Can't set field of a struct that is typed as an interface{} - go

I've been struggling with the reflect package. This code below does what I expect:
package main
import (
type Car struct {
Model string
type Person struct {
Name string
Cars []Car
func ModifyIt(parent interface{},fieldName string, val interface{}) {
slice := reflect.ValueOf(parent).Elem()
nth := slice.Index(0)
//row := nth.Interface() // this line causes errors
row := nth.Interface().(Person)
elem := reflect.ValueOf(&row).Elem()
field := elem.FieldByName(fieldName)
func main() {
p := []Person{Person{Name:"john"}}
c := []Car{Car{"corolla"},Car{"jetta"}}
However, if I replace the line row := nth.Interface().(Person) with row := nth.Interface(), that is I remove the type assertion, then I get the error:
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.FieldByName on interface Value
on line "field := elem.FieldByName(fieldName)
I've tried a bunch of other things the last few hours like trying to do reflect.TypeOf(), reflect.Indirect() etc... on some of the other variables but with no success.
I've read some other questions like these:
reflect: call of reflect.Value.FieldByName on ptr Value
Set a struct field with field type of a interface
Golang reflection: Can't set fields of interface wrapping a struct
They seem to suggest that I don't have a good understanding of how pointers or interfaces work.
So my question is, how do I go about setting the field of a struct when the struct is typed as an interface?
I posted a solution as an answer, but I have no confidence in whether it is the proper or safe way of doing things. I hope someone can explain, or post a better solution.

Try this:
func ModifyIt(slice interface{}, fieldName string, newVal interface{}) {
// Create a value for the slice.
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
// Get the first element of the slice.
e := v.Index(0)
// Get the field of the slice element that we want to set.
f := e.FieldByName(fieldName)
// Set the value!
Call it like this:
p := []Person{Person{Name: "john"}}
c := []Car{Car{"corolla"}, Car{"jetta"}}
ModifyIt(p, "Cars", c)
Note that the call passes the slices directly instead of using pointers to slices. The pointers are not needed and add extra complexity.
Run it on the Playground.

Out of sheer luck, I finally got something to work.
I pieced together a bunch of random things I read with very little rhyme or reason. I even tried reading the Laws of Reflection on the Golang site, but I don't think I have a good grasp of how it relates to why I couldn't set variables typed as interface{}. In general, I still don't understand what I did.
My solution below is littered with comments to indicate my confusion, and lack of confidence in whether I did things properly or safely.
package main
import (
type Car struct {
Model string
type Person struct {
Name string
Cars []Car
func ModifyIt(parent interface{},fieldName string, val interface{}) {
slice := reflect.ValueOf(parent).Elem()
nth := slice.Index(0)
row := nth.Interface()
log.Println(nth.CanSet()) // I can set this nth item
// I think I have a to make a copy, don't fully understand why this is necessary
newitem := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(row).Type())
newelem := newitem.Elem()
field := newelem.FieldByName(fieldName)
// I need to copy the values over from the old nth row to this new item
for c:=0; c<nth.NumField(); c++ {
// now I can finally set the field for some reason I don't understand
// now that newitem has new contents in the field object, I need to overwrite the nth item with new item
// I don't know why I'm doing it, but I'll do it
// I also don't fully understand why I have to use Indirect sometimes, and not other seems interchangeable with ValueOf(something).Elem(), I'm confused....
func main() {
p := []Person{Person{Name:"john"}}
c := []Car{Car{"corolla"},Car{"jetta"}}
// now parent is up to date, although I have no idea how I got here.
If anyone can post a better answer that clears up my confusion, that will be great. I've been having a really hard time learning golang.


instantiate by reflection

Given a function with a parameter (that is a pointer to a struct) I want to instantiate a type of this parameter.
For example, for this function:
func MyFunction(myStruct *MyStruct) {}
using reflection I want to create a variable that contains exactly same as x := &MyStruct{} would contain.
This is the code example:
package main
import (
type MyStruct struct {
func main () {
reflectedFunction := reflect.TypeOf(MyFunction)
argType := reflectedFunction.In(0)
reflectedParameter := reflect.New(argType)
actual := reflectedParameter.Interface()
expected := &MyStruct{}
func MyFunction(myStruct *MyStruct) {
If you execute it, you'll see that they contain different info:
0xc00000e028 // actual
&{} // expected
This question isn't about why I would like to do this, so please avoid recommending not doing it, etc.
In your code, actual is a interface{} value containing a *MyStruct. As the name and documentation indicate, reflectedParameter.Interface() returns an interface{}.
using reflection I want to create a variable that contains exactly same as x := &MyStruct{} would contain.
Then you'll have to type assert it:
actual := reflectedParameter.Elem().Interface().(*MyStruct)
reflect.New creates a pointer to a new zero value of the reflected type. In your example that type is already a *MyStruct, so the value of your actual winds up being a representation of a **MyStruct, as seen in Taking the .Elem() of that results in the correct type again, but you end up with a nil pointer (*MyStruct)(nil).
You need to take the .Elem() if that first type if you want to create a new pointer value.
reflectedParameter := reflect.New(argType.Elem())
reflectedFunction := reflect.TypeOf(MyFunction)
argType := reflectedFunction.In(0)
reflectedParameter := reflect.New(argType.Elem())
actual := reflectedParameter.Interface()
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", actual)
expected := &MyStruct{}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", expected)
Which prints

working with slices of pointers to structs with reflection

I'm trying to practice reflections with Go, I read a few articles but it seems like I'm missing some basic understanding that maybe you guys can clear out.
I wrote a simple app to demonstrate what I'm trying to achieve.
in general I want a function to receive a slice of a pointer to a struct as an interface type, and to fill it with data using reflections.
again. this example seems a bit useless but i minimized what i'm trying to achieve. I know how to find the column names of a struct, but i have no problem there so I removed it from the example.
so this is the code:
package main
import (
type MyTesting struct {
MyBool bool
MyFloat float64
MyString string
func addRow(dst interface{}) {
iValue := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
iType := reflect.TypeOf(dst)
// getting the Struct Type (MyTesting)
structType := iType.Elem().Elem().Elem()
// creating an instance of MyTesting
newStruct := reflect.New(structType)
// getting the current empty slice
slice := iValue.Elem()
// appending the new struct into it
newSlice := reflect.Append(slice,newStruct)
// trying to set the address of the varible to the new struct ? the original var is not a pointer so something here
// is clearly wrong. I get the PANIC here, but if i remove that line, then rows stays nil
currentPlaceForRow := newStruct.Elem()
structField := currentPlaceForRow.FieldByName("MyString")
func main() {
var rows []*MyTesting
so in general i the function gets an un-initialized slice of pointers to MyTesting struct. i want in the function to create the first slice element and to set the value of MyString in the 1st element to "testing".
when I try to execute it I get:
panic: reflect: reflect.Value.SetPointer using unaddressable value
so working with reflections is a bit confusing for me.. can anyone please a shed a light on what I'm missing here ? :)
You can use reflect.ValueOf(dst).Elem().Set(newSlice).

Using reflection to populate a pointer to a struct

I'd like to iterate over the fields in a struct and prompt for string values to string fields, doing this recursively for fields that are pointers to structs.
Currently this is what I've tried, but I get an error when trying to set this value in the pointer's string field.
package main
import (
type Table struct {
PK *Field
type Field struct {
Name string
func main() {
func PopulateStruct(a interface{}) interface {} {
typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(a)
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(a)
for i := 0; i < typeOf.Elem().NumField(); i++ {
switch typeOf.Elem().Field(i).Type.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
var s string
fmt.Scanf("%s", &s)
case reflect.Ptr:
ptr := reflect.New(valueOf.Elem().Field(i).Type())
Expecting the return value to include an initialised struct with the pointers string field set.
Getting an error when setting the pointer's string field.
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Field on zero Value
I dropped your code as-is into the Go Playground and it doesn't build because PopulateStruct is declared as returning interface{} but does not actually return anything. Removing the declared return type produces the panic you mention.
This is because at entry to the outer PopulateStruct call, you have a valid pointer, pointing to a zero-valued Table. A zero-valued Table has one element: a nil pointer in it of type *Field. Your loop therefore runs once and finds a reflect.Ptr, as you expected. Adding more diagnostic print messages helps see what's happening:
fmt.Printf("PopulateStruct: I have typeOf=%v, valueOf=%v\n", typeOf, valueOf)
for i := 0; i < typeOf.Elem().NumField(); i++ {
switch typeOf.Elem().Field(i).Type.Kind() {
// ... snipped some code ...
case reflect.Ptr:
ptr := reflect.New(valueOf.Elem().Field(i).Type())
fmt.Println("after allocating ptr, we have:", ptr.Type(), ptr,
"but its Elem is:", ptr.Elem().Type(), ptr.Elem())
This prints:
PopulateStruct: I have typeOf=*main.Table, valueOf=&{<nil>}
after allocating ptr, we have: **main.Field 0x40c138 but its Elem is: *main.Field <nil>
Given the way PopulateStruct itself is constructed, we must actually allocate a real Field instance now, before calling PopulateStruct. We can do this with:
p2 := ptr.Elem()
(code borrowed from json.Unmarshal). Now we can fill in this Field, which has one field named Name of type String.
The overall strategy here is not that great, in my opinion: filling-in probably should take a generic pointer, not specifically a pointer-to-struct pointer. You can then emulate the indirect function in the json unmarshaller. However, the addition of these two lines—creating the target object and making the allocated pointer point to it—suffices to make your existing code run.
(Alternatively, you could just create and return a whole instance from scratch, in which case all you need is the type—but I'm assuming you have a pattern in which only some fields are nil.)
Here's the complete Go Playground example. I made a few other changes as there's nothing to scan from when using the playground.

Using reflect to update value by reference when argument is not a pointer in go

I've had difficulty learning the basics of reflect, pointers and interface in go, so here's another entry level question I can't seem to figure out.
This code does what I want it to do - I'm using reflect to add another record to a slice that's typed as an interface.
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string
func Add(slice interface{}) {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice).Elem()
// in my actual code, p is declared via the use of reflect.New([Type])
p := Person{Name:"Sam"}
func main() {
p := []Person{}
If I changed the Add and main function to this, things don't work the way I want it to.
func Add(slice interface{}) {
s := reflect.ValueOf(&slice).Elem()
p := Person{Name:"Sam"}
func main() {
p := []Person{}
That is, the log.Println(p) at the end doesn't show a slice with the record Sam in it like the way I had hoped. So my question is whether it's possible for me to have Add() receive a slice that is not a pointer, and for me to still write some code in Add() that will produce the outcome shown in my first scenario?
A lot of my recent questions dance around this kind of subject, so it's still taking me a while to figure out how to use the reflect package effectively.
No, it's not possible to append to a slice in a function without passing in a pointer to the slice. This isn't related to reflection, but to how variables are passed in to functions. Here's the same code, modified to not use reflection:
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string
func AddWithPtr(slicep interface{}) {
sp := slicep.(*[]Person)
// This modifies p1 itself, since *sp IS p1
*sp = append(*sp, Person{"Sam"})
func Add(slice interface{}) {
// s is now a copy of p2
s := slice.([]Person)
sp := &s
// This modifies a copy of p2 (i.e. s), not p2 itself
*sp = append(*sp, Person{"Sam"})
func main() {
p1 := []Person{}
// This passes a reference to p1
log.Println("Add with pointer: ", p1)
p2 := []Person{}
// This passes a copy of p2
log.Println("Add without pointer:", p2)
(Above, when it says 'copy' of the slice, it doesn't mean the copy of the underlying data - just the slice)
When you pass in a slice, the function effectively gets a new slice that refers to the same data as the original. Appending to the slice in the function increases the length of the new slice, but doesn't change the length of the original slice that was passed in. That's why the original slice remains unchanged.

Passing pointer to string when the function takes an interface?

I am passing a pointer to a string, to a method which takes an interface (I have multiple versions of the method, with different receivers, so I am trying to work with empty interfaces, so that I don't end up with a ton of boilerplate madness. Essentially, I want to populate the string with the first value in the slice. I am able to see the value get populated inside the function, but then for some reason, in my application which calls it, tha value doesn't change. I suspect this is some kind of pointer arithmetic problem, but could really use some help!
I have the following interface :
type HeadInterface interface{
And then I have the following functions :
func Head(slice HeadInterface, result interface{}){
func (slice StringSlice) Head(result interface{}){
result = reflect.ValueOf(slice[0])
and... here is my call to the function from an application which calls the mehtod...
func main(){
test := x.StringSlice{"Phil", "Jessica", "Andrea"}
// empty result string for population within the function
var result string = ""
// Calling the function (it is a call to 'x.Head' because I lazily just called th import 'x')
x.Head(test, &result)
// I would have thought I would have gotten "Phil" here, but instead, it is still empty, despite the Println in the function, calling it "phil.
*NOTE : I am aware that getting the first element doesn't need to be this complicated, and could be slice[0] as a straight assertion, but this is more of an exercise in reusable code, and also in trying to get a grasp of pointers, so please don't point out that solution - I would get much more use out of a solution to my actual problem here * :)
As you said in your NOTE, I'm pretty sure this doesn't have to be this complicated, but to make it work in your context:
package main
import (
type HeadInterface interface {
func Head(slice HeadInterface, result interface{}) {
type StringSlice []string
func (slice StringSlice) Head(result interface{}) {
switch result := result.(type) {
case *string:
*result = reflect.ValueOf(slice[0]).String()
fmt.Println("inside Head:", *result)
panic("can't handle this type!")
func main() {
test := StringSlice{"Phil", "Jessica", "Andrea"}
// empty result string for population within the function
var result string = ""
// Calling the function (it is a call to 'x.Head' because I lazily just called th import 'x')
Head(test, &result)
// I would have thought I would have gotten "Phil" here, but instead, it is still empty, despite the Println in the function, calling it "phil.
fmt.Println("outside:", result)
The hard part about working with interface{} is that it's hard to be specific about a type's behavior given that interface{} is the most un-specific type. To modify a variable that you pass as a pointer to a function, you have to use the asterisk (dereference) (for example *result) on the variable in order to change the value it points to, not the pointer itself. But to use the asterisk, you have to know it's actually a pointer (something interface{} doesn't tell you) so that's why I used the type switch to be sure it's a pointer to a string.
