redisTemplate ValueOperations increment get null - spring-boot

First of all, I have to say that key exists in redis,
This key is a self-increasing sequence,
But sometimes getting this key is null.
I used spring-boot:
My expectation is to get a self-increment of 1 at a time to generate the order number
Could you advice a solution for my scenario? Thanks!
#Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public boolean paymentBatchMeter(UserDescriptor user, String areaCode, String newPrice) {
List<Meter> meters = meterService.findAllByFilterAndAreaCode(null, areaCode, user);
if (meters != null && meters.size() > 0) {
List<TaskValue> taskValueList = new ArrayList<>();
meters.forEach(meter -> {
if (meter.getState() == 1) {
Task task = new Task();
TaskValue taskValue = new TaskValue();
Long orderIndex = redisTemplate.opsForValue().increment("athena:order:index", 1);
if (orderIndex == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("error!");
Order order = new Order();
order.setCreateTime(new Date());
order.setRechargeMoney(new BigDecimal(newPrice));
List<DicProjectItem> dicProjectItems = dicProjectItemMapper.getDicProjectItemAll("D10015", 1);
String dicProjectItemId = -> "002".equals(p.getCode())).collect(Collectors.toList()).get(0).getId();
taskValueList.forEach(taskValue -> {
if ("004".equals(taskValue.getMeterType())) {
redisTemplate.convertAndSend(TOPIC, taskValue.getCode());
redisTemplate.opsForList().rightPush("athena:concentrator:meter:task:" + taskValue.getCode(), JSON.toJSONString(taskValue));
} else {
redisTemplate.opsForList().rightPush("athena:meter:task:" + taskValue.getCode(), JSON.toJSONString(taskValue));
return true;
return false;


Cannot invoke "org.apache.commons.logging.Log.isDebugEnabled()" because "this.logger" is null

Here the code that I used to save data and I use #Transactional. I want to write a test for this method, but it fails.
#Transactional(rollbackFor = BadRequestException.class, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void saveContent(ContentAbstractEntity content) {
TransactionBody txnBody =
(() -> {
ContentAbstractEntity contentAbstractEntity =;
if (content instanceof LearningContent) {
LearningContent learningContent = (LearningContent) content;
Long tutorCountInDB = tutorRepository.countBy_idIn(learningContent.getTutorIds());
if (!countryRepository.existsBySyllabuses_grades_subjects__id(
throw new BadRequestException("Subject is not found");
Topic topic = topicRepository.findBy_id(learningContent.getTopicId());
if (topic == null) throw new BadRequestException("Topic is not found");
List<ObjectId> lessonIds =
topic.getLessons().stream().map(m -> m.get_id()).collect(Collectors.toList());
boolean allLessonsExists =
learningContent.getLessonIds().stream().allMatch(a -> lessonIds.contains(a));
if (!allLessonsExists) throw new BadRequestException("Lessons are not mismatched");
if (tutorCountInDB != learningContent.getTutorIds().size()) {
throw new BadRequestException("Tutors are not matched");
return "Successfully inserted";
MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(uri);
ClientSession clientSession = client.startSession();
try {
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
} finally {
I tried to write a test for the above code, but it returns an error
void whenSaveContent() throws Exception {
ContentAbstractDto contentAbstractDto = new ContentAbstractDto();
ContentAbstractEntity content = learningVideo();
if (contentAbstractDto instanceof LearningDocsDto) {
LearningDocsDto learninfDocsDto = (LearningDocsDto) contentAbstractDto;
// ToDo when a Doc Saves and Assessment saves
if (content instanceof LearningContent) {
LearningContent learningContent = (LearningContent) content;
Long tutorCountInDB = (long) learningContent.getTutorIds().size();
Topic topic = getTopic();
if (topic == null) throw new BadRequestException("Topic is not found");
List<ObjectId> lessonIds =
topic.getLessons().stream().map(m -> m.get_id()).collect(Collectors.toList());
boolean allLessonsExists =
learningContent.getLessonIds().stream().allMatch(a -> lessonIds.contains(a));
if (!allLessonsExists) throw new BadRequestException("Lessons are not mismatched");
if (tutorCountInDB != learningContent.getTutorIds().size()) {
throw new BadRequestException("Tutors are not matched");

Go through sub tags of IsoMsg and get values for jPOS

I have a jPOS project and I want to loop through sub tags of a field to get it's values. I have the following code and I don't know if it does the job:
Map<String, String> subTagMap = new HashMap<>();
ISOMsg champ11 = (ISOMsg)isoMsg.getComponent(11);
int i = 1;
while(i < 15) {
if (champ11 != null) {
ISOTaggedField subtTag = findTag(champ11, (i < 10) ? "0" + i : String.valueOf(i));
if (subtTag != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Champ11x" + i +"trouvé");
subTagMap.put(subtTag.getTag(), subtTag.getValue().toString());
return subTagMap;
private ISOTaggedField findTag(ISOComponent component, String tagName) {
if (component instanceof ISOTaggedField) {
component = ((ISOTaggedField) component).getDelegate();
Map<Integer, Object> children = component.getChildren();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : children.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof ISOTaggedField) {
ISOTaggedField tag = (ISOTaggedField) entry.getValue();
if (tag.getTag().equals(tagName)) {
return tag;
return null;
This should work:
Map<String, String> subTagMap=new HashMap<>();
ISOMsg champ11 = (ISOMsg) isoMsg.getComponent(119);
if (champ != null) {
for (Object v : champ.getChildren().values()) {
if (!(v instanceof ISOTaggedField)) continue;
ISOTaggedField subTag = (ISOTaggedField) v;
subTagMap.put(subTag.getTag(), (String)subTag.getValue());
return subTagMap;

How to retrieve filtered value from a stream and use it

I'm new to Java 8:
I have to convert this piece of java 6 code to java 8 version:
List<String> unvalidnumbers = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
String str = "current_user"
for (Iterator<String> it = numbers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String number =;
try {
PersIdentifier persIdentifier = this.getPersIdentifierByNumber(number);
if (persIdentifier != null) {
if (StringUtils.equals(persIdentifier.getType(), "R")) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
} catch (BusException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Pers not found", e);
So i wrote this: number) -> {
try {
return this.getPersIdentifierByNumber(number) != null;
} catch (BusinessException e1) {
LOGGER.warn("Pers not found", e1);
return false;
}).forEach(number -> contentConstruction.append(number).append(";").append(str));
I know it's missing this part:
if (StringUtils.equals(persIdentifier.getType(), "R")) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
But i didn't found way to retrieve the corresponding persIdentifier object.
Any idea please
You should use a more functional approach if you use Java 8.
Instead of a forEach, favor collect(). Here Collectors.joining() looks suitable.
Not tested but you should have an overall idea :
String result =
.map(number -> new SimpleEntry<String, PersIdentifier>(number, this.getPersIdentifierByNumber(number) )
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
.map(entry ->{
final String base = entry.getKey() + ";" + str;
return "R".equals(entry.getValue().getType()) ? base + ";X" : base;
.collect(joining("\r\n")); // Or not OS dependent : System.lineSeparator()

how to implement Android In App BillingClient in Xamarin.Android Asynchronously

I am trying to implement below java code in c# referring to Android documentation
List<String> skuList = new ArrayList<> ();
SkuDetailsParams.Builder params = SkuDetailsParams.newBuilder();
new SkuDetailsResponseListener() {
public void onSkuDetailsResponse(BillingResult billingResult,
List<SkuDetails> skuDetailsList) {
// Process the result.
I have here 2 questions. I thought that i would run this code on a separate thread than UI thread like below to keep my ui responsive while network connection is done. is that the correct approach? QuerySkuDetailsAsync is called async but doesnt implement as async. how should this be working and how to handle in c# because it will fire and forget but Listener to handle the response.
public async Task<List<InAppBillingProduct>> GetProductsAsync(List<string> ProductIds)
var getSkuDetailsTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var prms = SkuDetailsParams.NewBuilder();
var type = BillingClient.SkuType.Inapp;
BillingClient.QuerySkuDetailsAsync(prms.Build(), new SkuDetailsResponseListener());
return InAppBillingProducts;
return await getSkuDetailsTask;
2nd question regarding how to handle with the listener as below. How do I return value from the listener. I need return list of InAppBillingProduct object.
public class SkuDetailsResponseListener : Java.Lang.Object, ISkuDetailsResponseListener
public void OnSkuDetailsResponse(BillingResult billingResult, IList<SkuDetails> skus)
if (billingResult.ResponseCode == BillingResponseCode.Ok)
// get list of Products here and return
FYI. This is how I did it. This is not a complete code but this will give you and idea.
Listener - PCL
private async Task EventClicked()
var skuList = new List<string>();
if (await _billingClientLifecycle.Initialize(skuList, DisconnectedConnection))
var firstProduct = _billingClientLifecycle?.ProductsInStore?.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstProduct != null)
//purchase here
private void DisconnectedConnection()
//Todo.alfon. handle disconnection here...
Interface - PCL
public interface IInAppBillingMigratedNew
List<InAppBillingPurchase> PurchasedProducts { get; set; }
List<InAppBillingProduct> ProductsInStore { get; set; }
Task<bool> Initialize(List<String> skuList, Action onDisconnected = null);
Dependency - Platform Droid
[assembly: XF.Dependency(typeof(InAppBillingMigratedNew))]
public class InAppBillingMigratedNew : Java.Lang.Object, IBillingClientStateListener
, ISkuDetailsResponseListener, IInAppBillingMigratedNew
private Activity Context => CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity
?? throw new NullReferenceException("Current Context/Activity is null");
private BillingClient _billingClient;
private List<string> _skuList = new List<string>();
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> _tcsInitialized;
private Action _disconnectedAction;
private Dictionary<string, SkuDetails> _skusWithSkuDetails = new Dictionary<string, SkuDetails>();
public List<InAppBillingPurchase> PurchasedProducts { get; set; }
public List<InAppBillingProduct> ProductsInStore { get; set; }
public IntPtr Handle => throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<bool> Initialize(List<string> skuList, Action disconnectedAction = null)
_disconnectedAction = disconnectedAction;
_tcsInitialized = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
var taskInit = _tcsInitialized.Task;
_skuList = skuList;
_billingClient = BillingClient.NewBuilder(Context)
if (!_billingClient.IsReady)
return taskInit;
#region IBillingClientStateListener
public void OnBillingServiceDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Connection disconnected.");
public void OnBillingSetupFinished(BillingResult billingResult)
var responseCode = billingResult.ResponseCode;
var debugMessage = billingResult.DebugMessage;
if (responseCode == BillingResponseCode.Ok)
Console.WriteLine($"Failed connection {debugMessage}");
#region ISkuDetailsResponseListener
public void OnSkuDetailsResponse(BillingResult billingResult, IList<SkuDetails> skuDetailsList)
if (billingResult == null)
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: null BillingResult");
var responseCode = billingResult.ResponseCode;
var debugMessage = billingResult.DebugMessage;
switch (responseCode)
case BillingResponseCode.Ok:
if (skuDetailsList == null)
if (skuDetailsList.Count > 0)
ProductsInStore = new List<InAppBillingProduct>();
foreach (var skuDetails in skuDetailsList)
_skusWithSkuDetails.Add(skuDetails.Sku, skuDetails);
//ToDo.alfon. make use mapper here
ProductsInStore.Add(new InAppBillingProduct
Name = skuDetails.Title,
Description = skuDetails.Description,
ProductId = skuDetails.Sku,
CurrencyCode = skuDetails.PriceCurrencyCode,
LocalizedIntroductoryPrice = skuDetails.IntroductoryPrice,
LocalizedPrice = skuDetails.Price,
MicrosIntroductoryPrice = skuDetails.IntroductoryPriceAmountMicros,
MicrosPrice = skuDetails.PriceAmountMicros
case BillingResponseCode.ServiceDisconnected:
case BillingResponseCode.ServiceUnavailable:
case BillingResponseCode.BillingUnavailable:
case BillingResponseCode.ItemUnavailable:
case BillingResponseCode.DeveloperError:
case BillingResponseCode.Error:
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: " + responseCode + " " + debugMessage);
case BillingResponseCode.UserCancelled:
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: " + responseCode + " " + debugMessage);
// These response codes are not expected.
case BillingResponseCode.FeatureNotSupported:
case BillingResponseCode.ItemAlreadyOwned:
case BillingResponseCode.ItemNotOwned:
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: " + responseCode + " " + debugMessage);
#region Helper Methods Private
private void ProcessPurchases(List<Purchase> purchasesList)
if (purchasesList == null)
Console.WriteLine("No purchases done.");
if (IsUnchangedPurchaseList(purchasesList))
Console.WriteLine("Purchases has not changed.");
PurchasedProducts = _purchases.Select(sku => new InAppBillingPurchase
PurchaseToken = sku.PurchaseToken
if (purchasesList != null)
private bool IsUnchangedPurchaseList(List<Purchase> purchasesList)
// TODO: Optimize to avoid updates with identical data.
return false;
private void LogAcknowledgementStatus(List<Purchase> purchasesList)
int ack_yes = 0;
int ack_no = 0;
foreach (var purchase in purchasesList)
if (purchase.IsAcknowledged)
//Log.d(TAG, "logAcknowledgementStatus: acknowledged=" + ack_yes +
// " unacknowledged=" + ack_no);
private void QuerySkuDetails()
var parameters = SkuDetailsParams
_billingClient.QuerySkuDetailsAsync(parameters, this);
private void QueryPurchases()
if (!_billingClient.IsReady)
Console.WriteLine("queryPurchases: BillingClient is not ready");
var result = _billingClient.QueryPurchases(BillingClient.SkuType.Subs);

how to wait for ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackgroud

I have a Utility function which I use to check if user has done few operations or not. If not, Then I need to send the results back to MainActivity.
public static boolean checkUserIsDone(String receiverPhoneNumber, String senderNumber ) {
hasApp = false;
HashMap<String, Object> parseParams = new HashMap<>();
parseParams.put("phoneNumber", receiverPhoneNumber);
parseParams.put("senderNumber", senderNumber);
ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("GetUserByPhoneNumber", parseParams, new FunctionCallback<String>() {
public void done(String result, ParseException e) {
if (e == null && result.equals("success")) {
hasApp = true;
} else {
hasApp = false;
Log.e("Error: ", e.getMessage());
return hasApp;
