Simplest upgrade data from ElasticSearch 2 to ElasticSearch 6? - elasticsearch

We're looking to migrate our clusters with ElasticSearch 2.x to the latest version. What is the simplest way to do this?
I already wrote a deploy script for deploying the ELK 2 stack and the ELK 6 stack. Unfortunately ElasticSearch 6.x cannot read data from ElasticSearch 2.x.
Go via ElasticSearch 5
Is it worth to make also a deploy script for an ELK-5, so it will automatically upgrade all my data without data loss? It's mostly logs.
Then we'd have to do 2 deploys on all environments and ElasticSearch would convert all data for us from the old to the newer version.
ElasticSearch 2 and 6 next to each other
Can we not better change the fluentd configuration to write log files to both ELK-2 and ELK-6 for a week at the same time. Then we delete the ELK-2 cluster a week later? That way we don't have to do weird stuff with building a new ElasticSearch-5 script and going through 2 deploys and 2 data upgrades.


AWS Elasticsearch cluster upgarde from 6.3 to 7

Presently AWS Elasticsearch cluster version is 6.3 and I am planning to upgrade it to 7. reindexing is also have to be done. reindexing is required
to have _doc as type for the indices instead of our custom mapping types.
Below are my queries:
1. What is the end to end process of upgrading AWS ES cluster version.
2. What are the impacts post upgrade.
3. Any specific backup is required?
4. How to perform upgrade in AWS cluster?
5. Post upgrade , Do I need to carry any validtion?
6. when to do reindexing? post cluster upgrade?
What is the end to end process of upgrading AWS ES cluster version.
You can perform an in-place upgrade of an AWS ES cluster from the AWS console. Upgrade triggers a blue green deployment and takes quite a while. For example, We upgraded an ES 6.8 cluster with 4 nodes (10 TB each) to OpenSearch 1.3 recently and it took almost 12 hours to complete.
What are the impacts post upgrade.
By default, AWS migrates all the data and resources (mapping templates, alerts, lifecycle policies etc) into the new upgraded cluster.
If you have some scripts that uses the ES APIs, expect some API paths being changed in the upgraded one. For example, the /_template path in ES 6.8 becomes _index_template in OpenSearch 1.3.
By default, AWS routes all traffic to the new cluster and does not mess around with the ES endpoint. So, if you have some data ingestion pipelines that may use the ES endpoint, it should work automatically. However, I would still recommend you to check the logs of each of your data collectors for any errors.
For example, If you are using kinesis firehose delivery streams, check destination error logs from the AWS console. If you are using logstash or vector, check their logs too.
Any specific backup is required?
It's always a good idea to take periodic snapshots of your AWS ES domain. If something goes wrong, you can always spin up a new domain from a previous working snapshot.
How to perform upgrade in AWS cluster?
Not sure what you mean by this. There's actually no way to manually access the underlying nodes/machines and perform the upgrade yourself. This is because the ES cluster is fully managed by AWS.
Post upgrade , Do I need to carry any validtion?
As mentioned in Question no.2 answer, it's definitely a good idea to check your ingestion pipelines. Check for any warning/errors on the logs. You can also use the Kibana/OpensearchDashboard to visually inspect your data for anything weird.
When to do reindexing? post cluster upgrade?
After you perform the in-place upgrade from AWS console, your existing indices and data are all copied to the newly upgraded cluster.

How to migrate data from elasticsearch 5.6 to elasticsearch 8.3

I have an elastic search cluster running 5.6. I plan to upgrade my cluster but i plan to do it by basically running a ES cluster 8.3 running in parallel and then moving data over to it.
The preferred way i think is to do snapshot and restore
But I am confused about what exactly Snapshot version compatibility mean :
In the above does it mean that if i take a snapshot in elasticsearch 5.6, I cannot restore directly in version 8.3 ?? (which mean I have to first move to 6.x then to 7.x and finally to 8.x ) ??
The below index compatibility matrix, however says that a version in 5.x will work in 8.x ?
Am i missing something ? or can someone help me elaborate this?
So, the underlying problem is that data written in Lucene version N, can only be read with N+1. For Elasticsearch 5 to 8 the Lucene version was always 1 greater than the ES version (so 6 to 9).
That means, both for an upgrade or a restored snapshot: If your data was written with 5.x, you can only read / restore it with 6.x. For 7.x or 8.x you'll need to reindex the data. I would do a remote reindex straight from 5.x to 8.latest if possible:
There are some small caveats but they will probably not apply to you:
This doesn't apply to source only snapshots, but those always need a reindex, so that's not going to add any benefit for you.
8.3 added a feature to still read snapshots from 5.0 on but it is slower, doesn't support all features, and it is a commercial feature (platinum license if I'm not mistaken).
Depending on what kind of data it is: If it's aging out (like logs or metrics), maybe you don't have to migrate it to the new cluster?

Designing ElasticSearch Migration from 6.8 to 7.16 along with App Deployment

I have a Spring Boot application that uses ElasticSearch 6.8 and I would like to migrate it to Elasticsearch 7.16 with least downtime. I can do rolling update but the problem with migration is that when I migrate my ES cluster from version 6 to 7, some features in my application fails because of breaking changes (for example total hit response change)
I also upgraded my ElasticSearch client to version 7 in a separate branch and I can deploy it as well but that client doesn't work with ES version 6. So I cannot first release the application and then do the ES migration. I thought about doing application deployment and ES migration at the same time with a few hours downtime but in case something goes wrong rollback may take too much time (We have >10TB data in PROD).
I still couldn't find a good solution to this problem. I'm thinking to migrate only ES data nodes to 7.16 version and keep master nodes in 6.8. Then do application deployment and migrate ElasticSearch master nodes together with a small downtime. Has anyone tried doing this? Would running data and master nodes of my ElasticSearch cluster in different versions (6.8 and 7.16) cause problem?
Any help / suggestion is much appreciated
The breaking change you mention can be alleviated by using the query string parameter rest_total_hits_as_int=true in your client code in order to keep getting total hit count as in version 6 (mentioned in the same link you shared).
Running master and data nodes with different versions is not supported and I would not venture into it. If you have a staging environment where you can test this upgrade procedure it's better.
Since 6.8 clients are compatible with 7.16 clusters, you can add that small bit to your 6.8 client code, then you should be able to upgrade your cluster to 7.16.
When your ES server is upgraded, you can upgrade your application code to use the 7.16 client and you'll be good.
As usual with upgrades, since you cannot revert them once started, you should test this on a test environment first.

How can i run tarantool 2.3.1 with the snapshot from tarantool 1.10.3

For 3 years there is an application, that uses tarantool (now it is 1.10.3), and once upon a time we've decided to move it to Kubernetes and replace old and ugly dockerfile, based on Jessie to the official image tarantool/tarantool:2.3.1. I don't know will it be all fine with the data.
In this case, I have two questions, and I will be really happy to read the correct answers from you:
Does tarantool 2.3.1-2-g92750c828 support recovering from snapshots, made by tarantool 1.10.3?
How can I surely load the snapshot data by the new version? It would be great to make it without restarting tarantool, because I have PVC like "emptyDir" that can't handle any data when pod restarts)
Yes, Tarantool 2.3 is compatible with Tarantool 1.10 in terms of binary protocol and snapshot format. If you can't simply run Tarantool 2.3 based on snapshot of 1.10, please file an issue -
I want to note several things: after upgrade to 2.3 it could be impossible to run it back on 1.10 (some system spaces/records incompatible will be created).
Sorry, I can't answer for this question for Kubernetes. But you can't simply stop and run again single instance. But upgrade without downtime is available for replication cluster -

Elasticsearch cluster data migration to new cluster

We have a Elasticsearch cluster which is running on elasticsearch 1.4 and logstash 1.4 with 1 master and 4 data node, now I want to upgrade the version of elasticsearch to 1.7 and logstash to 1.5 without losing any data. So my plan is to create a new cluster with new nodes and restore the snapshot of the current cluster on that. Now my question is this the best way or upgrade the versions on the current cluster. I am bit of nervous because it a production logging stack working smoothly.I don't want to mess around with production cluster with testing
First of all, read documentation. As you said, you'd like to upgrade from 1.4 to 1.7, which means there's no significant version jump.
Documentation states that upgrading from 1.x version to another 1.x version you have to do a rolling upgrade. What's that? Quoting documentation:
A rolling upgrade allows the ES cluster to be upgraded one node at a
time, with no observable downtime for end users.
Which means you can shut node down one by one, upgrade its binaries and turn it back on. One node by one!.
Of course, always do a backup in case **** happens.
