How to configure gradle rule base model plugin in gradle kotlin DSL? - gradle

I'm using play-application plugin, which in turn use gradle rule based model configuration. build.gradle.kts looks like this:
plugins {
/* the snippet does not work
model {
components {
play {
platform play: playVersion, scala: scalaVersion, java: javaVersion
injectedRoutesGenerator = true
// this works instead
apply(from = "play_setup.gradle")
val setup: groovy.lang.Closure<Any?> by extra
setup(project, jVersion, scalaVersion, playVersion)
where play_setup.gradle is:
ext.setup = { project, javaVersion, scalaVersion, playVersion ->
model {
components {
play {
platform play: playVersion, scala: scalaVersion, java: javaVersion
injectedRoutesGenerator = true
Is there a way to stop using groovy for plugins made with rule based model and configure them directly via kotlin-DSL?

Not according to the limitations listed in the Gradle Kotlin DSL Primer.
The Kotlin DSL will not support the model {} block, which is part of
the discontinued Gradle Software Model. However, you can apply model
rules from scripts — see the model rules sample for more information
The link to the model rules sample is broken in the documentation, but I fixed it above.


In gradle kotlin dsl, how to call a dynamic test extension?

I'm trying to add a new configuration option when using the gradle ScalaTest plugin:
In its source code, the config was injected into the Test class as a dynamic extension:
static void configure(Test test) {
Map<String, ?> config = [:]
test.extensions.add(ScalaTestAction.CONFIG, config)
test.extensions.add("config", { String name, value -> config.put(name, value) })
test.extensions.add("configMap", { Map<String, ?> c -> config.putAll(c) })
If using groovy as the dsl, calling this property is easy:
test {
'': 'testdb'
'server': ''
unfortunately the kotlin dsl can't use this method due to static typing, when being invoked as a test plugin, it is clearly visible within the test scope, e.g. when using extensions.getByName:
tasks {
test {
val map = extensions.getByName("configMap")
It yields the following output:
> Configure project :
But there is no way to retrieve or assert its type in compile time, and it ends up being useless (unless reflection is used, which is against the design philosophy of kotlin dsl). Is there a easy way for kotlin dsl to achieve the same?
I saw in the Scala test gradle plugin that the dynamic extension is defined like this:
test.extensions.add("configMap", { Map<String, ?> c -> config.putAll(c) })
The com.github.maiflai.ScalaTestPlugin$_configure_closure6#45c21cac you saw should be a closure of type (Map<String, Any>) -> Unit, which means you can do that. We'll have to change the map values so let's assume that it's also mutable.
extensions.getByName("configMap").closureOf<MutableMap<String, Any?>> {
this[""] = "testdb"
this["server"] = ""
This builds fine but I don't have Scala installed and never used Scala test. I have no idea if it actually works, so please tell me.

How to get values provided by Groovy DSL from Kotlin in Gradle

Suppose following configuration:
ext {
libraries = [:]
libraries += [
library : [group: 'com.example', name: 'library', version: '1.1.1']
apply(from = "build.dependencies.gradle")
dependencies {
implementation(libraries["library"]) // does not work
Is there a way to get values provided by Groovy script in build.gradle.kts?
It doesn’t work because Kotlin is statically/strongly typed language unlike Groovy. libraries is not defined on any object from Gradle’s API.
You can access it like so:
dependencies {
implementation((project.extra["libraries"] as LinkedHashMap<*, *>)["library"]!!)
project.extra[“libraries”] returns an Object so we need to cast it correctly in order to get the next value. It is also marked as #Nullable so hence the !! operator.
A better way to manage dependency versions is to leverage Java Platform plugin.

How to efficiently populate extra properties in the Gradle Kotlin DSL?

I'm migrating Gradle build scripts from Groovy to Kotlin DSL and one of the things which is not really documented is how to populate extra properties.
In Groovy, I can write:
ext {
comp = 'node_exporter'
compVersion = '0.16.0'
compProject = 'prometheus'
arch = 'linux-amd64'
tarball = "v${compVersion}/${comp}-${compVersion}.${arch}.tar.gz"
downloadSrc = "${compProject}/${comp}/releases/download/${tarball}"
unzipDir = "${comp}-${compVersion}.${arch}"
I figured out that in the Kotlin DSL, I can achive the same functionality with:
val comp by extra { "filebeat" }
val compVersion by extra { "6.4.0" }
val arch by extra { "linux-x86_64" }
val tarball by extra { "${comp}-${compVersion}-${arch}.tar.gz" }
val downloadSrc by extra { "${comp}/${tarball}" }
val unzipDir by extra { "${comp}-${compVersion}-${arch}" }
which looks pretty repetitive.
Implementation of ExtraPropertiesExtension in Kotlin is a little bit complex, but at the end, it holds just plain old Map<String, Object>.
So, my question: is it possible to populate extra object with multiple properties more easily, than just repeating val myProp by extra { "myValue"}?
According the current (5.2.1) documentation:
All enhanced objects in Gradle’s domain model can hold extra user-defined properties. This includes, but is not limited to, projects, tasks, and source sets.
Extra properties can be added, read and set via the owning object’s extra property. Alternatively, they can be addressed via Kotlin delegated properties using by extra.
Here is an example of using extra properties on the Project and Task objects:
val kotlinVersion by extra { "1.3.21" }
val kotlinDslVersion by extra("1.1.3")
extra["isKotlinDsl"] = true
tasks.register("printExtProps") {
extra["kotlinPositive"] = true
doLast {
// Extra properties defined on the Project object
println("Kotlin version: $kotlinVersion")
println("Kotlin DSL version: $kotlinDslVersion")
println("Is Kotlin DSL: ${project.extra["isKotlinDsl"]}")
// Extra properties defined on the Task object
// this means the current Task
println("Kotlin positive: ${this.extra["kotlinPositive"]}")
You don't have to use delegation, just write extra.set("propertyName", "propertyValue"). You can do this with an apply block if you want:
extra.apply {
set("propertyName", "propertyValue")
set("propertyName2", "propertyValue2")

Are pmd, repositories etc tasks in Gradle

I am creating basic custom tasks in Gradle and learning how to extend them to do more complicated actions (Learning from here:
One of my reference projects, which I am extending to learn Gradle looks something like this
// pmd config
pmd {
ignoreFailures = false
reportsDir = file("$globalOutputDir/pmd")
toolVersion = toolVersions.pmdVersion
repositories {
task listSubProjects{
println 'Searching in root dir `'
My question is around the pmd and repositories sections and why they don't have a clear qualifier like "task" on them but my listSubProjects requires a task qualifier? Are these inherited tasks from plugins and don't need a task qualifier?
The blocks that you see are task extensions, also discussed here.
A plugin creator can define extensions to allow users to configure a plugin:
// plugin code
class GreetingPluginExtension {
// default value
String message = 'Hello from GreetingPlugin'
// plugin code
class GreetingPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
// Add the 'greeting' extension object
def extension = project.extensions.create('greeting', GreetingPluginExtension)
// Add a task that uses configuration from the extension object
In project.extensions.create('greeting',... the greeting block to be used later in build.gradle files is defined.
Then in user build.gradle files
apply plugin: GreetingPlugin
// Configure the extension
greeting.message = 'Hi from Gradle'
// Same effect as previous lines but with different syntax
greeting {
message = 'Hi from Gradle'
Often the name of the extension is chosen to be the same as the plugin and/or the task, which can make things confusing.

Gradle plugin for XML Beans

I am trying to write a Gradle plugin for XML Beans. I have started with one of the 'Hello from Gradle' plugin examples, and also a plugin published by R. Artavia here. That plugin went straight to jar - I am trying to only generate source. The generated source must then be compiled with other project source and included in a single jar. Other goals include
- full plugin - all I should need is "apply plugin: 'xmlbean'"
- I can configure source/code gen location and some features if I want to
- It detects whether it needs to be rebuilt. (well, eventually!!!)
I am off to a pretty good start, but am blocked defining a new sourceSet. I am getting an error "No such property 'srcDirs'" (or 'srcDir'). It seems there is something I have to define someplace to make a new sourceSet work but I cannot find it. I have tried several different syntaxes (with/without equal sign, brackets, srcDir/srcDirs, etc. - nothing is working...
What do I need to do inside a plugin to make a new sourceSet entry be properly recognized?
Thank you!
File: xmlbean.gradle (includes greeting plugin for the moment for debugging)
apply plugin: xmlbean
apply plugin: 'java'
xmlbean {
message = 'Hi'
greeter = 'Gradle'
class xmlbean implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.extensions.create("xmlbean", xmlbeanExtension)
Task xmlbeanTask = project.task('xmlbean')
xmlbeanTask << {
project.configurations {
project.dependencies {
xmlbeans 'org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:2.5.0'
project.sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs += '$project.buildDir/generated-source/xmlbeans'
xmlbeans {
srcDirs = ['src/main/xsd']
ant.taskdef(name: 'xmlbean',
classname: 'org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.XMLBean',
classpath: project.configurations.xmlbeans.asPath)
ant.xmlbean(schema: project.sourceSets.xmlbean.srcDir,
srconly: true,
srcgendir: "$project.buildDir/generated-sources/xmlbeans",
classpath: project.configurations.xmlbeans.asPath)
println "${project.xmlbean.message} from ${project.xmlbean.greeter}"
class xmlbeanExtension {
String message
String greeter
File: build.gradle
apply from: '../gradle/xmlbeans.gradle'
dependencies {
compile "xalan:xalan:$ver_xalan",
Console: Error message:
:idk:xmlbean FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script 'C:\jdev\cpc-maven\try.g2\comotion\gradle\xmlbeans.gradle' line: 32
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':idk:xmlbean'.
> No such property: srcDirs for class: org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultSourceSet_Decorated
Gradle info: version 2.5 / groovy 2.3.10 / JVM 7u55 on Windows 7 AMD64
You should try to become familiar with the Gradle DSL reference guide, because it's a huge help in situations like this. For example, if you click on the sourceSets { } link in the left navigation bar, you're taken to this section on source sets.
From there, you'll discover that the sourceSets {} block is backed by a class, SourceSetContainer. The next level of configuration nested inside is backed by a SourceSet object, and then within that you have one or more SourceDirectorySet configurations. When you follow the link to SourceDirectorySet, you'll see that there are getSrcDirs() and setSrcDirs() methods.
So how does this help? If you look closely at the exception, you'll see that Gradle is saying it can't find a srcDirs property on DefaultSourceSet_Decorated, which you can hopefully infer is an instance of SourceSet. That interface does not have an srcDirs property. That's because your xmlbeans {} block is configuring a SourceSet, not a SourceDirectorySet. You need to add another nested configuration to gain access to srcDirs.
At this point, I'm wondering whether a new source set is the appropriate solution. Unfortunately it's not clear to me exactly what the plugin should be doing, so I can't offer any alternatives at this point.
