It is possible to disable validation? - spring

for example I have entity with 20 properties, most of them have validators. Can I somehow disable validators? Ofc I can comment them or just remove but when You have many entities this would take a lot of time and in dev mode I would like to mock dummy data

You can use the property:
as stated here:
How to disable Hibernate validation in a Spring Boot project


Disable Hibernate validation for a single entity

I'd like to disable Hibernate validation for a single entity in my application, which I validate manually. The rest of entites should continue to use the standard Hibernate validation on persist.
The standard solution is to disable all validation via javax.persistence.validation.mode: none but this doesn't apply here as I just want to bypass it for a single entity.
So far the solutions appear to be:
Add Hibernate groups to every single annotation on the entity - this is error prone and cumbersome as the entity has 50+ annotations on it.
Replace or override BeanValidationEventListener to skip validation for my entity - there doesn't appear to be a clean way to override this listener with Spring Boot 2.0.
Are there other, simpler ways to do this with Hibernate and Spring?

Where should custom validation be placed in spring?

Use case:
At springboot startup I want to validate some thing regarding annotations and file. So I want spring startup to fail if the rules
are violated.
What is the standard place to do this in Spring?
I have read this article: Baeldung - Article
Two solution that I like:
Registering an ApplicationListener
Are these OK for validating purpose as entry point?
You can create one validator bean and put all different validation logics in different methods and annotate them by #PostConstruct
Unless your configuration is changing frequently,
and it seems likely that it should not change frequently,
you only need to perform this type of validation in an integration test.
Just write a jUnit test that loads the configuration then performs the validation.
These are often, wrongly, called unit tests (because they use jUnit) but are actually integration tests.

How to create a specific validator for a field's model

I want to use a specific validation for a field in my class. It should assure that the username field follow some specific rules.
Can someone point me some docs that show me how to create a validator specifically for a field in a class?
I'm using Spring framework.
Whats wrong with the spring documentation.
The page for that is usually
There are different ways to do that. I personally prefer the javax.validation spring integration instead of the system by spring directly. The creation of a custom validator for an object can be seen in the hibernate-validator (implementation of javax.validation)

Spring 3 Form Validation link to JPA Entity

I am planning to use Spring 3 validations in my Web Application. I was considering that since I already have the properties of my JPA entities annotated with some standard validations like nullable="false" or length="50". Is there any way I could reuse JPA validations in Spring 3 Backing forms?
I feel a better idea would be to recode the validations on the Spring form as we can have more helpful error messages. What do you think -
Is it possible in a clean way to reuse JPA validations in Spring forms?
What is a better design - reimplement the validations or reuse the basic ones and code more specific validations separately?
In my experience, as soon as you write a custom Validator you're responsible for validating all fields regarding Spring's WebDataBinder. Validation constraint annotations still throw exceptions though if violated.

Validation App Block validating NetTiers entities

Here is my question: does anyone know how to set up custom validation for NetTiers entities?
I have a NetTiers web solution that was generated with the EntLib 4.1 validation app block. The actual entities' properties are decorated with the validation attributes to ensure that the dataase integrity is maintained. What I need to do is add custom validation to the entities.
I know how to write the custom validators. I'm just not sure how to wire them up to the each entities so that I can perform custom validation. What I am looking for is an overview on how to do this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Are you using the latest release of .netTiers? Support for data annotations was added in this patch and committed to core.
I would take a look at the following documentation. I'm thinking that this is something that you would need to wire up programmatically. Well make sure that this scenario works in v3.
