maxima fails for very simple equality (is equal) - precision

I have a very simple numeric comparison for which maxima is failing. I turned on verbose mode and debugmode but not able to see any additional detail. Is there something I need to specify (I tried different values for fpprec, but no use).
(%i2) is(equal(18225979/30454181, 0.5984721441039565));
(%o2) false
As long as arguments are equal up to 12 digits after decimal, I want maxima to return true. Thanks in advance for your solutions and suggestions.

I think what you want is something like is(abs(x - y)/abs(y) < 1e-12) where x and y are the numbers in question.
is(equal(x, y)) is implemented as is(ratsimp(x - y) = 0). This differs in a subtle way from a simple test for a number of digits. My advice is to test the absolute relative difference as suggested above.


When is it useful to compare floating-point values for equality?

I seem to see people asking all the time around here questions about comparing floating-point numbers. The canonical answer is always: just see if the numbers are within some small number of each other…
So the question is this: Why would you ever need to know if two floating point numbers are equal to each other?
In all my years of coding I have never needed to do this (although I will admit that even I am not omniscient). From my point of view, if you are trying to use floating point numbers for and for some reason want to know if the numbers are equal, you should probably be using an integer type (or a decimal type in languages that support it). Am I just missing something?
A few reasons to compare floating-point numbers for equality are:
Testing software. Given software that should conform to a precise specification, exact results might be known or feasibly computable, so a test program would compare the subject software’s results to the expected results.
Performing exact arithmetic. Carefully designed software can perform exact arithmetic with floating-point. At its simplest, this may simply be integer arithmetic. (On platforms which provide IEEE-754 64-bit double-precision floating-point but only 32-bit integer arithmetic, floating-point arithmetic can be used to perform 53-bit integer arithmetic.) Comparing for equality when performing exact arithmetic is the same as comparing for equality with integer operations.
Searching sorted or structured data. Floating-point values can be used as keys for searching, in which case testing for equality is necessary to determine that the sought item has been found. (There are issues if NaNs may be present, since they report false for any order test.)
Avoiding poles and discontinuities. Functions may have special behaviors at certain points, the most obvious of which is division. Software may need to test for these points and divert execution to alternate methods.
Note that only the last of these tests for equality when using floating-point arithmetic to approximate real arithmetic. (This list of examples is not complete, so I do not expect this is the only such use.) The first three are special situations. Usually when using floating-point arithmetic, one is approximating real arithmetic and working with mostly continuous functions. Continuous functions are “okay” for working with floating-point arithmetic because they transmit errors in “normal” ways. For example, if your calculations so far have produced some a' that approximates an ideal mathematical result a, and you have a b' that approximates an ideal mathematical result b, then the computed sum a'+b' will approximate a+b.
Discontinuous functions, on the other hand, can disrupt this behavior. For example, if we attempt to round a number to the nearest integer, what happens when a is 3.49? Our approximation a' might be 3.48 or 3.51. When the rounding is computed, the approximation may produce 3 or 4, turning a very small error into a very large error. When working with discontinuous functions in floating-point arithmetic, one has to be careful. For example, consider evaluating the quadratic formula, (−b±sqrt(b2−4ac))/(2a). If there is a slight error during the calculations for b2−4ac, the result might be negative, and then sqrt will return NaN. So software cannot simply use floating-point arithmetic as if it easily approximated real arithmetic. The programmer must understand floating-point arithmetic and be wary of the pitfalls, and these issues and their solutions can be specific to the particular software and application.
Testing for equality is a discontinuous function. It is a function f(a, b) that is 0 everywhere except along the line a=b. Since it is a discontinuous function, it can turn small errors into large errors—it can report as equal numbers that are unequal if computed with ideal mathematics, and it can report as unequal numbers that are equal if computed with ideal mathematics.
With this view, we can see testing for equality is a member of a general class of functions. It is not any more special than square root or division—it is continuous in most places but discontinuous in some, and so its use must be treated with care. That care is customized to each application.
I will relate one place where testing for equality was very useful. We implement some math library routines that are specified to be faithfully rounded. The best quality for a routine is that it is correctly rounded. Consider a function whose exact mathematical result (for a particular input x) is y. In some cases, y is exactly representable in the floating-point format, in which case a good routine will return y. Often, y is not exactly representable. In this case, it is between two numbers representable in the floating-point format, some numbers y0 and y1. If a routine is correctly rounded, it returns whichever of y0 and y1 is closer to y. (In case of a tie, it returns the one with an even low digit. Also, I am discussing only the round-to-nearest ties-to-even mode.)
If a routine is faithfully rounded, it is allowed to return either y0 or y1.
Now, here is the problem we wanted to solve: We have some version of a single-precision routine, say sin0, that we know is faithfully rounded. We have a new version, sin1, and we want to test whether it is faithfully rounded. We have multiple-precision software that can evaluate the mathematical sin function to great precision, so we can use that to check whether the results of sin1 are faithfully rounded. However, the multiple-precision software is slow, and we want to test all four billion inputs. sin0 and sin1 are both fast, but sin1 is allowed to have outputs different from sin0, because sin1 is only required to be faithfully rounded, not to be the same as sin0.
However, it happens that most of the sin1 results are the same as sin0. (This is partly a result of how math library routines are designed, using some extra precision to get a very close result before using a few final arithmetic operations to deliver the final result. That tends to get the correctly rounded result most of the time but sometimes slips to the next nearest value.) So what we can do is this:
For each input, calculate both sin0 and sin1.
Compare the results for equality.
If the results are equal, we are done. If they are not, use the extended precision software to test whether the sin1 result is faithfully rounded.
Again, this is a special case for using floating-point arithmetic. But it is one where testing for equality serves very well; the final test program runs in a few minutes instead of many hours.
The only time I needed, it was to check if the GPU was IEEE 754 compliant.
It was not.
Anyway I haven't used a comparison with a programming language. I just run the program on the CPU and on the GPU producing some binary output (no literals) and compared the outputs with a simple diff.
There are plenty possible reasons.
Since I know Squeak/Pharo Smalltalk better, here are a few trivial examples taken out of it (it relies on strict IEEE 754 model):
"simple, byte-order independent test for rejecting Not-a-Number and (Negative)Infinity"
^(self - self) = 0.0
"Return true if the receiver is positive or negative infinity."
^ self = Infinity or: [self = NegativeInfinity]
| ulp |
self isFinite ifFalse: [
(self isNaN or: [self negative]) ifTrue: [^self].
^Float fmax].
ulp := self ulp.
^self - (0.5 * ulp) = self
ifTrue: [self - ulp]
ifFalse: [self - (0.5 * ulp)]
I'm sure that you would find some more involved == if you open some libm implementation and check... Unfortunately, I don't know how to search == thru github web interface, but manually I found this example in julia libm (a variant of fdlibm)
remquo(double x, double y, int *quo)
y = fabs(y);
if (y < 0x1p-1021) {
if (x+x>y || (x+x==y && (q & 1))) {
} else if (x>0.5*y || (x==0.5*y && (q & 1))) {
q &= 0x7fffffff;
*quo = (sxy ? -q : q);
return x;
Here, the remainder function answer a result x between -y/2 and y/2. If it is exactly y/2, then there are 2 choices (a tie)... The == test in fixup is here to test the case of exact tie (resolved so as to always have an even quotient).
There are also a few ==zero tests, for example in __ieee754_logf (test for trivial case log(1)) or __ieee754_rem_pio2 (modulo pi/2 used for trigonometric functions).

Prover9 hints not being used

I'm running some Lattice proofs through Prover9/Mace4. I'm using a non-standard axiomatization of the lattice join operation, from which it is not immediately obvious that the join is commutative, associative and idempotent. (I can get Prover9 to prove that it is -- eventually.)
I know that Prover9 looks for those properties to help it search faster. I've tried putting those properties in the Additional Input section (I'm running the GUI version 0.5), with
x v y = y v x.
% etc
Q1: Is this the way to get it to look at hints?
Q2: Is there a good place to look for help on speeding up proofs/tips and tricks?
(If I can get this to work, there are further operators I'd like to give hints for.)
For ref, my axioms are (bi-lattice with only one primitive operation):
x ^ y = y ^ x. % lattice meet
x ^ x = x.
(x ^ y) ^ z = x ^ (y ^ z).
x ^ (x v y) = x. % standard absorption for join
x ^ z = x & y ^ z = y <-> z ^ (x v y) = (x v y).
% non-standard absorption
(EDIT after DougS's answer posted.)
Wow! Thank you. Orders-of-magnitude speed-up.
Some follow-on q's if I might ...
Q3: The generated hints seem to include all of the initial axioms plus the goal -- is that what I should expect? (Presumably hence your comment about not needing all of the hints. I've certainly experienced that removing axioms makes a proof go faster.)
Q4: What if I add hints that (as it turns out) aren't justified by the axioms? Are they ignored?
Q5: What if I add hints that contradict the axioms? (From a few trials, this doesn't make Prover9 mis-infer.)
Q6: For a proof (attempt) that times out, is there any way to retrieve the formulas inferred so far and recycle them for hints to speed up the next attempt? (I have a feeling in my waters that this would drag in some sort of fallacy, despite what I've seen re Q3 and Q4.)
Q3: Yes, you should expect the axiom(s) and the goal(s) included as hints. Both of them can serve as useful. I more meant that you might see something like "$F" as a hint doesn't seem to add much to me, and that hints also lead you down a particular path first which can make it more difficult or easier to find shorter proofs. However, if you just want a faster proof, then using all of the suggested hints probably comes as the way to go.
Q4: Hints do NOT need to come as deducible from the axioms.
Q5: Hints can contradict the axioms, sure.
The manual says "A derived clause matches a hint if it subsumes the hint.
In short, the default value of the hints_part parameter says to select clauses that match hints (lightest first) whenever any are available."
"Clause C subsumes clause D if the variables of C can be instantiated in such a way that it becomes a subclause of D. If C subsumes D, then D can be discarded, because it is weaker than or equivalent to C. (There are some proof procedures that require retention of subsumed clauses.)"
So let's say that you put
1. x ^((y^z) V v)=x V y as a hint.
Then if Prover9 generates
2. x ^ ((x^x) V v)=x V x
x ^ ((x^x) V v)=x V x will get selected whenever it's available, since it matches the hint.
This explanation isn't complete, because I'm not exactly sure how "subclause" gets defined.
Still, instead of generating formulas with the original axioms and whatever procedure Prover9 uses to generate formulas, formulas that match hints will get put to the front of the list for generating formulas. This can pick up the speed of the program, but from what I've read about some other problems it seems that many difficult problems basically wouldn't have gotten proved automatically if it weren't for things like hints, weighting, and other strategies.
Q6: I'm not sure which formulas you're referring to. In Prover9, of course, you can click on "show output" and look through the dozens of formulas it has generated. You could also set lemmas you think of as useful as additional goals, and then use Prooftrans to generate hints from those lemmas to use as hints on the next run. Or you could use the steps of the proofs of those lemmas as hints for the next run. There's no fallacy in terms of reasoning if you use steps of those proofs as hints, or the hints suggested by Prooftrans, because hints don't actually add any assumptions to the initial set. The hint mechanism works, at least according to my somewhat rough understanding, by changing the search procedure to use a clause that matches a hint once we have something which matches a hint (that is, the program has to deduce something that matches a hint, and only then can what matches the hint get used).
Q1: Yes, that should work for hints. But, to better test it, take the proof you have, and then use the "reformat" option and check the "hints" part. Then copy and paste all of those hints into your "formulas(hints)." list. (well you don't necessarily need them all... and using only some of them might lead to a shorter proof if it exists, but I digress). Then run the proof again, and if it runs like my proofs in propositional calculi with hints do, you'll get the proof "in an instant".
Just in case... you'll need to click on the "additional input" tab, and put your hint list there.
Q2: For strategies, the Prover9 manual has useful information on weighting, hints, and semantic guidance (I haven't tried semantic guidance). You might also want to see Bob Veroff's page (some of his work got done in OTTER, but the programs are similar). There also exists useful information Larry Wos's notebooks, as well as Dr. Wos's published work, though all of Wos's recent work has gotten done using OTTER (again, the programs are similar).

Mathematica variable defined outside Do loop

I want mathematica to display the result in decimal form.Say 3 decimal places together with 10 to some power. What function shall I use?
r = 0;
Do[r += (i/100), {i, 1, 100}];
I tried ScientificForm[r,3]andNumberForm[r,3] and both do not work.
Thanks in advance!
The problem you have, though you don't quite state this, is that Mathematica can compute r accurately. Your code sets the value of 2 to the rational number 101/2 and Mathematica's default behaviour is to display accurate numbers accurately. That's what you (or whoever bought your licence) pay for.
The expression
will produce a decimal representation of r, ie 50.5 and
gives the result
(though formatted rather more nicely in the Mathematica front end).

given code of function f, how to decide statically if x effects f(x)?

If I have code for some function f (that takes in one input for simplicity), I need to decide if the input x affects the output f(x), i.e, if f is a constant function defined below.
Define f to be constant function if output of f is invariant w.r.t x. This should hold for ALL inputs. So for example, if we have f(x) = 0 power x, it may output 0 for all inputs except for x = 0, where it may output error. So f is not a constant function.
I can only do static analysis of the code and assume the code is Java source for simplicity.
Is this possible?
This is obviously at least as hard as solving the Halting Problem (proof left as an exercise), so the answer is "no", this is not possible.
It is almost certainly possible. In most cases. Where there aren't weird thing going on.
For normal functions, the ordinary, useful kind that actually return values rather than doing their own little thing, yes.
For a simple function, not recursive, no nastiness of that sort, doing it manually, I would probably make the static-analysis equivalent of a sign chart, where I examine the code and determine every value of x that might possibly be a boundary condition or such (e.g. the code has if (x < 0) somewhere in it, so I check the function for values of x near 0). If this sort of attempt is doomed to fail please tell me before I try to use it on something.
Using brute force to grind away at it could work, unless you are working with quadruple precision x values or something similarly-sized, because then brute force could take years. Although at that point its not really static-analysis anymore.
Static-analysis generally really means having a computer tell you by looking at the code, not you looking at it yourself (at least not very much). Algorithms exist for doing this in many languages, wikipedia has such a list, including some free or even open source.
The ultimate proof that something can be done is for it to have been done already.
Since you'd call a non-terminating function non-constant, here's the reduction from your problem to the halting problem:
void does_it_halt(...);
int f(int x) {
if(x == 1) {
return 0;
Asking if f is constant is equivalent to asking if does_it_halt halts. Therefore, what you're asking for is impossible, since the halting problem is undecidable.

Why does Round[2.75,0.1] return 2.800000000003?

Mathematica 8.0.1
Any one could explain what would be the logic behind this result
In[24]:= Round[10.75, .1]
Out[24]= 10.8
In[29]:= Round[2.75, .1]
Out[29]= 2.8000000000000003
I have expected the second result above to be 2.8?
I was trying to do the above for formatting purposes only to make the number fit in the space. I ended up doing the following to get the result I want:
In[41]:= NumberForm[2.75,2]
Out[41] 2.8
I wish Mathematica has printf() like formatting function. I find formatting numbers in Mathematica for exact field width and form a little awkward compared to using printf() formatting rules.
I tried $MaxExtraPrecision=1000 on some number I was trying for format/round, but it did not work, that is why I posted this question. Here it is
In[42]:= $MaxExtraPrecision=1000;
Out[43]= 2035.8000000000002
In[46]:= $MaxExtraPrecision=50;
Out[47]= 2.8000000000000003
I found this way, to format a number to one decimal point only. Use Numberform, but first need to find what n-digit precision to use by counting the number of digits to the left of the decimal point, then adding 1.
In[56]:= x=2035.7520395261859;
Out[57]//NumberForm= 2035.8
The above (Edit 3) did not work for numbers such as
a=2.67301785 10^7
After some trials, I found Accounting Form to do what I want. AccountingForm gets rid of the 10^n form which NumberForm did not:
In[76]:= x=2035.7520395261859;
Out[77]//AccountingForm= 2035.8
In[78]:= x=2.67301785 10^7;
Out[79]//AccountingForm= 26730178.5
For formatting numerical values, the best language I found was Fortran, followed COBOL and also by those languages that use or support printf() standard formatting. With Mathematica, one can do such formatting I am sure, but it sure seems too complicated to me. I never understood why Mathematics does not have Printf[].
Not all decimal (base 10) numbers with a finite number of digits are representable in binary (base 2) with a finite number of digits. E.g. 0.1 is not representable in binary, just like 1/3 ~= 0.33333... is not representable in decimal. Mathematica (and other software) will only use a limited number of decimal digits when showing the number to hide this effect. However, occasionally it might happen that enough decimal digits are shown that the mismatch becomes visible.
This command will show you what happens when you find the closes binary representation of 0.1 using 20 binary digits, then convert it back to decimal:
RealDigits[FromDigits[RealDigits[1/10, 2, 20], 2], 10]
The number is stored in base 2, rather than base 10 (decimal). It's impossible to represent 2.8 in base 2, so it uses the closest value: 2.8000000000000003
Number/AccountingForm can take a list in the second argument, the second item of which is how many digits after the decimal place to show:
In[61]:= x=2035.7520395261859;
In[62]:= AccountingForm[x,{Infinity,3}]
Out[62]//AccountingForm= 2035.752
Perhaps this is useful.
