TFS Create Branch from folder and rename it with one checkin - visual-studio

I have a Folder "$/MyTeamProj/Sources" in TFS with some projects in it.
There is no branch in the team project.
Now I want to create a Branch of this folder with the name "Dev".
When I click on "convert to branch" I cannot change the Branchname.
I don't want to rename it and checkin and afterwards create the branch and checkin again.
I want only one checkin. The branch should keep history from the folder.
Many Thanks in advance

Right click on the folder.
Choose "Bracnhing and Merging".
Don't click on "Convert to branch", click on "Branch...".
In the "Target" type: "$/MyTeamProj/Sources/Dev".
Click OK.


Sub-Folders in Newly Created Branch

Using TFS 2013 and VS 2012, I recently created a new "Main" folder under a project, then copied and pasted the Source folder from another project into that folder, then converted to branch.
After doing this the branch does not have the ability to drop down. If I select the local path, the folder shows up. But if I just select the Main branch from the Source Control Explorer it is empty within VS.
I have made sure that all my changes have been checked in and have no pending changes.
After copying and pasting into the Main folder, converting to branch, and checking in, I still had to right click on the Main branch and Add Items to Folder...
Once I did that, they showed up, I checked them in and am now good to go.

Create branch in Versions (Mac Subversion client)

I have search everywhere but I can't find information on how to create a branch in Versions for Mac. How is this done?
There was very little information on this but I found the answer. Just press Option key and drag the trunk into the branches folder
The option key opens the Move dialog and copies the source to the target, then deletes the source. You can Duplicate the project first, then option/drag to Move the duplicate to the branches folder.
A branch or tag is simply a copy of the trunk, or in some cases another folder, in your Subversion repository. To create one, use the “Browse” view to navigate to the right place in your repository and drag the trunk of your project to the “branches” folder while holding down the “Option” (alt) key on your keyboard. When you drop the trunk, a dialog will open asking you to name your new tag or branch.

How can I move a mistakenly placed TFS branch?

I have just branched from Main to v5.0 but I realized that I want to move this branch inside the Release folder.
How should I proceed with TFS 2010?
Simply right-click on your branch in Source Control and select 'Move..'. Set your desired destination path, and commit this change. You should be OK.
I think I 've read somewhere that moving folders & renaming folders shouldn't be done in separate steps, so if you plan to also rename your branch, do this in a next step.Once you 're done, you should check that with right-clicking MAIN > "branching and merging" > "merge..." you have a target branch to your moved/renamed branch.

Add an existing folder to TFS source control

Is there any way I can add an existing folder to source control in TFS? I have created a new folder outside of TFS, just in the file system, and would like to add it to source control, but the only apparent way to do this is the ridiculous workaround of renaming my new folder to a temp name, then creating the new folder in Source Control Explorer, then adding the items from my renamed, original new folder.
Just select the folder after selecting the "Add Items to Folder..." option. You can get to this is from the context menu you get when right clicking on a folder (either the name or the actual folder itself).
The next page of the wizard will present you with lists of included and excluded files. Select the files you want and then hit "Finish".
Then submit the pending changes.
Let me share you a easier way that I just figured out.
(I was having the same trouble, and that is why I found this post.)
Drag the folder you want to add to the solution explorer and drop at the place you want to add.
Ta Ta ! It is done.
Mine is VS2010.
Before dragging and dropping or selecting Add Items To Folder, you must map the parent TFS folder to your local drive.
That is, if you want to add a C:\Stuff\HelloWorld directory to the /Top/Projects folder in TFS, you must first map /Top/Projects to C:\Stuff and then add HelloWorld.

In P4V, how do I create a branch from a label?

My company just imported our CVS repository into Perforce. I'm new to P4V and I can't work out how to create a branch from an existing label. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
In my copy of P4V (Version 2013.3), I go to the Actions menu and choose Branch Files..., which brings up the Branch Files dialog:
In that dialog, I specify the source files to branch, and the target name of my branch (in my case I am branching //depot/main/... to //depot/branch/...), and in the Filter tab I specify that I want to specify the source revisions using a label.
And I type my label name into the text box (If I don't know the label name I can Browse... for it).
Then I click the Branch button to make the branch.
