Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed. --detectOpenHandles - graphql

I am going to test backend server running with Jest.
It success sometimes, but other times it shows error like this.
So if I use --detectOpenHandles flag as suggested, It always success without showing eny error.
This is test code.
it("should be able to initialize a server (development)",async (done) => {
// Before main() is called there is no active connection:
return main({
env: "dev",
port: PORT,
.then(async (server: ApolloServer) => {
// After main() got called, there is an active connection:
await server.stop();
afterAll(async () => {
await connection.close(); //connection is mongoose.connection
I am not sure why it fails when flag.
And it weird it sometimes success, and other times fails.

I faced a similar issue and managed to resolve it by returning a promise in the function passed to afterAll. For example:
afterAll(() => {
return connection.close(); // connection.close() returns a promise
Docs for reference

Not related to the user's question, but causes the problem in the title nevertheless:
Switching from
testEnvironment: 'node', to testEnvironment: 'jsdom', in jest.config.js seemed to fix the issue.


Allow cy.wait to fail

After reading a lot of docs and try to find a solution to my problem I didn't find anything, so here we go.
I have the following problem testing my end to end flow, the flow I'm testing does launch requests continuously but in one case I expect these requests to stop. In other words, I want to throw an error if the request is made and continue with errors when hits the timeout without any request.
cy.wait('#my-request', { timeout: 20000 })
I expect this to timeout if the app works fine so I tried to do this.
cy.wait('#my-request', { timeout: 20000 })
.its('status').should('not.eq', 404)
.its('status').should('not.eq', 200);
I expected to execute the chained tasks but this only happens when the request is made, as well as tried to use a .then but I have the same problem.
Adding a global on fail event can help us but also limits to not execute additional code when this test is failing and we force it to be marked as done.
In the test definition we can add the done callback like in the example.
it('Description', (done) => {
// other test stuff
cy.on('fail', (err) => {
if ( === 'CypressError' && err.message.includes('routeAlias') && err.message.includes('Timed out')) {
return true;
throw err;
cy.wait('#routeAlias', { timeout: 20000 })
.then(() => {
throw new Error('Error request found.');
// Any remaining code won't be executed if you need to reset something you need to create a new step, like in my case I did a new step to click a cancel button and prepare the app for the next test.
Now our test passes when this specific error is caught but any other error will lead to a test error.
This kind of workarounds are not recommended by cypress but unless cypress adds a catch to manage some errors it's the only way to fix my problem.

Mocha timing out when test in Promise callback fails

If I have the following module:
module.exports = kontinue => {
.then(o => {
console.log('promise resolved');
// say something goes wrong here
kontinue({error:'promise resolved but something else went wrong'});
else kontinue(o);
.catch(error => {
console.log('caught error');
kontinue({error:'promise rejected, or resolved but then continuation threw exception'})
And the following test:
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const target = require('./the_above_code.js');
it('should not timeout', (done) => {
target((sut) => {
console.log('continuation called');
assert.ok(false); // the test for sut.error === what I expected was failing
It outputs:
promise resolved
continuation called
caught error
Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
I realise this is because the .catch() is returning a new promise which is not resolving, but that's not what I really want during testing.
How do I test the object a promise resolves to, fail the test if necessary, have Mocha report that failure?
Perhaps there is somewhere else other than in the continuation (which never returns in the code that uses this module) that I can put the tests?
I'm sure monads can reduce the amount of boilerplate code here, but using them surely would violate Kernighan's maxim.

Using asynchronous Nightwatch After Hook with client interaction does not work

As far as I can tell, using promises or callbacks in After hook prevents Command Queue from executing when using promises / callbacks. I'm trying to figure out why, any help or suggestions are appreciated. Closest issue I could find on github is:
which states: finding that trying to make browser calls in the after hook is too late; it appears that the session is closed before after is run. (exactly my problem). But there is no solution provided. I need to run cleanup steps after my scenarios run, and those cleanup steps need to be able to interact with browser.
In the snippet below, bar is never outputted. Just foo.
const { After } = require('cucumber');
const { client } = require('nightwatch-cucumber');
After(() => new Promise((resolve) => {
client.perform(() => {
I also tried using callback approach
After((browser, done) => {
client.perform(() => {
But similar to 1st example, bar is never outputted, just foo
You can instead use something like:
const moreWork = async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 10000);
After(() => client.perform(async () => {
But the asynchronous nature of moreWork means that the client terminates before my work is finished, so this isn't really workin for me. You can't use an await in the perform since they are in different execution contexts.
Basically the only way to get client commands to execute in after hook is my third example, but it prevents me from using async.
The 1st and 2nd examples would be great if the command queue didn't freeze and prevent execution.
edit: I'm finding more issues on github that state the browser is not available in before / after hooks:
What are you supposed to do if you want to clean up using the browser after all features have run?
Try the following
After(async () => {
await client.perform(() => {
await moreWork();

Issue with .subscribe() method of pushManager

I am following this very clear tutorial.
All works except that when I get to the stage subscribing a user with pushManager when I call pushManager.subscribe() I don't get any response from the promise whose status is pending.
Maybe I am missing some glaring problem with my setup, which is as follows:
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && 'PushManager' in window) {
console.log('Service Worker and Push is supported');
.then(function(swReg) {
console.log('Service worker successfully registered.');
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function() {
const subscribeOptions = {
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: ... // My application server key.
let promise = swReg.pushManager.subscribe(subscribeOptions)
console.log(promise) // Promise {[[PromiseStatus]]: "pending", [[PromiseValue]]: undefined}
.then(function(pushSubscription) {
console.log('Received PushSubscription: ', pushSubscription); // Never gets called.
.catch(function(err) {
console.error('Unable to subscribe.', err); // Never gets called.
.catch(function(err) {
console.error('Unable to register service worker.', err);
Should additional configuration be made somewhere else? Any advice is appreciated.
Just came across this thread.
The advice is to delete the GCM Store directory located in:
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\GCM Store
I first had to quit Chrome, delete the folder and then re-launch to get it to work.
Seems like a bug which is traceable back to June 2016 (Chrome 51) and even though it is now October 2017 (Chrome 61) it still seems to be an issue.
Hope this may help somebody.

Mocha global hook

I want to do precompiles my server-side webpack bundles before all tests. So I decide to add file 'helper.js' and put it in mocha.opt to do it.
in helper.js:
global.assert = require('assert');
before((done) => {
startWireMockApi().then(({service, port}) => {
.then(frontEndService => {
.catch(error => done(error));
after(() => {
console.log("after all........", global.server);
but I don't know why I still get the error for before all hook: "Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves."
Can anyone help me to look at this? or do we have any other solution to do this?
Thanks very much!
I solve this problem by setting timeout to 30000(more than 2000).
