List Tag Value - EC2 Boto3 - amazon-ec2

My understanding is I'm supposed to use resource when using Boto3 :)
The following returns all the key/value pairs; how would I get a specific key value? I'm looking print out the name given to the instance.
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
for instance in ec2.instances.all():
print (instance.tags)

You can use either the boto3 resource or client interfaces. The resource interface is a higher level which is easier (simpler) to work with. The client interface is lower layer and you have more fine grained control. Start off with using resource and later switch to client as you better understand Python / boto3 / AWS SDKs.
Here is an example that will print the Value value.
The key parts to understand is that instance.tags is an array of Python dict (dictionary). You need to loop thru this array to get to each "Value". When accessing a dict you use this syntax ['name_of_item'].
AWS stores tags as Key and Value. These are the names to use when processing the dict.
import boto3
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
for instance in ec2.instances.all():
print (instance.tags)
for tag in instance.tags:


AWS-CDK: Cross account Resource Access and Resource reference

I have a secret key-value pair in Secrets Manager in Account-1 in us-east-1. This secret is encrypted using a Customer managed KMS key - let's call it KMS-Account-1. All this has been created via console.
Now we turn to CDK. We have cdk.pipelines.CodePipeline which deploys Lambda to multiple stages/environments - so 1st to { Account-2, us-east-1 } then to { Account-3, eu-west-1 } and so on. This has been done.
The lambda code in all stages/environments above, now needs to be changed to use the secret key-value pair present with Account-1's us-east-1 SecretsManager by getting it via secretsmanager client. That code should probably look like this (python):
client = boto3.session.Session().client(
service_name = 'secretsmanager',
region_name = 'us-east-1'
resp = client.get_secret_value(
secret = json.loads(resp['SecretString'])
All lambdas in various accounts and regions (ie. environments) will have the exact same code as above since the secret needs to be fetched from Account-1 in us-east-1.
Firstly I hope this is conceptually possible. Is that right?
Next how do I change the cdk code to facilitate this? How will the code-deploy in code-pipeline get permission to import this custom kms key and SecretManager' secretand apply correct permissions for cross account access by the lambdas that the cdk pipeline creates ?
Can someone please give some pointers?
This is bit tricky as CloudFormation, and hence CDK, doesn't allow cross account/cross stage references because CloudFormation export doesn't work cross account as far as my understanding goes. All these patterns of "centralised" resources fall into that category - ie. resource in one account (or a stage in CDK) referenced by other stages.
If the resource is created outside the context of CDK (like via console), then you might as well hardcode the names/arns/etc. throughout the CDK code where its used and that should be sufficient.
For resources that have the ability to hold resource based policies, it's simpler as you can just attach the cross-account access permissions to them directly - again, offline via console since you are maintaining it manually anyway. Each time you add a stage (account) to your pipeline, you will need to go to the resource and add cross-account permissions manually.
For resources that don't have resource based policies, like SSM for eg., things are a bit roundabout as you will need to create a Role that can be assumed cross-account and then access the resource. In that case you will have to separately maintain the IAM Role too and manually update the trust policy to other accounts as you add stages to your CDK pipeline. Then, as usual hardcode the role arn in your CDK code, assume it in some CustomResource lambda and use it.
It gets more interesting if the creation is also done in the CDK code itself (ie. managed by CloudFormation - not done separately via console/aws-cli etc.). In this case, many times you wouldn't "know" the exact ARNs as the physical-id would be generated by CloudFormation and likely be a part of the ARN. Even influencing the physical-id yourself (like by hardcoding the bucket name) might not solve it in all cases. Eg. KMS ARNs and SecretManager ARNs append unique-ids or some sort of hashes to the end of the ARN.
Instead of trying to work all that out, it would be best left untouched and let CFn generate whatever random name/arn it chooses. To then reference these constructs/ARNs, just put them into SSM Parameters in the source/central account. SSM doesn't have resource based policy that I know of. So additionally create a role in cdk that trusts the accounts in your cdk code. Once done, there is no more maintenance - each time you add new environments/accounts to CDK (assuming its a cdk pipeline here), the "loop" construct that you will create will automatically add the new account into the trust relationship.
Now all you need to do is to distribute this role-arn and the SSM Parameternames to other stages. Choose an explicit role-name and SSM Parameters. The manual ARN construction given a rolename is pretty straightforward. So distribute that and SSM Parameters around your CDK code to other stages (compile time strings instead of references). In target stages, create custom-resource(s) (AWSCustomResource) backed by AwsSdkCall lambda to simply assume this role-arn and make the SDK call to retrieve the SSM Parameter values. These values can be anything, like your KMS ARNs, SecretManager's full ARNs etc. which you couldn't easily guess. Now simply use these.
Roundabout way to do a simple thing, but so far that is all I could do to get this to work.
#You need to maintain this list no matter what you do - so it's nothing extra
all_other_accounts = [ <list of accounts that this cdk deploys to> ]
account_principals = [iam.AccountPrincipal(a) for a in all_other_account]
role = iam.Role(
assumed_by = iam.CompositePrincipal(*account_principals), #auto-updated as you change the list above
role_name = some_explicit_name,
role_arn = f'arn:aws:iam::<account-of-this-stack>:role/{some_explicit_name}'
kms0 = kms.Key(...)
# Because KMS also needs explicit resource policy even if role policy allows access to it
kms0.add_to_role_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(principals = [iam.ArnPrincipal(role_arn)], actions = ...))
kms1 = kms.Key(...)
kms0.add_to_role_policy(... same as above ...)
secrets0 = secretsmanager.Secret(...) #maybe this is based off kms0
secrets1 = secretsmanager.Secret(...) #maybe this is based off kms1
# You can turn all this into a loop ofc.
ssm0 = ssm.StingParameter(self, '...', parameter_name = 'kms0_arn', string_value = kms0.key_arn, ...)
ssm1 = ssm.StingParameter(self, '...', parameter_name = 'kms1_arn', string_value = kms1.key_arn, ...)
ssm2 = ssm.StingParameter(self, '...', parameter_name = 'secrets0_arn', string_value = secrets0.secret_full_arn, ...)
#Now simply pass around the role and ssm parameter names
for env in environments:
MyApplicationStage(self, <...>, ..., role_arn = role_arn, params = [ 'kms0_arn', 'kms1_arn', ... ], ...)
And then in the target stage(s):
for parm in params:
fn = AwsSdkCall('ssm', 'get_parameter', { "Name": param }, ...)
acr = AwsCustomResource(..., on_create = fn, on_update = fn, ...)
collect['param'] = acr.get_response_field('Parameter.Value')
Now do whatever you want with the collected artifacts, including supplying them as environment variables to your main service lambda (which will be resolved at deploy time).
Remember they will all be Tokens and resolved only at deploy time, but that's true of any resource, whether or not via custom-resource and it shouldn't matter.
That's a generic pattern which should work for any case.
(GitHub link where this question was asked and I had answered it there too)

How to use kubebuilder's client.List method?

I'm working on a custom controller for a custom resource using kubebuilder (version 1.0.8). I have a scenario where I need to get a list of all the instances of my custom resource so I can sync up with an external database.
All the examples I've seen for kubernetes controllers use either client-go or just call the api server directly over http. However, kubebuilder has also given me this client.Client object to get and list resources. So I'm trying to use that.
After creating a client instance by using the passed in Manager instance (i.e. do mgr.GetClient()), I then tried to write some code to get the list of all the Environment resources I created.
func syncClusterWithDatabase(c client.Client, db *dynamodb.DynamoDB) {
// Sync environments
// Step 1 - read all the environments the cluster knows about
clusterEnvironments := &cdsv1alpha1.EnvironmentList{}
c.List(context.Background(), /* what do I put here? */, clusterEnvironments)
The example in the documentation for the List method shows:
c.List(context.Background, &result);
which doesn't even compile.
I saw a few method in the client package to limit the search to particular labels, or for a specific field with a specific value, but nothing to limit the result to a specific resource kind.
Is there a way to do this via the Client object? Should I do something else entirely?
So figured it out - the answer is to pass nil for the second parameter. The type of the output pointer determines which sort of resource it actually retrieves.
According to the latest documentation, the List method is defined as follows,
List(ctx context.Context, list ObjectList, opts ...ListOption) error
If the List method you are calling has the same definition as above, your code should compile. As it has variadic options to set the namespace and field match, the mandatory arguments are Context and objectList.
Ref: KubeBuilder Book

how to get an aws instance given I have the instance's ip

Given I have an aws instance IP, how can I get the EC2 instance collection object via the ruby aws-sdk's filter option. For example
#ec2.instances.filter(valid_filter_name, ec2_instance_ip)
I've tried 'public_ip_address' and 'public_ip' as the filter name but those didn't work. I'm using this API doc, but it's does not mentioned what the valid parameters are.
It turns out the correct parameter to use (by trial & error) is 'ip-address'. Here's an example:
#ec2.instances.filter('ip-address', ec2_instance_ip)

How do I set an alarm to terminate an EC2 instance using boto?

I have been unable to find a simple example which shows me how to use boto to terminate an Amazon EC2 instance using an alarm (without using AutoScaling). I want to terminate the specific instance that has a CPU usage less than 1% for 10 minutes.
Here is what I've tried so far:
import boto.ec2
import boto.ec2.cloudwatch
from boto.ec2.cloudwatch import MetricAlarm
conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("us-east-1", aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY)
cw = boto.ec2.cloudwatch.connect_to_region("us-east-1", aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY)
reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
for r in reservations:
for inst in r.instances:
alarm = boto.ec2.cloudwatch.MetricAlarm(name='TestAlarm', description='This is a test alarm.', namespace='AWS/EC2', metric='CPUUtilization', statistic='Average', comparison='<=', threshold=1, period=300, evaluation_periods=2, dimensions={'InstanceId':[]}, alarm_actions=['arn:aws:automate:us-east-1:ec2:terminate'])
Unfortunately it gives me this error:
dimensions={'InstanceId':[]}, alarm_actions=['arn:aws:automate:us-east-1:ec2:terminate'])
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'alarm_actions'
I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing.
Also, I am not using CloudFormation, so I cannot use the AutoScaling feature. This is because I don't want the alarm to use a metric across the entire group, rather only for a specific instance, and only terminate that specific instance (not any instance in that group).
Thanks in advance for your help!
The alarm actions are not passed through dimensions but rather added as an attribute to the MetricAlarm object that you are using. In your code you need to do the following:
alarm = boto.ec2.cloudwatch.MetricAlarm(name='TestAlarm', description='This is a test alarm.', namespace='AWS/EC2', metric='CPUUtilization', statistic='Average', comparison='<=', threshold=1, period=300, evaluation_periods=2, dimensions={'InstanceId':[]})
You can also see in the boto documentation here:

Ruby calling AWS ELB functions

I'm writing some Ruby scripts to wrap AWS ELB command line calls, mostly so that I can act on several ELB instances simultaneously. One task is to use the elb-describe-instance-health call to see what instance IDs are attached to this ELB.
I want to match the Instance ID to a nickname we have set up for those instances, so that I can see at a glance what machines area connected to the ELB, without having to look up the instance names.
So I am issuing:
cmd = "elb-describe-instance-health #{elbName}"
value = `#{cmd}`
Passing the elb name into the call. This returns output such as:
INSTANCE_ID i-jfjtktykg InService N/A N/A
INSTANCE_ID i-ujelforos InService N/A N/A
One line appear for each instance in the ELB. There are two spaces between each field.
What I need to get is the second field, which is the actual instance ID. Basically I'm trying to get each line returned, turn it into an array, get the 2nd field, which I can then use to lookup our server nickname.
Not sure if this is the right approach, but any suggestions on how to get this done are very welcome.
The newly released aws-sdk gem supports Elastic Load Balancing (AWS::ELB). If you want to get a list of instance ids attached to your load balancer you can do the following:
AWS.config(:access_key_id => '...', :secret_access_key => '...')
elb =
intsance_ids = elb.load_balancers['LOAD_BALANCER_NAME'].instances.collect(&:id)
You could also use EC2 to store your instance nicknames.
ec2 =
ec2.instances['INSTANCE_ID'].tags['nickname'] = 'NICKNAME'
Assuming your instances are tagged with their nicknames, you could collect them like so:
elb =
elb.load_balancers['LOAD_BALANCER_NAME'].instances.collect{|i| i.tags['nickname'] }
A simple way to extract the second column would be something like this:
ids = value.split("\n").collect { |line| line.split(/\s+/)[1] }
This will leave the second column values in the Array ids. All this does is breaks the value into lines, breaks each line into whitespace delimited columns, and then extracts the second column.
There's probably no need to try to be too clever for something like this, a simple and straight forward solution should be sufficient.
