How to inject ResourceInfo in a ContainerRequestFilter in CXF - spring

I am trying to build a token based authentication and authorization system using Apache CXF and Spring. I am completely following this fantastic post for doing this.
But I am stuck in a problem with my AuthorizationFilter at the very beginnig. I have seen many posts, apache JIRA, github comments about it, but could not yet found the workaround about this seemingly CXF issue.
public class AuthorizationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
private ResourceInfo resourceInfo;
public void setResourceInfo(ResourceInfo resourceInfo) {
this.resourceInfo = resourceInfo;
public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
Method method = resourceInfo.getResourceMethod();
In the above code, the injected resourceInfo is a proxy object, and it has none of the associated properties present. So, anything from that resourceInfo object is returning null, more specifically resourceInfo.getResourceMethod() is null, leading to NPE.
This is the JIRA post pertaining to this very issue, saying that:
In some circumstances (like using #ApplicationScoped annotation for example) the CDI runtime will create a proxy class for a particular bean. As the result, the CXF side is going to bind the particular provider metadata to this proxy instance. It looks logical and unambiguous.
However, the interesting things are happening when CXF will try to inject contextual proxies (#Context annotations) into the provider instance. The injections are successful but the target object for them will be the proxy instance (not the real instance behind it). Consequently, at runtime, when the proxy delegates the call to a backing instance, all contextual proxies are null in there (simply put, not set).
Referring to the recent discussions with Sergey Beryozkin, the best solution would be to delegate the #Context annotation to CDI framework (as such, relieving the CXF from doing the injection work). This proposal may need a support from the JAX-RS specification side.
Simpler (interim?) possible solution would be to complement the CDI injection with #Context injection (delegating this work to the CXF as it works right now for non-proxy beans and non-CDI deployments). This could be done by observing ProcessInjectionTarget events and supplying our own InjectionTarget (have working PoC for this approach).
Regarding constructor injection, it seems like CXF does not support passing the arguments to provider constructor (in case of CDI, w/o #Context annotation) so I it would be another (separate) issue to look at.
Can someone help me point out what is this simpler approach is all about:
Simpler (interim?) possible solution would be to complement the CDI injection with #Context injection (delegating this work to the CXF as it works right now for non-proxy beans and non-CDI deployments). This could be done by observing ProcessInjectionTarget events and supplying our own InjectionTarget (have working PoC for this approach)
Or is there any other way, where Spring Framework can inject the ResourceInfo object in a correct way?
I have registered the filters like this in my applicationContext.xml :
<jaxrs:server id="endpoints">
<ref bean="authenticationFilter" />
<ref bean="authorizationFilter" />

The problem is the #PreMatching annotation.
Global binding annotation that can be applied to a container request filter to indicate that such filter should be applied globally on all resources in the application before the actual resource matching occurs.
The key is highlighted part "before the actual resource matching occurs". So even before the resource is matched to the request, the filter is called. And if there is no resource matched yet, then it is impossible to get any information from the ResourceInfo. If you just remove the #PreMatching annotation, then the filter will be called after a matching resource is found, and you will be able to access all the info from the ResourceInfo.


Injected bean reset to NULL in the Aspect

I am new Spring AOP and Aspectj. I have seen various posts related to injected bean in an aspect being null and I have run into a similar problem. I am still not clear how I should proceed to get past the problem I am currently encountering.
Issue: Currently we are using Spring 3.2.3 and all injection is through Annotation. In my case, the dependent bean is injected properly by Spring but at the point of execution the injected bean is NULL. BTW, this doesn't happen all the time but what I can say is the stack trace when it fails and when it succeeds is slightly different. When the injected bean is not null (I can successfully use the injected bean service), the call to the before advice (in the aspect) always happens before the target method is called as it should.When the injected bean is NULL, the call to the aspect is from the first statement of the target method. At this point, I think another aspect is instantiated and has no reference to the injected bean. Here is the aspect I have created:
public class Enable{
private NameService nameService;
public void SetNameService(NameSerice service){
// service is injected properly
this.nameSerice = service;
#Before("* *.*(..)")
public void callBefore(JoinPoint jp){
//sometimes nameService is null and sometimes it not not
Examining the various posts, one way to get around this (as suggested in the post) is to configure the aspect in the XML configuration file and use the factory-method ="aspectOf" and in the configuration inject the reference to the NameService bean as a property. Our whole project uses Annotation based injection (as stated earlier). Assuming I can still configure the above aspect in an XML configuration file, how can I get the reference NameService bean Id so that I can add it to the configuration. I also saw a post related to using Configurable annotation but I assume that is for objects created outside the Spring IOC.
Currently, the aspects are woven using Aspectj compile option in pom.xml. Our root-context.xml contains the entry context:annotation-config and the aspect is injected into Spring IOC because component-scan is turned on for the folder where the aspect resides. Any help will be appreciated
This is well common error when use aspects in spring, you should add
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
also add
public class Enable
To your appContext.xml
aspectOf is another style to do the above but I prefer use the nature of context.
It might be too late to answer this question. But i have come across the same situation and i fixed it as below.
1) Have a setter and getter for "NameService" in your aspect class.
2) Mark "NameService" with #Component ("nameService")
3) Configure "nameService" in xml configuration using setter injection.
4) Re-Start your server after making changes.
This should resolve the problem of getting null for "NameService" in aspect.

Spring DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator with #Transactional causing problems

I'm working on a Spring MVC project and trying to integrate Apache Shiro for the security. Everything was going just swimmingly until I realized Hibernate was prematurely closing the session/connection after a single query and causing a lazyinit exception. Not surprising, what I was doing should be done within a transaction so the session isn't closed.
I tried putting #Transactional on my controller method, but I get 404's then. Looking at my logs, I can see that when Spring is bootstrapping it ignores any mappings in my HomeController if that #Transactional annotation is on any method within the controller.
Without the #Transactional and it loads up just fine, and Ih can see the RequestMappingHandlerMapping bean sees all the #RequestMapping annotations in my controller.
With #Transactional but without DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, and it works except Shiro annotations are simply ignored.
tldr: Shiro requires DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, but if I create that bean, Spring blows up when using the #Transactional annotation.
I'm asking for help because I'm completely at a loss for how to proceed at this point.
This is typically because when you put #Transactional on a method, Spring creates a dynamic proxy for that bean - if the bean implements an interface then dynamic proxy is created based on that interface, otherwise CGLIB will be used for creating the proxy.
The problem in your case, I am guessing is because you probably have based your controller on some interface, or you are extending it based on a base class. This is ending up creating a proxy based on that interface, because of this when it comes time for mappings to be created for your request, Spring MVC is probably not finding your mappings from your bean.
The fix could be a few:
a. You can try and force proxies to be based on CGLIB for your transactions:
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" proxy-target-class="true"/>
b. You can use pure Aspectj,either load time weaving or compile time weaving
c. You can move the #Transactional into a Service (which has an interface) and delegate the call from the controller to the service, this way avoiding #Transaction on the controller

Does this annotation work for Spring declarative transaction

As far as I know, Spring uses JDK to generate dynamic proxy for the classes that implement any inferface while use Cglib to generate dynamic proxy for the classes that do not implement any inferface. For decarative transcation, Spring uses proxy to add transaction aspect. Please take a look at the code below:
interface Demo {
void methodA();
public class DemoImpl implements Demo{
public void updateA() {}
public void updateB() {}
I think updateA can work well with transaction. But how about updateB method? Does the #Transactional work for it?
Maybe my understanding is not correct. It's great if the related Spring source code is provided to explain how Spring use JDK/cglib to proxy the class and interface. Thanks
I have the config in the xml:
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" />
JDK dynamic proxy
In this case your bean is wrapped with a proxy implementing Demo interface. From that moment you can only use that interface. Trying to inject or fetch bean of DemoImpl type will result in dreadful Abstract DAO pattern and Spring's "Proxy cannot be cast to ..." problem!
This kind of answers your question - you can only access updateA() and this is the only transactional method. Annotation around updateB() is ignored.
However if you call updateB() from updateA() it will be transactional because it will bind to a transaction started by updateA() (with default transaction propagation).
CGLIB proxy
In this case the interface is ignored. cglib will create a subclass of DemoImpl (obviously also implementing Demo interface) and apply transaction behaviour on both update*() methods. Now if you inject bean of type DemoImpl (interface is not needed in this case at all and Impl suffix is ugly) you can safely and transactionally call both methods.
See my article: Spring pitfalls: proxying and Spring AOP riddle for greater details.

Spring3 deserialization - singleton injection

i am developing a Webapplication with JSF2 and Spring3 and have a problem with deserialization.
I have some session-scoped beans defined like so:
#Controller(value = "admin")
#Scope(value = "session")
public class AdminBean implements Serializable {
also i have some singletons defined like so:
public class Repo {
Singletons are injected into the session-beans like this
private transient Repo repo;
After i added transient, my problems with serialization/deserialization went away. But now i have the problem that after deserialzing the dependencies (repo in this case) are null. I searched a lot on this problem and found some workarounds, but i still wonder what the best solution for this problem is?
It seems to me that using application-scoped beans in session-beans is a quite common case, isn't there a clean solution for this? I came arround a solution with #Configurable, but do i really need some load-time-weaving stuff? The targets of the injection are already spring-managed, so it doesn't make sense to me..
Please enlight me
update 2 years later: You CAN transparently inject session-scoped beans into application-scoped-beans (might not be a good idea in most cases though). I just had to set the proxyMode on #Scope accordingly.
Try getting AutowireCapableBeanFactory through applicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory() and there are some methods like autowireBeanProperties, autowireBean and configureBean that should be able to reconfigure your ban after deserialization. Choose a method best for you (one of them triggers post processing, others not etc..)
Second idea is to wrap Repo in a proxy, that is serializable. It'll serialize with AdminBean and deserialize. This proxy should hold 'real' transient reference and if it gets null after deserialization, it should lookup it from the Application Context.
I heard that Spring 3 automaticaly wraps beans with such a proxy, but I've never managed to make it work.
I faced similar problem using #ViewScoped of JSF where backing bean has to serializable which in turn wants all dependencies to be serializable, which in all scenarios is not possible to get all. As #Peter mentioned about Spring 3 have a look at link # stackoverflow discussing same here. I used transient for some dependencies(Spring) and for deserialization process I hooked bean to
private void writeObject( stream)
and private void readObject( stream)
in view scoped bean and tweaked them to get proper reference.

AspectJ Advice on Spring Security ProviderManager throws exception on startup

Does anyone know why when I try to create an advice around the "doAuthentication" method of the Spring Security (v3.0) ProviderManager my application throws an exception on startup?
I am autowiring an instance of my spring authentication-manager bean into a controller and when the autowire is attempted my app fails to deploy.
Here is what my security context xml looks like...
...<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager"> ...
Here is the pertinent part of my controller...
private ProviderManager authenticationManager;
and here is my advice declaration:
#After("execution(* && args(authentication)")
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I'm not sure from the available information, but I'm guessing that you're using Spring AOP, which uses JDK dynamic proxies by default, so you are coming across the usual problem that the proxy does not retain the type of the original class (ProviderManager). The proxy will implement the interface AuthenticationManager, however. Try autowiring using this type and see if it works. Either that or you can enable class proxying which uses cglib instead of dynamic proxies. If you're using the Spring AOP namespace, you can set the proxy-target-class attribute to true.
