How to use echo inside another echo [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
How to pipe multiple commands into a single command in the shell? (sh, bash, ...)
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I wish to use an echo command into my bash script.
Actually I do that way =>
echo --- REPORT ---
echo - Report send # $(date +%d-%m-%y_%H:%M)
echo "echo \"Subject: BACKUP-$serv\"" | cat $cheminlogs/backup-$serv.log | /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/sendmail -r $mail1 $mail2;
echo - Report done # $(date +%d-%m-%y_%H:%M)
But that's don't work when I call my sh file, that's print the echo linke but won't send me the email into the 3rd line command
If I use my command alone that's ok
echo "Subject: BACKUP-$serv" | cat $cheminlogs/backup-$serv.log | /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/sendmail -r $mail1 $mail2;
I don't know how to use the echo in the start of a new command
Perhaps I can change my email command by invertion argument but that's send me an email without textarea cat
cat $cheminlogs/backup-$serv.log | echo "Subject: BACKUP-$serv" | /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/sendmail -r $mail1 $mail2;

The form you are looking for is
printf 'Subject: %s\n\n' "$subject" | cat - "$server_log" | sendmail
The - means 'read from standard input'. Note that sendmail will expect an empty line between the header and the message body.


displaying command output in stdout then save to file with transformation?

I have a long-running command which outputs periodically. to demonstrate let's assume it is:
function my_cmd()
for i in {1..9}; do
echo -n $i
for j in {1..$i}
echo -n " "
echo $i
sleep 1
the output will be:
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
I want to display the command output meanwhile save it to a file at the same time.
this can be done by my_cmd | tee -a res.txt.
Now I want to display the output to terminal as-is but save to file with a transformed flavor, say with sed "s/ //g".
so the res.txt becomes:
how can I do this transformation on-the-fly without waiting for command exits then read the file again?
Note that in your original code, {1..$i} is an error because sequences can't contain variables. I've replaced it with seq. Also, you're missing a do and a done for the inner for loop.
At any rate, I would use process substitution.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function my_cmd {
for i in {1..9}; do
printf '%d' "$i"
for j in $(seq 1 $i); do
printf ' '
printf '%d\n' "$j"
sleep 1
my_cmd | tee >(tr -d ' ' >> res.txt)
Process substitution usually causes bash to create an entry in /dev/fd which is fed to the command in question. The contents of the substitution run asynchronously, so it doesn't block the process sending data to it.
Note that the process substitution isn't a REAL file, so the -a option for tee is meaningless. If you really want to append to your output file, >> within the substitution is the way to go.
If you don't like process substitution, another option would be to redirect to alternate file descriptors. For example, instead of the last line in the script above, you could use:
exec 5>&1
my_cmd | tee /dev/fd/5 | tr -d ' ' > res.txt
exec 5>&-
This creates a file descriptor, /dev/fd/5, which redirects to your real stdout, the terminal. It then tells tee to write to this, allowing the normal stdout from tee to be processed by additional pipe elements before final redirection to your log file.
The method you choose is up to you. I find process substitution clearer.
Something you need to modify in your function. And you may use tee in the for loop to print and write file at the same time. The following script may get the result you desire.
[ -f $filename ] && rm $filename
for i in {1..9}; do
echo -n $i | tee -a $filename
for((j=1;j<=$i;j++)); do
echo -n " "
echo $i | tee -a $filename
sleep 1
Instead of double loop, I would use printf and its formatting capability %Xs to pad with blank characters.
Moreover I would use double printing (for stdout and your file) rather than using pipe and starting new processes.
So your function could look like this:
function my_cmd() {
for i in {1..9}; do
printf "%s %${i}s\n" $i $i
printf "%s%s\n" $i $i >> res.txt

Ignoring all but the (multi-line) results of the last query sent to a program

I have an executable that accepts queries from stdin and responds to them, reading until EOF. Additionally I have an input file and a special command, let's call those EXEC, FILE and CMD respectively.
What I need to do is:
Pass FILE to EXEC as input.
Disregard all the output corresponding to commands read from FILE (/dev/null/).
Pass CMD as the last command.
Fetch output for the last command and save it in a variable.
EXEC's output can be multiline for each query.
I know how to pass FILE + CMD into the EXEC:
echo ${CMD} | cat ${FILE} - | ${EXEC}
but I have no idea how to fetch only output resulting from CMD.
Is there a magical one-liner that does this?
After looking around I've found the following partial solution:
mkfifo mypipe
(tail -f mypipe) | ${EXEC} &
cat ${FILE} | while read line; do
echo ${line} > mypipe
echo ${CMD} > mypipe
This allows me to redirect my input, but now the output gets printed to screen. I want to ignore all the output produced by EXEC in the while loop and get only what it prints for the last line.
I tried what first came into my mind, which is:
(tail -f mypipe) | ${EXEC} > somefile &
But it didn't work, the file was empty.
This is race-prone -- I'd suggest putting in a delay after the kill, or using an explicit sigil to determine when it's been received. That said:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# route FD 4 to your output routine
exec 4> >(
output=; trap 'output=1' USR1
while IFS= read -r line; do
[[ $output ]] && printf '%s\n' "$line"
); out_pid=$!
# Capture the PID for the process substitution above; note that this requires a very
# new version of bash (4.4?)
[[ $out_pid ]] || { echo "ERROR: Your bash version is too old" >&2; exit 1; }
# Run your program in another process substitution, and close the parent's handle on FD 4
exec 3> >("$EXEC" >&4) 4>&-
# cat your file to FD 3...
cat "$file" >&3
# UGLY HACK: Wait to let your program finish flushing output from those commands
sleep 0.1
# notify the subshell writing output to disk that the ignored input is done...
kill -USR1 "$out_pid"
# UGLY HACK: Wait to let the subprocess actually receive the signal and set output=1
sleep 0.1
# ...and then write the command for which you actually want content logged.
echo "command" >&3
In validating this answer, I'm doing the following:
stub_function() {
local count line
while IFS= read -r line; do
(( ++count ))
printf '%s: %s\n' "$count" "$line"
cat >file <<EOF
export -f stub_function
export file EXEC
Output is only:
4: command
You could pipe it into a sed:
var=$(YOUR COMMAND | sed '$!d')
This will put only the last line into the variable
I think, that your proram EXEC does something special (open connection or remember state). When that is not the case, you can use
${EXEC} < ${FILE} > /dev/null
myvar=$(echo ${CMD} | ${EXEC})
Or with normal commands:
# Do not use (printf "==%s==\n" 1 2 3 ; printf "oo%soo\n" 4 5 6) | cat
printf "==%s==\n" 1 2 3 | cat > /dev/null
myvar=$(printf "oo%soo\n" 4 5 6 | cat)
When you need to give all input to one process, perhaps you can think of a marker that you can filter on:
(printf "==%s==\n" 1 2 3 ; printf "%s\n" "marker"; printf "oo%soo\n" 4 5 6) | cat | sed '1,/marker/ d'
You should examine your EXEC what could be used. When it is running SQL, you might use something like
(cat ${FILE}; echo 'select "DamonMarker" from dual;' ; echo ${CMD} ) |
${EXEC} | sed '1,/DamonMarker/ d'
and write this in a var with
myvar=$( (cat ${FILE}; echo 'select "DamonMarker" from dual;' ; echo ${CMD} ) |
${EXEC} | sed '1,/DamonMarker/ d' )

Assigning a command output to a shell script variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?
(15 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
How do I assign a command output to a shell script variable.
echo ${b%?} | rev | cut -d'/' -f 1 | rev
${b%?} gives me a path..for example: /home/home1
The above command gives me home1 as the output. I need to assign this output to a shell script variable.
I tried the below code
c=${b%?} |rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev
echo $c
But it didn't work.
To assign output of some command to a variable you need to use command substitution :
For your case:
c=$(echo {b%?} |rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev)
Just wondering why dont you try
basename ${b}
Or just
echo ${b##*/}
If you want to trim last number from your path than:
echo $b
c=$(echo ${b##*/})
echo ${c}
Just like this:

Bash for loop stops after one iteration without error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does set -e mean in a bash script?
(10 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Lets say I have a file dates.json:
I want to separate the rows to different files according to the date.
I made the following script:
set -e
for i in $(seq 1 1 31); do
if [ $i -lt 10 ]; then
echo 'looking for 2015-11-0'$i
cat $file | grep "2015-11-0"$i > $i.json
echo 'looking for 2015-11-'$i
cat $file | grep "2015-11-"$i > $i.json
When I execute I get the following:
$ bash dates.json
looking for 2015-11-01
looking for 2015-11-02
If I try without the cat... rows the script prints all the echo commands, and if I try only the cat | grep command on the command line it works.
Would you know why does it behave like this?
If you need set -e in other parts of the script, you need to handle grep not to stop your script:
# cat $file | grep "2015-11-0"$i > $i.json
grep "2015-11-0"$i "$file" > $i.json || :
set -e forces script to exit if command exits with non-zero status.
grep returns 1 if it fails to find match in file.
dates.json has no 2015-11-02
it's because of our set -e which causes the script to exit. Remove this line, then it should work

Pipe input into a script

I have written a shell script in ksh to convert a CSV file into Spreadsheet XML file. It takes an existing CSV file (the path to which is a variable in the script), and then creates a new output file .xls. The script has no positional parameters. The file name of the CSV is currently hardcoded into the script.
I would like to amend the script so it can take the input CSV data from a pipe, and so that the .xls output data can also be piped or redirected (>) to a file on the command line.
How is this achieved?
I am struggling to find documentation on how to write a shell script to take input from a pipe. It appears that 'read' is only used for std input from kb.
Edit : script below for info (now amended to take input from a pipe via the cat, as per the answer to the question.
#Script to convert a .csv data to "Spreadsheet ML" XML format - the XML scheme for Excel 2003
# Take CSV data as standard input
# Out XLS data as standard output
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
#define tmp files
#take standard input and save as $INPUT (tmp.csv)
cat > $INPUT
#clean input data and save as $IN_FILE (in_file.csv)
grep '.' $INPUT | sed 's/ *,/,/g' | sed 's/, */,/g' > $IN_FILE
#delete original $INPUT file (tmp.csv)
#detect the number of columns and rows in the input file
ROWS=`wc -l < $IN_FILE | sed 's/ //g' `
COLS=`awk -F',' '{print NF; exit}' $IN_FILE`
#echo "Total columns is $COLS"
#echo "Total rows is $ROWS"
#create start of Excel File
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<?mso-application progid=\"Excel.Sheet\"?>
<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\"
<DocumentProperties xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\">
<Author>Ben Hamilton</Author>
<LastAuthor>Ben Hamilton</LastAuthor>
<ExcelWorkbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">
<Style ss:ID=\"Default\" ss:Name=\"Normal\">
<Alignment ss:Vertical=\"Bottom\" />
<Borders />
<Font />
<Interior />
<NumberFormat />
<Protection />
<Style ss:ID=\"AcadDate\">
<NumberFormat ss:Format=\"Short Date\"/>
<Worksheet ss:Name=\"Sheet 1\">
<Column ss:AutoFitWidth=\"1\" />"
#for each row in turn, create the XML elements for row/column
while (( r <= $ROWS ))
echo "<Row>\n"
while (( c <= $COLS ))
DATA=`sed -n "${r}p" $IN_FILE | cut -d "," -f $c `
if [[ "${DATA}" == [0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] ]]; then
DD=`echo $DATA | cut -d "." -f 1`
MM=`echo $DATA | cut -d "." -f 2`
YYYY=`echo $DATA | cut -d "." -f 3`
echo "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"AcadDate\"><Data ss:Type=\"DateTime\">${YYYY}-${MM}-${DD}T00:00:00.000</Data></Cell>"
echo "<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"String\">${DATA}</Data></Cell>"
(( c+=1 ))
echo "</Row>"
(( r+=1 ))
echo "</Table>\n</Worksheet>\n</Workbook>"
rm $IN_FILE > /dev/null
exit 0
Commands inherit their standard input from the process that starts them. In your case, your script provides its standard input for each command that it runs. A simple example script:
cat > foo.txt
Piping data into your shell script causes cat to read that data, since cat inherits its standard input from your script.
$ echo "Hello world" |
$ cat foo.txt
Hello world
The read command is provided by the shell for reading text from standard input into a shell variable if you don't have another command to read or process your script's standard input.
read foo
echo "You entered '$foo'"
$ echo bob |
You entered 'bob'
There is one problem here. If you run the script without first checking to ensure there is input on stdin, then it will hang till something is typed.
So, to get around this, you can check to ensure there is stdin first, and if not, then use a command line argument instead if given.
Create a script called ""
# Check to see if a pipe exists on stdin.
if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
echo "Data was piped to this script!"
# If we want to read the input line by line
while IFS= read line; do
echo "Line: ${line}"
# Or if we want to simply grab all the data, we can simply use cat instead
# cat
echo "No input was found on stdin, skipping!"
# Checking to ensure a filename was specified and that it exists
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Filename specified: ${1}"
echo "Doing things now.."
echo "No input given!"
Then to test:
Let's add some stuff to a test.txt file and then pipe the output to our script.
printf "stuff\nmore stuff\n" > test.txt
cat test.txt | ./
Data was piped to this script!
Line: stuff
Line: more stuff
Now let's test if not providing any input:
No input was found on stdin, skipping!
No input given!
Now let's test if providing a valid filename:
./ test.txt
No input was found on stdin, skipping!
Filename specified: test.txt
Doing things now..
And finally, let's test using an invalid filename:
./ invalidFile.txt
No input was found on stdin, skipping!
No input given!
Programs like read and cat will use the stdin if it is available within the shell, otherwise they will wait for input.
Credit goes to Mike from this page in his answer showing how to check for stdin input:
If the external program (that you are scripting) already takes input from stdin, your script does not need to do anything. For example, awk reads from stdin, so a short script to count words per line:
awk '{print NF}'
./ <<END
one two
one two three
