Is insert statement without column approve performance in Oracle - oracle

I'm using Oracle 12.
When you define insert statement there is option not to state column list
If you omit the column list altogether, then the values_clause or query must specify values for all columns in the table.
Also it's describe in Ask TOM when suggesting a best performance solution for bulk:
insert into insert_into_table values ( data(i) );
My question, is not stating columns really produce a better or at least equal performance than stating column in statement as
insert table A (col1, col2, col3) values (?, ?, ?);

From my experience there is no gain in omitting column names - also it's a bad practice to do so, since if column order changes (sometimes people do that, for clarity, but they really don't need to) and their definition allows to insert the data, you will get wrong data in wrong columns.
As a rule of thumb it's not worth the trouble. Always specify column list that you're putting values into. Database has to check that anyways.
Related: SQL INSERT performance omitting field names?

Best practice is, that you ALWAYS define the columns in insert statements, NOT for the performance sake(there is no difference), but for situation like this:
You create table test1 with columns col1, col2;
You insert data in that table in your procedures/etc, without naming the columns;
You add new columns, col3, col4;
The current logic will fail with insert, errors will be raised.
So, to avoid the failure, always name the columns, then your code doesn't brake,when you modify the table structure.


How to make insert statement re-runnable?

Need to add two following insert statements:
insert into table1(schema, table_name, table_alias)
values ('ref_owner','test_table_1','tb1');
insert into table1(schema, table_name, table_alias)
values ('dba_owner','test_table_2','tb2');
Question is how can I make those two insert statements re-runnable meaning, if those two insert statement are compiled again, it should throw row exists error or something along those lines...?
Additional notes:
1. I've seen examples of Merge in Oracle however, thats only when you're using two tables to match records. In this case im only using a single table.
2. The table does not have any primary, unique or foreign keys - only check constraints on one of the columns.
Any help is highly appreciated.
You can use a MERGE statement, as follows:
MERGE into table1 t1
SELECT 'dba_owner', 'test_table_2', 'tb2' FROM DUAL) d
Best of luck.
You should have a primary key, especially when you want to check for duplicate records and data integrity.
Provide a primary key for your table, or, if you somehow do not want to do that, create a unique constraint for all of the columns in the table, so no duplicate rows are possible.

Virtual Column Issue with Oracle Forms

I have an Interface which's created with Oracle Forms. It has a base table block in which there's a field (namely col3"has the same name with the table's column that's derived from").
Form has two other fields col1 and col2 as of numeric type, and those fields are also members of the same table having col3 column mentioned above.
I converted col3 to a virtual column as the sum of the columns col1 and col2 in the table's definition( col3 number generated always as (nvl(col1,0)+nvl(col2,0)) virtual )
When I try to commit the changes in the base table it hurls the error message
ORA-54013: INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns
I know applying a DML to a virtual column has no sense, but even I changed the col3 field's
Query Only property from No to Yes
Update Allowed property from Yes to No
Insert Allowed property from Yes to No
I get the same error message. I don't want to write explicit DML statements, since the form has lots of other fields, and they should also be listed in those statements.
Do you have any idea how I can overcome this problem without giving up base table block structure ? ( I'm using the version Fusion Middleware 11g )
As everything you do with that column is query, how about setting it to be a non-database column? It would require writing a POST-QUERY trigger, though - otherwise you wouldn't see its value after executing a query.
:block.col3 := :block.col1 + :block.col2;
Put the same code into WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM triggers on both :block.col1 and :block.col2 items, so that you'd calculate the result when inserting/updating values.
Alternatively, create a procedure (within the form), put the above code into it, and then call the procedure from those triggers - for a long term, that's probably a better choice as you'd have to maintain code changes only in the procedure.

Inserting data in a column avoiding duplicates

Lets say i have a query which is fetching col1 after joining multiple tables. I want to insert values of that col1 in a table which is on remote db i.e. i would be using dblink to do that.
Now that col1 would be fetched from 4-5 different db's. There is chances that a value1 fetch from db1 would b in db2 as well. How can i avoid duplicates ?
In my remote db, I have created col1 a primary key. so when inserting, an error would be thrown if there is a duplicate key, end result failing rest of the process. Which i don't want to. I was thiking about 2 approaches
Write a PLSQL script, For each value, determine if value already exists or not. If it doesn't then insert.
Write a PLSQL script and insert and catch the duplicate key exception. The exception would be ignore and it will keep inserting (it doesn't sound that good).
Which approach would you prefer? Is there anything else i can do ?
I would use the MERGE statement and WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT.
The same merger could also update but it doesn't have to, just leave the update part out.
The different databases can have duplicate primary keys but that doesn't mean the records are duplicates. The actual data may be different in each case. Or the records may represent the same real world thing but at different statuses, Don't know, you haven't provided enough explanation.
The point is, you need much more analysis of why duplicate records can exist and probably a more sophisticated approach to handling collisions. Do you need to take all records (in which case you need a synthetic key)? Or do you take only one instance (so how do you decide precedence)? Other scenarios may exist.
In any case, MERGE or PL/SQL loops are likely to be too crude a solution.
First off, I would suggest that your target database drive all of these inserts because inserting/updating across a database link can create some locking issues and further complicate things especially with multiple databases attempting to access and perform DML on the same table. However if that isn't possible the solutions below will work.
I would fix your primary key problem by including a table look-up on the target table for each row.
cust.employee_id --primary_key
source_table st
FROM cust
WHERE cust.employee_id = st.emp_id));
Again, I would not recommend DML transactions across database links unless absolutely necessary as you can sometimes have weird locking behavior.
A PL/SQL procedure or anonymous PL/SQL block could be used to create a bulk processing solution as follows:
t_records tab_cust;
cust.employee_id --primary_key
INTO t_records
FROM source_table;
VALUES t_records(i);
END send_unique_data;
You can also call the system SQL%BULKEXCEPTIONS collection in case you want to do anything with the records that threw exceptions (such as unique_constraint violations). Be warned that this solution will cause the target table to suffers from performance issues if there are lots of duplicate data attempting to be inserted.

tracking changes with trigger - alternate field names

Using the trigger noted below, I am tracking changes in a producution table in an audit, or change-log table. My problem is that the field names in the tracking table are different from the ones in table1. The values are the same, but the names of the columns are different.
The question is then, how must the syntax change in the trigger to take the value of one field name and insert it into a field of a different name in the tracking table?
Thank you for any and all help or suggestions.
ON table1
INSERT INTO tracking table VALUES
(:new.pname, :new.p_id, :new.p_type, :new.t1name,
INSERT INTO tracking table VALUES
(:new.pname, :new.p_id, :new.p_type, :new.t1name,
INSERT INTO tracking table VALUES
(:old.pname, :old.p_id, :old.p_type, :old.t1name,
It makes no difference if the column names are different in the main and audit table. I'm not sure why you think that's a problem - showing any error might have helped clarifying your issue, along with the table definitions. The only error I can immediately see being thrown - assuming the space in tracking table is a mistake in transcription - is if the column order doesn't match and you're putting the wrong type or size of data in a column. Hard to guess what you're seeing though.
You've omitted the the optional column section in the insert statement that would normally list the column names. Without an explicit list of the column names, the values will be assigned based on the order of the columns in the target table, as shown in user_tab_columns.column_id or with describe. It would be better to list the columns to avoid ambiguity. and so you don't have problems if the table definition changes (e.g. a column is added, so you not don't have enough values) or the column order is different in another environment (which arguably shouldn't happen under decent source control). It's easier to spot trivial mistakes too.
Anyway, just list the column names from the table you're inserting into:
INSERT INTO tracking_table (x_name, x_id, x_type, x_t1name, x_action, x_when)
VALUES (:new.pname, :new.p_id, :new.p_type, :new.t1name, 'INSERTED', SYSDATE);
... replacing x_name etc. with the actual column names from tracking_table.

Oracle : Identifying duplicates in a table without index

When I try to create a unique index on a large table, I get a unique contraint error. The unique index in this case is a composite key of 4 columns.
Is there an efficient way to identify the duplicates other than :
select col1, col2, col3, col4, count(*)
from Table1
group by col1, col2, col3, col4
having count(*) > 1
The explain plan above shows full table scan with extremely high cost, and just want to find if there is another way.
Thanks !
Try creating a non-unique index on these four columns first. That will take O(n log n) time, but will also reduce the time needed to perform the select to O(n log n).
You're in a bit of a bind here -- any way you slice it, the entire table has to be read in at least once. The naïve algorithm runs in O(n2) time, unless the query optimizer is clever enough to build a temporary index/table.
You can use the EXCEPTIONS INTO clause to trap the duplicated rows.
If you don't already have an EXCEPTIONS table create one using the provided script:
SQL> #$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/ultexcpt.sql
Now you can attempt to create a unique constraint like this
alter table Table1
add constraint tab1_uq UNIQUE (col1, col2, col3, col4)
exceptions into exceptions
This will fail but now your EXCEPTIONS table contains a list of all the rows whose keys contain duplicates, identified by ROWID. That gives you a basis for deciding what to do with the duplicates (delete, renumber, whatever).
As others have noted you have to pay the cost of scanning the table once. This approach gives you a permanent set of the duplicated rows, and ROWID is the fastest way of accessing any given row.
Since there is no index on those columns, that query would have to do a full table scan - no other way to do it really, unless one or more of those columns is already indexed.
You could create the index as a non-unique index, then run the query to identify the duplicate rows (which should be very fast once the index is created). But I doubt if the combined time of creating the non-unique index then running the query would be any less than just running the query without the index.
In fact, you need to look for a duplicate of every single row in a table. No way to do this effectively without an index.
I don't think there is a quicker way unfortunately.
