViewForms to update the UI
through the ItemViewFormInterface.
The ItemViewForms updates.
The advantage of this approach is that the interaction of each layer is precisely defined through interfaces. The Software ACTIONS are localized into the command objects. The Form layers is focused on display the result. The View layer is responsible for routing actions and response between the Commands and Forms. The Commands are the only things modifying the model. Also you have the advantage of ripping off the Forms Implementation to substitute any UI you want including mock object for unit testing.
