Unable to connect to VSTS LocalDB instance - continuous-integration

We run integration tests in a Visual Studio Online build tasks, executing them against a LocalDB instance that runs on the hosted VSTS build agent.
We have a task to start LocalDB by executing these commands:
sqllocaldb create MSSQLLocalDB
sqllocaldb start MSSQLLocalDB
sqllocaldb info MSSQLLocalDB
This seems OK when it runs:
LocalDB instance "MSSQLLocalDB" started.
Name: MSSQLLocalDB
Version: 13.1.4001.0
Owner: factoryvm-az442\VssAdministrator
Auto-create: Yes
State: Running
The connection string from the integration test project look like this:
This has been working for over a year now, but over the past few days we are seeing this when trying to run the tests:
Login failed for user 'factoryvm-az442\VssAdministrator'
Since Trusted_Connection is used, I'm not sure why it can't login. I did also try removing it. I also tried parsing the instance named pipe name from the output of sqllocaldb info MSSQLLocalDB and using that in the connection string, e.g. Server=np:\\.\pipe\LOCALDB#1579B709\tsql\query;Database=MyDatabase, but then I get:
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
Any idea how we can get this running again?
Note: Please note this is not the same as #44724118, as I do not have an invalid connection string and am not using IntegratedSecurity

I had also opened a GitHub issue, and someone from Microsoft replied that they updated the VSTS agent image - this seems to have resolved the problem.


Docker "hello-world" is giving "process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

We have just uninstalled Docker Community Edition and installed Enterprise Edition on a Windows Server 2016 System as per these steps.
On reaching the last step which is to test a hello-world container we are receiving the following error:
C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe: failed to register layer: re-exec
error: exit status 1: output: ProcessUtilityVMImage
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another
We are seeing lots of examples on SO related to other types of applications giving this error but not Docker.
How might we fix this?
This turned out to be an issue related to Symantec Endpoint Protection(SEP) clashing with Docker.
SEP needs to be upgraded to version 14 RU1 and several files need execution privileges.
Symantec posted a fix here: https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH246815.html which we have tried and worked.

Visual Studio 2015 Docker Integration wont attach for debuging

I created a Default .net Core RC2 MVC app using VS 2015. I added Docker Support so I could run and debug it in docker.
When I run the project it builds the docker container and starts it. Running the command "docker ps" shows the container running with the correct ports mapped. However I get the following error:
The target process exited without raising a CoreCLR started event. Ensure that the target process is configured to use NETStandard [version ...] or newer. This might be expected if the target process did not run.
Also trying to access the web page returns the following error:
[Fiddler] The connection to '' failed.
Error: ConnectionRefused (0x274d).
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Turns out the problem is related to the docker for windows beta I am running. By default it does not let you map volumes.
To enable open the docker for window settings:
And select Manage shared drives.
Select the C drive or drive you have the .Net code stored on and rebuild and deploy the project:

SonarQube installation failing to start service

I'm installing sonarqube on Windows Server 2012.
I have followed the following steps:
Downloaded sonarqube4.4 and extracted to C:\Sonarqube
Downloaded Java JDK 1.7.0_60 and jre 1.7.0_67 as well as jre7
Installed Windows SDK 7 and .NET Framework 4
Navigated to C:\sonar\bin\windows x86-64 and ran StartSonar.bat as an administrator, this ran ok with no output and Ihad to hot ctrl- Z to break
I then ran \windows-x86-64\InstallNTService.bat as an administrator and I am seeing the sonarQube services was launched, but failed to start.
Not sure what the problem is.
I believe you first ran \windows-x86-64\InstallNTService.bat successfully and then StartSonar.bat unsuccessfully (the inverse order of what you describe).
You probably have [this problem]: http://qualilogy.com/fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/09/Sonar_ServiceLaunchError2.jpg
Windows could not start the Sonar service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
In that case, the solution is to change the user/rights to launch the Sonar service: https://qualilogy.com/en/migrate-sonarqube-tomcat-to-windows-service/
Go to the Services window, find the Sonar service, and open the Properties windows to change the user it logs on as to one with sufficient permissions.
I was able to solve this problem by creating a new folder named “Temp” in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\
The Log-File will show only
--> Wrapper Started as Service
Cleaning or creating >temp directory C:\Program Files (x86)\SonarQube\sonarqube\temp
<-- Wrapper Stopped
The SonarQube service was launched, but failed to start.
After a long search, I came up to this site http://zen-and-art-of-programming.blogspot.de/2013/03/installing-and-running-sonar-source.html.
Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\ and create the directory Temp
2: Set the user rights to full access
3: Run the StartNTService.bat

Can't start Portal Express 7 on Windows 2003

I have a Windows 2003 SP2 Virtual Box guest in which I'm trying to install Portal Express 7.
During the installation there's a prompt that said that the Server couldn't start and I have to that manually. When I try to start it using startServer.bat I get every time this message:
ADMU3011E: Server launched but failed initialization. startServer.log,SytemOut.log(or job log in zOS) and other log files under C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/profiles\default\logs\server1 should contain failure information.
ADMU7704E: Failed while trying to start the Windows Service associated with server: WebSphere_Portal;probable error executing WASService.exe: com.ibm.ws.management.tools.ProblemInWASServiceException: ADMU7711E: Unexpected exception associated with WASService.exe: exitCode = -1 during processing of server with name: WebSphere_Portal
In the logs I only found java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:com/ibm/ffdc/impl/EmptyProvider$EmptyFfdc and several verbosegc.txt files. Have anyone succeeded in installing IBM WP 7 on Windows 2003?
PS: My problem is very similar to this DeveloperWorks post.
If you can start it manually but not through Windows Service, perhaps something got corrupted into the service definition. No problem, you may very simply remove it (WASService.exe -remove servicename in AppServer/bin directory ), and then add it again
I use a syntax like this one
wasservice -add "Cluster1_server1" -serverName "Cluster1_server1" -profilePath "D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01" -wasHome "D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -stopArgs " -username youradmin-password yourpassword" -encodeParams
or you may also insert username and password into soap.client.props, so you don't need to change it all the times.

TeamCity build agent continually "Unable to start upgrade: Connection reset"

My TeamCity agent is contniually trying to download upgrades from the TeamCity server. It always downloads the files, then fails to start the installation, with the error:
WARN - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Unable to start upgrade: Connection reset
My server is running at http://localhost:9912
How do I stop this endless cycle?
Latest version of TeamCity downloaded from JetBrains
I'm guessing you're running the agent as an AD account rather than under the machine account.
Run the agent service under an account with administrative permissions for the upgrade. I don't remember the specifics of what it's trying to write but it won't if it's a standard user.
