LinkedIn OAuth2 with spring-security-oauth2-client not working, client_id missing when requesting accessToken - spring-boot

The spring-security-oauth2-client provides the means to easily integrate foreign services with my application. It has built-in support for authentication with Google, Facebook, Github & Okta, but also supports the registration of other oauth2 providers. In this case I'm trying to add LinkedIn as a provider, which works great up until my application tries to make the POST-request to .
For this request to succeed it requires the client_id & client_secret to be added as parameters. But this isn't the way spring-security-oauth2-client is built, because all of the other providers require the client_id & client_secret to be added as an encoded string in the request headers.
Because of this LinkedIn returns a 401 saying it's missing my client_id. You can view my configuration of the LinkedIn provider down below: login
Trying this configuration with Github's credentials and url's resulted in my website successfully receiving an accessToken from Github.
Is there any way to configure this package to work with LinkedIn? Or is there any possibile way that LinkedIn might allow the client_id & client_secret in the headers of the POST-request to

Due to the setting, I was unable to make the correct request to LinkedIn. The setting form was not supported by my version of spring-security-oauth2-client (5.0.6.RELEASE). After changing it to post it worked like a charm, but then I encountered the next problem which I'm going to ask about in another question.
The question for my newly encountered troubles: LinkedIn OAuth2 /accessToken response not return a "token_type"


Spring boot API with both Oauth 2.0/OpenID Connect and internal authentication?

I'm having a hard time figuring a good way to implement Oauth 2.0 and OpenID Connect authentication alongside an existing internal email+password authentication for a B2B Web app's API using Spring security.
We have a backend REST API that is a Spring Boot servlet application which currently authenticates users with OAuth 1.0 and the password grant. The front-end is an Angular single-page app through which users must log in with their username and password. The API's /oauth/token endpoint then delivers an opaque access token to be used for fetching secured resources that are then displayed within the app.
We'd like to add the possibility to log in using external authentication with OpenID connect, which is a perfect opportunity for switching to OAuth 2.0 and JWT tokens. Our API would then accept JWT tokens it delivered as well as external JWT tokens emitted by accepted issuers.
Reading and validating JWT tokens won't be a problem using Spring security's OAuth Resource Server. However things get complicated with how to make the classic username+password login flow work with JWT tokens.
We thought about delivering JWT access tokens the same way we used to with our old OAuth 1.0 tokens. The thing is, newer OAuth specifications advise against using the password grant, plus it simply isn't supported in the Spring authorization server project we're planning to use. The authorization-code flow w/ PKCE seems like too much for this case as we do not want the back-end API to render a login form but use credentials entered in the existing login form that is part of the single-page app.
I've read a lot about not using OAuth for 1st party login since its primary use is for external authentication, but again, that doesn't apply since we also want 3rd party authentication.
What would be a secure way to implement a Spring boot authorization server that can deliver JWT access tokens to a 1st party client in exchange for a user's credentials, all this using the existing log in page, and given the password grant type no longer being supported?
I thought about implementing a preliminary step that would be a POST request with Basic authentication to a /login endpoint that just returns a 200 HTTP status, then proceeding to the /oauth2/authorize request that would deliver the authorization code immediately without redirecting since my session is authenticated.
I'll be happy to provide more details if needed. Here are the resources I'm using for this project.
What about setting up an authorization-server capable of identity federation?
In such configuration, the authorization-server is responsible for providing with identities, proxying one or more sources (your existing user database for instance, plus maybe Google, Facebook, Github, etc.)
Keycloak does it for instance.
From the client point of view (your Angular app), the authorization-server is used to get:
access-token: put in Authorization header of requests to secured resource-server(s) (can be a JWT or an opaque string, doesn't matter, clients should not try to extract data from access-tokens)
refresh-token: send to authorization-server to renew access-token before it expires
id-token: get user-profile data (email, username, profile picture, etc.)
You should have a look at for connecting an Angular app to an OIDC authorization-server.
From resource-server point of view, access-tokens are the source ofr setting-up security-context, either by decoding and validating a JWT locally or with token introspection on authorization-server.
Have a look at those tutorials for such resource-servers configuration.

How google OAuth sends JWT?

I am trying to understand how google OAuth works. I have implemented this oauth tutorial from spring docs. Below is the screen shot of network traffic occurred when I selected my account from the list of accounts shown by the google.
Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
I guess OAuth works on JWT, and once username and password is correct, it should return JWT. However, I am not able to find JWT returned by google in above network traffic. Am I understanding it wrong?
OAuth2 may use JWT but it is not a requirement even though I believe (not sure on that one) that it would be used between Spring-security and Google.
However the communication is between the server and Google so you would not get the token in the front-end. If you get a token in your front-end it would most probably one generated from your own back-end.

Error 400: invalid_scope Some requested scopes cannot be shown: []

So I'm trying to use the Home Graph API by calling the API endpoint
It is a HTTP POST request and it needs an ACCESS_TOKEN and service account key.
Getting the service account key is easily done as per Google's documentation. The issue is getting the ACCESS_TOKEN.
As per this documentation by Google, I need to get ACCESS_TOKEN created using the following scope of permissions
I opened OAuth 2.0 Playground to request a developer temporary ACCESS_TOKEN for testing. I wrote all the necessary urls and in scope I wrote this-
scope is written to be authorized
Now after this, I am navigated to my Authorization URL (ie, Google's sign in page). I login with email id and password.
If credentials are correct and scope mentioned is valid then I should have been redirected to OAuth playground page with authorization code which I would have exchanged for access token and refresh token.
But, what actually happens is after I enter my credentials, I get following error and I am never redirected to Oauth Playground page-
Authorization Error
Error 400: invalid_scope
Some requested scopes cannot be shown: []
Request Details
I searched a lot online too, but couldn't find the actual reason.
So due to this issue with scope, I am not able to get ACCESS_TOKEN.
I have followed Google's documentation and the scope was mentioned there.
This is the pic from oauth 2.0 playground settings- OAuth 2.0 configuration
The issue is that you, a user, should not be getting and sending an access token. The service account should be getting and sending an access token. This is to make sure your service is authorized to talk to the Home Graph API.
You indicated you logged into the OAuth playground with "userid and password". But service accounts don't have passwords.
If you are using one of Google's libraries, it will take care of getting the access token for you, and this is the easiest way to do so. If you are just testing and need an access token, you can use something like oauth2l to get the access token based on the service account credentials.
I had implemented the REST approach to call HomeGraph Report State as below.
We need to follow the below steps:
Create a service account for your project and safely store the json file
Using the service account JSON, get the access token from Google
Using Oauth 2.0 token as Bearer authorization, invoke Report State API
Step 1:
This is straightforward. Please follow the steps in the below link
Step 2:
Refer below code to get the Access token using service account json
GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials
AccessToken token = credentials.getAccessToken();
return token.getTokenValue();
Step 3:
Invoke Report State API
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer [[Access token from Step 2]]"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d #request-body.json
Reference Links :

Spring security oauth2 login with google

I want to create a login with google option and give authorities to the user depending on the user info returned. I've successfully done what I want for login with github following this tutorial:
which basically uses #EnableOAuth2Sso annotation and the following properties
I can't do the same for google, so the problem should be in I register my app with google, download the json that is given to me along with id & secret, but there seems to be missing the uri for security.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri property. I've searched online for that uri and tried to run the app with some values but with no success. Am I right that I need this property and how do I find it?
You need to request this information during authorization via scopes. This information is returned in the Identity Token and not the Access Token. If you requested the identity information you can also call the Google OAuth endpoint with the Access Token which returns the Identity Token.

External OAuth2 integration with own OAuth2 spring server

I'm trying to integrate Facebook OAuth2 authentication with my own OAuth2 server. Just to be clear the scenario is the following:
I have a OAuth2 Server that is responsible for authenticating our users. I implemented a custom AuthenticationProvider that checks for the credentials provided and builds a UserDetails object if successful.
I also have a rest-api that is also a ResourceServer (runs in a different application). So users after being authenticated they can access our rest-api providing therefore the token.
The token information is shared using JDBC.
Everything works fine as expected, but now I want to add external authentication providers such as Facebook.
My question is: what's the best way to do this? What's the expected flow? From the top of my head I would imagine something like:
User authenticates with facebook
Facebook provides a token
User sends the token to our OAuth2 server
I check the token validity with facebook
I authenticate the user using the authentication provider
The server gets back to the user with a new token issued by my OAuth2 server which the user will use from now on to ask for resources
Is this right? If so, how can I send the facebook token to my OAuth2 server? Is there some kind of standard? Should I make up new parameters for that? For instance I will be needing some way to differentiate facebook authentications from user/password ones.
Am I suppose to use my own AuthenticationProvider to validate this facebook user? It seems strange then return a UserDetails object that doesn't have a password...
Also, how to register users and auto log them in? Do I have to expose an endpoint of my own or is there some OAuth2 magic for that as well?
Any thoughts?
Facebook has some very good documentation on this with the correct flow and how you should handle the process.
You are on the right track, and I think the facebook documentation should help clear up any questions you may be having.
Additional Information is here:
