PieChart with all values joined - dc.js

I'm newbie and I'm working on a dashboard. I want to show with a pie chart the total value of one dimension (100% when all the registers all selected, and change it with the other filters). I've tried it with groupAll() but it doesn't work. This code works but it shows the groups separate. How can I do this? Thanks a lot!!!
Code working
var pieCri = dc.pieChart("#criPie")
var criDimension = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return +d.criticidad; });
var criGroup =criDimension.group().reduceCount();
.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('text.pie-slice').text(function(d) {
return d.data.key + ' ' + dc.utils.printSingleValue((d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / (2*Math.PI) * 100) + '%';
I can show the total percentage with a number:
var critTotal = ndx.groupAll().reduceSum(function(d) { return +d.criticidad; });
var numbCriPerc = dc.numberDisplay("#criPerc");
.valueAccessor( function(d) { return d/critTotalValue*100; } );
But I prefer in a pie chart to show the difference between all the registers and the selection.

If I understand your question correctly, you want to show a pie chart with exactly two slices: the count of items included, and the count of items excluded.
You're on the right track with using groupAll, which is great for taking a count of rows (or sum of a field) based on the current filters. There are just two parts missing:
finding the full total with no filters applied
putting the data in the right format for the pie chart to read it
This kind of preprocessing is really easy to do with a fake group, which will adapt as the filters change.
Here is one way to do it:
// takes a groupAll and produces a fake group with two key/value pairs:
// included: the total value currently filtered
// excluded: the total value currently excluded from the filter
// "includeKey" and "excludeKey" are the key names to give to the two pairs
// note: this must be constructed before any filters are applied!
function portion_group(groupAll, includeKey, excludeKey) {
includeKey = includeKey || "included";
excludeKey = excludeKey || "excluded";
var total = groupAll.value();
return {
all: function() {
var current = groupAll.value();
return [
key: includeKey,
value: current
key: excludeKey,
value: total - current
You'll construct a groupAll to find the total under the current filters:
var criGroupAll = criDimension.groupAll().reduceCount();
And you can construct the fake group when passing it to the chart:
Note: you must have no filters active when constructing the fake group this way, since it will grab the unfiltered total at that point.
Finally, I noticed that the way you were customizing pie chart labels, they would be shown even if the slice is empty. That looked especially bad in this example, so I fixed it like this:
.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('text.pie-slice').text(function(d) {
return d3.select(this).text() && (d.data.key + ' ' + dc.utils.printSingleValue((d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / (2*Math.PI) * 100) + '%');
This detects whether the label text is empty because of minAngleForLabel, and doesn't try to replace it in that case.
Example fiddle based on your code.


Unable to filter individual stacks using dc.js with multiple X keys

Stacked Bar chart not able to filter on click of any Stack
I need to filter all the charts when clicking on any stack, which is not happening and struggling for a few days.
I've created a fiddle with link
I feel am messing up with keys creation as suggested by gordonwoodhull.
function stack_second(group) {
return {
all: function () {
var all = group.all(),
m = {};
// build matrix from multikey/value pairs
all.forEach(function (kv) {
var ks = kv.key;
m[ks] = kv.value;
// then produce multivalue key/value pairs
return Object.keys(m).map(function (k) {
return {
key: k,
value: m[k]
I tried to follow this example https://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/examples/filter-stacks.html
Not able to figure out how below code works:
barChart.on('pretransition', function (chart) {
.classed('stack-deselected', function (d) {
// display stack faded if the chart has filters AND
// the current stack is not one of them
var key = multikey(d.x, d.layer);
//var key = [d.x, d.layer];
return chart.filter() && chart.filters().indexOf(key) === -1;
.on('click', function (d) {
chart.filter(multikey(d.x, d.layer));
Can someone please point me out in the right direction.
Thanks for stopping by.
You usually don't want to use multiple keys for the X axis unless you have a really, really good reason. It is just going to make things difficult
Here, the filter-stacks example is already using multiple keys, and your data also has multiple keys. If you want to use your data with this example, I would suggest crunching together the two keys, since it looks like you are really using the two together as an ordinal key. We'll see one way to do that below.
You were also trying to combine two different techniques for stacking the bars, stack_second() and your own custom reducer. I don't think your custom reducer will be compatible with filtering by stacks, so I will drop it in this answer.
You'll have to use the multikey() function, and crunch together your two X keys:
dim = ndx.dimension(function (d) {
return multikey(d[0] + ',' + d[1], d[2]);
Messy, as this will create keys that look like 0,0xRejected... not so human-readable, but the filter-stacks hack relies on being able to split the key into two parts and this will let it do that.
I didn't see any good reason to use a custom reduction for the row chart, so I just used reduceCount:
var barGrp = barDim.group();
I found a couple of new problems when working on this.
First, your data doesn't have every stack for every X value. So I added a parameter to stack_second() include all the "needed" stacks:
function stack_second(group, needed) {
return {
all: function() {
var all = group.all(),
m = {};
// build matrix from multikey/value pairs
all.forEach(function(kv) {
var ks = splitkey(kv.key);
m[ks[0]] = m[ks[0]] || Object.fromEntries(needed.map(n => [n,0]));
m[ks[0]][ks[1]] = kv.value;
// then produce multivalue key/value pairs
return Object.entries(m).map(([key,value]) => ({key,value}));
Probably the example should incorporate this change, although the data it uses doesn't need it.
Second, I found that the ordinal X scale was interfering, because there is no way to disable the selection greying behavior for bar charts with ordinal scales. (Maybe .brushOn(false) is completely ignored? I'm not sure.)
I fixed it in the pretransition handler by explicitly removing the built-in deselected class, so that our custom click handler and stack-deselected class can do their work:
.classed('deselected', false)
All in all, I think this is way too complicated and I would advise not to use multiple keys for the X axis. But, as always, there is a way to make it work.
Here is a working fork of your fiddle.

dc.js rowChart to Filter by max key

I have a dashboard where I'm showing Headcount over time. One is a line Graph that shows headcount over time period, the other is a rowChart that is split by HCLevel1 - that is simply there to allow users to filter.
I would like the rowChart to show Heads for the latest period within the date filter (rather than showing the full sum of heads for the full period which would be wrong).
I can do this by combining two fields into a dimension, but the problem with this is that when I use the rowChart to filter by business, I only see one month in the line chart - whereas I'd like to see the full period that's filtered. I can't work out how I could do this with a fake group, because the rowChart's dimension/key is HCLevel1.
My data is formatted like this:
var data = = [
"HCLevel1": "Commercial",
"HCLevel2": "Portfolio TH",
"Period": 201407,
"Heads": 720
I've tried to use this custom reduce (picked up from another SO question) but it doesn't work correctly (minus values, incorrect values etc).
function reduceAddAvgPeriods(p, v) {
if (v.Period in p.periodsArray) {
p.periodsArray[v.Period] += v.Heads;
} else {
p.periodsArray[v.Period] = 0;
p.heads += v.Heads;
return p;
Currently, my jsfiddle example is combining 2 fields for the dimension, but as you can see, I can't then filter using the rowChart to show me the full period on the line chart.
I can use reductio to give me the average, but I'd like to provide actual Heads value for most recent date filtered.
I hope this is possible, any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
I glanced at this a few days ago, but it took me a little while to figure out. Tricky!
We can restrict the design by considering these two facts:
We want to filter the row chart by "Level". That's simply
var dimLevel = cf.dimension(function (d) { return d.HCLevel1 || ''; });
A group does not observe its own dimension's filters. So we probably want to use the dimension from #1 to produce the data (the group) for the row chart.
Given these two restrictions, maybe we can dimension and group by level, but inside the bins of the group, keep track of the periods that contribute to that bin?
This is a common pattern often used for stacked charts:
var levelPeriodGroup = dimLevel.group().reduce(
function(p, v) {
p[v.Period] = (p[v.Period] || 0) + v.Heads;
return p;
function(p, v) {
p[v.Period] -= v.Heads;
return p;
function() {
return {};
Here, we'll just 'peel off' the top stack, dropping any zeros:
function last_period(group, maxPeriod) {
return {
all: function() {
var max = maxPeriod();
return group.all().map(function(kv) {
return {key: kv.key, value: kv.value[max]};
}).filter(function(kv) {
return kv.value > 0;
To keep last_period somewhat general, maxPeriod is now a function, which we'll define like this:
function max_period() {
return dimPeriod.top(1)[0].Period;
Bringing it all together and supplying it to the row chart:
.group(last_period(levelPeriodGroup, max_period))
Since the period is no longer part of the labels of the chart, we can put it in a headline:
<h4>Last Period: <span id="last-period"></span></h4>
and update it whenever the row chart is drawn:
rowChart.on('pretransition', function(chart) {

dc.js access data points in multiple charts when click datapoint in first chart

Using different dimensions of the same dataset, there are three dc.js Line Charts on screen.
When user clicks a datapoint on any lineChart, I wish to locate and return the data values for that corresponding point from all other charts, including the one clicked on.
I am also attempting (on mouseover) to change the circle fill color to red for the datapoint being hovered, as well as for the corresponding datapoint (same "x" value) for all other charts.
I am using the .filter() method but haven't been successful getting the desired data. The error message is: "Uncaught TypeError: myCSV[i].filter is not a function"
Full jsFiddle demo/example
lc1.on('renderlet', function(lc1) {
var allDots1 = lc1.selectAll('circle.dot');
var allDots2 = lc2.selectAll('circle.dot');
var allDots3 = lc3.selectAll('circle.dot');
allDots1.on('click', function(d) {
var d2find = d.x;
var d2find2 = d3.select(this).datum();
alert('Captured:'+"\nX-axis (Date): "+d2find2.x +"\nY-axis (Value): "+ d2find2.y +"\nDesired: display corresponding values from all three charts for this (date/time) datapoint");
allDots2.filter(d=>d.x == d2find2).attr('fill','red');
});//END allDots1.on(click);
function findAllPoints(datum) {
var objOut = {};
var arrLines=['car','bike','moto'];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
thisSrx = arrLines[i];
console.log('thisSrx: '+thisSrx);
//loop thru myCSV obj, compare myCSV[i].date to clicked "x" val
//build objOut with data from each graph at same "X" (d/t) as clicked
objOut[i] = myCSV[i].filter(e => e.date === datum.x)[0][thisSrx];
$('#msg').html( JSON.stringify(objOut) );
console.log( JSON.stringify(objOut) );
}//END fn findAllPoints()
});//END lc1.on(renderlet)
myCSV contains all three data points, so I don't see the need to loop through the three charts independently - findAllPoints is going to find the same array entry for all three data series anyway.
The main problem you have here is that date objects don't compare equal if they have the same value. This is because == (and ===) evaluate object identity if the operands are objects:
> var d1 = new Date(), d2 = new Date(d1)
> d1
Mon Feb 13 2017 09:03:53 GMT-0500 (EST)
> d2
Mon Feb 13 2017 09:03:53 GMT-0500 (EST)
> d1==d2
> d1.getTime()===d2.getTime()
There are two ways to deal with this.
Approach 1: use second event argument
If the items in all the charts match up item by item, you can just use the index.
All d3 callbacks pass both the datum and the index. So you can modify your callback like this:
allDots1.on('click', function(d,i) {
// ...
allDots2.filter((d,j)=> j===i).attr('fill','red').style('fill-opacity', 1);
Approach 2: compare by date
If the different charts might have different data indices, you probably want to compare by date, but use Date.getTime() to get an integer you can compare with ===:
allDots1.on('click', function(d) {
var d2find = d.x;
// ...
allDots2.filter(d=> d.x.getTime()===d2find.getTime()).attr('fill','red').style('fill-opacity', 1);
var row = myCSV.filter(r=>r.date.getTime()===d2find.getTime())
Note that in either case, you're going to need to also change the opacity of the dot in the other charts, because otherwise they don't show until they are hovered.
Not sure when you want to reset this - I guess it might make more sense to show the corresponding dots on mouseover and hide them on mouseout. Hopefully this is enough to get you started!

dc.js apply some, but not all chart selections to numberDisplay, while maintaining the interactions between charts in place

I have a dataset (data) with the following row/column structure:
Date Category1 Category2 Revenue
30/12/2014 a x 10
30/12/2014 b x 15
31/12/2014 a x 11
1/1/2015 a x 13
2/1/2015 a x 14
2/1/2015 b x 9
2/1/2015 c z 4
Based on data I create a couple of dimensions and groups:
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var cat1Dim = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.Category1;});
var revenuePerCat1 = cat1Dim.group().reduceSum(function(d) { return d.Revenue; });
var cat2Dim = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.Category2;});
var revenuePerCat2 = cat2Dim.group().reduceSum(function(d) { return d.Revenue; });
var dateDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.Date; });
var revenuePerDate = dateDim.group().reduceSum(function(d) { return d.Revenue; });
Next, I create the following charts:
a line chart; dimension = dateDim, group = revenuePerDate
a pie-chart; dimension = cat1Dim, group = revenuePerCat1
a pie-chart; dimension = cat2Dim, group = revenuePerCat2
Besides the charts I would also like to show the year-to-date value of the revenues via a numberDisplay. Initially I thought to achieve this by adding a simple if condition to the reduceSum function where I reduce the data to contain only items of the current year, like so:
var ytdRev = ndx.groupAll().reduceSum(function(d) { if(d.Date.getFullYear() == curYear) {return d.Revenue;} else{return 0;}});
A box containing a numberDisplay item is then called by:
.valueAccessor(function(d) {return Math.round(d * 1000) / 1000; })
This works perfectly fine if one selects one of the categories displayed in the pie-charts, but is incorrect when one also starts to filter date ranges in the line chart. Namely, instead of a year-to-date value, actually a 'date-to-date' value for the specific selection will be returned. Although this behaviour is correct from a technical perspective, I would like to know how I can instruct dc.js such that it will only take into account chart selections from a certain set of charts when rendering a numberDisplay. The selections made in the pie-charts should, however, both update the displayed selection in the line chart and the numberDisplay.
Ideally, I would like to use one crossfilter instance only, but I am open to any suggestions that involve a second crossfilter as well.
Based on Gordon's comment I played around with a custom reduce function. Instead of ndx.groupAll() I applied the following reduce function with a .groupAll() on the dimension level:
function reduceAdd(p,v) {
if(v.Date.getFullYear() == curYear)
p.revenue += +v.Revenue;
return p;}
function reduceRemove(p,v) {
if v.Date.getFullYear() == curYear)
p.revenue -= +v.Revenue;
return p;}
function reduceInitial() {
return {revenue:0 };}
var ytdRev = dateDim.groupAll().reduce(reduceAdd, reduceRemove, reduceInitial);
The .valueAccessor in the numberDisplay is changed from d.value.revenue to d.revenue:
.valueAccessor(function(d) {return Math.round(d.revenue * 1000) / 1000; })
The numberDisplay will now reflect the total value for the current year for each of the selections made in the pie-charts. Date selections will only affect the pie-charts' values; the numberDisplay shares the same dimension with the line chart and hence the numberDisplay is unaffected by any selections on that dimension.
Based on Gordon's comment I played around with a custom reduce function. Instead of ndx.groupAll() I applied the following reduce function with a .groupAll() on the dimension level:
function reduceAdd(p,v) {
if(v.Date.getFullYear() == curYear)
p.revenue += +v.Revenue;
return p;}
function reduceRemove(p,v) {
if v.Date.getFullYear() == curYear)
p.revenue -= +v.Revenue;
return p;}
function reduceInitial() {
return {revenue:0 };}
var ytdRev = dateDim.groupAll().reduce(reduceAdd, reduceRemove, reduceInitial);
The .valueAccessor in the numberDisplay is changed from d.value.revenue to d.revenue:
.valueAccessor(function(d) {return Math.round(d.revenue * 1000) / 1000; })
The numberDisplay will now reflect the total value for the current year for each of the selections made in the pie-charts. Date selections will only affect the pie-charts' values; the numberDisplay shares the same dimension with the line chart and hence the numberDisplay is unaffected by any selections on that dimension.

For NVD3 lineChart Remove Missing Values (to be able to interpolate)

I am using NVD3 to visualise data on economic inequality. The chart for the US is here: http://www.chartbookofeconomicinequality.com/inequality-by-country/USA/
These are two lineCharts on top of each other. The problem I have is that there are quite a lot of missing values and this causes two problems:
If I would not make sure that the missing values are not visualised the line Chart would connect all shown values with the missing values. Therefore I used the following to not have the missing values included in the line chart:
chart = nv.models.lineChart()
.x(function(d) { return d[0] })
.y(function(d) { return d[1]== 0 ? null : d[1]; })
But still if you hover over the x-axis you see that the missing values are shown in the tooltip on mouseover. Can I get rid of them altogether? Possibly using remove in NVD3?
The second problem is directly related to that. Now the line only connects values of the same series when there is no missing values in between. That means there are many gaps in the lines. Is it possible to connect the dots of one series even if there are missing values in between?
Thank you for your help!
As Lars showed, getting the graph to look the way you want is just a matter of removing the missing values from your data arrays.
However, you wouldn't normally want to do that by hand, deleting all the rows with missing values. You need to use an array filter function to remove the missing values from your data arrays.
Once you have the complete data array as an array of series objects, each with an array of values, this code should work:
//to remove the missing values, so that the graph
//will just connect the valid points,
//filter each data array:
data.forEach(function(series) {
series.values = series.values.filter(
function(d){return d.y||(d.y === 0);}
//the filter function returns true if the
//data has a valid y value
//(either a "true" value or the number zero,
// but not null or NaN)
Updated fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/xammamax/8Kk8v/
Of course, when you are constructing the data array from a csv where each series is a separate column, you can do the filtering at the same time as you create the array:
var chartdata = [];//initialize as empty array
d3.csv("top_1_L-shaped.csv", function(error, csv) {
if (error)
return console.log("there was an error loading the csv: " + error);
var columndata = ["Germany", "Switzerland", "Portugal",
"Japan", "Italy", "Spain", "France",
"Finland", "Sweden", "Denmark", "Netherlands"];
for (var i = 0; i < columndata.length; i++) {
chartdata[i].key = columndata[i];
chartdata[i].values = csv.map(function(d) {
return [+d["year"], +d[ columndata[i] ] ];
return d[1]||(d[1] === 0);
//the filter is applied to the mapped array,
//and the results are assigned to the values array.
