Sqaure Payment Gateway Checkout API CORS Issue - square-connect

I tried to integrate Square Payment gateway in my application, but i'm getting following error enter image description here
I've tested it through postman. It's working fine in postman.

It looks like you're attempting to do the HTTP request from the frontend browser (JavaScript). Square doesn't allow that with one of the most important reasons being that anyone would be able to access your personal access token and thus have access to your account.
With that said, you need to create your HTTP request in a back-end service using something like PHP/Java/Ruby/Node.js, etc.


Elixir Phoenix Absinthe GraphQL API authentication in both web and mobile app's

I'm working on an Absinthe GraphQL API for my app. I'm still learning the procedure(so please go easy on me).
I've a Absinthe/GraphQL MyAppWeb.schema.ex file in which I use for my queries and mutations. My question is how do I use this API for authenticating the user on both Mobile and Web app?
How do set a cookie(httpOnly & secure) in my web app and access/refresh tokens in a single Absinthe API to serve my website and mobile app. Basically what I'm trying to learn is how do I authenticate the user based on specific platform.
If my question sounds bit confusing, I would be happy to provide more information related to my question. I would really be grateful if someone could explain the procedure, I've been very stuck on this for a while.
I would avoid using authentication mechanisms provided by absinthe(if there are any). Depending on what front-end you are using, I would go with JSON API authentication. The flow on server goes the following way:
Create a endpoint for login that will receive a user and password and will return a refresh token.
Create a endpoint for exchanging refresh token for access token.
Use a library like guardian to generate your refresh/access tokens.
Create a phoenix plug for authentication that will check your tokens, guardian has some built-in plugs for this.
Now on device you have to implement:
Ability to save refresh and access token on device.
Have a global handler for injecting access token on authorized requests.
Have a global handler for case when access token is expired. (you usually check if your request returns Unauthorized, then you should request a new access token from the server using your refresh token)
This seems like a crude implementation, however I would advise in implementing your system instead of using a black box library that you have no idea how it works under the hood.

Cognito authorize endpoint in OAuth2 identity provider

been trying to figure this out forever, and I don't think it's supposed to be that complex...
I have an AzureAD setup with an OAuth2 Connection that I want to point to Cognito so that I can authenticate users in the User Pool, get a token back and call AppSync APIs, etc. Important note here, I cannot use Amplify in the current situation.
I have configured my App Client as follows:
The ngrok URLs are because I'm working on a cloud based app that needs tunneling. I have multiple URLs in there in the hope that I'd get one that works, to no avail.
To configure the OAuth2 Connection in Azure, I'm asked for 3 URLs,
authorize, token and refresh.
Here are the values I put into these fields
When I initiate the auth process with this connection, I get the redirect_mismatch error. I have no idea why. When I open the HostedUI, it shows up just fine, but it points to login instead of authorize. The redirect_uri, however, is localhost:3000/ as seen at the end of the address bar.
Clearly, I'm missing something, but I have no idea what. Should there be additional parameters in the config of my URLs on Azure's side? Anyone ever connected the two in this way? The company insists on this flow, and I just can't wrap my head around it.
Any and all help apreciated, thank you.
NOTE: There is a possibility to configure a custom OAuth2 connection on the side of Azure with more parameters, should this be the way? I do not, however, know what to put in these extra fields.
In the case of a Bot authentication, as it is the case in my situation, in Callback URLs, add the following:
This allows to open the authentication window when authenticating your bot.

Protection of API against direct access

I have separate backend and frontend. However, they run on the same server (this may change in the future). The backend serves as an api and is powered by Laravel. Frontend by Nuxt (Vue).
I wish only my Nuxt application could access the api. How can I configure Laravel to only return data if the request comes from a Nuxt application?
I thought about adding a special token to requests, but the user will be able to check what request is coming out and capture the token. Can anyone give me ideas how this can be solved?
You must be knowing about CORS. So in your Laravel Server, allow requests from only the frontend server's domain like this:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://www.example.com
Simplest solution would be to add serverMiddleware in the nuxt project and route all the requests to the "real" api through it. Clients will hit the internal nuxt api and they will not be able to see the actual request made to the real api. There you can also add the token you are talking about for extra layer of security.

OAuth for Javascript Website (with Spring Server)

Im having a problem to understand the OAuth flow with Spring.
I have a server running, which got protected endpoints to deliver metric data about the users, revenue usw.
These are used inside an admin panel written in Angular2. Currently the access_token for these endpoints is received by sending the ClientId/Secret and username password to my server.
But obviously its bad to store the Clientsecret on a javascript site.
So I need a way to retreive an access_token from javascript without exposing the client_secret.
I tried to implement the Spring OAuth2 implicit flow which somehow works, but only when I type it inside a browser so the /login page from spring shows up.
My Admin panel has its own Login page so this doesnt work out.
Does anyone have suggestions?

Outlook API: getting access-token from front-end, how can i use it in web API backend to get Outlook messages

Im writing a application for outlook, front-end Angular, backend Web API.
I'm successfully getting access-token using adal in front-end, sessionStorage is:
Now i'm sending access-token to backend, and i want to get messages from outlook API, but how can i do it.
Searched for outlook REST api, and tested using POSTMAN, but not working.(401 error)
Get https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages
Authorization: Bearer access-token
Accept: application/json
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you are trying to complete the on-behalf-of flow.
This is where a front-end API gets an access token to a middle tier service, which subsequently gets an access token to a back-end API. Let's assume that the token from the front-end to the middle tier has user context. You are able to get a token from the middle tier, to the back-end using the same user context, by requesting a new access token using the original access token.
Here are more details on the flow: Find the section titled Delegated User Identity with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of Draft Specification
Here is a code sample integrating this flow:
Just to note, in this specific case, that the 401 error implies that you do not have the correct permissions for calling and accessing the API you want. Can you make sure you have selected the right permissions for the resource you want to access, for the client that you are accessing it with?
I hope this is what you are looking for!
