How to Sort List of Objects Based on a Property Value - sorting

I am using a CriteraBuilder to return a list of objects. I want to sort this list (hopefully in the query) by a property value in the object if it equals status "PENDING". The statuses on the object can be "Valid, Expired, or Pending". The objects with status "Pending" I want to place first in the returned list. Note I want to be able to paginate this list.
def getAllIds(Map opts = [:]) {
def max = opts.max ?: 10
def offset = opts.offset ?: 0
def c = Identification.createCriteria()
List<Identification> ids = c.list(max: max, offset: offset) {
//sort here if status == "PENDING"
return ids

You can use 'withCriteria' instead of 'createCrkteria'+'list' and use 'order' into it


Getting a column by string name

I'm trying to update a record given the customer Id, the row Id, and a dynamic column name.
Thus far I have the following, with the trouble spot marked by ***:
public void UpdateRecord(int Id, string rval, string column, string value)
var rId = GetRvalId(rval);
var entry = _context.Customers
.Where(x => x.Id == Id && x.RVals.Id == rId && x.***column?*** == column).First();
entry = value;
I haven't been able to find a good example of how to do this.
Addition after comments at the end
The reason you couldn't find examples is because it is not a good design.
Your method is very error prone, difficult to test and horrible to maintain. What if someone types the incorrect column name? What if you try to assign a string to the customer's birthday? And even if you would implement some string checking for column names and proposed values, then your program wouldn't work anymore after someone changes the names or the types of the columns.
So let's redesign!
Apparently you have a Customer with an Id and a property Rvals. This property Rvals also has a property Id.
You also have a function GetRValId that can convert a string rval to an int rvalId.
What you want, is given an Id and a string rval, you want to update one of the columns of the first Customer with this Idand rValId.
Side questions: Can there be more than one Customer with Id? In that case: are you sure Id is an ID? What do you want if there are more matching Customers? Update all customers or update only the first one? Which customer do you define as the first customer?
Leaving the side questions aside. We want a function signature that reports errors at compile time if you use non-existing customer properties, or if you try to assign a string to a Birthday. Something like this perhaps?
Update the name of the customer:
int customerId = ...
string rval = ...
string proposedName = "John Doe";
UpdateCustomerRecord(id, rval, customer => customer.Name = proposedName);
Update the Birthday of the customer:
DateTime proposedBirthday = ...
UpdateCustomerRecord(id, rval, customer => customer.Birthday = proposedBirthday)
This way you can't use any column that does not exist, and you can't assign a string to a DateTime.
You want to change two values in one call? Go ahead:
UpdateCustomerRecord(id, rval, customer =>
customer.Name = ...;
customer.Birthday = ...;
Convinced? Let's write the function:
public void UpdateCustomerRecord(int customerId, string rval, Action<Customer> action)
// the beginning is as in your function:
var rId = GetRvalId(rval);
// get the customer that you want to update:
using (var _Context = ...)
// get the customer you want to update:
var customerToUpdate = _Context.Customers
.Where(customer => customer.Id == Id
&& customer.RVals.Id == rId)
// TODO: exception if there is no customerToUpdate
// perform the action and save the changes
Simple comme bonjour!
Addition after comments
So what does this function do? As long as you don't call it, it does nothing. But when you call it, it fetches a customer, performs the Action on the Customer you provided in the call, and finally calls SaveChanges.
It doesn't do this with every Customer, no it does this only with the Customer with Id equal to the provided Id and customer.RVals.Id == ... (are you still certain there is more than one customer with this Id? If there is only one, why check for RVals.Id?)
So the caller not only has to provide the Id, and the RVal, which define the Customer to update, but he also has to define what must be done with this customer.
This definition takes the form of:
customer =>
customer.Name = X;
customer.BirthDay = Y;
Well if you want, you can use other identifiers than customer, but it means the same:
x => {x.Name = X; x.BirthDay = Y;}
Because you put it on the place of the Action parameter in the call to UpdateCustomerRecord, I know that x is of type Customer.
The Acton statement means: given a customer that must be updated, what must we do with the customer? You can read it as if it was a Function:
void Action(Customer customer)
customer.Name = ...
customer.BirthDay = ...
In the end it will do something like:
Customer customerToUpdate = ...
customerToUpdate.Name = X;
customerToUpdate.BirthDay = Y;
So in the third parameter, called Action you can type anything you want, even call functions that have nothing to do with Customers (probably not wise). You have an input parameter of which you are certain that it is a Customer.
See my earlier examples of calling UpdateCustomerRecord, one final example:
UpdateCustomerRecord( GetCustomerId(), GetCustomerRVal,
// 3rd parameter: the actions to perform once we got the customerToUpdate:
customer =>
DateTime minDate = GetEarliestBirthDay();
if (customer.BirthDay < minDate)
{ // this Customer is old
{ // this Customer is young
So the Action parameter is just a simpler way to say: "once you've got the Customer that must be updated, please perform this function with the Customer
So if you only want to update a given property of the customer write something like:
UpdateCustomerRecord(... , customer =>
Customer.PropertyThatMustBeUpdated = NewValueOfProperty;
Of course this only works if you know which property must be updated. But since you wrote "I am trying to update a specific cell." I assume you know which property the cells in this column represent.
It is not possible to pass the column name as the string value in LINQ. Alternate way to do it, if you have the limited number of the column name which can be passed then it can be achieved as below:
public void UpdateRecord(int Id, string rval, string column, string value)
var rId = GetRvalId(rval);
var entry = _context.Customers
.Where(x => x.Id == Id &&
x.RVals.Id == rId &&
(x.column1 == value || column == column1) &&
(x.column2 == value || column == column2) &&
(x.column3 == value || column == column3) &&
(x.column4 == value || column == column4) &&
(x.column5 == value || column == column5) &&
entry = value;
UpdateRecord(5, "rval", "column1", "value");
UpdateRecord(5, "rval", "column2", "value");
UpdateRecord(5, "rval", "column3", "value");
Here, suppose you have the 5 columns that can be passed while calling the funcion UpdateRecord then you can add the 5 clauses in the WHERE as above.
Other way to do it dynamic LINQ
var entry = db.Customers.Where(column + " = " + value).Select(...);

ODOO - How to filter Many2Many field containing zero items

How can I filter an Odoo Many2Many field for containing zero items.
Example: I'm trying to filter tasks that have 0 followers (message_follower_ids).
[['message_follower_ids','=',False]] Returns no results, but there should be many.
Odoo version: 8.0
message_follower_ids is a compute field.
If you want to search by any compute field you have to write the search method of it in old api it is fnct_search and in that method you can return domain.
In your case message_follower_ids is compute one and also having the fnct_search method. so, whenever you search for follower in search bar in top right corner that method will call and return the domain and you will get your filtered list.
But in that fnct_search You need to change to accomplish your need.
Like this.
class mail_thread(osv.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
def _get_followers(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
fol_obj = self.pool.get('mail.followers')
fol_ids =, SUPERUSER_ID, [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', ids)])
res = dict((id, dict(message_follower_ids=[], message_is_follower=False)) for id in ids)
user_pid = self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, uid, [uid], ['partner_id'], context=context)[0]['partner_id'][0]
for fol in fol_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, fol_ids):
if == user_pid:
res[fol.res_id]['message_is_follower'] = True
return res
def _search_followers(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context):
"""Search function for message_follower_ids
Do not use with operator 'not in'. Use instead message_is_followers
fol_obj = self.pool.get('mail.followers')
res = []
for field, operator, value in args:
assert field == name
# TOFIX make it work with not in
assert operator != "not in", "Do not search message_follower_ids with 'not in'"
fol_ids =, SUPERUSER_ID, [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('partner_id', operator, value)])
if not fol_ids and operator == '=' and value==False:
fol_ids =, SUPERUSER_ID, [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('partner_id', '!=', value)])
res_ids = [fol.res_id for fol in fol_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, fol_ids)]
res.append(('id', 'not in', res_ids))
res_ids = [fol.res_id for fol in fol_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, fol_ids)]
res.append(('id', 'in', res_ids))
return res
_columns = {
'message_follower_ids': fields.function(_get_followers,fnct_search=_search_followers),
Also need to add mail module in dependency list.

How to remove from an List Object in c#

I have an Action method in my controller which returns a List Object
Public ActionResult GetCats(long Id,string strsortorder,string dltIds)
var Result=objrepo.GetCats(Id);//this method returns me List of Result
My array looks like this:
var Result=[{CatId:1015,CatName:Abc},{CatId:1016,CatName:Acd},
What I want to do is:
Using two more parameters in my Action Method "strsortorder" and "dltIds"
that have a list of ids like this:
From this the "Result" returned from my method , I want to remove the records which are in "dltids" and the remaining array should be sorted in the order which I have in "strsortorder";
In the end the new object should look like this:
var NewResult=[{CatId:1021,CatName:Abc},{CatId:1015,CatName:Abc},
Can any one help me in acheiving this in linq or any other way?
I want to avoid any type of loop or froeach here for max extent, I know it can be done by looping but I want to avoid this since the result can sometimes contain large amounts of data.
I realized you can use an ArrayList instead of a Dictionary and it would be faster. I think Dictionary is clear how it works but here is the "better" implementation using array list:
var excludeList = dltIds.Split(",".ToCharArray());
ArrayList sortList = new ArrayList(strsortorder.Split(",".ToCharArray()));
var NewResult =
Result.Where(item => ! excludeList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
.OrderBy(item => {
if (sortList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
return sortList.IndexOf(item.CatId.ToString());
return sortList.Count;
Original answer below:
Public ActionResult GetCats(long Id,string strsortorder,string dltIds)
var Result=objrepo.GetCats(Id);//this method returns me List of Result
var excludeList = dltIds.Split(",".ToCharArray());
int orderCount = 0; // used in the closure creating the Dictionary below
var sortList = strsortorder.Split(",".ToCharArray())
.ToDictionary(x => x,x => orderCount++);
// filter
var NewResult =
Result.Where(item => ! excludeList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
.OrderBy(item => {
if (sortList.ContainsKey(item.CatId.ToString()))
return sortList[item.CatId.ToString()];
return sortList.Count();
How this works:
First I create lists out of your comma separated exclude list using split.
This I create a dictionary with the key being the ordering ID and the value being an integer that goes up by one.
For the filtering I look to see if an item is in the exclude array before I continue processing the item.
I then do a sort on matching against the key and the dictionary and returning the value -- this will sort things in the order of the list since I incremented a counter when creating the values. If an item is not in the dictionary I return one more than the maximum value in the dictionary which must be the count of the items. (I could have used the current value of orderCount instead.)

how to check for a value in the last 10 entries using linq to entities

I have method where I need to retrieve using EF the last ten entries in the database and check to see if there is a match between the value and the current term. Here is what I have thus far
public static int ValidatePassword(string username, string password, int securityUserId)
int validResult = 0;
/*Need to pass to client a value based upon success or failure of validation
* 0 - success
* 1 - password has already been used in the last 10 entries
* 2 - password does not meet CJIS requirements
IEnumerable<string> oldpassword = null;
// Create a Regular Expression to determine whether or not special characters are present.
Regex regularExpression = new Regex("[^a-z0-9]");
//if id exists pull last ten passwords
if (securityUserId > 0)
long id = Convert.ToInt64(securityUserId);
using (var context = new SecurityEntities(string.Empty))
oldpassword = (from p in context.SecurityAudits
where p.SecurityUserId == id &&
p.OldPassword == password
orderby p.ActionDate descending
select p.OldPassword.Take(10).ToString()).ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
string err = string.Format("ValidateCJISPassword() was unable to return an object msg:{0}", ex.Message);
throw new Exception(err, ex.InnerException);
else if (oldpassword == null)
//no matching record found now check other requirements
if ((password.Length >= DEFAULT_CJIS_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH) && regularExpression.IsMatch(password) && (password != username))
validResult = 0;
//password does not meet standard CJIS requirements
validResult = 2;
//matching record was found
validResult = 1;
return validResult;
Where I am currently hung up is the query throws an exception on the ToString() method
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
I'm still learning EF and how linq works so I'm not sure what the best approach here is. Should I try to set the result to something other than IEnumerable like an array or List or is there another approach I should consider?
Thanks in advance,
Change this
oldpassword = (from p in context.SecurityAudits
where p.SecurityUserId == id &&
p.OldPassword == password
orderby p.ActionDate descending
select p.OldPassword.Take(10).ToString()).ToList();
To this
oldpassword = (from p in context.SecurityAudits
where p.SecurityUserId == id &&
p.OldPassword == password
orderby p.ActionDate descending
select p.OldPassword).Take(10).ToList();
The problem was that your Take(10) clause was not part of the whole result but inside the actual linq statement.. it goes on the outside of it to take the top 10 of the entire resultset.. then you do the ToList() which turns the whole thing into an array
The next problem is that you just created an array and assigned it to oldpassword
I don't see anything here that does anything with the array...
You need to do something like:
declare your array of strings
assign the array to the return of the linq query
evaluate the return for > 0 results
if > 0 then the password has been used in the last 10
if = 0 then new password should be ok, correct?
Now that I have an understanding of what I needed in the query I was able to also update the linq statement as follows:
var lastTenPassword = (from p in context.SecurityAudits.Take(10)
orderby p.ActionDate descending
where p.SecurityUserId == id
select p.OldPassword).ToList();
string oldpassword = lastTenPassword.Where(a => a == password).FirstOrDefault();
Testing is further down the line but now by moving the .Take() method inside the query I am explicitly grabbing the top ten where as my first attempt would have retrieved all the records and then grabbed the top ten.
For testing you can also see where I broke out the initial where() to first grab all records by id and then perform a filter on that set by looking for a matching password within that set.
Thanks again for your help

Using IEqualityComparer to check specific values

So this is the first time I've tried using IEqualityComparer and I'm running into an issue.
It's likely I just don't understand exactly what the code is doing behind the scenes.
The list I'm providing it looks like this:
Test Run | SN | Retest
1 185 0
2 185 1
3 185 1
4 185 1
I'm trying to use Distinct() to find the number of items which have a unique SN, and 'retest==1'.
var result = testRunList.Distinct(new UniqueRetests());
And the derived IEqualityCompare class looks like this:
public class UniqueRetests : IEqualityComparer<TestRunRecord>
// Records are equal if their SNs and retest are equal.
public bool Equals(TestRunRecord x, TestRunRecord y)
//Check whether any of the compared objects is null.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(y, null))
return false;
//Check whether it's a retest AND if the specified records' properties are equal.
return x.retest == 1 && y.retest == 1 && x.boardSN == y.boardSN;
// If Equals() returns true for a pair of objects
// then GetHashCode() must return the same value for these objects.
public int GetHashCode(TestRunRecord record)
//Check whether the object is null
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(record, null)) return 0;
//Get hash code for the board SN field.
int hashRecordSN = record.boardSN.GetHashCode();
//Get hash code for the retest field.
int hashRecordRetest = record.retest.GetHashCode();
//Calculate the hash code for the product.
return hashRecordSN ^ hashRecordRetest;
Problem is that this seems to produce a which includes the first two items, whereas what I'm looking for is a list that includes only a single item where 'retest==1'.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? How is it that a record with 'retest == 0' is being returned?
If the condition is false, the objects are treated as if they are not equal. Distinct returns not-equal rows. Btw, you are violating the contract of IEqualityComparer with this type of code. The results are actually undefined. – usr
With "violating the contract" I mean (for example) than an object with retest==0 will compare unequal to itself. – usr
You need to filter out items with retest = 0. Put a .Where(x => x.retest != 0) in front of the Distinct.
