So i am messing about with the Marvel API and i have been getting this error and i cannot find any trace of it anywhere.
`409 Conflict` response: {"code":"MissingParameter","message":"You must provide a user key."}
I have checked through the API Documentation and i cannot find anything about a user key.
Here is my code; I am using Laravel with Guzzle.
$res = $client->request('GET', '', [
'apikey' => $apikey,
'ts' => $now,
'hash' => md5($now . $privateKey . $apikey),
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try using http_build_query:
$query = http_build_query([
'apikey' => $apikey,
'ts' => $now,
'hash' => md5($now . $privateKey . $apikey)
$url = '' . $query;
$res = $client->request('GET', $url);
Looks like you just need to set the query option in the request.
$res = $client->request('GET', '', [
'query' => [
'apikey' => $apikey,
'ts' => $now,
'hash' => md5($now . $privateKey . $apikey)
Changed the upload folder, the problem is solved.
I have an API endpoint to return all the messages. I am using resources for that. From my local database I can do that very conveniently. Now I have switched to firebase for realtime connection. So my resource is not working. can anyone help me out in this scenario?
Resource code:
return [
'text' => $this->message,
'created_at' => $this->created_at->setTimezone('Asia/Kuala_Lumpur')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'status' => $this->status,
'replied_by' => $replied_by,
'author' => $this->findAuthorInfo()
Controller code:
$firestore = app('firebase.firestore');
$database = $firestore->database();
$c = $database->collection('collection')->where('user_id', '=', Auth::guard('api')->user()->id);
return [
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Messages',
'data' => UserMessageResource::collection($c)
I am using the stripe/stripe package to capture payment for single product. Everything is working as expected however when the user is returned to the order-confirmation page, I would like to get the stripe payment id. How would i achieve this?
Im not sure if i need a webhook and if i would, how would i use this?
public function onCharge() {
$user = Auth::getUser();
$course = CourseMeta::where('id', $this->param('id'))->first();
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(env('STRIPE_SECRET'));
$product = $stripe->products->create([
'name' => $course->course->name . ' - ' . $course->date,
$price = $stripe->prices->create([
'unit_amount' => $course->price * 120,
'currency' => 'gbp',
'product' => $product->id,
$validator = Validator::make(
'user_id' => $user->id,
'coursemeta_id' => $course->id,
'course_id' => $course->course->id,
'stripe_id' => '1',
'user_id' => 'required',
'coursemeta_id' => 'required',
'course_id' => 'required',
'stripe_id' => 'required'
if ($validator->fails()) {
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator);
} else {
$order = new Order();
$order->user_id = $user->id;
$order->coursemeta_id = $course->id;
$order->stripe_id = '1';
$order->company = request()->get('company');
$order->company_firstname = request()->get('company_firstname');
$order->company_lastname = request()->get('company_lastname');
$order->company_email = request()->get('company_email');
$order->company_phone = request()->get('company_phone');
$order->citb_levy = request()->get('citb_levy');
$order->d_firstname = request()->get('d_firstname');
$order->d_lastname = request()->get('d_lastname');
$order->d_email = request()->get('d_email');
$order->d_phone = request()->get('d_phone');
$order->d_dob = request()->get('d_dob');
$order->d_ninumber = request()->get('d_ninumber');
$portal = $stripe->checkout->sessions->create([
'success_url' => env('APP_URL') . '/order-confirmation'.'?' . 'user=' . $user->id . '&' . 'course=' . $course->id,
'cancel_url' => env('APP_URL') . '/cancel',
'line_items' => [
'price' => $price->id,
'quantity' => 1
'mode' => 'payment',
return redirect($portal->url);
You need to use the checkout session ID.
when you create success_url and cancel_url you can also pass {CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID} param with curly braces. when payment gateway will redirect to one of those URLs it will automatically replace {CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID} with the actual session ID.
In your case
$portal = $stripe->checkout->sessions->create([
// HERE ---------------------------------------------------\/----------\/
'success_url' => env('APP_URL') . '/order-confirmation'.'?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}&' . 'user='. $user->id . '&' . 'course=' . $course->id,
'cancel_url' => env('APP_URL') . '/cancel',
'line_items' => [
'price' => $price->id,
'quantity' => 1
'mode' => 'payment',
Now when this page is called you can have session ID and you can retrieve all stuff from it.
// on success or cancel page you can use this code to get infos
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(env('STRIPE_SECRET'));
$session = \Stripe\Checkout\Session::retrieve(get('session_id'));
$customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($session->customer);
$paymentIntent = \Stripe\PaymentIntent::retrieve($session->payment_intent);
// from this $session you can get customer/items/paymentIntent etc..
ref :
if any doubt please comment.
I'm trying to make a GET request passing a bearer token as authentication.
I try to pass the token with:
$response = Http::get($url, [
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
'Accept' => 'application/json',
as stated in the docs
When I check the value of the variables, I get:
$token : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MDc0NTI0NzksInVzZXJuYW1lIjoic3VuY2hhaW4iLCJvcmdOYW1lIjoib3JnMCIsImlhdCI6MTYwNzQxNjQ3OX0.LUTFZh8Em13f3cQ8TpxgayVRC9XvVHyczOhQXARxk48"
$url : ""
But when I copy paste those values in Postman, GET is working and I can get my data, which means data is correct, and the way I execute my GET request might be incorrect.
Where am I wrong ? It seems all good to me !
I found the solution,
$response = Http::withToken($token)->get($url, [
'headers' => $headers,
'peer' => $this->peer,
'args' => $arrayArgs,
'fcn' => "GetMeasuresBetween",
Or, you may use guzzle, and initialize
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => $this->url]);
$response = $client->request('GET', $url, [
'headers' => $headers,
'peer' => $this->peer,
'args' => $arrayArgs,
'fcn' => "GetMeasuresBetween",
I don't know why it is not working the first way, but it is now working !
I'm trying to upload an image using the API. Even though, after running the first test, the database just stored the directory and not the file-name, worst part, it stored all directories that come before the one that is needed to store the image.
The code I'm using for the store is the following one:
public function store(Request $request)
$image = $request->file('image');
if($image == null){
$imagesDir = 'subjectImgs/';
$images = glob($imagesDir . '*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
$fileDir = $images[array_rand($images)];
$path = $fileDir;
} else {
$path = $image->storeAs('uploads/images/store/', $image->getClientOriginalName(), 'public');
$subject = new Homework([
'subject_id' => $request->subject_id,
'user_id' => auth()->user()->id,
'title' => $request->name,
'image' => $path,
'progress' => $request->progress,
'description' => $request->description,
'duedate' => $request->date
return response()->json([
"code" => 200,
"message" => "Homework added successfully"
I'm uploading from a mobile device, I believe this info is also important (?) Same issue when in the simulator.
You are saving $path into $subject->image that is equal to public_path() . '/uploads/images/store/';. You should add $file->getClientOriginalName() if you want the filename :
$subject = new Homework([
'image' => $path . $file->getClientOriginalName(),
You are settings 'image' => $path, and before that $path = public_path() . '/uploads/images/store/'; which yields the expected results.
Now if you want to only save from a form input, you can use the following code:
$image = $request->file('image');
$path = $image->storeAs('uploads/images/store/', $image->getClientOriginalName(), 'public');
Where 'public' is the default public filesystem as described in the doc here:
I have the following code in CakePHP. I need the same code in laravel using guzzle
$url = "https://xyz?";
$query ='first_name='. $data->FirstName .'&gender=""'. '&home_phone='. $data->HomePhone.'&ip_address='. $data->IPAddress.'&last_name='. $data->LastName.'&user_defined_url='. $result;
$HttpSocket = new HttpSocket(array('ssl_verify_peer' => false, 'ssl_verify_host' => false));
$post_response = $HttpSocket->get($url,$query);
$response = explode('&',$post_response->body);
I have converted it in laravel using guzzle but doesnt work. Following my code that Ive converted in laravel:
$client = new Client(['verify' => false ]);
$post_response = $client->get($url, $query);
$response = explode('&',$post_response->body);
Note: use GuzzleHttp\Client; is written at the top of file.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Can you try like this,
$client = new Client();
$post_response = $client->request('GET', $url, [
'verify' => false,
'form_params' => [
'first_name' => $data->FirstName,
'gender' => "",
'home_phone' => $data->HomePhone,
'ip_address' => $data->IPAddress,
'last_name' => $data->LastName,
'user_defined_url' => $result
$response = explode('&',$post_response->body);
Instead of form_params you can use query for sending the parameters as query string.