How to hide the console windows in Tor after re-compile - windows

I re-compiled the Tor Browser on Windows with minGW, and after I launch Tor, the console window opens too- he shows me all the details from the begging of launching Tor.
There is a way to hide this console window?
by the way i did the same thing in Linux with Terminal and it did not open the console window.

The way that you can hide the console window is to add to your "main" file this line
ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE);
and re-compile again.
it will open your tor.exe console window for less then 1 second, and will close him self automatically.
if any one else knows how to completely avoid the opening of the console window ill be glad to hear the way to do that.


Program behaves differently when run from C:\Program Files vs outside of that folder?

Have a strange issue using Win10 x64 Pro. My program main window hides itself, opens another window for an action, then closes that and the main window shows itself again and set as the foreground Window. All that works fine, but when the program is run from C:\Program Files the behavior of Windows is not as expected.
If I click on a window of a different process that is behind the main window, it gets the focus but is still visually behind my programs main window. I can click on another window then things start working as expected. I can also just click back on my main window then the one in the background and works (but only if I first click on the background window then my main window then the background window again). However, if I move the same .exe to say d:\test and run it, the problem doesn't occur (I can click on the background window and it shows over the top of my main window like expected).
I tried disabling norton auto-protect, it didn't make any difference.
What could this be, is there some trick I could use get Windows to give the expected results?

How can I specify on which monitor the console window is opened?

I've currently connected two monitors via a dock to my notebook.
When I'm running my console application, the console window always pops up on the first monitor. How can I change that it's automatically opened on another monitor, e.g. on monitor 3? Maybe there is a property I need to modify?
It's very annoying to always drag the console window onto the monitor on which my IDE is opened.
Console applications (unlike GUI applications) don't create their own window; that's done by Windows, and in the case when you're running in an already created console, then you kinda inherit, e.g., cmd's window.
What you can do, though, is to find your window and move it to a different monitor.
Another option is to change the window manager settings for that application in the properties of the console window under Layout. Especially the check box »Let system position window«. To do so, first move the window where you'd like it to appear, then open the properties, go to the Layout tab, and just click »OK«.

MobaXterm opens a black (cmd) window moxt2.exe at every new opened tab

MobaXterm opens a black (cmd) window moxt2.exe at every new opening tab. If I close the additional moxt2.exe window, it also closes the associated tab from MobaXTerm.
The program runs fine for a few weeks, but yesterday began to keep open that annoying window.
It also opened an XWin.exe window but that I have managed to keep it closed by disable X server, from Settings->Configuration->X11.
How can I make MobaXterm run as it should, without open a new moxt2.exe window at every new ssh session?
I was able to correct the problem by running the MobaXterm_Professional_7.3.exe program in Windows 7 compatibility mode. After that, no more extra empty windows appears in the background.
Steps to resolve this issue:
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Mobatek\MobaXterm Personal Edition
Right click on application (MobaXterm)
Go to compatibility tab Check compatibility mode and select windows 7.
Restart MobaXterm.
You will not get any command prompt on opening new tab.
Hope this will help!

Cannot close window without process associated

I'm writing and then debugging a console application in VC++ 2008, it then happens that closing Visual Studio IDE, the console window remain opened, and there is no way to close it!
Also if I try a machine reboot the machine doesn't restart. The only way is turning off the power.
In the process list there are no signs of the console window.
If I try to investigate the console window with tools like Spy++ I found the window but in the "process" tab there is a process ID that doesn't exists, in the "General" tab the "window proc" field says "Unavailable".
How is it possible?
How can I kill those type of windows as there is no processe to kill?
Most annoying bug ever; get the hotfix.

Where is Xcode 3.0's output window?

I'm learning Xcode off a slightly older (10.2) book that deals with Project Builder. I've been using Xcode for ansi C for a while, but I can't find the output window that appears when you Build & Run an app. I am launching my apps from the commandline, but of course that doesn't help me if I want to set breakpoints or something. Where is the program output window that should appear when I build & run. Do I have it hidden or something ? Why can't I find it ?
Shift-Cmd-R brings up the output window.
There are a few windows that you should know about:
Debugger Console (keyboard shortcut = Shift-Cmd-R): This will show you any console output and you can click the breakpoints button to break into the GDB console debugger
Debugger (keyboard shortcut = Shift-Cmd-Y): This is the debugger window that shows your breakpoints with the source and includes table views for local variables and the stack
Breakpoints window (keyboard shortcut = Option-Cmd-B): This is a nifty window to find and manage breakpoints in a project
This cocoaheads talk has a lot of useful info about debugging with xcode.
Hope this helps.
