Magento session_regenerate_id() error - magento

I am getting this error in system.log. When this error appears,user can not register.
What can it be? I am using Magento
2018-08-28T06:42:12+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Session object destruction failed in D:\workspace\src\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Session\Abstract\Varien.php on line 543

Please make sure apache running at user, and user has permissions to change files where your local websites are stored else PHP wouldn't start the session.
You need to change the Apache user and everything will be working fine.
Thank you!


Error loading in Magento admin

When I load my Magento admin I get the error.
Fatal error: Call to a member function isLoggedIn() on a non-object
in /home/xxx/public_html/app/code/community/TM/Core/Model/Observer.php
on line 12
I think it happened when I replaced some files somewhere in app/code/...
I’m really stuck on this and need desperate help.
Error is in your extension file TM/Core/Model/Observer.php
Disable extension and check after refresh cache
This was fixed by the Full Page Cache Extension people.
I don't know what they did but it was their extension which broke my magento however they fixed it for me right away

Internal server error in bakup of magento 1.8.1

Taking System backup System->tools->backup -> System Backup in admin panel of magento 1.8.1, following Internal server Error occurred ---
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
During backup maintenance mode message show on home page of live website. After refreshing browser above error occured in home page and admin panel.
Please provide any solution.
connect to the ftp using software (ex:filezilla) go to the root folder (ex:public_html) right click on index.php and select file permissions. Then set the Numeric value to the 644. your done :)

Magento Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 113

I have copy the magento website from one server to another and done all the necessary changes and now when i opened my new site the following error is coming
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1237612538
It is showing the numbers of errors first is
"SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 113"
#0 /home/content/32/9503032/html/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(96): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect()
Here is the solution:
Are you sure changed db credentials correct in xml file?
1 .Recheck db credentials with username and password correct or not?
File permisions
compilation mode enable/disable
clear cache
clear sesion
try it
if you want to more detail in error, you can change a little bit step as follows
go to Magento Folder
Magento Folder
local.xml.sample to local.xml
Refresh Page. You will see more detail errors.

Error reading session data when try "Session::instance();" in Kohana

On localhost everything good, but on deploy there is an error "Error reading session data" when I try invoke Session::instance(). Where is my mistake?
Maybe it's server problem or Kohana bug?
In my case, its a server problem. I had similar problem yesterday, and this how i solve it.
first, set error handling to false (on bootstrap.php, set error => false) for better diagnose
refresh again your browser. mine had error writing on C:\xampp\tmp. It turns out my "tmp" folder was missing (i dont know why, probably misdeleting due bad mouse habit)
create tmp folder, done :)
btw, i'm using 'native' as kohana-session handler.
For xampp, you may check on xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf for "SetEnv TMP {your tmp dir here}". Other LAMP-stack may vary.
Can you post your session.php? Have you set your encryption key if you're using the encrypt option? What driver are you using to store the session (file, cookie, database)?
If you are using the database (or ORM) for sessions then "Error reading session data" usually means that Kohana can't connect to the database. Check that you can connect to the database.
If you are using files for sessions then check the the folder where PHP writes sessions is writable.
My problem was in session 'native' kohana 3.3. I got the error reading session data and broken data or something. When I check any data from $_SESSION array e.g. echo $_SESSION['x'] there was that value I needed, so why this told me about error reading?
The error appears on line: $session = Session::instance();
I tried many solutions (php.ini, for example) without success.
My first solution was:
$session = Session::instance();
catch (Exception $e){//do sth. eg. restrt sesion etc..}
But this was bad solution because few months later the problem back to me on another server.
I got the message Database_Exception [ 1030 ]: Got error 28 from storage engine...
or Database_Exception [ 126 ]: Incorrect key file for table '/ramdisk/mysql/tmp/#sql_138c_2.MYI'; try to repair it [ SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tabe ]
So, when on your server there is no space for mysl storage files you get thta error "Error reading session data"
The solution is make some space on server. In my case I just delete few very old files and some log files.

Why do I get a blank page instead of Joomla?

I am just beginning with Joomla on a linux fedora server (running apache,mysql,php), running in local. I have also installed phpmyadmin.
I have dowloaded/unizip joomla on var/www/html/joomla1 and created a database for joomla1.
Then restarted the server. Selinux is set to permissive.
However when browsing at http://localhost/joomla1/ i simply get a blank page
Any idea what's wrong ? How to fix this ?
Check your database permissions (does the user have permissions to access the data), check your error logs on the server.
Maybe this URL is right?
Check /var/log/httpd/error_log
Look for anything saying "Fatal:"
This will give you an indication of whats causing the problem
