How to generate a Extent cucumber report in Ruby? - ruby

i have my automation script written in 'Ruby', How do we generate a extent report in ruby. i'am using eclipse to write my script.

It is not possible as Extent only supports Java and .Net as of version 3. The upcoming version 4 will initially be released for Java only.
Also, the Extent Cucumber plugin is Java only.


Jmeter - Javascript not showing up in beanshell preProcessor

I just installed JMeter on a new computer. On this computer, I don't see JS, and it's saying engine not found. I couldn't find any specific answer to why it's not showing up. Is there something else I need to install?
Nashorn JavaScript Engine which was providing JavaScript language support for the JSR223 Test Elements has been removed from Java 15 and later so the options are in:
Downgrade to a previous JRE version where the Nashorn engine is still there, the minimum Java version for running latest JMeter 5.4.1 is Java 8
Consider using GraalVM runtime which comes with JavaScript support bundled
Consider migrating to Groovy as it's recommended scripting option since JMeter 3.1 and it has the best performance comparing to other scripting options in JMeter.

JMeter preprocessor did not support JS

I am going to do some test research about APIs, and I choose JMeter as the tool. But I cant use JavaScript in JSR223 PreProcessor. I even dont have the options of JS at the ScriptLanguage drop-down menu. Please help me.
Nashorn engine which was providing JavaScript support has been removed recently, if you really need to use JavaScript in your JSR223 Test Elements you will either have to downgrade you Java to the version where Nashorn is still there (the lowest version JMeter can run on is OpenJDK 8
Alternatively you can use GraalVM which brings JavaScript support into the latest JDK versions
And last but not the least, since JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use Groovy as the scripting language so it might be a good opportunity to consider migration to Groovy as it has much better performance comparing to JavaScript and other scripting options. More information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

Importing Go source and coverage into SonarQube

I have a Go project that I would like to import into SonarQube 5.1, using SonarRunner.
I know it's not one of SonarQube's supported languages so I have set the property
to accomplish some basic level of import - and it does the job. The project also has code coverage in Cobertura format, generated using and
I have not been successful in getting this XML to import with settings:
Hence the project appears as a gray box on the Sonar dashboard. Has anyone done something similar and got it working? Is it because Go is an unsupported language?
Many thanks!
Since SonarQube 7.9 (July 2019), the go language is officially supported.
That includes code coverage for Go.
And it is supported in the community edition!
40 rules for Go were present since SonarQube 6.7 .
But the legacy SonarSource/sonar-go, the Go Analyzer for SonarQube, is now SonarQube LTS) par of SonarSource/slang (SonarSource Language), which is a framework to quickly develop code analyzers for SonarQube.
See MMF-1670 (Migrate Go to SLANG)
SonarGo is relying on the UAST technology developed early in the ideation phase of an unified language to write language parsers, which later led to the creation of SLANG.
In order to unify the technologies we use, reduce the maintain cost, and benefit from more features, we need to migrate the current SonarGO implementation to a GO plugin relying solely on the SLANG framework.
See its Go code coverage SLang issues, in particular: SONARSLANG-399
sonarqube {
properties {
property 'sonar.sources', '.'
property 'sonar.exclusions', '**/*_test.go,**/generate_source.go,**/*_generated.go,**/build/**,**/.gogradle/**'
property 'sonar.tests', '.'
property 'sonar.test.inclusions', '**/*_test.go'
property 'sonar.test.exclusions', '**/build/**,**/.gogradle/**'
property 'sonar.go.tests.reportPaths', "${project.projectDir}/.gogradle/reports/test-report.out"
property 'sonar.go.coverage.reportPaths', "${project.projectDir}/.gogradle/reports/coverage/profiles/"
SONARSLANG-408 ("[Go] Import Go Cover report") is still in progress though.
(But is only 4 hours old, at the time of writing)
Yes, to my knowledge the SonarQube Cobertura plugin only allows to import coverage reports for Java (and maybe supported JVM based languages).
However, if you are willing to do some transformation on your coverage result file, the Generic Test Coverage plugin might suit your needs.

Cobertura & Java 7 support

Any ideas when cobertura will support java 7?
We preferred cobertura over emma and other code coverage tools and looks like we have to redo all those again, now that none of them support java 7 yet.
Cobertura 2.0.3 supports Java 7, the cobertura-maven-plugin version 2.6 which uses this version has been just released
I was able to get it to work by adding the following argument:
I got it from here.
I think the answer is: it won't. There is discussion on the mailing list that the project is not being maintained, and there are Java 7 bugs that have been open for a year. On the bright side, JaCoCo functionality is comparable and is being actively maintained.
Further to Jagger's comment, it looks like this is now being actively worked on for the next release - see:
with the comment "Fix java 7 stack map issue".
Old thread, but my answer may be useful: Cobertura does support the latest Java versions and is actively maintained. eCobertura (the Eclipse plug-in for Cobertura) hasn't been maintained since 2010, but Cobertura itself is still maintained.
eCobertura will not run with Java 7 or higher, but Cobertura will.
If you are looking for coverage reports (suc h as the ones that eCobertura used to provide), just run the Cobertura maven plugin with mvn cobertura:cobertura and check the HTML report under target/site/cobertura/index.html

Selenium WebDriverBackedSelenium implementation for ruby

I'm currently working on automated testing project. I'm trying to migrate from selenium rc to selenium 2 webdriver but I want to keep the old test classes. I have searched about this and found WebDriverBackedSelenium but it seems to be only in java.
So is there any implementation out there or has anyone already implemented it?
We're working on exposing the Java WebDriverBackedSelenium as part of the Selenium Server, which will give us this functionality in all supported languages. Watch this issue.
