Spring Zero Copy file download - spring

I have to write a Web service that will be hit by a web application to download image.Image URL is not directly exposed to client, it will be be decided by some business logic. I am using Amazon S3 for file storage so how can i implement zero copy file transfer with spring?


I am having 2 java spring micro services

from one microservice service I am uploading a file using open feign client and from the other end I am trying to download the same file by invoking the second service from a different JVM, Is there a complete example of file upload and download using open feign client.
Service 1 runs on open feign (1 jvm) and calls service on another jvm which downloads the file without using open feign

Spring webflux proxy upload file to s3 efficient?

i want to upload file to AWS s3 using Mono spring webflux, but i can not calculate file size without allocate file to memory that is not efficient. Anyone help me ?

Spring boot - how to implement cancelling file download?

I have created a RESTful web service using spring boot to upload and download files. Now I have another requirement. When a large file is getting uploaded or downloaded, user can send a request to cancel the uploading or downloading. How can I implement this feature?

Is it possible to deploy multiple Spring Boot applications to a server?

We can create restful API in spring boot jar file?
1)can we split multiple jar file in Apache server?
2) if we split multiple jar file how will identify which jar contain correct rest APIs
How spring boot jar file will work in server?
For Development Environment
You can configure ports via application.properties or via system properties.
Or with option to jvm --server.port=8081
So, there is no problem to run a few APIs on single machine with different ports.
You don't need Apache Server. Spring Boot has it's own embedded for you. So, you can easily use it.
Let's say you have two APIs.
localhost:8081 (Checkout Service)
localhost:8082 (Payment Service)
Hostname and port - it's your identification for each service.
When you trying to search something in Google.
You browser - it's a client.
And Google's servers - it's a server.
The same here. Checkout Service trying to delegate some job to Payment Service. So, Checkout Service - it's a client. And this client should know the address of Payment Service.
For Production Environment
You should think twice, how you will monitor performance, manage scalability and so on.

Are WSDL's like spring dispatch servlet?

im trying to understand where WSDL's fit in, in a typical web service backend application. i am coming from a Spring background and in my experience so far, in Spring, each url request gets mapped to a specific controller class via a dispate servlet running in the web container. you can specify which url matches a given controller via xml config or from annotations.
is using a WSDL the same thing as using an xml config file to map url requests to java objects?
Thanks in advance. im moving from Spring to standard j2ee/EJB3.
WSDL is just a description of Web Service interface, most Web Service systems generate those descriptions on fly like for example when you create asmx web services you can generate WSDL on fly by typing http://yourhost/yourwebcontext/yourwebservicename.asmx?wsdl and it will return you the description of that web service. Then you can use a tools that generate stub proxies for coding using those descriptions automatically, for example in Visual Studio when you add an Web Service Reference those operations are done automatically
No, WSDLs are not like a dispatch servlet.
A WSDL file is a description of a web service (SOAP, REST, etc.). A WSDL can (theoretically) be used by anyone to generate executable code which consumes the web service described by that WSDL.
From the WSDL tag info:
"WSDL" stands for "Web Services Description Language." It is an XML language used to describe a web service to code that wishes to consume it. It describes the messages sent and received, the possible faults, and the communication and security requirements.
From WSDL Essentials:
In a nutshell, WSDL represents a contract between the service requestor and the service provider, in much the same way that a Java interface represents a contract between client code and the actual Java object. The crucial difference is that WSDL is platform- and language-independent and is used primarily (although not exclusively) to describe SOAP services.
Using WSDL, a client can locate a web service and invoke any of its publicly available functions. With WSDL-aware tools, you can also automate this process, enabling applications to easily integrate new services with little or no manual code. WSDL therefore represents a cornerstone of the web service architecture, because it provides a common language for describing services and a platform for automatically integrating those services.
