Bash call another script depending on "read" input - bash

I am trying to learn about making simple bash scripts to do things on my computer just because I want to learn because I think it is interesting (and I can also think of uses down the track).
I am trying to write a script that assigns variables that will call another script depending on what I type. I have managed to call another script from a variable using the below:
Echo hello please choose you next step
but now I want to be able to call one script or another depending on user input, and I have tried to make the script below, so that if when I type VBA in the "read" section it runs one script and if I type in VBB in it runs a different script. But it seems that this does not work how do I need to change the syntax to make the out put run with the script VBA or VBB?
Echo hello please choose you next step
read IPT
echo $NXT
If I can make this work I will turn this into a simple script that runs sudo shutdown and then asks me if I want to shut down immediately (I think -h) or restart (I think -r).

There are a few options.
1) You could use an if statement and explicitly run the command you want:
echo Do you want to reboot (Y/N)?
read IPT
if [ "$IPT" = "Y" ] ; then
shutdown -h now
shutdown -r now
2) you can try to force the user to type the command. It could be dangerous if you sudo
since the user could type something you don't want to run.
echo do you want to run VBA or VBB?
read IPT


Declare variable on unix server

I am trying to login on one of the remote server(Box1) and trying to read one file on remote server(Box1).
That contain the another server(Box2) details, base upon that details I have to come back to the local server and ssh to another server(Box2) for some data crunching. and so on.....
ssh << EOF
if [[ ! -f /home/rakesh/tomar.log ]]
echo "LOG file not found"
echo " LOG file present"
export server_node1= `cat /home/rakesh/tomar.log`
ssh << EOF
if [[ ! -f /home/rakesh/tomar.log ]]
echo "LOG file not found"
echo " LOG file present"
export server_node2= `cat /home/rakesh/tomar.log`
but I am not getting value of "server_node1" and "server_node2" on local machine.
any help would be appreciated.
Just like bash -c 'export foo=bar' cannot declare a variable in the calling shell where you typed this, an ssh command cannot declare a variable in the calling shell. You will have to refactor so that the calling shell receives the information and knows what to do with it.
I agree with the comment that storing a log file in a variable is probably not a sane, or at least elegant, thing to do, but the easy way to do what you are attempting is to put the ssh inside the assignment.
server_node1=$(ssh cat tomar.log)
server_node2=$(ssh cat tomar.log)
A few notes and amplifications:
The remote shell will run in your home directory, so I took it out (on the assumption that /home/rt9419 is your home directory, obviously).
In case of an error in the cat command, the exit code of ssh will be the error code from cat, and the error message on standard error will be visible on your standard error, so the echo seemed quite superfluous. (If you want a custom message, variable=$(ssh whatever) || echo "Custom message" >&2 would do that. Note the redirection to standard error; it doesn't seem to matter here, but it's good form.)
If you really wanted to, you could run an arbitrarily complex command in the ssh; as outlined above, it didn't seem necessary here, but you could do assigment=$(ssh remote 'if [[ things ]]; then for variable in $(complex commands to drive a loop); do : etc etc; done; fi; more </dev/null; exit "$variable"') or whatever.
As further comments on your original attempt,
The backticks in the here document in your attempt would be evaluated by your local shell before the ssh command even ran. There are separate questions about how to fix that; see e.g. How have both local and remote variable inside an SSH command. but in short, unless you absolutely require the local shell to be able to modify the commands you send, probably put them in single quotes, like I did in the silly complex ssh example above.
The function of export is to make variables visible to child processes. There is no way to affect the environment of a parent process (short of having it cooperate and/or coordinate the change, as in the code above). As an example to illustrate the difference, if you set PERL5LIB to a directory with Perl libraries, but fail to export it, the Perl process you start will not see the variable; it is only visible to the current shell. When you export it, any Perl process you start as a child of this shell will also see this variable and the value you assigned. In other words, you export variables which are not private to the current shell (and don't export private ones; aside from making sure they are private, this saves the amount of memory which needs to be copied between processes), but that still only makes them visible to children, by the design of the U*x process architecture.
You should get back the file from box1and box2 with an scp:
scp ~/tomar1.log
#then you can cat!
export server_node1=`cat ~/tomar1.log`
idem with box2
scp ~/tomar2.log
#then you can cat!
export server_node2=`cat ~/tomar2.log`
There are several possibilities. In your case, you could on the remote system create a file (in bash syntax), containing the assignments of these variables, for example
echo "export server_node2='$(</home/rt9419/tomar.log)'" >>export_settings
(which makes me wonder why you want the whole content of your logfile be stored into a variable, but this is another question), then transfer this file to your host (for example with scp) and source it from within your bash script.

Laravel Envoy and bash prompt

I'm using Envoy to provision a remote server. Provisioning is done by pulling the bash script from a private repo and then execute it.
The bash script ask some confirmation like yes/no (using bash "read -p"): it works as expected when i'm connected to the remote server... the script wait for user input.
Instead Envoy seems to ignore any prompt. Is it an expected behavior?
Any workaround?
Yes, this is expected. There's nothing for read to read from so it doesn't.
You have a few options.
Rewrite your script to use a config file when there's no terminal to prompt from.
Use something like [ -t 0 ] to test if the standard input is a terminal and load a configuration file with defaults. The simplest way to do that is just have a file that contains appropriate variable assignments and just source it . or whatever. You don't even need the -t test if you source the defaults first since then anything the user inputs will over-ride the default value.
Rewrite your script to have sane defaults.
Rewrite whatever runs the script to provide your script input via pipeline/file via redirection (e.g. printf 'answer 1\nanswer 2\n' | ./ or ./ <answerfile).

capture exit code from a script flow

I need help with some scripts I'm writing.
Script A is executed by a scheduling process. This script takes the arguments passed to it, parses them in some way and runs script B feeding it with those arguments;
Script B does sudo -u user ssh user#REMOTEMACHINE, runs some commands (in the remote machine) and finally runs script C (also in the remote machine). I am passing those commands using a HERE DOCUMENT. Also, I'm passing the previous arguments to this script too.
This "flow" runs correctly and the job completes successfully.
My problems are:
Since this "flow" is ran by a scheduling process, I need to tell it if the job completed successfully or not. I'm doing this via exit codes, so what I want is to have a chain of exit codes, returning back from the last script to the first, in case of errors. I'm not able to perform this, because exit codes works correctly for the single scripts (I tried executing them singularly and look for the exit codes), but they are not sended back to the parent script. In my opinion, the problem is that ssh is getting the exit code from the child script, which in fact ended successfully, because there was no error executing it: it's the command inside of it that gone wrong.
While the process works correctly, I still get this line:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known
But actually the script completes successfully.
I hope you understand what I wrote, I can eventually post my scripts here.
This are the scripts. There could be some problem with variable names because I renamed it quikly to upload the files.
Since I can't upload 3 files because of my low reputation, I merged them in a single file
I managed to solve the problem.
I followed olivier's advice and used the escape char to make the variable expanded by the remote machine.
Also I implemented different exit codes based on where the error occured.
At last, I modified the first script as follows, after launching sudo -u for the second script:
echo ""
echo "Export job took $SECONDS seconds."
echo ""
exit 0
This way I am able to exit the main script MAINTAINING the exit code provided from the second script.
In fact, I found that the problem was that the process worked well, even in case of errors, but the fact that I was giving more commands after the second script fail (the echo command was enough) provided other exit codes that overwrited the one I wanted.
Thanks to all !

Can a bash script tell if it's being run via cron?

Not having much luck Googling this question and I thought about posting it on SF, but it actually seems like a development question. If not, please feel free to migrate.
So, I have a script that runs via cron every morning at about 3 am. I also run the same scripts manually sometimes. The problem is that every time I run my script manually and it fails, it sends me an e-mail; even though I can look at the output and view the error in the console.
Is there a way for the bash script to tell that it's being run through cron (perhaps by using whoami) and only send the e-mail if so? I'd love to stop receiving emails when I'm doing my testing...
you can try "tty" to see if it's run by a terminal or not. that won't tell you that it's specifically run by cron, but you can tell if its "not a user as a prompt".
you can also get your parent-pid and follow it up the tree to look for cron, though that's a little heavy-handed.
I had a similar issue. I solved it with checking if stdout was a TTY. This is a check to see if you script runs in interactive mode:
if [ -t 1 ] ; then
echo "interacive mode";
#send mail
I got this from: How to detect if my shell script is running through a pipe?
The -t test return true if file descriptor is open and refers to a terminal. '1' is stdout.
Here's two different options for you:
Take the emailing out of your script/program and let cron handle it. If you set the MAILTO variable in your crontab, cron will send anything printed out to that email address. eg:
# run five minutes after midnight, every day
5 0 * * * $HOME/bin/daily.job
Set an environment variable in your crontab that is used to determine if running under cron. eg:
# run five minutes after midnight, every day
5 0 * * * $HOME/bin/daily.job
and in your script something like
if [ -n "$THIS_IS_CRON" ]; then echo "I'm running in cron"; else echo "I'm not running in cron"; fi
Why not have a command line argument that is -t for testing or -c for cron.
Or better yet:
If it's not specified, don't send an email.
I know the question is old, but I just came across the same problem. This was my solution:
CRON=$(pstree -s $$ | grep -q cron && echo true || echo false)
then test with
if $CRON
echo "Being run by cron"
echo "Not being run by cron"
same idea as the one that #eruciform mentioned - follows your PID up the process tree checking for cron.
Note: This solution only works specifically for cron, unlike some of the other solutions, which work anytime the script is being run non-interactively.
What works for me is to check $TERM. Under cron it's "dumb" but under a shell it's something else. Use the set command in your terminal, then in a cron-script and check it out
if [ "dumb" == "$TERM" ]
echo "cron"
echo "term"
I'd like to suggest a new answer to this highly-voted question. This works only on systemd systems with loginctl (e.g. Ubuntu 14.10+, RHEL/CentOS 7+) but is able to give a much more authoritative answer than previously presented solutions.
service=$(loginctl --property=Service show-session $(</proc/self/sessionid))
if [[ ${service#*=} == 'crond' ]]; then
echo "running in cron"
To summarize: when used with systemd, crond (like sshd and others) creates a new session when it starts a job for a user. This session has an ID that is unique for the entire uptime of the machine. Each session has some properties, one of which is the name of the service that started it. loginctl can tell us the value of this property, which will be "crond" if and only if the session was actually started by crond.
Advantages over using environment variables:
No need to modify cron entries to add special invocations or environment variables
No possibility of an intermediate process modifying environment variables to create a false positive or false negative
Advantages over testing for tty:
No false positives in pipelines, startup scripts, etc
Advantages over checking the process tree:
No false positives from processes that also have crond in their name
No false negatives if the script is disowned
Many of the commands used in prior posts are not available on every system (pstree, loginctl, tty). This was the only thing that worked for me on a ten years old BusyBox/OpenWrt router that I'm currently using as a blacklist DNS server. It runs a script with an auto-update feature. Running from crontab, it sends an email out.
[ -z "$TERM" ] || [ "$TERM" = "dumb" ] && echo 'Crontab' || echo 'Interactive'
In an interactive shell the $TERM-variable returns the value vt102 for me. I included the check for "dumb" since #edoceo mentioned it worked for him. I didn't use '==' since it's not completely portable.
I also liked the idea from Tal, but also see the risk of having undefined returns. I ended up with a slightly modified version, which seems to work very smooth in my opinion:
CRON="$( pstree -s $$ | grep -c cron )"
So you can check for $CRON being 1 or 0 at any time.

Auto SSH and execute script

I have roughly 12 computers that each have the same script on them. This script merely pings all the other machines, and prints out whether the machine is "reachable" or "unreachable". However, it is inefficient to login to each machine manually using ssh to execute this script.
Suppose I'm logged into node 1. Is there any way to for me to login to node 2-12 automatically using SSH, execute the ping script, pipe the results to a file, logout and proceed to the next machine? Some kind of bash shell script?
I'm afraid I'm at a loss here since I haven't had experience with shell-scripting before.
Since the script is on the other machines, you can just have ssh run the command for you there:
ssh $hostname my_script >> results_file
When you specify a command like that, it's executed instead of the login shell.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to loop over hostnames!
One trick you'll need to use is setting up pre-authorized keys for each host. Then you can run a script on one host, running something like 'ssh hostname command > log.hostname'
This script might be what you are looking for: It allows you to execute one command (which can be your script) on multiple remote machines via ssh. It's a simple script with bash source available, so you should be able to customize it to your needs:
Yes you can
You need actually 2 small scripts as following: ( which takes as first argument the name of the machine and the rest of the arguments are your script that you want to execute with his own arguments)
Example : node5 "echo hello world" as following:
/usr/bin/ssh $FST_ARG bash $FST_ARG pwd $REST_ARG as following :
REM_ARG="$1 $2"
of course you have to get this 2 scripts in your path of all your nodes ( maybe ~/bin/ )
Hope that it's helpful
