Xamarin Forms: Multiple items for a converter - xamarin

I have a custom view which shows a "No Results" message when a page has no values.
IsVisible="{Binding Details,
Converter={ StaticResource EmptyListIsTrueConverter }}"></common:NoResults>
The problem is when the page is loading, there are no values so it shows and should not.
Is there a way to combine a check for an empty list and another Model property like IsBusy into one Converter ?

In IsVisible set the binding to a property DoneLoadingAndNoValues in the viewmodel with default value false.
Set this property to true when loading is done and Details contains no values.
ViewModel (implements INotifyPropertyChanged with OnPropertyChanged):
private bool doneLoadingAndNoValues = false; // default is false
public bool DoneLoadingAndNoValues
get { return doneLoadingAndNoValues; }
doneLoadingAndNoValues= value;
// Done loading and Details contains no values:
DoneLoadingAndNoValues = true;
<common:NoResults IsVisible="{Binding DoneLoadingAndNoValues}" />

I can't see a way to easily do this in XAML. Try it in your code behind.
When the page is finished loading, execute a function which checks the how many values there are. If there are no values, show your no values message.


In a Xamarin MVVM application, how can I change what I see on the screen from the ViewModel?

My application viewModel responds to a user clicking a button to see test results:
private void AddDetailRows(List<QuizHistory> quizHistoryList)
quizDetails.Children.Add(new LineTemplate());
Where quizDetails is the name of an element in the view.
But this doesn't work for me as the view model doesn't know what the view looks like and does not have access to the names of elements.
In a MVVM application, how is this problem solved?
You are completely right, that is not something that ViewModel is responsible of.
So, whatever you want to do with UI is not responsibility of the ViewModel.
If this is really the only option, then you can think of creating boolean properties in your VM and binding them to your views and then changing that boolean from false to true or vice versa on button click command which is binded to your VM.
To simplify it:
<Button Command="{Binding ShowHideQuizHistoryCommand}" ... />
<StackLayout x:Name="QuizHistory"
IsVisible={Binding ShowQuizHistory }>
private bool _showQuizHistory ;
public bool ShowQuizHistory
get { return _showQuizHistory ; }
_showQuizHistory = value;
public ICommand ShowHideQuizHistoryCommand => new Command(() =>
ShowQuizHistory = !ShowQuizHistory;
So, this is just an example based on what you provided in question.
You can also use visual states, converters, triggers and behaviors in order to achieve this, but in my opinion this is the easiest way.

ToolbarItem isEnabled property is available in xaml, not code

I have a form where a user can enter some data and save it to a database. I have been trying to add basic validation, making a user have to enter a value in every field. I want my save button to be unavailable until the user has entered some information in every form.
Here is my button:
<ToolbarItem Name="MenuItem1" Order="Primary" Text="Save" Priority="1" Command="{Binding SaveDataCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding CanSaveData}"/>
I can access the isEnabled property in the XAML but where this gets infuriating is that I can't then reupdate this property. The button gets stuck in whatever state I tell it on load. I have checked my view model and it is returning a boolean which is correct (printing it to the console), it's just there is no way of updating the button state.
I even tried adding a new button that would force update the enabled state however this wouldn't work
<ToolbarItem x:Name="whyxamarinwhy" Name="MenuItem1" Order="Primary" Text="Save" Priority="1" Command="{Binding SaveEvent}" IsEnabled="{Binding CanCreateEvent}"/>
whyxamarinwhy.isenabled = true; //I cannot access this property because it doesn't exist.
Is the only way to implement this functionality going to be using a custom renderer?
MenuItem.IsEnabledProperty / For internal use by the Xamarin.Forms platform.
You should use the Command's CanExecute of the ToolbarItem to determine if the Execute method can be triggered.
Since you are already binding the command to SaveDataCommand, you can toggle the return of the CanExecute of that command to determine if the menu item button should be allowed to trigger the attached command.
You did not post your ViewModel, but in a inner-class ICommand implementation, something as simple as this works:
static bool SaveDataCommandCanExecute = true;
class SaveDataCommand : ICommand
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
// your code needs to toggle SaveDataCommandCanExecute to determine if the Execute method can be triggered
return SaveDataCommandCanExecute;
public void Execute(object parameter)
// Do something

Xamarin Forms Force view to bind values

I have a view. I have a bindable property there.
public partial class OrderCard : ContentView
public static readonly BindableProperty OrderProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Order), typeof(Order), typeof(OrderCard), null);
public Order Order
get { return (Order)GetValue(OrderProperty); }
set { SetValue(OrderProperty, value); }
public OrderCard()
In the xaml of this view I'm binding to Order property like this:
Text="{Binding Order.Name, Source={x:Reference Root}}"
Root is a name in the xaml of a view OrderCard
When I use this view in the page everything works ok.
But I want to measure it's size even before adding it to the page.
var orderCard = new OrderCard { Order = order};
SizeRequest sizeRequest = orderCard.Measure(OrdersContainer.Width/5, OrdersContainer.Height);
But it gives me wrong numbers because bindings isn't applied.
How to force to apply bindings when view isn't attached to the page?
Bindings do not require being attached to a Page or anything else to be applied.
You might think they're not applied if your method for figuring out is to set a breakpoint on get_Order because that is never used, the Xaml loader uses GetValue directly. The usual way of figuring out if a Binding is correctly applied, is to add a PassthroughConverter (don't look for it, you have to write it yourself) to the Binding and put the breakpoint in the Convert method.
That being said, you can't Measure anything unless it's added to a page that is rendered on screen. If you try to Measure before that, you indeed get dummy values.
I was able to solve this problem by not doing a property Order but passing an order as BindingContext. Then I can measure the size of a view without attaching it to a page like this:
var orderCard = new OrderCard { BindingContext = order};
SizeRequest sizeRequest = orderCard.Measure(widthToTryToFitInTheView,heightToTryToFitInTheView);

How do I bind TwoWay between a CheckBox in a UserControl and the ViewModel in the wider scope?

I have a UserControl that has a CheckBox on it. When I consume the UserControl on my main XAML page, I'd like to TwoWay bind a property on the control to a property on my ViewModel e.g.
<myUserControl BtnIsBlacklisted="{Binding IsBlacklisted, Mode=TwoWay}" />
When IsBlacklisted changes, I'd like my checkbox to change too and vice-versa.
Here is what I have,
public static readonly DependencyProperty BtnIsBlacklistedProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(false, new
private static void BtnIsBlacklistedPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// ... do something here ...
public bool BtnIsBlacklisted
get { return (bool)GetValue(BtnIsBlacklistedProperty); }
set { SetValue(BtnIsBlacklistedProperty, value); }
My UserControl has this for the CheckBox,
<CheckBox x:Name="myCheckBox"
IsChecked="{Binding Path=BtnIsBlacklisted,
Converter={StaticResource BoolToNotBool},
Mode=TwoWay}" />
The property on my ViewModel object is as follows,
public bool IsBlacklisted
return App.VM.BlacklistedRetailers.Contains(this.Retailer);
if (value)
while (App.VM.BlacklistedRetailers.Contains(this.Retailer))
The only way BlacklistedRetailers changes is through the set method above so there is no need to trigger a NotifyPropertyChanged from there ...
I have tried many of the suggestions in other questions i.e.
using a dependency property
including Mode=TwoWay
Binding on the UserControl using a self-referencing DataContext set on the containing grid (this does not work either).
however none of these have worked.
Some final notes:
This is for a Windows Phone 7.5 project
Edit: One way binding doe not work either, it seems it there is a problem binding to the UserControl's own properties
An ElementName Binding matches against x:Name values which are in the same name scope as the element on which the binding is being set. There's not enough of the code shown to tell but you're using "UserControl" which I'm guessing is not set as the name of the element, but is being used to try and match the type. The ElementName also might not be able to resolve if the CheckBox is declared inside a template.

Correct way to use a Interaction Trigger on SelectionChanged Event

I have a command wired to the event such that it does fire, but what I get in the CommandParameter is the previously selected item, or maybe it's the selected item before the SelectionChanged completes.
Either way, not sure what to change to get the newly selected item from the event.
<i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged">
Command="{Binding Main.SelectedRecordCommand, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"
CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=listBillingRecords}"
Is it worth using a trigger? If whatever your XAML element is for the collection (listbox, grid, etc) is bound to a property exposing a collection on your viewmodel, you can leverage both databinding and the built-in MVVM Light messenger to notify you of a property change with both old and new values in a more MVVM-friendly way. This example isn't necessarily WP7-specific, but I think it would work the same.
For example, this might be the databound collection:
public const string BillingRecordResultsPropertyName = "BillingRecordResults";
private ObservableCollection<BillingRecord> _billingRecordResults = null;
public ObservableCollection<BillingRecord> BillingRecordResults
return _billingRecordResults;
if (_billingRecordResults == value)
var oldValue = _billingRecordResults;
_billingRecordResults = value;
// Update bindings and broadcast change using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messenging
RaisePropertyChanged(BillingRecordResultsPropertyName, oldValue, value, true);
I like to expose a property on my ViewModel that is a "selected item" of whatever collection I'm exposing. So, to the ViewModel, I would add this property using the MVVMINPC snippet:
public const string SelectedBillingRecordPropertyName = "SelectedBillingRecord";
private BillingRecord _selectedBillingRecord = null;
public BillingRecord SelectedBillingRecord
return _selectedBillingRecord;
if (_selectedBillingRecord == value)
var oldValue = _selectedBillingRecord;
_selectedBillingRecord = value;
// Update bindings and broadcast change using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messenging
RaisePropertyChanged(SelectedBillingRecordPropertyName, oldValue, value, true);
Now, if you bind the SelectedItem of the XAML element to this exposed property, it will populate when selected in the View via databinding.
But even better, when you leverage the snippet MVVMINPC, you get to choose whether or not to broadcast the results to anyone listening. In this case, we want to know when the SelectedBillingRecord property changes. So, you can have this in the constructor for your ViewModel:
Messenger.Default.Register<PropertyChangedMessage<BillingRecord>>(this, br => SelectedRecordChanged(br.NewValue));
And elsewhere in your ViewModel, whatever action you want to have happen:
private void SelectedRecordChanged(BillingRecord br)
//Take some action here
Hope this helps...
I have seen the same issue and found that SelectedItem is the correct implementation.
