Data query doesn't work as RecordSource for VB6's ADO Data Control - vb6

I used Access 2007 to convert an MDB database from Access 1997 to ACCDB format. For RecordSource, both use the following query:
This query works as the DataSource for combining two tables into one grid when using the old MDB database, but when I use it with the ACCDB file it only shows the fields from the smaller database, not the combined ones.
In Design mode in VB6, the Data View uses the same query and shows the combined files. When I click Run in Access, it also works there.
I made a simple test program - a form with a grid and a data control. If I use as a record source "select * from Bids" it displays all the Bids table in the grid, but the query doesn't work to add the second table.
Unfortunately, I created this query about a dozen years ago and don't remember how I came up with the query in SQL format and can't make sense of the screenshot above; I've Googled but can't find how to get the SQL command from what's displayed in the screenshot.
I've struggled with the conversion for over a week, one problem after another, and each research by scouring the Web, but I am now at an impasse.


Can we find a table that is used in a set of FMBs without opening it individually in Oracle Forms?

I am using both Oracle Forms version 11g and 12c.
Is it possible to find a table for e.g table1 used in the Oracle Forms application screens including LOV's without opening each FMB individually and searching in it.
Totally there are around 50-75 FMBs in the application.
While Forms was a new software product, back then in its 3.0 version (or even lower), you could choose whether you'll keep the form source
in the database or
in that case, you could have written a query which selects data from the data dictionary and - hopefully - extract tables' names
in file system
file extension was .INP (not .FMB) and it was a textual file; it means that you could even create a form using text editor! Nobody probably did that, but hey - you could have done it.
.FMB is no longer textual file. Yes, you can open it it a text editor (such as Notepad++) and search for e.g. FROM (because any table used in form's PL/SQL units or LoVs is part of a SELECT statement which requires the FROM keyword) and get something like this:
Yes, you'll get "duplicates" if any table is referenced more than once.
Another option is to write a program which will parse the .FMB file and extract tables' names (I can't help with that, though).

SSRS query data partially missing from report

I know a variation of this questions has been asked 100 times but I've tried all options that I an find and wonder if there's something I'm missing. I've tried many of the proposed solutions but can't get it to work.
I have a matrix report in SSRS 2013...parameters, datasets all the normal stuff. The datasets are SQL stored procedures. My matrix uses a dataset called dsDetails that pulls from on of the SQL stored procedures. When I run the SP in SQL Server I get all the data I expect (i.e. data through year 2018); and if I run the SP through SSRS Query designer I also see all of the data. However when my report renders some of the data isn't there (specifically I'm missing 2018 data; 2016 and 2017 data is present). I've deleted the file and cleared out cache and still can't get my data in. I also checked that the missing data doesn't have any weird formatting and that also isn't the issue.
I've gone through and checked for matrix filters, row/column group filters, row/column goup visibility and so on. I can find what's causing seems like it has to be a filter or visibility.
So I decided to just drop a new matrix into the report and try and rebuild by just adding a sinlgle row and a single column and same deal...missing data for year 2018. Is there a form of filter that applies to the report body (and therefore any matrix/table I drop in there). This new matrix definitely has no filters or visibility added so it's a pure representation of the data...except it's missing 2018 data I clearly see in the query/dataset results.

Linq query will change often- how can I change it without recompiling app?

My application will be querying a database using Entity Framework. The problem is that the database table structure changes fairly often (a few times a year).
Back in the SQL days, we would store SQL queries in Resource files (.resx) and when any database changes occurred, we could just edit the one resource file and not have to edit any code in the app, recompile, etc.
Are there any good ways to do this with Linq-to-SQL?
Linq2SQL is innately code-based. If your schema is going to change, then the code will need to change.
The only way I can see around this, and still get some of the benefits of linq, is to write everything as Stored Procedures, which you can than add as method to the linq DataContext.
Then, as long as the Name, input parameters and output columns remain the same, you can change what the SP is doing on the database and the code can stay the same.

Crystal report: changing command's data source

I have to change the data source in quite a few reports. Its easy when the original data source uses table, but its more complicated when instead has a SQL command (well, practically its a view but made in the report, not in the original database).
Lets say that report has originally such command:
SELECT nbr FROM equipment WHERE equipment.owner='ABC'
I know that in the new database Equipment.nbr is called now Items.ID, so I can easily map this. But what about the rest of command, the "WHERE" part? In the new database there is obviously no Equipment.owner and possibly might not even be Items.owner. Does crystal simply drop this part? I know how to remake it, by simply adding selection formula to the report, but first I have to be know what happened to the "WHERE" condition, and after such mapping I can't anymore preview the SQL command in the data source.
Confrim me where you are using this query.
If it is in Data soruce then no issue this report will work.
If it is in formula then I have doubt crystal report won't accept this format even in basic syntax mode.

Crystal Reports 2008 - parameters from selection criteria are not being used to select to retrieve data from db

I have some reports written in Crystal 2008 using business views. These reports have a date parameter set up and I have a selection on the date defined in the select expert. However, when I run the report it appears to retrieve all the data from the database and only then filter out based on the date. As you can imagine this slows down the report quite a bit. I also clicked on Database-Show SQL Query and confirmed that the date parameter did not appear in the SQL Query. This behavior seems very strange to me. This did not use to happen to me when I used Crystal 8.5 with dictionaries. Is this a limitation using business views?
I did some searching and found that I can create a report using a database command. This helped improve performance on one of my reports but when I tried to do something similar on a different report, even though I was using the database command, it still did not appear in the appear to be doing the selection on the database before retrieving the data and the report took forever to run. I also didn't see the selection in the SQL Query.
Do I need to add the parameter to the database command? Will I be able to prompt the user to enter the value when they run the report?
I hope there is a way to do this properly using business views because otherwise I'll have to rewrite all my reports to use another method.
Any ideas or advice are welcome. Thank you very much!
I had a similar problem. I used the command, but my report was still taking longer than i had hoped to run. so i added a where statement into the command to start checking dates starting from 2009. that sped up my report a little.
you may want to consider creating a stored procedure if you think you are pushing CR to the limit. that may also help sped up the report.
I figured out what the problem is. My business view had fields in it that were formulas. If you try to use selection criteria using a formula, it does not add the criteria to the WHERE clause in the SQL Query. Luckily, I was able to find other fields besides the formula in the business view to do the selection.
