Match strings with line breaks between two characters - ruby

How can I match line breaks between two asterisks in Ruby? I have this string
Foo **bar**
test **hello
world** 12345
and I only want to find
I tried it with \*{1,2}(.*)\n(.*)\*{1,2} but this matches
test **
I played with a non greedy matcher like \*{1,2}(.*?)\n(.*?)\*{1,2} but this doesn't work either, so I hope someone can help.

You may use
See the Rubular demo
\*{1,2} - 1 or 2 asterisks
\b - a word boundary, the next char must be a word char
([^*]*) - Group 1: any 0+ chars other than *
\R - a line break sequence
([^*]*) - Group 2: any 0+ chars other than *
\b - a word boundary, the preceding char must be a word char
\*{1,2} - 1 or 2 asterisks

Wiktor already gave a good answer. Here is another way of doing it:
Tested here
NOTE: This will not work in Ruby, but it can work in some other languages
From the link in this answer:
Subexp of look-behind must be fixed-width.


Why 'scan' reads multiple lines

My test configuration file(test_config.conf) looks as below
I want to read this and scan the value for key "system_name", with the expected output nil. I could have used config parser to read the contents, but using scan is my requirement.
I did:
Scan: file_data.scan(/^#{each}\s*=\s*(?!.*#)\s*(.*)/)
Regex: ^system_name\s*=\s*(?!.*#)\s*(.*)$
I used (?!.*#) to ignore the values that start with #.
It returns #test. Could someone help me understand why it does so, and how I can change my regex to make it work as expected?
It is another case of how backtracking confuses regex users. (?!.*#) negative lookahead must match a location that is not immediately followed with #. Since the preceding pattern part can match the string in various ways, once failed, the regex engine retries the quantified subpatterns. So, in your case, \s* matches 0 or more whitespaces. Once the regex engine matched all the whitespaces after =, it finds # - and fails. Then backtracks: tries to match zero whitespaces. And finds out that there is no # after =. And succeeds.
Use a possessive quantifier with \s*+ to disallow backtracking:
See the Rubular demo. So, the lookahead will only be run once after all the 0+ whitespaces are matched. If it fails to match, the whole match will be failed right away.
Another way is to use [^\s#] negated character class:
See another Rubular demo
Here, [^\s#] will only match a char that is not a whitespace, nor #, and then .* will match any 0+ chars other than line break chars.
As per the feedback inside comments, the structure of the input may be rather loose, and a key=value can follow the system_name line. In that case, you also need to make sure the text you capture does not actually start with some word chars followed with = sign:
See this Rubular demo
Full pattern details:
^ - start of a line
system_name - a literal substring
\s* - 0 or more whitespaces
= - an equal sign
\s*+ - 0 or more whitespaces with no backtracking into the pattern due to *+ possessive quantifier
(?!#|\w+=) - a negative lookahead that fails the match if the # or 1+ word chars and then = are found immediately to the right of the current location (that is right after the 0+ whitespaces)
(.*) - Group 1: any 0+ chars up to the end of the line
$ - end of a line.

Regex to match "AAAA:AAA" pattern

A string must begin with 3 or 4 letters (not numbers), and a ":" symbol should follow these letters, and after the colon there should be three more characters, like AAA. For example, AAAA:AAA or AAA:AAA.
I`m starting to build this, but regex is so much pain for me, can anyone help me with this?
Here is what I have now:
Your regex is almost there: you need to add [a-zA-Z]{3}.
I prefer the [[:alpha:]] POSIX class in Ruby to match letters though.
/[[:alpha:]]/ - Alphabetic character
POSIX bracket expressions are also similar to character classes. They provide a portable alternative to the above, with the added benefit that they encompass non-ASCII characters.
So, here is a possible regex:
See demo
The regex matches:
\A - start of string (in RoR, you have to use \A instead of ^, or you will get errors)
[[:alpha:]]{3,4} - 3 or 4 letters
: - literal :
[[:alpha:]]{3} - 3 letters
\z - end of string (in RoR, you have to use \z instead of $, or you will get errors)
To allow just AAA or AAAA, you need to introduce an optional (? quantifier) non-capturing group ((?:...) construction):
^^^ ^^
See another demo
Try using this (quotes if regex in your dialect must be passed as a string)

Ruby capture words between two colons

I want to capture any word between two colons. I tried with this (try on Rubular):
Hello :name:
What are you doing today, :title:?
$:name:, have a lovely :event:.
It works except the last line it captures this:
Match 3
1. :name:, have a lovely :event:
It's getting tripped up by the second (closing) colon and the third (opening) colon. It should capture :name: and :event: individually on that last line.
You need a non-greedy regular expression:
The .*? will match the shortest possible string, whereas .* matches the longest string found.
For any word between two colons:
Rubular link
[^:] means "anything but a ':'.
Please be aware that this expression will match "::" also.
Here is your rubular link updated:

Ruby regex too greedy with back to back matches

I'm working on some text processing in Ruby 1.8.7 to support some custom shortcodes that I've created. Here are some examples of my shortcode:
[CODE first-part]
[CODE first-part second-part]
I'm using the following RegEx to grab the
text.gsub!( /\[CODE (\S+)\s?(\S?)\]/i, replacementText )
The problem is this: the regex doesn't work on the following text:
[CODE first-part][CODE first-part-again]
The results are as follows:
1. first-part][CODE
2. first-part-again
It seems that the \s? is the problematic part of the regex that is searching on until it hits the last space, not the first one. When I change the regex to the following:
\[CODE ([\w-]+)\s?(\S*)\]/i
It works fine. The only concern I have is what all \w vs \s as I want to make sure the \w will match URL-safe characters.
I'm sure there's a perfectly valid explanation, but it's eluding me. Any ideas? Thanks!
Actually, thinking about it, just using [^\]] might not be enough, as it will swallow up all spaces as well. You also need to exclude those:
/\[CODE[ ]([^\]\s]+)\s?([^\]\s]*)\]/i
Note the [ ] - I just think it makes literal spaces more readable.
Working demo.
Explained in free-spacing mode:
\[CODE[ ] # match your identifier
( # capturing group 1
[^\]\s]+ # match one or more non-], non-whitespace characters
) # end of group 1
\s? # match an optional whitespace character
( # capturing group 2
[^\]\s]+ # match zero or more non-], non-whitespace characters
) # end of group 2
\] # match the closing ]
As none of the character classes in the pattern includes ], you can never possibly go beyond the end of the square bracketed expression.
By the way, if you find unnecessary escapes in regex as obscuring as I do, here is the minimal version:
/\[CODE[ ]([^]\s]+)\s?([^]\s]*)]/i
But that is definitely a matter of taste.
The problem was with the greedy \S+ in this
/\[CODE (\S+)\s?(\S?)\]/i
You could try:
/\[CODE (\S+?)\s?(\S?)\]/i
but actually your new character class is IMO superiror.
Even better might be:
/\[CODE ([^\]]+?)\s?([^\]]*)\]/i

count quotes in a string that do not have a backslash before them

Hey I'm trying to use a regex to count the number of quotes in a string that are not preceded by a backslash..
for example the following string:
"\"Some text
"\"Some \"text
The code I have was previously using String#count('"')
obviously this is not good enough
When I count the quotes on both these examples I need the result only to be 1
I have been searching here for similar questions and ive tried using lookbehinds but cannot get them to work in ruby.
I have tried the following regexs on Rubular from this previous question
None of them give me the results im after
Maybe a regex is not the way to do that. Maybe a programatic approach is the solution
How about string.count('"') - string.count("\\"")?
result = subject.scan(
/(?: # match either
^ # start-of-string\/line
| # or
\G # the position where the previous match ended
| # or
[^\\] # one non-backslash character
) # then
(\\\\)* # match an even number of backslashes (0 is even, too)
" # match a quote/x)
gives you an array of all quote characters (possibly with a preceding non-quote character) except unescaped ones.
The \G anchor is needed to match successive quotes, and the (\\\\)* makes sure that backslashes are only counted as escaping characters if they occur in odd numbers before the quote (to take Amarghosh's correct caveat into account).
