ngrok killing a tunnel from windows 7 command line - windows

I'm trying to use ngrok to foward my app, currently hosted on localhost:3602, to my development partner.
I've done this many times in the past successfully, simply by typing in
ngrok http 3602
I get back a url that he can conntect to. But now when I type that in I get the following error message:
Tunnel session failed. Your account is limited to 1 simultaneous ngrok client session.
Active ngrok client sessions in region 'us':
- f21bd0dbe67928069054c733a5e11f88 (
Obviously I must have an existing tunnel session running somewhere.
My problem is I have no idea where to find that existing tunnel session and how to terminate it. It does not exist as either a running application, process or service in the task manager, and I can find no syntax in the documentation for how to terminate a tunnel session. I've tried rebooting my machine to no effect, which tells me this is probably not a local problem, but rather something running on the ngrok site linked to my account, yet nothing I can find in my account settings indicates anything helpful.
Can anyone provide the necessary command to clear up this problem. Thanks.

for window version:
tskill /A ngrok

For Linux/Mac
killall ngrok
This command is an Unix command. In Windows maybe you can open the Task Manager and close all ngrok processes.

This answer is not about killing tunnel, but about a possible solution to the described problem with ERR_NGROK_108.
describes a simple plan for getting started with ngrok.
If you execute the second step you will have a file ngrok.yaml (In my case path was: C:\Users\Mi\ .ngrok2\ngrok.yml).
And after that executing ngrok http 80 will provide the described error ERR_NGROK_108.
Skip the second step. Execute ngrok http 80 without previous ngrok authtoken
If you have already executed this step, delete the file ngrok.yml
This approach solved my problem with ERR_NGROK_108.

on your ngrok prompt just run this command
taskkill /f /im ngrok.exe

It seems like ngrok got a (JavaScript) function for that:
const ngrok = require('ngrok');

If you are limited to one session — like I was. Then you may have created an account with ngrok and signed in with your machine. And it'll create a file:
It uses this to limit your client, simply delete this file.

On Windows(cmd):
taskkill /f /im ngrok.exe


Does anyone know how to issue a SUBMIT command to OpenVMS over an FTP session?

I am currently using windows telnet to submit files to the OpenVMS queue via a series of sendkeys/application waits through VBA. It works, up until the end-user shifts focus away from the telnet window. I would prefer to issue the SUBMITs using an FTP session, where I can script the commands into a batch file and shoot it across FTP. I was able to do something similar with IBM mainframes - through the quote site FTP command - setting the filetype=jes, followed by a JCL file that would be dropped into the work queue for immediate execution. I can't seem to find anything on the internet related to FTP, openVMS, and submit. I have tried using Quote submit/que=... but it does not recognize the command. (Submit works fine under telnet).
Maybe you can use Remote Shell Protocol (RSH) to execute a command in a remote node
You would need a rsh client on windows:
And also enable RSH service on VMS via TCPIP$CONFIG
(See OpenVMS documentation
This works best with a VMS username dedicated to processing inbound FTP files. If you put in the LOGIN.COM for that username to detect it's a network connection and submit a batch job to look for the expected file, get exclusive access to it with retries (the FTP is done), and then process the file - That has worked for me.
The other option is to put a security ACL on the directory and make an audit listener - it will get file creates via a mailbox message. Then it can do similar: get exclusive access to the file being created and then process it.

How to prevent running program on Win or Unix via command line

After a long research here on Stackoverflow and on net I didn't found nothing talking about it. As the title say, how can I do that?
For example: I am owner of a hosted website that allow me to manage the database via PhpMyAdmin. When I try to connect to my database via prompt, the connection never go fine. It could be because of OS settings (right?).
How can I do that (in both OSs).
Thanks in advance.
If I understand your question correctly:
You have a website with a MySql database hosted on your providers servers.
When you try to use your local PC installation of MySql from a command prompt, it will not let you connect.
I use and have a similar setup. If I want to use database tools from my local PC to connect to the database, I have to enter my IP address in the db configuration page under "allowed hosts".
Restricting remote database connections to specific IP addresses protects your database from random hacking attempts.
As for your question about restricting command line execution of a program, that is usually just caused by missing configuration information in the environment variables - leaving the path to the executable out of the PATH variable is a common one. You would still be able to run the program if you enter the full path to it.
It really depends on the error message you get when trying to run the program from the command line.

Speeding up ssh in batch files

This is my situation:
I have a linux server/media center with a windows client.
My goal is to remote control rhythmbox amongst other things.
I've done this using plink (windows based cli ssh toy).
The problem is that starting up an ssh session logging in and sending a command is understandably slow as hell. When I had a windows server I used a tool called psexec which was almost instantaneous.
Is there any way to speed this process up? Either somehow sending the commands with the login request which should show some improvement. Or by maintaining a persistent ssh connection which I can use. (plink dcs at the end of the command).
More info: On my windows machine I'm using a bat like:
plink -ssh -l username -pw pass myipaddress "/home/username/bin/skip"
On my linux machine the skip bash file is something like:
//needed to get around a x11 error caused by controlling rhythmbox over sshif its an ssh connection copy the dbusaddressfirhythmbox-client --next //the cli wrapper for rhythmbox
Further Research:
The only way to go seems to keep an ssh connection open/maintained as a service. This seems doable as there is a demand due to setting up ssh tunnels (to bypass firewalls). From there I'd need a way to send the command line commands to this existing connection or reuse that connection.
The other option is of course to NOT use ssh. Hell I already have a connection through samba file shares and there is no lag there. I bet I could put a service linux side that checks for a modified file. Then have an ap client side that modifies said file. Amazingly hacky but so far it seems like the best option. And by best I mean the only one that cuts control lag. There has got to be a better way than this, I can't be the only nerd using linux as a media-center that wants remote controls. This kind of moves the topic from stackoverflow to superuser but that's ok.
You could user an SSL certificate to get rid of the login part. Alternatively, build yourself a small HTTP server which uses an "exotic" port for controlling your media player (amarok, btw, has one build-in)
Switching to something like mpd will bypass the ssh issue, although I give no guarantee that changing tracks will be any faster.
If anyone is curious, I ended up implementing an http based server with php to execute commands server side. And client side I used curl.exe to allow me to have nice click-able buttons without the overhead of a web-browser.
Also nice since it allowed me to implement an in browser UI which is great to use from any machine with internet, ones that don't have ssh installed. And works wonderfully from my phone as a remote control (which I can use from a country away if I so chose...)

windows service command RPC error (sc.exe or psservice)

I am getting the following error when i try to run the command from remote machine
C:\>sc \\machinename query
[SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 1722:
The RPC server is unavailable.
I have admin privileges to that machine.
Any solution let me know.
In my case I got this error because I was messed up the name of the server I was targeting. It will give you this error if you accidentally point it at nothing. In my case, the server name was a variable being defined from a text document so it took a while for me to realize.
Also noteworthy: There should actually be two slashes before the machine name (I'm sure it's just a typo, but just in case it could confuse anybody).
The error 1722 is : The RPC server is unavailable.
Verify if RPC service (Remote Procedure Call (RPC)) is running at remote machine with telnet, try at command line:
*>telnet your.server 135
If no errors occurs the RPC server is probably ok, than check system events for issues.
6 years later but anyaway.
Enable File and printer sharing on the remote computer and it will work.
I tested on my localmachine
I tested from another machine on the network
SC is nice..! :)
You need to make sure that the Client DNS service is not stopped. This fixes the problem.

Cannot Access http://<tfs-server>:8080

I've installed TFS 2008, but I can't seem to access the server. When I try to connect to it in Visual Studio, I can't. If I try by browser on a remote PC, I get a generic page cannot be displayed. On the server, I get a 403. Nothing was touched in IIS and the service is running as a Network Service. Any ideas?
http://localhost:8080/Services/V1.0/ServerStatus.asmx. This will tell you if TFS is up and running. If you are getting anything else you need to look into IIS issues.
I wrote a blog post on diagnosing these types of TFS connections.
The very first thing I do is confirm that it works for a known-good configuration – usually my workstation.
Providing that works and the server appears to be functioning, the next thing I do is ask the user to call the CheckAuthentication web service using Internet Explorer.
The URL for this is: http://TFSSERVER:8080/services/v1.0/ServerStatus.asmx?op=CheckAuthentication
By doing this check, I am doing four things:
Eliminating Team Explorer from the picture
Eliminating the .NET networking stack from the picture
Ensuring that Windows Authentication is working correctly (that’s why I say IE)
Ensuring that proxy settings are set correctly
In most cases I’ve seen, the TFS connection issues are because the proxy settings have changed or are incorrect. Because .NET and Visual Studio use the proxy settings from Internet Explorer, it’s important to have them set correctly.
In rare cases it’s beyond this. That’s when I start looking at things like:
Can you resolve the server name?
Can you connect using the IP address?
Are there HOSTS file entries? (see: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)
Can you ping the server?
Can you telnet to port 8080?
Does the user actually have access? Run TfsSecurity.exe /server:servername /im n:DOMAIN\User to check their group memberships
Have you changed your domain password lately? In some cases they’ll need to logoff the workstation and log back on again to get a new security token.
Is the computer's domain certificate valid? update the certificate: gpupdate /force
Hope this helps.
Turns out the time and date on my computer was not "close enough" to the time and date on the tfs server. Changed my system clock setting and problem went away.
What happens if you send a simple HTTP request to the server directly?
telnet 8080 [enter]
GET / HTTP/1.1[enter]
That might give a hint about whether IIS is actually serving anything. If you can do that on the server, what about from a different machine? If the results are different a good guess is there are some security/firewall issues somewhere. HTH a little.
I went through everything on a similar problem.
I logged onto my tfs server and connected directly there.
I also used a TFS admin tool I downloaded some time ago from Microsoft, and made sure I was in all the right groups and projects.
I then went back to the client PC with the problem, tried the services/1.0/serverstatus.asmx?op=CheckAuthentication Url again, and it worked this time.
AFter that full service was restored to my PC.
So I don't have the exact answer, but I would go through the checklists presented by Grant Holliday in his answer.
Add this to the cases for future users, as i had this issue on server 2016...
if your firewall allow only Domain and Private Network, it may not work on client. make sure you give public permission, if server network is set to public...
The error you may face:
