Aggrid-treeGrid: Error: No component factory found for DetailPanelComponent - treeview

I am using angular 6.1, node 8.11.3 and i am trying to implement treeview with master details, same example provided here However I am getting below error and master detail component s not rendering on expansion of row details.
MasterComponent.html:1 ERROR Error: No component factory found for DetailPanelComponent. Did you add it to #NgModule.entryComponents?
at noComponentFactoryError (core.js:3258)
at CodegenComponentFactoryResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.CodegenComponentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory (core.js:3293)
at Ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.push../node_modules/ag-grid-angular/dist/ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.js.Ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.createComponent (ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.js:66)
at DynamicAgNg2Component.createComponent (ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.js:45)
at DynamicAgNg2Component.push../node_modules/ag-grid-angular/dist/ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.js.BaseGuiComponent.init (ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.js:85)
at DynamicAgNg2Component.init (ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper.js:41)
at ComponentResolver.push../node_modules/ag-grid/dist/lib/components/framework/componentResolver.js.ComponentResolver.initialiseComponent (componentResolver.js:295)
at ComponentResolver.push../node_modules/ag-grid/dist/lib/components/framework/componentResolver.js.ComponentResolver.createAgGridComponent (componentResolver.js:246)
at rowComp.js:673
at rowContainerComponent.js:58
I am following exactly same thing as mention in example, but for Angular 6.
Please suggest.


CKEditor5 Vue(tify)2 Laravel - Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null

I followed this
guide to install CKEditor5 with vue2, laravel and inertia, got the following error:
ckeditor.js:5 TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null
at IconView._updateXMLContent (iconview.js:100)
at IconView.render (iconview.js:76)
at IconView.on (observablemixin.js:254)
at (emittermixin.js:196)
at IconView.(anonymous function) [as render] (http://localhost:4000/_nuxt/vendors.pages/test.js:59093:16)
at ViewCollection.on (viewcollection.js:68)
at (emittermixin.js:196)
at ViewCollection.add (collection.js:182)
at ButtonView.render (buttonview.js:168)
at ButtonView.on (observablemixin.js:254)
As far as I understand by the posts I saw on the internet, the issue is that svg images cannot be loaded, but the solutions I found did not work.
If you want to take a look I created a Public Repository with the project, maybe you can easly find the issue (find TODO::CKEDITOR5)

Error: Unknown slot type 'LIST_OF_COLORS' for slot 'Color'

Hi while following the tutorial:
for building Alexa Skills I run into the following exception:
Error: There was a problem with your request: Unknown slot type 'LIST_OF_COLORS' for slot 'Color'
The error message does not state whether or not it was not able to parse the provided LIST_OF_COLORS definition of if something else went wrong.
Is this a Amazon Alaxa bug or did I miss something there?
I got this error because I didn't actually create the custom type - I needed to click both the Add and the Add Slot Type button.
Step 1: Create your type and values.
Step 2: Commit your changes.
Found a solution:
The Add Button, from Custom Slot Types, did not work the first time I hit it, I tried it again, and the list changed into:
From there on, it has worked as described

Appinventor : Property setter was expecting a component but got a String instead

i'm currently working on a Naughts and Crosses game in MIT App Inventor 2, and have run into the error in the title, i believe i've narrowed it down to a specific block of my code (the easyBot procedure) but i cannot isolate the issue from there, i have provided source code for perusal, can anyone find the issue here?
source code:
error : Property setter was expecting a component but got a String instead

An error occurred while attempting to process /view/ajax: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Getting this error on a Drupal view exposed filter when i change the value on the select list. Tried every combination of jquery and jquery UI. Traced the call stack to misc/ajax.js:
at alert (<anonymous>:4:15)
at Drupal.ajax.eventResponse (ajax.js?v=7.36:262)
at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (ajax.js?v=7.36:178)
at HTMLInputElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:5)
at HTMLInputElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:5)
at Object.trigger (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:5)
at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:5)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:4)
at $.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:4)
at $.fn.init.trigger (jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2:5)
i figured it out - it was some of my application code changing the array prototype. creating a "compare" array prototype basically breaks the ajax/views functionality.

Dojo SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical

I have had this same error before and posted a question to that effect but unfortunately there was no answer. The previous error occurred under different circumstances ( ie I was triggered when I used the dojo toolkit sdk(Size 19M).
This time I am retrieving data from a couple of tables which have a one to many relationship. I am using Dojo, Doctrine and Zend Framework for my project. I have posted quite an extensive error message at 1 the Link to with code and error details and the php and javascript that I identified as being the code involved.
When you look towards the end of the pastie in the FIREBUG ERROR MESSAGE section you will see a piece of JSON like
Its clear that the data gets pulled from the tables. However the code fails and I get the error message SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical. I have battled with this for a long time now. Am at a point where I either have to abandon the application or restart the whole project again. Thanks for your help.
