How will the threads be scheduled when their number is greater than the number of iterations? - openmp

I am a beginner to OpenMP. There are some loops in my code and they have different number of iterations.
I set the number of threads as the greatest number of iterations among these loops.
But what will happen when the number of threads is greater than the number of iterations for some of my loops?
The code to specify the number of threads is
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads

Assuming that when you say "number of loops" you mean "number of iterations in a loop", then the answer should be fairly clear!
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(10)
#pragma omp for
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
There are only five iterations, so the largest number of threads that can execute an iteration is also five (if each of them executes one iteration), and, therefore, at least five threads will immediately skip to the implicit barrier at the end of the for loop.
However, I get the impression that what you're doing is trying to adjust the number of threads in each parallel region to match the number of iterations. That is a bad idea. Changing the number of threads (the team size) is a s..l..o..w operation.
Indeed, it is generally a bad idea to set the number of threads explicitly at all. In general the OpenMP runtime will set the number of threads appropriately for the hardware on which the program is running. You don't need to force the number of threads yourself unless you are doing scaling tests, in which case using the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is still easier!
Forcing the number of threads "because my machine has that many cores" prompts these questions
Will you have that machine for the rest of your life?
Are you the only person who will ever run this code?


Is there a way to efficiently synchronize a subset of theads using OpenMP?

Because OpenMP nested parallelism has often performance problems, I was wondering if there is a way to implement a partial barrier that would synchronize only a subset of all threads.
Here is an example code structure:
#pragma omp parallel
int nth = omp_get_num_threads();
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
if (tid < nth/2) {
// do some work
// I need some synchronization here, but only for nth/2 threads
#pragma omp partial_barrier(nth/2)
// do some more work
} else {
// do some other independent work
I did not find anything like that in the openmp standard, but maybe there is a way to efficiently program a similar behaviour with locks or something?
So my actual problem is that I have a computation kernel (a Legendre transform -- part A) that is efficiently parallelized using OpenMP with 4 to 12 threads depending on the problem size.
This computation is followed by a Fast Fourier transform (part B).
I have several independent datasets (typically about 6 to 10) that have to be processed by A followed by B.
I would like to use more parallelism with more threads (48 to 128, depending on the machines).
Since A is not efficiently parallelized with more than 4 to 12 threads, the idea is to split the threads into several groups, each group working on an independent dataset. Because the datasets are independent, I don't need to synchronize all the threads (which is quite expensive when many threads are used) before doing B, only the subset working on a given dataset.
OpenMP tasks with depenencies would do what I need, but my experience is that on some platforms (xeon servers) the performance is significantly lower to what you can get with simple threads.
Is there a way to synchronize a subset of threads efficiently?

How do cuda threads are executed inside a single block?

I have several question regarding cuda. Following is a figure taken from a book on parallel programming. It shows how threads are allocated in the device for a multiplication of two vectors each of length 8192.
1) in threadblock 0 there are 15 SIMD threads. Are these 15 threads executed in parallel or just one thread at a specific time?
2) each block contains 512 elements in this example. is this number dependent on the hardware or is it a decision of the programmer?
In this particular example, each thread seems to be assigned to 32 elements in the vector. Code that is executed by a single thread is executed sequentially.
The size of the thread blocks is up to the programmer. However, there are restrictions on the number and size of the thread blocks given the hardware the code is executed on. For more information on this, see this elaborate answer:
Understanding CUDA grid dimensions, block dimensions and threads organization (simple explanation)
From your illustration, it seems that:
The grid is composed of 16 thread blocks, numbered from 0 to 15.
Each block is composed of 16 "SIMD threads", numbered from 0 to 15
Each "SIMD thread" computes the product of 32 vector elements.
It is not necessarily obvious from the illustration whether "SIMD thread" means, in the CUDA (OpenCL) parlance:
A warp (wavefront) of 32 threads (work-items)
A thread (work-item) working on 32 elements
I will assume the former ("SIMD thread" = warp/wavefront), since it is a more reasonable assumption performance-wise, but the latter isn't technically incorrect, it's simply suboptimal design (on current hardware, at least).
1) in threadblock 0 there are 15 SIMD threads. Are these 15 threads executed in parallel or just one thread at a specific time?
As stated above, there are 16 warps (numbered from 0 to 15, that makes 16) in thread block 0, each of them made of 32 threads. These threads execute in lockstep, simultaneously, in parallel. The warps are executed independently from each another, sequentially or in parallel, depending on the capabilities of the underlying hardware. For example, the hardware may be capable of scheduling a number of warps for simultaneous execution.
2) each block contains 512 elements in this example. is this number dependent on the hardware or is it a decision of the programmer?
In this case, it is simply a decision of the programmer, but in some cases there are also hardware limitations that could force the programmer into changing the design. For example, there is a maximum number of threads a block can handle, and there is a maximum number of blocks a grid can handle.

OpenMP output for "for" loop

I am new to OpenMP and I just tried to write a small program with the parallel for construct. I have trouble understanding the output of my program. I don't understand why thread number 3 prints the output before 1 and 2. Could someone offer me an explanation?
So, the program is:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
printf("We are in thread number %d and are printing %d\n",
omp_get_thread_num(), i);
and the output is:
We are in thread number 0 and are printing 0
We are in thread number 0 and are printing 1
We are in thread number 3 and are printing 6
We are in thread number 1 and are printing 2
We are in thread number 1 and are printing 3
We are in thread number 2 and are printing 4
We are in thread number 2 and are printing 5
My processor is a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU with 4 cores.
Thank you!
OpenMP makes no guarantees of the relative ordering, in time, of the execution of statements by different threads. OpenMP leaves it to the programmer to impose such ordering if it is required. In general it is not required, in many cases not even desirable, which is why OpenMP's default behaviour is as it is. The cost, in time, of imposing such an ordering is likely to be significant.
I suggest you run much larger tests several times, you should observe that the cross-thread sequencing of events is, essentially, random.
If you want to print in order then you can use the ordered construct
#pragma omp parallel for ordered
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
#pragma omp ordered
printf("We are in thread number %d and are printing %d\n",
omp_get_thread_num(), i);
I assume this requires threads from larger iterations to wait for the ones with lower iteration so it will have an effect on performance. You can see it used here
That draws the Mandelbrot set as characters using ordered. A much faster solution than using ordered is to fill an array in parallel of the characters and then draw them serially (try the code). Since one uses OpenMP for performance I have never found a good reason to use ordered but I'm sure it has its use somewhere.

OpenMP slower reduction

There are two versions of openmp codes with reduction and without.
// with reduction
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for (i=1;i<= num_steps; i++){
x = (i-0.5)*step;
sum = sum + 4.0/(1.0+x*x);
// without reduction
#pragma omp parallel private(i)
int id = omp_get_thread_num();
int numthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
double x;
double partial_sum = 0;
for (i=id;i< num_steps; i+=numthreads){
x = (i+0.5)*step;
partial_sum += + 4.0/(1.0+x*x);
#pragma omp critical
sum += partial_sum;
I run the codes using 8 cores, the total time double for the reduction version. What's the reason? Thanks.
Scalar reduction in OpenMP is usually quite fast. The observed behaviour in your case is due to two things made wrong in two different ways.
In your first code you did not make x private. Therefore it is shared among the threads and besides getting incorrect results, the execution suffers from the data sharing. Whenever one thread writes to x, the core that it executes on sends a message to all other cores and makes them invalidate their copies of that cache line. When any of them writes to x later, the whole cache line has to be reloaded and then the cache lines in all other cores get invalidated. And so forth. This slows things down significantly.
In your second code you have used the OpenMP critical construct. This is a relatively heavy-weight in comparison with the atomic adds, usually used to implement the reduction at the end. Atomic adds on x86 are performed using the LOCK instruction prefix and everything gets implemented in the hardware. On the other side, critical sections are implemented using mutexes and require several instructions and often busy waiting loops. This is far less efficient than the atomic adds.
In the end, your first code is slowed down due to bad data sharing condition. Your second code is slowed down due to the use of incorrect synchronisation primitive. It just happens that on your particular system the latter effect is less severe than the former and hence your second example runs faster.
If you want to manually parallelize the loop as well as the reduction you can do it like this:
#pragma omp parallel private(i)
int id = omp_get_thread_num();
int numthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
int start = id*num_steps/numthreads;
int finish = (id+1)*num_steps/numthreads;
double x;
double partial_sum = 0;
for (i=start; i<finish ; i++){
x = (i+0.5)*step;
partial_sum += + 4.0/(1.0+x*x);
#pragma omp atomic
sum += partial_sum;
However, I don't recommend this. Reductions don't have to be done with atomic and you should just let OpenMP parallelize the loop. The first case is the best solution (but make sure you declare x private).
Edit: According to Hristo once you make x private these two methods are nearlly the same in speed. I want to explain why using critical in your second method instead of atomic or allowing OpenMP to do the reduction has hardly any effect on the performance in this case.
There are two ways I can think of doing a reduction:
Sum the partial sums linearly using atomic or critical
Sum the partial sums using a tree. I.e. if you have 8 cores this gives you eight partial sums you reduce this to 4 partial sums then 2 partial sums then 1.
The first cast has linear convergence in the number of cores. The second case goes as the log of the number of cores. So one my be temped to think the second case is always better. However, for only eight cores the reduction is entirely dominated by taking the partial sums. Adding eight numbers with atomic/critical vs. reducing the tree in 3 steps will be negligable.
What if you have e.g. 1024 cores? Then the tree can be reduced in only 10 steps and the linear sum takes 1024 steps. But the constant term can be much larger for the second case and doing the partial sum of a large array e.g. with 1 million elements probably still dominates the reduction.
So I suspect that using atomic or even critical for a reduction has a negligable effect on the reduction time in general.

OpenMP: Huge slowdown in what should be ideal scenario

In the code below I'm trying to compare all elements of an array to all other elements in a nested for loop. (It's to run a simple n-body simulation. I'm testing with only 4 bodies for 4 threads on 4 cores). An identical sequential version of the code without OpenMP modifications runs in around 15 seconds for 25M iterations. Last night this code ran in around 30 seconds. Now it runs in around 1 minute! I think the problem may lie in that the threads must write to the array which is passed to the function via a pointer.
The array is dynamically allocated elsewhere and is composed of structs I defined. This is just a hunch. I have verified that the 4 threads are running on 4 separate cores at 100% and that they are accessing the elements of the array properly. Any ideas?
void runSimulation (particle* particles, int numSteps){
//particles is a pointer to an array of structs I've defined and allocated dynamically before calling the function
//Variable Initializations
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) private(//The variables inside the loop) shared(k,particles) // 4 Threads for four cores
while (k<numSteps){ //Main loop.
#pragma omp master //Check whether it is time to report progress.
//Some simple if statements
k=k+1; //Increment step counter for some reason omp doesn't like k++
//Calculate new velocities
#pragma omp for
for (i=0; i<numParticles; i++){ //Calculate forces by comparing each particle to all others
Fx = 0;
Fy = 0;
for (j=0; j<numParticles; j++){
//Calcululate the cumulative force by comparing each particle to all others
//Calculate accelerations and set new velocities
ax = Fx / particles[i].mass;
ay = Fy / particles[i].mass;
particles[i].xVelocity += deltaT*ax;
particles[i].yVelocity += deltaT*ay;
#pragma omp master
//Apply new velocities to create new positions after all forces have been calculated.
for (i=0; i<numParticles; i++){
particles[i].x += deltaT*particles[i].xVelocity;
particles[i].y += deltaT*particles[i].yVelocity;
#pragma omp barrier
You are thrashing the cache. All the cores are writing to the same shared structure, which will be continually bouncing around between the cores via the L2 (best case), L3 or main memory/memory bus (worst case). Depending on how stuff is shared this is taking anywhere from 20 to 300 cycles, while writes to private memory in L1 takes 1 cycle or less in ideal conditions.
That explains your slowdown.
If you increase your number of particles the situation may become less severe because you'll often be writing to distinct cache lines, so there will be less thrashing. btown above as the right idea in suggesting a private array.
Not sure if this will fix the problem, but you might try giving each thread its own copy of the full array; the problem might be that the threads are fighting over accessing the shared memory, and you're seeing a lot of cache misses.
I'm not sure of the exact openmp syntax you'd use to do this, but try doing this:
Allocate memory to hold the entire particles array in each thread; do this once, and save all four new pointers.
At the beginning of each main loop iteration, in the master thread, deep-copy the main array four times to each of those new arrays. You can do this quickly with a memcpy().
Do the calculation such that the first thread writes to indices 0 < i < numParticles/4, and so on.
In the master thread, before you apply the new velocities, merge the four arrays into the main array by copying over only the relevant indices. You can do this quickly with a memcpy().
Note that you can parallelize your "apply new velocities" loop without any problems because each iteration only operates on a single index; this is probably the easiest part to parallelize.
The new operations will only be O(N) compared to your calculations which are O(N^2), so they shouldn't take too much time in the long run. There are definitely ways to optimize the steps that I laid out for you, Gabe, but I'll leave those to you.
I don't agree that the problem is cache thrashing since the size of the struct particles must exceed the size of a cache line just from the number of members.
I think the more likely culprit is that the overhead for initializing an omp for is 1000's of cycles and the loop has only a few calculations in it. I'm not remotely surprised the loop is slower with only 4 bodies. If you had a few 100's of bodies the situation would be different. I once worked on a loop a bit like this, and ended up using pthreads directly.
