OpenNMS recognizes traps as - opennms

OpenNMS is receiving the following traps from a F5 load balancer:
Received unformatted enterprise event (enterprise:. generic:6 specific:131). 2 args: ."Pool member exceeded configured rate limit." ."."
<event-label>F5-BIGIP-COMMON-MIB defined trap event: bigipMemberRate</event-label>
<descr><p>A pool member has exceeded the allowed rate.</p><table>
<logmsg dest="logndisplay"><p>
bigipMemberRate trap received
The above is from "/opt/opennms/etc/events# less", which is already defined in "eventconf.xml":
pd11scl-nms-w01:/opt/opennms/etc# grep F5 eventconf.xml
I have restarted OpenNMS multiple times, but still the traps are not recognized as a F5 one.
Any thoughts? Any quick suggestion is greatly appreciated as we have been struggling that for quite some time and not sure what's wrong here.

I think you need to add the events tag around the event tag in the clip above.


What do the fields in rpcdebug -c's dmesg output mean?

I'm trying to track down a stall that may or may not be on the client host, but on the server side. Unfortunately this is all kernel RPC level, with some of if not controlled by my code...
I'm something of a neophyte when it comes to rpc debugging, so any references would be helpful.
I have this output in dmesg when rpcdebug -c -m all is run:
[2109401.599881] -pid- flgs status -client- --rqstp- -timeout ---ops--
[2109401.600055] 51580 0880 0 ffff9af4c4da9800 ffff9af4c4416600 15000 ffffffffc0b26680 nfsv3 GETATTR a:call_status [sunrpc] q:xprt_pending
[2109401.600300] 51581 0880 0 ffff9af4c4da9800 ffff9af42465f800 15000 ffffffffc0b26680 nfsv3 GETATTR a:call_status [sunrpc] q:xprt_pending
I get the PID, flags, and timeout, but:
What are the "client" and "rqstp" fields supposed to mean? If I see either duplicated in subsequent outputs, does that mean the RPC is stalled? And which way?
Is "xprt_pending" a "waiting to send the RPC" queue? If that queue was "delayq," I would know what that means in the context of the problem we're trying to diagnose. But this state doesn't seem to be explained anywhere I find in Google. (And my Google-Fu is usually better than this...)
What is the "ffffffffc0b26680" supposed to be? It repeats all over the output, for EVERY RPC listed.
I'm trying to avoid running with rpcdebug set, because I'm dealing with an intermittent stall, and I'd rather not slow EVERYTHING down in the hopes of catching the stall.

How to detect sender and destination of a notification in dbus-monitor?

My goal is to filter notifications coming from different applications (mainly from different browser window).
I found that with the help of the dbus-monitor I can write a small script that could filter the notification messages that I am interested in.
The filter script is working well, but I have a small problem:
I am starting with the
dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications', destination=':1.40'"
command. I have to added the "destination=':1.40'" because on Ubuntu 20.04 I always got twice the same notification.
The following output of
dbus-monitor --profile "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'"
demonstrate the reason:
type timestamp serial sender destination path interface member
# in_reply_to
mc 1612194356.476927 7 :1.227 :1.56 /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications Notify
mc 1612194356.483161 188 :1.56 :1.40 /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications Notify
As you can see the sender :1.277 sends to :1.56 first than this will be the sender to :1.40 destination. (Simply notify-send hello test message was sent)
My script is working on that way, but every time system boot up, I have to check the destination number and modify my script accordingly to get worked.
I have two questions:
how to discover the destination string automatically? (:1.40 in the above example)
how to prevent system sending the same message twice? (If this question would be answered, than the question under point 1. became pointless.)

Is Parse providing 15 seconds for Cloud Code functions

I'm currently coding an app that utilizes Parse as a backend, but have run into a '124' error. I admit that I do a lot in my cloud functions, but, from what I've observed, it doesn't appear over 15 seconds. Could someone please confirm this? Below is the output.
E2015-03-06T03:49:52.644Z] v286: Ran cloud function createEvent for
user puZNjFVfSm with:
{"RSVPDate":{"__type":"Date","iso":"2015-03-06T04:49:52.000Z"},"description":"Sample event to showcase
Failed with: Execution timed out I2015-03-06T03:49:52.716Z] begin
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.717Z] creating Event - initial checks completed
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.718Z] Finished advanced checks
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.719Z] Event creation start
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.770Z] begin event creation
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.873Z] Finding role: company_employee_z0Zx39OyuY
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.875Z] Added and secured event
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.931Z] attaching role to 425Qy9v9e4
I2015-03-06T03:49:52.934Z] Adding participant
From what I can tell, it looks like I'm only getting 300Z (is that milliseconds?) on all my runs. Shouldn't I be getting 15 seconds?
Update: I found that the issue was caused by using the addUnique function of Parse Objects with an array of pointers. By inserting ids instead of pointers, the issue was resolved.
Thank you for your help.

How do I absolutely ensure that a Phusion Passenger instance stays alive?

I'm having a problem where no matter what I try all Passenger instances are destroyed after an idle period (5 minutes, but sometimes longer). I've read the Passenger docs and related questions/answers on Stack Overflow.
My global config looks like this:
PassengerMaxPoolSize 6
PassengerMinInstances 1
PassengerPoolIdleTime 300
And my virtual config:
PassengerMinInstances 1
The above should ensure that at least one instance is kept alive after the idle timeout. I'd like to avoid setting PassengerPoolIdleTime to 0 as I'd like to clean up all but one idle instance.
I've also added the ruby binary to my CSF ignore list to prevent the long running process from being culled.
Is there somewhere else I should be looking?
Have you tried to set the PassengerMinInstances to anything other than 1 like 3 and see that work?
Ok, I found the answer for you on this link: . Look at the last comment by Phusion guy.
Is there a way to ensure that I always have 10 processes up and
running, and that each process only serves 500 requests before being
shut down?
"Not at this time. But the current behavior is such that the next time
it determines that more processes need to be spawned it will make sure
L at least PassengerMinInstances processes exist."
I have to say their documentation doesn't seem to match what the current behavior.
This seems to be quite a common problem for people running Apache on WHM/cPanel:
Enabling piped logging sorted the problem out for me.

wings communication server: submitsm command status 0x14

Has anyone had experience with this tool (WCS). Some sms messages are not being sent. The log says:
2007-04-14 10:59:53,490 [logica-smpp2-receiver] ERROR logica-smpp2 - Message not sent, SubmitSM command status: 0x14
If I've read the specs correctly, command status 0x14 means "message queue full".
I suggest:
- Try spreading the messages over a longer period
- Ask your SMPP provider what the limits are, how many messages can you send in how much time? Make the appropriate changes in the calls, or ask them to increase the amount of messages you can send for a given time period.
Hope this helps!
