How I can get full query from relation - laravel

I have model Company with relation
public function contact()
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\Contact::class, 'company_contacts', 'company_id', 'contact_id')
->wherePivot('primary', '=', true)->withPivot('primary');
I need to sort items with contact.last_name column.
So I build query
$scope = $scope->leftJoin('company_contacts', "", '=', "company_contacts.company_id")
->leftJoin('contacts', "company_contacts.contact_id", '=', "")
->groupBy(['', ''])
->select(['companies.*', 'contacts.last_name'])
But this should be more universal
Value of names and tables I can get from $relation
$relation = $scope->getRelation('contact');
$key = $relation->getQualifiedOwnerKeyName(); // etc
And then substitute values into the scope-builder. But I can not get this part::
->wherePivot('primary', '=', true)->withPivot('primary')

I found public property pivotWheres of BelongsToMany class and I can use that.


Laravel: sort query results based on field of nested relationship

I have two models with relations as defined below
public function owner()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'owner_id');
public function company(){
return $this->belongsTo(Company::class, 'company_id');
company table have 'title' field.
what I want is to get all the orders sorted/order by company title. I've tried different solution but nothing seems to work. Any help or hint would be appreciated.
Recent solution that I tried is
$query = OrderModel::whereHas('owner', function($q) use ($request){
// $q->orderBy('owner');
$q->whereHas('company',function ($q2) use ($request){
$q2->orderBy('title',$request->get('orderByDirection') ?? 'asc');
but I am not getting user and company relation in query results. also the result remains same for 'ASC' and 'DESC' order.
You could sort the query after adding join like:
return Order::join('users', '', '=', 'owner_id')
->join('companies', '', '=', 'users.company_id')
You can define new relations in User and Company models.
public function orders()
return $this->hasMany(Order::class);
public function users()
return $this->hasMany(User::class);
Now you can fetch companies that are in asc order and with the use of relation, you can fetch users and orders. So the ORM like be,
$companies = Company::with('users.orders')->orderBy('title', 'ASC')->get();
So these are the company-wise orders. You can use this too.

retrieving related field in controller index function gives error but ok in show function

I define the relation in Company table (where I added the plural):
protected $table = 'companies';
public function country() {
return $this->belongsTo(Country::class, "country_id")->withDefault(['country' => 'unknown']);
I also did the same in the Country model.
When I use the following code in the controller show function it works:
public function show (Company $company) {
$company->country = $company->country()->pluck('country');
But if I use the same code in the index function in a loop, I get an error "Call to undefined method stdClass::country()":
public function index (Company $company) {
if (request('tag')) {
$companies = Tag::where('name',request('tag'))->firstOrFail()->companies;
$companies->page_title = "Businesses matching tag '".request('tag')."'";
} else {
$companies = DB::table('companies')
->where([['is_active', '=', '1']])
foreach($companies as $key => $thisCompany) {
$thisCompany->country = $company->country()->pluck('country');
I guess it is due to the fact that $company is created in the loop and not passed through the function like in show(Company $company)... but I could not find how to solve this issue... so help will be appreciated.
I have added the model in the argument of the function and change the name of the $company variable in the loop by $thisCompany to avoid confusion with the $company model.
No error but the field $country->country does not contain the name of the country but "Illuminate\Support\Collection {#443 …1}"
Why is it so complicated? Please help...
Paul, sorry, I think I didn't explain myself well in the comments.
What I meant by "What about if you change DB::table('companies') by Company?", is to stop using DB Query Builder to use the Eloquent Company model.
Specifically in this segment of code:
$companies = DB::table('companies')
->where([['is_active', '=', '1']])
So, it could be:
$companies = Company::where([['is_active', '=', '1']])
The explanation is that in the first way (with DB Query Builder), the query will return a collection of generic objects (the PHP stdClass object) that do not know anything about the Company and its relationships.
On the other hand, if you use the Eloquent model Company, it will return a collection of Company objects, which do know about relationships, and specifically the relationship that you have defined as country.
Then, when you loop over the collection, you will be able to access the country relation of each Company object:
foreach($companies as $key => $company) {
$company->country = $company->country()->pluck('country');
Finally, your code could looks like:
public function index () {
if (request('tag')) {
$companies = Tag::where('name',request('tag'))->firstOrFail()->companies;
$companies->page_title = "Businesses matching tag '".request('tag')."'";
} else {
$companies = Company::where([['is_active', '=', '1']])
foreach($companies as $key => $company) {
$company->country = $company->country()->pluck('country');

How to implement relationship in where condition Laravel's eloquent?

I have two tables:
The two tables have one to may relationship.
Student model:
public function results()
return $this->hasMany('App\Result');
Result model:
public function student()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Student');
In the students table I have a field called average_score.
How can I execute the following query, this is not working it says "Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::$student":
$data = Result::with('student')->where('score', '>=', function($q){
$average_score = $q->student->average_score;
return $average_score;
In order to get the results that are only higher or equal to than the "average_score".
If score and average_score are columns of the same table (student), try this;
$data = Result::with(['student' => function ($query) {
$query->whereColumn('score', '>=', 'average_score');
If score and average_score are columns of the different tables, try this;
$data = Result::with('student')->whereHas('student', function($q) {
$q->whereColumn('students.average_score', '<=', 'results.score');
You can use whereHas to find those results:
$data = Result::with('student')->whereHas('student', function($q) {
$q->whereColumn('average_score', '<=', 'Results.score');
get value from column Results.average_score then compare to student.score:
'student' => function($query) {
$query->where("score",">=", "Results.average_score"););

non trivial relationship in eloquent

i get:
Relationship method must return an object of type
code of model:
class Order extends Model{
public function order_status(){
$q = self::GetQueryWithCurrentOrderStatus();
return $q->where('', '=', $this->id)->get();
private static function GetQueryWithCurrentOrderStatus(){
$rawSql = OrderOrderStatus::selectRaw('order_order_status.order_id as id, max(created_at)')->groupBy('order_order_status.order_id')->toSql();
$query = OrderStatus::join('order_order_status', 'order_order_status.order_status_id', '=', '')
->join('order', '', '=', 'order_order_status.order_id')
->join(DB::raw('( ' . $rawSql . ') CurrentOrderStatus'), function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', '');
return $query;
db structure is written in the answer here:
order_status_history is order_order_status
now i could write in the blade file just:
$order->order_status() instead of $order->order_status ... but why? is there a solution?
If you're trying to call a method, call a method. order_status isn't a property.
If you access it as a property, it requires an Eloquent relationship (like it says) which are created through the hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo, belongsToMany methods:

Ordering Results from Related Tables in Eloquent and the Session

I have the following in my Event model in Laravel 4. The reason I am using QueryBuilder and not Eloquent is I need to have links in each column header in my results table in my view, that when clicked, order the results in asc or desc based on that column.
The issue I'm having is, if I use Eloquent, it won't work as most of the data is pulled through via relationships to other tables, so Eloquent can't find the required columns/fields.
public static function getEvents($perPage = 10)
$order = Session::get('event.order', 'start_date.desc');
$order = explode('.', $order);
$columns = array(
' as id',
' as city',
' as supplier_name',
' as venue_name',
'courses.price as course_price',
'max_delegates as availability',
'tutors.first_name as tutor_first_name',
'tutors.last_name as tutor_last_name',
'contacts.first_name as d_first_name'
$events = DB::table('events')
->leftJoin('courses', 'course_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('suppliers', 'supplier_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('locations', 'location_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('venues', 'venue_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('event_types', 'event_type_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('event_statuses', 'event_status_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('tutors', 'tutor_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('delegate_event', 'delegate_event.event_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('delegates', '', '=', 'delegate_event.delegate_id')
->leftJoin('contacts', 'delegates.contact_id', '=', '')->groupBy('')
->orderBy($order[0], $order[1])
return $events;
If you look at my EventsController at the getOrder method:
public function getOrder($order)
Session::put('event.order', $order);
return Redirect::back();
You can see I am storing the order in the session and then in my model using that to sort the order of results.
Is there a way to do this in Eloquent the way I need to?
You know you can just add a join() to eloquent right?
So, as an example, if you have users and each user has some blog posts (i.e. user has_many blogs), you can output an eloquent model showing username and blog title, ordered by blog title, as follows:
user::join('blogs', '','=','users.blog_id')
->order_by('blogs.title', 'asc')
->select(array('users.username', 'blogs.title'))
