Hue UI is not accessible from a remote host - hadoop

I'am trying to use Hue as a file browser for HDFS. So for that I have clone the hue repository and build the app with the following commands given in of the hue repository.
git clone
cd hue
make apps
build/env/bin/hue runserver
Hue UI is accessible in local machine using default port using the url http://localhost:8000 and everything works fine. But when I use my machine ip address http://x.x.x.x:8000 and try to access the Hue UI it keeps on processing and waiting.
Other observations -:
I can ping from remote machine to the host machine.
There is no firewall blocking the ports. (checked with nmap port scanner)
Machines are in same network.
I can access other ports for Hadoop NameNodes UI and DataNodes.
Changing the http_host in hue.ini doesn't affect the result

The ideal setup for Hue is configuring a reverse proxy (Nginx or Apache HTTP, for example)
However, you should refer to the Configuration documentation to externally run the server outside of
# Webserver listens on this address and port

I was able to find a solution to the issue.. First hue run on a CherryPy web server so starting server by command build/env/bin/hue runserver will start the development server where hue.ini configuration is neglected.
So the correct command to start the production server after setting up correct configuration in hue.ini file is build/env/bin/hue runcpserver. Then I was able to access it using remote host without any problem. You also can use supervisor to start the production server. More information about that can be found here


How to access a web application running as a container in ubuntu from my windows system

I am running a web application(copied from github examples) that is running as a container in a remote ubuntu VM. The application is a Node JS application that is using mysql database. I brought the application up using docker-compose in ubuntu.
The application came up as http://172....:3000 using a network port. The ip address is displayed in the docker-compose terminal. In the ubuntu system, when i do curl http://172....:3000, it gives a proper success response. The ip address is a container network address. It is not the VM's ip address. There is no firewall.
How to access the web application from my windows 7 machine. When I tried accessing using http://VM Ip address:3000, it is not hitting ubuntu system. I am not getting any message in the docker-compose terminal. Can anyone help here ?
- "3031:3000"
similar line in your docker compose means you have published port 3000 of your container to port 3031 of your Ubuntu VM.
now you can access your client service as http://<ubuntu-ip>:3031 but before this, you need to allow access to port 3031

How to configure kube-proxy bind IP address?

For testing purposes, I want to set up the kubernetes master to be only accessible from the local machine and not the outside. Ultimately I am going to run a proxy server docker container on the machine that is opened up to the outside. This is all inside a minikube VM.
I figure configuring kube-proxy is the way to go. I did the following
kubeadm config view > ~/cluster.yaml
# edit proxy bind address
vi ~/cluster.yaml
kubeadm reset
rm -rf /data/minikube
kubeadm init --config cluster.yaml
Upon doing netstat -ln | grep 8443 i see tcp 0 0 :::8443 :::* LISTEN which means it didn't take the IP.
I have also tried kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address but that only changes the advertised address to 10.x.x.x in the kubeadm config view. I feel that is probably the wrong thing anyways. I don't want the API server to be inaccessible to the other docker containers that need to access it or something.
I have also tried doing this kubeadm config upload from-file --config ~/cluster.yaml and then attempting to manually restart the docker running kube-proxy.
Also tried to restart the machine/cluster after kubeadm config change but couldn't figure that out. When you reboot a minikube VM by hand kubeadm command disappears and not even docker is running. Various online methods of restarting things dont seem to work either (could be just doing this wrong).
Also tried editing the kube-proxy docker's config file (bound to a local dir) but that gets overwritten when i restart the docker. I dont get it.
There's nothing in the kubernetes dashboard that allows me to edit the config file of the kube-proxy either (since its a daemonset).
Ultimately, I wish to use an authenticated proxy server sitting infront of the k8s master (apiserver specifically). Direct access to the k8s master from outside the VM will not work.
you could limit it via the local network configuration. (Firewall, Routes)
As far as I know, the API needs to be accessible, at least via the local network where the other nodes reside in. Except you want to have a single node "cluster".
So, when you do not have a different network card, where you could advertise or bind the address to, you need to limit it then by the above mentioned Firewall or Route rules.
To your initial question topic, did you look into this issue?

Web UI redirection issue

I am running IBM Cloud Private using 5 VMs on my laptop. My home network subnet is 192.168.100 whereas the subnet used by all 5 VMs is 192.168.142. I am port forwarding 8443 from the VMware Workstation from host to the master node which is My laptop IP is
I was hoping that I should be able to access this Web UI from any other machine in my home network and I tried this URL from other machine:
And, it directs properly to the guest VM as I see the url changes to :
But, after few seconds, I get the message that the site cannot be reached. I noticed that the url has changed from original host laptop address of address to the Guest VM address as shown:
This seems like that the redirection in the Web UI is not handled properly.
However, I installed kubectl for Windows on another machine and I did the port 8001 forward from to the VM's master Guest and added kubectl set config commands (from web UI Client Configure option) on my other laptop (
kubectl config set-cluster pot_icp_cluster.icp --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
kubectl config set-context pot_icp_cluster.icp-context --cluster=pot_icp_cluster.icp
kubectl config set-credentials admin --token=<token>
kubectl config set-context pot_icp_cluster.icp-context --user=admin --namespace=default
kubectl config use-context pot_icp_cluster.icp-context
And, this works perfect as I am able to run kubectl commands from the other laptop ( to the VMs running on another laptop ( using port forwarding same way I did for the Web UI.
My question is: Is there something that I can do to get this redirection problem fixed in the Web UI?
I received a reply from an expert that liberty server that authenticates and verifies a login has only the master node's IP address registered with it as a callback URL during the installation. In the version of IBM Cloud Private, there is no direct way to register the new clients. However, this limitation is being fixed and starting next upgrade, we should be able to register new clients dynamically post install also.

CDH WebHDFS request redirects to local address on EC2

I am trying to setup an enviroment where I run some of my backend locally, and send requests to an EC2 instance from my local computer. I have CDH 4.5 setup, and it works OK. When I run the following request
curl --negotiate -i -L -u:hdfs
This works from any EC2 instance in that region but does not work outside that. If I try locally it would return the following error
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
Not sure where I can set this not to redirect the call this way?
Many thanks
The easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is to configure your client hosts file to map the internal address to the external address.
WebHDFS uses the host name configured in hdfs-site.xml which is configured automatically by the Cloudera agent on that datanode. I don't know of a way to override the configured hostname for each datanode in CDH.

hadoop api configuration on the client machine

ultra-noob. I have a server machine with cdh3u1 pseudo-distrib, and a client machine with a java application using the cdh3u1 API.
How do I configure the client to talk to the server? I've been googling for hours and couldn't find where is the "client configuration" file. The "hdfs-default", "core-default" and "mapred-default" and their "-site" counterparts all look like server (namenode and datanode) config to me.
Is it just "multipurpose client server" config and I should cherry-pick the attributes in these files that are appropriate to the client? which are they? probably missing something big here...
Thanks, Ido
make sure that the client machine can access the hadoop server machine ip. If you use a virtualbox for the hadoop server (cdh3 vm), then add a "host-only" network interface (see details here: host-only networking with virtualbox. I'm assuming that your static ip for the hadoop server is and that you're able to ping it from your client.
configure a hostname for your hadoop server machine in both the server and client machine. If you want to name your hadoop server "local-elephant", add the following line to /etc/hosts in both machines: local-elephant.
in the server machine goto /etc/hadoop/conf change the values of the following properties from "localhost" to "local-elephant": in core-site.xml the value of and in mapred-site.xml the value of mapred.job.tracker.
in the client machine, create core-site.xml and mapred-site.xml in the classpath of your java application. In those files put only the and mapred.job.tracker properties.
