Compile only scss files - laravel

Is it possible to run only scss files on laravel mix?
I need to update only css info, and making the compiler run everything it takes long time.
Instead of doing always "npm run development", coul have another command running only scss files.

Yes You Can But:
You will have to learn about webpack and mix first then you can handle this
If you are working on vue.js then use
npm run watch
You will not have to run it again and again only changes will be compiled wherever you made.
And read package.json it provides commands related to compiling assets.


Laravel 9 Tailwindcss always must npm run dev after code change

I have installed Tailwindcss on Laravel 9 and the problem is that whatever I change in the code in the blade.php files, Tailwindcss does not work. Only when I run npm run dev and refresh the page, the effect is visible.
Why after each code change in laravel blade files I have to do npm run dev otherwise tailwindcss does not work as if it does not recognize its classes.
Run npm run watch to watch for changes and recompile your styles and scripts when you save.
The npm run watch command will continue running in your terminal and
watch all relevant CSS and JavaScript files for changes. Webpack will
automatically recompile your assets when it detects a change to one of these files:
Read more about it here:

sass watch entire project and add postfix

I have a project with multiple directories with .sass files in each directory.
I want sass to watch all files and recomplie them if changes happen so sass --watch projectDirworks great but I also want to add a postfix to all compiled file for example myfile.sass will be
How do I do that?
If I cannot then is there a way to run batch sass commands from file?
I would suggest using a build tool such as gulp/grunt/webpack to watch your files and the compile your sass.
here is something that could get you started

Why I always need to run npm run production to see changes

I am using Vue in laravel. When I make changes in vue code these changes doesn't appear until I run this command:
npm run production
I want to use vue without this command or at least one time should be enough
The Vue code that you write must be transpiled to vanilla javascript so that most of the browsers out there can understand it (not all browsers understand Vue or the underlying javascript version, such as ES6).
Additionally, most likely the code you write has many dependencies (including Vue itself) but also many other libraries. npm run generates a single javascript file with all the necessary code to run, but also stripping out all other portions of libraries that you don't use. If this didn't happen, it would take a lot of time to your page to load because the browser would need to load all the libraries.
You can simply run npm run watch to keep building vue into vanilla javascript code as you are working on vue components.
What does npm run watch does exactly?
In package.json file in the root folder of your laravel project, you can see that there is a script of "watch" which then runs npm run development -- --watch. Here, --watch part is important. npm run development compiles or builds vue components into ./public/js/app.js and also creates css styles in ./public/css/ corresponding to the styles that you apply inside vue components tags.
./public/js/app.js and ./public/css/*.css files are then included in php blades and it serves as vue components.
Using npm run development is recommeded while you are working on your local dev environment rather than npm run production, which command itself implies that it builds production version of vue components. In production version, vue-devtools cannot inspect vue components but it does in development version.
And as --watch part keeps its eye on vue components' chages and it builds as soon as you make any change in .vue files. So you run npm run watch once, you are good to go. No need to run npm run development or npm run production every time.
To update our code on port id need to run npm rum production command

why compiler is used for sass files while they can be run through terminal

Can anyone please help explain this? I am new at using Sass. But I cant understand why people use compiler for sass files when they can be run through terminal.
I actually had the same question some time ago when I was learning SASS.
I kept wondering why most tutorials involved using GRUNT / GULP or some kind of task runner when there where sass proprietary commands even for live-watching your files with a command such as:
sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets
I will quote myself here in the question (that no one answered) just to share my experience with SASS compiling:
Grunt: using grunt-contrib-sass - Everything has worked smoothly; I chose this one over grunt-sass for no particular reason, but I've read that the latter uses libsass(c++) which is faster than the traditional ruby Sass.
Gulp: using gulp:sass - I often encounter an error when watching
files, it doesn´t find some partials, but if you save again,
everything is fine (this is addressed in their common issues -this
solution hasn't worked for me though), also it doesn't generate sass
maps as a default you have to use gulp-sourcemaps on top.
Straight from Console: no task runners - Works fine so far, generates
sourcemaps, and lets you know where there's an error, just like with
Grunt and Gulp.
So after working on different projects using SASS I'd say the reasons are:
Tutorials popularized the use of task runners when using SASS in its early times
In a project, you rarely use SASS just by itself, you most likely want to run other tasks, so it makes sense to add your SASS task to the flow, which saves time and makes sense.
It's easier to run a simple command such as gulp sass or just gulp to run the default gulp task (that should include the sass task) than to remember a long command in which you have to put the paths over and over again.
After a while I realized that you can use NPM scripts in your package.json to run the SASS command line tools like so:
"scripts": {
"sass": "sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets --style compressed"
And then run it from the command line: npm run sass
the above requires no configuration and you don't have to remember the whole command by heart.
To conclude, there is nothing wrong in using the CMD SASS without other compilers/task runners, just use whatever you feel most comfortable with.

Laravel Mix empties file while "watch"-ing

Laravel 5.4.26
NPM 5.4.2
Node 8.1.2
I am running npm run watch and it works perfectly with all my SASS or CSS files. I also have this line of code there:
.scripts(['resources/assets/js/specific/dashboard.js'], 'public/js/specific/all.js')
Every time I run npm run watch dashboard.js is succesfully compiled into all.js.
However every time I make a change in dashboard.js laravel mix instantly empties all.js never to fill it up again. If I Ctrl+c the process and run npm run watch again it compiles it successfully again.
This is bad because every time I make a change in the js (that I'm currently developing) I need to go back and restart the process and wait for it.
