SSL and Umbraco - windows

I am trying to get SSL working on a Windows server that is hosting our Umbraco sites. We have numerous sites all working within the same Umbraco installation and I have done the binding of the main domain to the SSL certificate on the server and set umbracoUseSSL to true. I have also added the domain with the https part to the culture and hostnames in umbraco.
The above is not working when I type my domain with the https?
My question is since I have not placed a UrlReWrite redirect from http to https is this the reason why I cannot see my website with the https or is it to do with something else?

Related throws 404 for HTTPS only on hosted server

I have a several web sites running on a shared hosted server.
Every site except one I can enter in my browser or and they both work and resolve to the secure or insecure pages accordingly.
On the one site the page resolves correctly for regular http but I get a "404 Not found" error when I try https for the webmail subdomain of that site. does work for all pages on that site (without the webmail subdomain).
All of the DNS settings are the same for all of the sites. There is a CNAME record --> examplecom. None of the sites have a "proper" subdomain setup where the subdoman points to a directory, just the DNS setting. The SSL Status reports that the SSL cert for the webmail subdomain is valid.
Im not sure what else to check or how webmail ultimately get pointed to the webmail page.

Symfony4 - Creating https routes

I am trying to create a route under Symfony4 in https mode. My online research has taught me that I have to present the route in the annotation as follows: #Route ("/lucky", name = "lucky", schemes = {"https"}). But the request made from Chrome gives me the message "This site is inaccessible." Are there any other settings to perform?
I think I found the answer. To accept HTTPS requests, a server must have a certificate. Since this is a local wamp server, wamp must be set to install an SSL certificate. The attached documentation explains how to do:
enter link description here

How do I proxy API requests in a JAMstack solution?

I'm developing a site that's virtually entirely static. I use a generator to create all the HTML.
However, my site is a front-end to a store embedded in its pages. I have a little node.js server proxying requests on behalf of the browser to the back-end store. All it does is provide the number of items in the shopping cart so I can keep the number updated on all pages of my site. That's because the browser doesn't allow cross-domain scripting. My server has to act as a proxy between the client and the store.
(The embedded store is loaded from the store's web site and so itself does not require proxying.)
I was hoping to eventually deploy to Netlify or some similar JAMstack provider. But I don't see how I'd proxy on Netlify.
What is the standard solution to this problem? Or is proxying unavailable to JAMstack solutions? Are there JAMstack providers that solve this problem?
Netlify does allow for proxy rewrites using redirect paths with status code 200.
You can store your proxy redirects in _redirects at the root of your deployed site. In other words the file needs to exist at the root of the site directory to be deployed after a build.
/api/* 200
So a call to:
will be proxied to:
If the API supports standard HTTP caching mechanisms like Etags or Last-Modified headers, the responses will even get cached by CDN nodes.
NOTE: you can also setup your redirects in your netlify.toml

SSO ADFS redirection issue with reverse proxy with ARR

I have a reverser proxy setup with ARR and URL Rewite on IIS 8.5
public site exposed is http:/publicsite
http:/publicsite act as a reverse proxy to the internal site http:/internalsite
Every thing was working fine till we implement SSO for the internal site.
Once sso is implemeted internal site is redirecting to http:/ssosite to get authenticated
Since in ARR we have enabled the option "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" the redirection to sso site was not proper.
To make it work "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" is disabled. and the sso redirection started working.
But now the issue happening is after succesful login the ADFS tries to redirect to http:/publicsite. and reverse proxy respond with a 302 and the location in the response is http:/internalsite and the client machine doesnt have access to.
In the same browser if i try to access the site http:/publicsite again everything is working as expected because it is already authenticated and no redirection required to sso site and back to application.
My understanding is the response header is not getting re written since we have disabled the "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" option.
Set preserveHostHeader="true" in applicationhost.config in the reverse proxy server. This solved the issue.

How do I redirect all https traffic to http in Sinatra on heroku?

I'm trying to redirect all https traffic to http using this in Sinatra
get "*" do
redirect request.url.gsub(/^https/, "http")
pass # continue execution
However, on a custom domain on heroku, my browser shows me the error:
This is probably not the site you are looking for!
You attempted to reach www.[domain].com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *
My DNS is configured with the www subdomain having a CNAME pointing to [domain] as per
Is this a DNS issue? Is buying a SSL certificate the only way to allow all https traffic to redirect to http, on heroku?
If you were going to use that code then I'd make it a before filter, as that's really what it is.
However, if you've received a request at the application layer (which is where your Sinatra app sits on Heroku) then you need a certificate because the HTTP layer (where the Nginx proxy servers that deal with this sit) has already received the request and will attempt to deal with it as a secure connection but fail/raise an error because there's no certificate. That is the message you'll get if you try and reach an non SSL page/site via the https URI scheme. You can still access the site but the user has to click past a scary warning.
The only way I know of that may work without a certificate (but looking at this answer probably not) is if you had access to the Nginx configuration and did the rewrite of the URL (and probably some headers) there.
