Using gunzip on Windows in command line - windows

I need to use gunzip (which is the decompression tool of gzip) in a terminal on Windows
I've downloaded gzip from here (first download link)
I installed it and added its /bin folder to my PATH variable, the gzip command works but gunzip is not even executable so I can't use it
gunzip content:
exec gzip -d "$#"

I made it work
As I said I needed to install gzip and add its /bin folder to my PATH variable
Then edit the ProgramFiles/GnuWin32/bin/gunzip file using this (replace everything):
#echo off
gzip -d %1
and save it to .bat format so you now have a gunzip.bat file in your /bin folder
Now I can use gunzip in a terminal :)

I have been using MobaXterm software in my local machine (Windows).
It works like Putty and WinSCP together and opens the local desktop in linux mode, thus it is easy for me to gunzip the *.gz type files.

The code you posted is bash, suitable for linux.
You need to make a dos/command version of it to be run on windows
gzip.exe -d "%*"
Since it is a different build anyway it is hard to say if all command line parameters are the same you are used with linux so maybe even with this .cmd or .bat you will not be able to work at the same way you do in a linux environment.


use the zip command specifying different path from current directory

We have a set of unix tools that were ported to windows and I want to use the zip command to package a set of files.
I'm trying to do this:
Open cmd from desktop and take the files in r:\pam\client\ssb\portfoliorepportcards\202003\*.docx and create a zip file in r:\pam\client\ssb\PortfolioReportCards\ with the files in it.
My command is:
C:\Users\JPalomino\Desktop>zip.exe -b "r:\pam\client\ssb\PortfolioReportCards" . -i r:\pam\client\ssb\portfoliorepportcards\202003\*.docx
zip error: Nothing to do! (
and I get nothing
However when I cd to r:\pam\client\ssb\portfoliorepportcards and do
R:\Pam\Client\SSB\PortfolioReportCards>zip -r . -i \202003\*.docx
it works like a charm. Also I wouldn't want the folder structure in it.
Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong in the command? It seems such an easy thing to ask from zip.
Maybe this will help, you don't need zip.exe (if you have powershell 5 or higher)...
powershell -command "Compress-Archive -Path 'r:\pam\client\ssb\PortfolioReportCards\*' 'r:\pam\client\ssb\PortfolioReportCards\'"
I saw you're having trouble zipping to another drive letter, this should help with that too. I'm not really familiar with zip.exe to know why that's giving your grief.
Anything else you "port" to cmd is probably better off as a powershell. --- also if "zip.exe" isn't on your desktop that could possibly be your problem right there. If it works when you CD that tells me it's probably located where you're CD'ing to. Perhaps add zip.exe as an environment variable so that it can be accessed globally instead of only from the working directory.
And my take one your command (If zip is actually on your desktop or set as environment variable... : zip.exe -b "r:\pam\client\ssb\PortfolioReportCards" . -i r:\pam\client\ssb\portfoliorepportcards\202003\*.docx
I would re-write that and try this instead (because traditionally the filepath is all in quotes for any other windows command I know of)...
zip.exe -b "r:\pam\client\ssb\PortfolioReportCards\" . -i r:\pam\client\ssb\portfoliorepportcards\202003\*.docx

move text files with specific name using bash on windows machine

I am trying to move all text files with a specific name in them from one directory to another using bash on a windows machine in cygwin. The code is below and but I am not sure how to reference a windows path in bash. Thank you :).
for i in "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\annovar"; do
mv $i"\"*multianno.txt "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\all""\"basename $i`multianno.txt
mv: cannot stat ‘C:\\Users\\cmccabe\\Desktop\\annovar\\*multianno.txt’: No such file or directory
You should use cygpath, which is a cygwin utility for converting windows to/from cygwin paths.
Without additional arguments it will transform a given windows path to its cygwin equivalent, which is what you want :
mv $(cygpath "windows_src") $(cygpath "windows_dst")
I wasn't sure it would work with paths containing jokers, but it looks like it does :
$ cygpath "C:\path\*a*"

How to zip a file using cmd line?

I want to zip a directory using the batch file command (Windows XP batch file).
For example, if I want to unzip a file means I can use the jar -xf bat file command.
Like that I want a command line batch to zip a directory.
If you are using Ubuntu Linux:
Install zip
sudo apt-get install zip
Zip your folder:
zip -r {} {foldername}
If you are using Microsoft Windows:
Windows does not come with a command-line zip program, despite Windows Explorer natively supporting Zip files since the Plus! pack for Windows 98.
I recommend the open-source 7-Zip utility which includes a command-line executable and supports many different archive file types, especially its own *.7z format which offers superior compression ratios to traditional (PKZIP) *.zip files:
Download 7-Zip from the 7-Zip home page
Add the path to 7z.exe to your PATH environment variable. See this QA:
How to set the path and environment variables in Windows
Open a new command-prompt window and use this command to create a PKZIP *.zip file:
7z a -tzip {} {yourfolder}
Cross-platform Java:
If you have the Java JDK installed then you can use the jar utility to create Zip files, as *.jar files are essentially just renamed *.zip (PKZIP) files:
jar -cfM {} {yourfolder}
* -c compress
* -f specify filename
* -M do not include a MANIFEST file
Yes, we can zip and unzip the file/folder using cmd. See the below command and simply you can copy past in cmd and change the directory and file name
To Zip/Compress File
powershell Compress-Archive D:\Build\FolderName D:\Build\
To Unzip/Expand File
powershell expand-archive D:\Build\ D:\deployments\FileName
You can use the following command:
zip -r directory
Hope this helps.
Windows 10 has tar command since 2018. It supports zip archive in default. You do not need to install any additional packages nor software.
tar.exe acvf yourfolder
Compress-Archive in PowerShell does not support 2GB+ files.
The zip Package should be installed in system.
To Zip a File
zip <> <file>
zip doc.txt
To Unzip a File
unzip <>
Zip the folder from cmd by running PowerShell:
powershell "Add-Type -A System.IO.Compression.FileSystem; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory('folder','')"
powershell "Add-Type -A System.IO.Compression.FileSystem; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('','folder')"
Nothing listed here worked with me. This should be a very simple thing. I post my answer here, if anything because each time I search for "how to zip on the cmd window" I end up on this page, with no solution that works for me.
So here is the one that works with me: zip output_file input_files, as in the screenshot below.

Rename multiple files using ftp

I have a set of files in my ftp folder. I have access to only ftp mode. I want to rename those files with extension .txt to .done
1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt
1.done, 2.done, 3.done
Only rename command is working in this ftp. I am expecting something like
rename *.txt *.done
to rename them all in a single command.
In short: You can't.
FTP is very basic and does not support mass renaming. You can either write a small script for it, or download some helper software, such as the one here.
Hallo to all,
Even if the question is quite old, I think could be usefull for others to read my suggestion.
I found a great and easy solution combining curlftpfs, "A FTP filesystem based on cURL and FUSE" as they define it, and rename linux and unix multi rename tool.
I tested on linux mint 17 (and I think it should work in other debian based distributions)
install curlftpfs
sudo apt-get install curlftpfs
create the mount folder
sudo mkdir /mnt/ftp_remote_root
mount remote ftp on folder
sudo curlftpfs -o allow_other -o user="USERWITH#CHARACTERTOO:PASSWORDTOACCESSUSER" /mnt/ftp_remote_root/
jump into desired ftp remote folder
cd /mnt/ftp_remote_root/path/to/folder
rename as you need files (-v shw new names, -n show interested files, omitt them to rename files)
sudo rename -v -n 's/match.regexp/replace.regexp/' *
It could took few seconds because it works on network.
I think it is really powerfull and easy to use.
Let me know if you find any problems.
try something like this:
the following example move/rename files on the FTP server
for f in $(lftp -u 'username,password' -e 'set ssl:verify-certificate
no; ls /TEST/src/*.csv; quit'| awk '{print $9;}'); do
lftp -u 'username,password' -e "set ssl:verify-certificate no; mv
/TEST/src/$f /TEST/dst/$f; quit"; done
note: use .netrc to store username and password.
Use the following command:
ren *.txt *.done

Untar multipart tarball on Windows

I have a series of files named filename.part0.tar, filename.part1.tar, … filename.part8.tar.
I guess tar can create multiple volumes when archiving, but I can't seem to find a way to unarchive them on Windows. I've tried to untar them using 7zip (GUI & commandline), WinRAR, tar114 (which doesn't run on 64-bit Windows), WinZip, and ZenTar (a little utility I found).
All programs run through the part0 file, extracting 3 rar files, then quit reporting an error. None of the other part files are recognized as .tar, .rar, .zip, or .gz.
I've tried concatenating them using the DOS copy command, but that doesn't work, possibly because part0 thru part6 and part8 are each 100Mb, while part7 is 53Mb and therefore likely the last part. I've tried several different logical orders for the files in concatenation, but no joy.
Other than installing Linux, finding a live distro, or tracking down the guy who left these files for me, how can I untar these files?
Install 7-zip. Right click on the first tar. In the context menu, go to "7zip -> Extract Here".
Works like a charm, no command-line kung-fu needed:)
I only now noticed that you mention already having tried 7zip. It might have balked if you tried to "open" the tar by going "open with" -> 7zip - Their command-line for opening files is a little unorthodox, so you have to associate via 7zip instead of via the file association system built-in to windows. If you try the right click -> "7-zip" -> "extract here", though, that should work- I tested the solution myself (albeit on a 32-bit Windows box- Don't have a 64 available)
1) download gzip for windows and unpack it
2) gzip -c filename.part0.tar > foo.gz
gzip -c filename.part1.tar >> foo.gz
gzip -c filename.part8.tar >> foo.gz
3) unpack foo.gz
worked for me
As above, I had the same issue and ran into this old thread. For me it was a severe case of RTFM when installing a Siebel VM . These instructions were straight from the manual:
cat \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.1of3 \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.2of3 \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.3of3 \
| tar xzf –
Worked for me!
The tar -M switch should it for you on windows (I'm using tar.exe).
tar --help says:
-M, --multi-volume create/list/extract multi-volume archive
I found this thread because I had the same problem with these files. Yes, the same exact files you have. Here's the correct order: 042358617 (i.e. start with part0, then part4, etc.)
Concatenate in that order and you'll get a tarball you can unarchive. (I'm not on Windows, so I can't advise on what app to use.) Note that of the 19 items contained therein, 3 are zip files that some unarchive utilities will report as being corrupted. Other apps will allow you to extract 99% of their contents. Again, I'm not on Windows, so you'll have to experiment for yourself.
Enjoy! ;)
This works well for me with multivolume tar archives (numbered .tar.1, .tar.2 and so on) and even allows to --list or --get specific folders or files in them:
mkdir -p $RDEST
$TAR vf $ARCHIVE.tar.1 -F 'echo '$ARCHIVE'.tar.${TAR_VOLUME} >&${TAR_FD}' -C $RDEST --get $RPATH --exclude "$EXCLUDE"
Copy to a script file, then just change the parameters:
TAR=location of tar binary
ARCHIVE=Archive base name (without .tar.multivolumenumber)
RPATH=path to restore (leave empty for full restore)
RDEST=restore destination folder (relative or absolute path)
EXCLUDE=files to exclude (with pattern matching)
Interesting thing for me is you really DON'T use the -M option, as this would only ask you questions (insert next volume etc.)
Hello perhaps would help.
I had the same problems ...
a save on my web site made automaticaly in Centos at 4 am create multiple file in multivolume tar format (saveblabla.tar, saveblabla.tar1.tar, saveblabla.tar2.tar,etc..)
after downloading this file on my PC (windows) i can't extract them with both windows cmd or 7zip (unknow error).
I thirst binary copy file to reassemble tar files. (above in that thread)
copy /b file1+file2+file3 destination
after that, 7zip worked !!! Thanks for you help
