how to convert decimal value to binary bits? - algorithm

Basically I want to learn the algorithm on how to convert decimal to binary, I found this:
int convert(int dec)
if (dec == 0)
return 0;
return (dec % 2 + 10 * convert(dec / 2));
It works just fine, but I am not able to understand dec % 2 + 10 * convert(dec / 2). Can you please convert this in an understandable way for people with basic math? e.g. what method is performed first and how does the binary dec = 50 turns to 110010?
FYI: I can do it, this way: 50=(2^5=32)+(2^4=16)+(2^1)=50
Thanks in advance.

I won't implement it for you, but I am happy to describe the algorithm and give an example.
Converting from base 10 to base b ultimately follows the same series of steps which includes repeatedly dividing by b then saving the remainder.
An example of what this looks like for 50 (base10) to base2 would be:
Quotient Remainder
50 / 2 = 25 0
25 / 2 = 12 1
12 / 2 = 6 0
6 / 2 = 3 0
3 / 2 = 1 1
1 / 2 = 0 1
Examining the remainders in reverse (bottom to top) gives your the correct representation in base b (2 in this case): 110010
For information on why this works, take a look at this question:

Let's look at dec % 2 + 10 * convert(dec / 2). The first part dec % 2 is a modulo operation, and this is what decides if a digit should be 1 or 0. The rest, 10 * convert(dec / 2) finds the next (and next and next recursively) digit and puts it on the left of the current digit.
You could quite easily see what is going on by slightly modifying your code. Change the else to:
int ret = (dec % 2 + 10 * convert(dec / 2));
printf("%d %d\n", dec, ret);
return ret;
and then convert(50) will print this:
$ ./a.out
1 1
3 11
6 110
12 1100
25 11001
50 110010
But as pointed out in the comments, this is not a real base conversion. You have converted the number 50 to a completely different number that looks like the binary representation.

An algorithm that will, given an integer N, produce a string of characters S representing N in binary notation.
if N is odd
add '1' to the beginning of S
add '0' to the beginning of S
divide N by 2
while N is non-zero
Using the requested example:
initially N=50 and S is empty
50 is even: S="0"
divide N by 2: N=25
25 is odd: S="10"
divide N by 2: N=12
12 is even: S="010"
divide N by 2: N=6
6 is even: S="0010"
divide N by 2: N=3
3 is odd: S="10010"
divide N by 2: N=1
1 is odd: S="110010"
divide N by 2: N=0
stop looping


How to solve M times prefix sum with better time complexity

The problem is to find the prefix sum of array of length N by repeating the process M times. e.g.
Example N=3
array = 1 2 3
output = 1 6 21
Step 1 prefix Sum = 1 3 6
Step 2 prefix sum = 1 4 10
Step 3 prefix sum = 1 5 15
Step 4(M) prefix sum = 1 6 21
Example 2:
array = 1 2 3 4 5
output = 1 5 15 35 70
I was not able to solve the problem and kept getting lime limit exceeded. I used dynamic programming to solve it in O(NM) time. I looked around and found the following general mathematical solution but I still not able to solve it because my math isn't that great to understand it. Can someone solve it in a better time complexity?
Hint: 3, 4, 5 and 6, 10, 15 are sections of diagonals on Pascal's Triangle.
JavaScript code:
function f(n, m) {
const result = [1];
for (let i = 1; i < n; i++)
result.push(result[i-1] * (m + i + 1) / i);
return result;
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(3, 4)));
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(5, 3)));

Prime factorization of a factorial

I need to write a program to input a number and output its factorial's prime factorization in the form:
The problem is I still can't figure out how to get that result.
Apparently each first number in brackets is for the ascending prime numbers up until the actual factorial. The second number in brackets is the amount of times the number occurs in the factorial.
What I can't figure out is for example in 5!=(2^3)*(3^1)*(5^1), how does 2 only occur 3 times, 3 only 1 time and 5 only one time in 120 (5!=120).
I have now solved this thanks to the helpful people who commented but I'm now having trouble trying to figure out how could I take a number and get the factorial in this format without actually calculating the factorial.
Every number can be represented by a unique (up to re-ordering) multiplication of prime numbers, called the prime factorization of the number, as you are finding the prime factors that can uniquely create that number.
and 8*3*5=120
But this also means that: (2^3)*(3^1)*(5^1) = 120
It's not saying that 2 occurs 3 times as a digit in the number 120, which it obviously does not, but rather to multiply 2 by 2 by 2, for a total of 3 twos. Likewise for the 3 and 5, which occur once in the prime factorization of 120. The expression which you mention is showing you this unique prime factorization of the number 120. This is one way of getting the prime factorization of a number in Python:
def pf(number):
return factors
Running it you get:
>>> pf(120)
[2, 2, 2, 3, 5]
Which multiplied together give you 120, as explained above. Here's a little diagram to illustrate this more clearly:
Consider e.g. 33!. It's a product of:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
the factors are:
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3
5 5 5 5 5 5
7 7 7 7
11 11 11
13 13
29 31
Do you see the pattern?
33! = 2^( 33 div 2 + 33 div 4 + 33 div 8 + 33 div 16 + 33 div 32) *
3^( 33 div 3 + 33 div 9 + 33 div 27) *
5^( 33 div 5 + 33 div 25) *
7^( 33 div 7) * 11^( 33 div 11) * 13^( 33 div 13) *
17 * 19 * 23 * 29 * 31
Thus, to find prime factorization of n! without doing any multiplications or factorizations, we just need to have the ordered list of primes not greater than n, which we process (with a repeated integer division and a possible summation) in three stages - primes that are smaller or equal to the square root of n; such that are smaller or equal to n/2; and the rest.
Actually with lazy evaluation it's even simpler than that. Assuming primes is already implemented returning a stream of prime numbers in order, in Haskell, factorial factorization is found as
ff n = [(p, sum . takeWhile (> 0) . tail . iterate (`div` p) $ n)
| p <- takeWhile (<= n) primes]
-- Prelude> ff 33
-- [(2,31),(3,15),(5,7),(7,4),(11,3),(13,2),(17,1),(19,1),(23,1),(29,1),(31,1)]
because 33 div 4 is (33 div 2) div 2, etc..
2^3 is another way of writing 23, or two to the third power. (2^3)(3^1)(5^1) = 23 × 3 × 5 = 120.
(2^3)(3^1)(5^1) is just the prime factorization of 120 expressed in plain ASCII text rather than with pretty mathematical formatting. Your assignment requires output in this form simply because it's easier for you to output than it would be for you to figure out how to output formatted equations (and probably because it's easier to process for grading).
The conventions used here for expressing equations in plain text are standard enough that you can directly type this text into or and it will calculate the result as 120 for you: (2^3)(3^1)(5^1) on / (2^3)(3^1)(5^1) on
WolframAlpha can also compute prime factorizations, which you can use to get test results to compare your program with. For example: prime factorization of 1000!
A naïve solution that actually calculates the factorial will only handle numbers up to 12 (if using 32 bit ints). This is because 13! is ~6.2 billion, larger than the largest number that can be represented in a 32 bit int.
However it's possible to handle much larger inputs if you avoid calculating the factorial first. I'm not going to tell you exactly how to do that because either figuring it out is part of your assignment or you can ask your prof/TAs. But below are some hints.
ab × ac = ab+c
equation (a) 10 = 21 × 51
equation (b) 15 = 31 × 51
10 × 15 = ? Answer using the right hand sides of equations (a) and (b), not with the number 150.
10 × 15 = (21 × 51) × (31 × 51) = 21 × 31 × (51 × 51) = 21 × 31 × 52
As you can see, computing the prime factorization of 10 × 15 can be done without multiplying 10 by 15; You can instead compute the prime factorization of the individual terms and then combine those factorizations.
If you write out the factorial 5!:
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5,
you will notice that there is one non-prime number: 4. 4 can be written as 2 * 2 or 2^2, which is where the extra 2s come from.
Add up all of the occurrences (exponential forms are in parentheses; add exponents for like bases):
2 (2^1) * 3 (3^1) * 4 (2^2) * 5 (5^1), you get the proper answer.
You can use O(n/2 log log n) algorithm using only sums (no need precalc primes).
This is a sieve using relation
f = a * b ~> f^k = a^k * b^k
then, we reduce all initial factors 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * n moving k from big numbers to small numbers.
Using Sieve of Atkin the Will Ness algorithm could be better for very big n if not, I think it could be better
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
int *p = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
int i, j, d;
for(i = 0; i <= n; i++)
p[i] = 1;
for(i = n >> 1; i > 1; i--)
if(p[i]) {
for(j = i + i, d = 2; j <= n; j += i, d++) {
if(p[j]) {
p[i] += p[j];
p[d] += p[j];
p[j] = 0;
for(i = 2; i <= n; i++)
printf(" * %i^%i", i, p[i]);
return 0;

How to know number is including specific digit without converting string?

For example i want to find numbers including 2,7 from 1 to 7000 without converting string.
2 7 12 17 ... 20 21 22 23...7000
Is there a good algorithm with math?
thank you in advance...
Something like that
while ( n > 0 ) {
digit = n % 10;
// check the digit
n = n / 10;
Example with 523
In the first iteration you will have digit = 3 (123 % 10)
In the second iteration you will have digit = 2 (12 % 10)
In the third digit = 5 (5 % 10)
Consider that if you put Matteo's code on a loop, it works.
By the way you can improve performance skipping obvious numbers.
For example if you find 7 on third digit like 15783, you can skip all 127XX (they are all valids!) and you can go to 15800
You can also directly build them. From 1 to 7000 they are:
xxx2 xxx7
xx2x xx7x
x2xx x7xx
2xxx 7000
Replacing x with 0-9 digit. (taking care of overlapping like xxx2 = xx7x for 0072 or 0172 ...)
TIP: You don't need strings to do this. 1332 == 1 * 10^3 + 3 * 10^2 + 3 * 10^1 + 2 * 10^0

How to find the units digit of a certain power in a simplest way

How to find out the units digit of a certain number (e.g. 3 power 2011). What logic should I use to find the answer to this problem?
For base 3:
3^1 = 3
3^2 = 9
3^3 = 27
3^4 = 81
3^5 = 243
3^6 = 729
3^7 = 2187
That is the units digit has only 4 possibilities and then it repeats in ever the same cycle.
With the help of Euler's theorem we can show that this holds for any integer n, meaning their units digit will repeat after at most 4 consecutive exponents. Looking only at the units digit of an arbitrary product is equivalent to taking the remainder of the multiplication modulo 10, for example:
2^7 % 10 = 128 % 10 = 8
It can also be shown (and is quite intuitive) that for an arbitrary base, the units digit of any power will only depend on the units digit of the base itself - that is 2013^2013 has the same units digit as 3^2013.
We can exploit both facts to come up with an extremely fast algorithm (thanks for the help - with kind permission I may present a much faster version).
The idea is this: As we know that for any number 0-9 there will be at most 4 different outcomes, we can as well store them in a lookup table:
{ 0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 6,2,4,8, 1,3,9,7, 6,4,6,4,
5,5,5,5, 6,6,6,6, 1,7,9,3, 6,8,4,2, 1,9,1,9 }
That's the possible outcomes for 0-9 in that order, grouped in fours. The idea is now for an exponentiation n^a to
first take the base mod 10 => := i
go to index 4*i in our table (it's the starting offset of that particular digit)
take the exponent mod 4 => := off (as stated by Euler's theorem we only have four possible outcomes!)
add off to 4*i to get the result
Now to make this as efficient as possible, some tweaks are applied to the basic arithmetic operations:
Multiplying by 4 is equivalent to shifting two to the left ('<< 2')
Taking a number a % 4 is equivalent to saying a&3 (masking the 1 and 2 bit, which form the remainder % 4)
The algorithm in C:
static int table[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 2, 4, 8, 1, 3, 9, 7, 6, 4, 6, 4,
5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 7, 9, 3, 6, 8, 4, 2, 1, 9, 1, 9
int /* assume n>=0, a>0 */
unit_digit(int n, int a)
return table[((n%10)<<2)+(a&3)];
Proof for the initial claims
From observing we noticed that the units digit for 3^x repeats every fourth power. The claim was that this holds for any integer. But how is this actually proven? As it turns out that it's quite easy using modular arithmetic. If we are only interested in the units digit, we can perform our calculations modulo 10. It's equivalent to say the units digit cycles after 4 exponents or to say
a^4 congruent 1 mod 10
If this holds, then for example
a^5 mod 10 = a^4 * a^1 mod 10 = a^4 mod 10 * a^1 mod 10 = a^1 mod 10
that is, a^5 yields the same units digit as a^1 and so on.
From Euler's theorem we know that
a^phi(10) mod 10 = 1 mod 10
where phi(10) is the numbers between 1 and 10 that are co-prime to 10 (i.e. their gcd is equal to 1). The numbers < 10 co-prime to 10 are 1,3,7 and 9. So phi(10) = 4 and this proves that really a^4 mod 10 = 1 mod 10.
The last claim to prove is that for exponentiations where the base is >= 10 it suffices to just look at the base's units digit. Lets say our base is x >= 10, so we can say that x = x_0 + 10*x_1 + 100*x_2 + ... (base 10 representation)
Using modular representation it's easy to see that indeed
x ^ y mod 10
= (x_0 + 10*x_1 + 100*x_2 + ...) ^ y mod 10
= x_0^y + a_1 * (10*x_1)^y-1 + a_2 * (100*x_2)^y-2 + ... + a_n * (10^n) mod 10
= x_0^y mod 10
where a_i are coefficients that include powers of x_0 but finally not relevant since the whole product a_i * (10 * x_i)^y-i will be divisible by 10.
You should look at Modular exponentiation. What you want is the same of calculating n^e (mod m) with m = 10. That is the same thing as calculating the remainder of the division by ten of n^e.
You are probably interested in the Right-to-left binary method to calculate it, since it's the most time-efficient one and the easiest not too hard to implement. Here is the pseudocode, from Wikipedia:
function modular_pow(base, exponent, modulus)
result := 1
while exponent > 0
if (exponent & 1) equals 1:
result = (result * base) mod modulus
exponent := exponent >> 1
base = (base * base) mod modulus
return result
After that, just call it with modulus = 10 for you desired base and exponent and there's your answer.
EDIT: for an even simpler method, less efficient CPU-wise but more memory-wise, check out the Memory-efficient section of the article on Wikipedia. The logic is straightforward enough:
function modular_pow(base, exponent, modulus)
c := 1
for e_prime = 1 to exponent
c := (c * base) mod modulus
return c
I'm sure there's a proper mathematical way to solve this, but I would suggest that since you only care about the last digit and since in theory every number multiplied by itself repeatedly should generate a repeating pattern eventually (when looking only at the last digit), you could simply perform the multiplications until you detect the first repetition and then map your exponent into the appropriate position in the pattern that you built.
Note that because you only care about the last digit, you can further simplify things by truncating your input number down to its ones-digit before you start building your pattern mapping. This will let you to determine the last digit even for arbitrarily large inputs that would otherwise cause an overflow on the first or second multiplication.
Here's a basic example in JavaScript:
function lastDigit(base, exponent) {
if (exponent < 0) {
alert("stupid user, negative values are not supported");
return 0;
if (exponent == 0) {
return 1;
var baseString = base + '';
var lastBaseDigit = baseString.substring(baseString.length - 1);
var lastDigit = lastBaseDigit;
var pattern = [];
do {
var nextProduct = (lastDigit * lastBaseDigit) + '';
lastDigit = nextProduct.substring(nextProduct.length - 1);
} while (lastDigit != lastBaseDigit);
return pattern[(exponent - 1) % pattern.length];
function doMath() {
var base = parseInt(document.getElementById("base").value, 10);
var exp = parseInt(document.getElementById("exp").value, 10);
console.log(lastDigit(base, exp));
console.log(lastDigit(3003, 5));
Base: <input id="base" type="text" value="3" /> <br>
Exponent: <input id="exp" type="text" value="2011"><br>
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="doMath();" />
And the last digit in 3^2011 is 7, by the way.
We can start by inspecting the last digit of each result obtained by raising the base 10 digits to successive powers:
d d^2 d^3 d^4 d^5 d^6 d^7 d^8 d^9 (mod 10)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 6 2 4 8 6 2
3 9 7 1 3 9 7 1 3
4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 9 3 1 7 9 3 1 7
8 4 2 6 8 4 2 6 8
9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9
We can see that in all cases the last digit cycles through no more than four distinct values. Using this fact, and assuming that n is a non-negative integer and p is a positive integer, we can compute the result fairly directly (e.g. in Javascript):
function lastDigit(n, p) {
var d = n % 10;
return [d, (d*d)%10, (d*d*d)%10, (d*d*d*d)%10][(p-1) % 4];
... or even more simply:
function lastDigit(n, p) {
return Math.pow(n % 10, (p-1) % 4 + 1) % 10;
lastDigit(3, 2011)
/* 7 */
The second function is equivalent to the first. Note that even though it uses exponentiation, it never works with a number larger than nine to the fourth power (6561).
The key to solving this type of question lies in Euler's theorem.
This theorem allows us to say that a^phi(m) mod m = 1 mod m, if and only if a and m are coprime. That is, a and m do not divide evenly. If this is the case, (and for your example it is), we can solve the problem on paper, without any programming what so ever.
Let's solve for the unit digit of 3^2011, as in your example. This is equivalent to 3^2011 mod 10.
The first step is to check is 3 and 10 are co-prime. They do not divide evenly, so we can use Euler's theorem.
We also need to compute what the totient, or phi value, is for 10. For 10, it is 4. For 100 phi is 40, 1000 is 4000, etc.
Using Euler's theorem, we can see that 3^4 mod 10 = 1. We can then re-write the original example as:
3^2011 mod 10 = 3^(4*502 + 3) mod 10 = 3^(4*502) mod 10 + 3^3 mod 10 = 1^502 * 3^3 mod 10 = 27 mod 10 = 7
Thus, the last digit of 3^2011 is 7.
As you saw, this required no programming whatsoever and I solved this example on a piece of scratch paper.
You ppl are making simple thing complicated.
Suppose u want to find out the unit digit of abc ^ xyz .
divide the power xyz by 4,if remainder is 1 ans is c^1=c.
if xyz%4=2 ans is unit digit of c^2.
else if xyz%4=3 ans is unit digit of c^3.
if xyz%4=0
then we need to check whether c is 5,then ans is 5
if c is even ans is 6
if c is odd (other than 5 ) ans is 1.
Bellow is a table with the power and the unit digit of 3 to that power.
0 1
1 3
2 9
3 7
4 1
5 3
6 9
7 7
Using this table you can see that the unit digit can be 1, 3, 9, 7 and the sequence repeats in this order for higher powers of 3. Using this logic you can find that the unit digit of (3 power 2011) is 7. You can use the same algorithm for the general case.
Here's a trick that works for numbers that aren't a multiple of a factor of the base (for base 10, it can't be a multiple of 2 or 5.) Let's use base 3. What you're trying to find is 3^2011 mod 10. Find powers of 3, starting with 3^1, until you find one with the last digit 1. For 3, you get 3^4=81. Write the original power as (3^4)^502*3^3. Using modular arithmetic, (3^4)^502*3^3 is congruent to (has the same last digit as) 1^502*3^3. So 3^2011 and 3^3 have the same last digit, which is 7.
Here's some pseudocode to explain it in general. This finds the last digit of b^n in base B.
// Find the smallest power of b ending in 1.
while ((b^i % B) != 1) {
// b^i has the last digit 1
a=n % i
// For some value of j, b^n == (b^i)^j * b^a, which is congruent to b^a
return b^a % B
You'd need to be careful to prevent an infinite loop, if no power of b ends in 1 (in base 10, multiples of 2 or 5 don't work.)
Find out the repeating set in this case, it is 3,9,7,1 and it repeats in the same order for divide 2011 by 4 which will give you a reminder 3. That is the 3rd element in the repeating set. This is the easiest way to find for any given no. say if asked for 3^31, then the reminder of 31/4 is 3 and so 7 is the unit digit. for 3^9, 9/4 is 1 and so the unit will be 3. 3^100, the unit will be 1.
If you have the number and exponent separate it's easy.
Let n1 is the number and n2 is the power. And ** represents power.
assume n1>0.
% means modulo division.
pseudo code will look like this
def last_digit(n1, n2)
if n2==0 then return 1 end
last = n1%10
mod = (n2%4).zero? ? 4 : (n2%4)
last_digit = (last**mod)%10
We need to consider only the last digit of the number because that determines the last digit of the power.
it's the maths property that count of possibility of each digits(0-9) power's last digit is at most 4.
1) Now if the exponent is zero we know the last digit would be 1.
2) Get the last digit by %10 on the number(n1)
3) %4 on the exponent(n2)- if the output is zero we have to consider that as 4 because n2 can't be zero. if %4 is non zero we have to consider %4 value.
4) now we have at most 9**4. This is easy for the computer to calculate.
take the %10 on that number. You have the last digit.

How to check divisibility of a number not in base 10 without converting?

Let's say I have a number of base 3, 1211. How could I check this number is divisible by 2 without converting it back to base 10?
The original problem is from TopCoder
The digits 3 and 9 share an interesting property. If you take any multiple of 3 and sum its digits, you get another multiple of 3. For example, 118*3 = 354 and 3+5+4 = 12, which is a multiple of 3. Similarly, if you take any multiple of 9 and sum its digits, you get another multiple of 9. For example, 75*9 = 675 and 6+7+5 = 18, which is a multiple of 9. Call any digit for which this property holds interesting, except for 0 and 1, for which the property holds trivially.
A digit that is interesting in one base is not necessarily interesting in another base. For example, 3 is interesting in base 10 but uninteresting in base 5. Given an int base, your task is to return all the interesting digits for that base in increasing order. To determine whether a particular digit is interesting or not, you need not consider all multiples of the digit. You can be certain that, if the property holds for all multiples of the digit with fewer than four digits, then it also holds for multiples with more digits. For example, in base 10, you would not need to consider any multiples greater than 999.
- When base is greater than 10, digits may have a numeric value greater than 9. Because integers are displayed in base 10 by default, do not be alarmed when such digits appear on your screen as more than one decimal digit. For example, one of the interesting digits in base 16 is 15.
- base is between 3 and 30, inclusive.
This is my solution:
class InterestingDigits {
vector<int> digits( int base ) {
vector<int> temp;
for( int i = 2; i <= base; ++i )
if( base % i == 1 )
temp.push_back( i );
return temp;
The trick was well explained here :
If your number k is in base three, then you can write it as
k = a0 3^n + a1 3^{n-1} + a2 3^{n-2} + ... + an 3^0
where a0, a1, ..., an are the digits in the base-three representation.
To see if the number is divisible by two, you're interested in whether the number, modulo 2, is equal to zero. Well, k mod 2 is given by
k mod 2 = (a0 3^n + a1 3^{n-1} + a2 3^{n-2} + ... + an 3^0) mod 2
= (a0 3^n) mod 2 + (a1 3^{n-1}) mod 2 + ... + an (3^0) mod 2
= (a0 mod 2) (3^n mod 2) + ... + (an mod 2) (3^0 mod 2)
The trick here is that 3^i = 1 (mod 2), so this expression is
k mod 2 = (a0 mod 2) + (a1 mod 2) + ... + (an mod 2)
In other words, if you sum up the digits of the ternary representation and get that this value is divisible by two, then the number itself must be divisible by two. To make this even cooler, since the only ternary digits are 0, 1, and 2, this is equivalent to asking whether the number of 1s in the ternary representation is even!
More generally, though, if you have a number in base m, then that number is divisible by m - 1 iff the sum of the digits is divisible by m. This is why you can check if a number in base 10 is divisible by 9 by summing the digits and seeing if that value is divisible by nine.
You can always build a finite automaton for any base and any divisor:
Normally to compute the value n of a string of digits in base b
you iterate over the digits and do
n = (n * b) + d
for each digit d.
Now if you are interested in divisibility you do this modulo m instead:
n = ((n * b) + d) % m
Here n can take at most m different values. Take these as states of a finite automaton, and compute the transitions depending on the digit d according to that formula. The accepting state is the one where the remainder is 0.
For your specific case we have
n == 0, d == 0: n = ((0 * 3) + 0) % 2 = 0
n == 0, d == 1: n = ((0 * 3) + 1) % 2 = 1
n == 0, d == 2: n = ((0 * 3) + 2) % 2 = 0
n == 1, d == 0: n = ((1 * 3) + 0) % 2 = 1
n == 1, d == 1: n = ((1 * 3) + 1) % 2 = 0
n == 1, d == 2: n = ((1 * 3) + 2) % 2 = 1
which shows that you can just sum the digits 1 modulo 2 and ignore any digits 0 or 2.
Add all the digits together (or even just count the ones) - if the answer is odd, the number is odd; if it's even, the nmber is even.
How does that work? Each digit from the number contributes 0, 1 or 2 times (1, 3, 9, 27, ...). A 0 or a 2 adds an even number, so no effect on the oddness/evenness (parity) of the number as a whole. A 1 adds one of the powers of 3, which is always odd, and so flips the parity). And we start from 0 (even). So by counting whether the number of flips is odd or even we can tell whether the number itself is.
I'm not sure on what CPU you have a number in base-3, but the normal way to do this is to perform a modulus/remainder operation.
if (n % 2 == 0) {
// divisible by 2, so even
} else {
// odd
How to implement the modulus operator is going to depend on how you're storing your base-3 number. The simplest to code will probably be to implement normal pencil-and-paper long division, and get the remainder from that.
0 2 2 0
2 ⟌ 1 2 1 1
1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 1 <--- remainder = 1 (so odd)
(This works regardless of base, there are "tricks" for base-3 as others have mentioned)
Same as in base 10, for your example:
1. Find the multiple of 2 that's <= 1211, that's 1210 (see below how to achieve it)
2. Substract 1210 from 1211, you get 1
3. 1 is < 10, thus 1211 isn't divisible by 2
how to achieve 1210:
1. starts with 2
2. 2 + 2 = 11
3. 11 + 2 = 20
4. 20 + 2 = 22
5. 22 + 2 = 101
6. 101 + 2 = 110
7. 110 + 2 = 112
8. 112 + 2 = 121
9. 121 + 2 = 200
10. 200 + 2 = 202
... // repeat until you get the biggest number <= 1211
it's basically the same as base 10 it's just the round up happens on 3 instead of 10.
