Hamcrest: file1 either file2 exists - tdd

I currently refactor my tests from AsserJ to hamcrest library. But there is one assertion that I can not migrate to hamcrest.
tmp1 and tmp2 contain two paths in the filesystem. I need to verify that either tmp1 or tmp2 exists, but not both. The current assertion is
assertTrue(new File(tmp1).exists() ^ new File(tmp2).exists());
What is the equivialent hamcrest test?

assertThat(new File(tmp1).exists() ^ new File(tmp2).exists(), is(true));


Write environment variable to a file in Gradle

I need to save an environment variable into a file in Gradle.
I have tried to use the below code, but it just writes null.
def file1 = new File('.test')
file1 << System.getenv(“MY_PW")
Also it is required to check, if any contents previously exist, then it should replace with the System.getenv(“MY_PW").
Any help please, how to achieve this?
If null is written to the file, then the environment variable seems to not be defined, because the code is fine.
To replace the contents instead of appending to it, use file1.text = ... instead of file1 << ....

Find dead code in Golang monorepo

My team has all our Golang code in a monorepo.
Various package subdirectories with library code.
Binaries/services/tools under cmd
We've had it for a while and are doing some cleanup. Are there any tools or techniques that can find functions not used by the binaries under cmd?
I know go vet can find private functions that are unused in a package. However I suspect we also have exported library functions that aren't used either.
UPD 2020: The unused tool has been incorporated into staticcheck.
Unfortunately, v0.0.1-2020.1.4 will probably be the last to support this
feature. Dominik explains that it is because the check consumes a lot of
resources and is hard to get right.
To get that version:
env GO111MODULE=on go get honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck#v0.0.1-2020.1.4
To use it:
$ staticcheck --unused.whole-program=true -- ./...
./internal/pkg/a.go:5:6: type A is unused (U1001)
Original answer below.
Dominik Honnef's unused tool might be what you're looking for:
Optionally via the -exported flag, unused can analyse all arguments as a
single program and report unused exported identifiers. This can be useful for
checking "internal" packages, or large software projects that do not export
an API to the public, but use exported methods between components.
Try running go build -gcflags -live. This passes the -live flag to the compiler (go tool compile), instructing it to output debugging messages about liveness analysis. Unfortunately, it only prints when it's found live code, not dead code, but you could in theory look to see what doesn't show up in the output.
Here's an example from compiling the following program stored in dead.go:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
if true {
} else {
Output of go build -gcflags -live:
# _/tmp/dead
./dead.go:7: live at call to convT2E: autotmp_5
./dead.go:7: live at call to Println: autotmp_5
If I'm reading this correctly, the second line states that the implicit call to convT2E (which converts non-interface types to interface types, since fmt.Println takes arguments of type interface{}) is live, and the third line states that the call to fmt.Println is live. Note that it doesn't say that the fmt.Println(false) call is live, so we can deduce that it must be dead.
I know that's not a perfect answer, but I hope it helps.
It is a bit dirty, but it works for me.
I had a lot of structs which I did not want to test manually, so I wrote a script that renames the struct then runs all the tests (ci/test.sh) and renames it back if any test failed:
set -e
git grep 'struct {' | grep type | while read line; do
file=$(echo $line | awk -F ':' '{print $1}')
struct=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')
sed "s/$struct struct/_$struct struct/g" -i $file
echo "testing for struct $struct changed in file $file"
if ! ./ci/test.sh; then
sed "s/_$struct struct/$struct struct/g" -i $file
It's not an open source solution, but it works.
If you guys are using Goland, you should consider using its code-inspections feature, includes useful features:
Reports unused constant
Reports unused exported functions
Reports unused exported types in the main package and in tests
Reports unused unexported functions
Reports global variables that are defined but are never used in code
Reports unused function parameters
Reports unused types
(It looks like the implementation of this feature is black box, jetbrains does not open source this feature)
Go-related detection tools seem to place more emphasis on accuracy, and they want to do their best to minimize error reporting. And using Goland's code-inspections feature may require more self-judgment. :)
Interests: Paid users only, not working for Jetbrains, simply think this feature works well.
A reliable but inelegant method I've used is to rename or comment out functions you suspect might not be used and then recompile everything -- no errors means you didn't need them.
If they are needed, it shows you where these functions are called so it's good for getting familiar with a code base and seeing how things connect.

Parslet grammar for rules starting identical

I want to provide a parser for parsing so called Subversion config auth files (see patch based authorization in the Subversion red book). Here I want to define rules for directories like
* = r
So the part of the grammar I have problems is the path definition. I currently have the following rules in Parslet:
rule(:auth_rule_head) { (str('[') >> path >> str(']') >> newline).as(:arh) }
rule(:top) { (str('/')).as(:top) }
rule(:path) { (top | ((str('/') >> path_ele).repeat)).as(:path) }
rule(:path_ele) { ((str('/').absent? >> any).repeat).as(:path_ele) }
So I want to divide in two cases:
To find only [/] (the root directory)
in all other cases [/<dir>] which may be repeated, but has to end without a /
The problematic rule seems to be the path that defines an alternative, here / XOR something like /trunk
I have defined test cases for those, and get the following error when running the test case:
Failed to match sequence (SPACES '[' PATH ']' NEWLINE) at line 1 char 3.
`- Expected "]", but got "t" at line 1 char 3.
So the problem seems to be, that the alternative (rule :path) is chosen all the time top.
What is a solution (as a grammar) for this problem? I think there should be a solution, and this looks like something idiomatic that should happen from here to there. I am not an expert at all with PEG parsers or parser / compiler generation, so if that is a base problem not solvable, I would like to know that as well.
In short: Swap the OR conditions around.
Parlset rules consume the input stream until they get a match, then they stop.
If you have two possible options (an OR), the first is tried, and only if it doesn't match is the second tried.
In your case, as all your paths start with '/' they all match the first part of the path rule, so the second half is never explored.
You need to try to match the full path first, and only match the 'top' if it fails.
# changing this
rule(:path) { (top | ((str('/') >> path_ele).repeat)).as(:path) }
# to this
rule(:path) { ((str('/') >> path_ele).repeat) | top).as(:path) }
# fixes your first problem :)
Also... Be careful of rules that can consume nothing being in a loop.
Repeat by default is repeat(0). Usually it needs to be repeat (1).
rule(:path) { ((str('/') >> path_ele).repeat(1)) | top).as(:path) }
Is "top" really a special case? All paths end in a "/", so top is just the zero length path.
rule(:path) { (path_ele.repeat(0) >> str('/')).as(:path) }
rule(:path) { (str('/') >> path_ele.repeat(0)).as(:path) }
rule(:path_ele) { ((str('/').absent? >> any).repeat(0)).as(:path_ele) >> str('/') }
# assuming "//" is valid otherwise repeat(1)
Seems to be I have not got the problem right. I have tried to reproduce the problem in creating a small example grammar including some unit tests, but now, the thing is working.
If you are interested in it, have a look at the gist https://gist.github.com/mliebelt/a36ace0641e61f49d78f. You should be able to download the file, and run it directly from the command line. You have to have installed first parslet, minitest should be already included in a current Ruby version.
I have added there only the (missing) rule for newline, and added 3 unit tests to test all cases:
The root: /
A path with only one element: /my
A path with more than one element: /my/path
Works like expected, so I get two cases here:
Top element only
One or more path elements
Perhaps this may help others how to debug a situation like that.

HWUT - selectively printing from read buffer into .exe file in OUT folder

I am receiving data from serial port. I use HWUT for comparing my test results. The content from receive buffer cannot be directly used for comparison of GOOD and OUT result. Becuase the OUT will always have unnecessary command prompts, enters and other stuff. I am looking to select what must be written from read buffer into OUT file. For example below is an example
A> target cmd
{t=3883.744541 s} Received data
A> result : 1
bytes read 518Closing serial port...OK
And I would like the out file to only have 'result : 1'.
When i checked the code, messages.py seems to be printing to std out. But not sure if that is being used for printing into OUT file. How can this be achieved?
Anything that you print to 'stdout' should appear in the "OUT/*" files. If it does not, then this would have nothing to do with receiption via serial line(s). Here is what I would do to analyze:
In your connector application there must be something like
receive_n = receive(.., &buffer[0], Size);
buffer[receive_n] = '\0'; /* terminating zero */
printf("%s", &buffer[0]);
If this is so, then
Write in paralell into a log file.
static log_fh = fopen("tmp.log", "wb");
printf("%s", &buffer[0]);
fwrite((void*)buffer, 1, received_n, log_fh);
Compare 'tmp.log' with the file in OUT.
If there is a difference, HWUT is to blame.
Check the output before you write it.
if( my_condition(buffer, received_n) ) printf("%s", &buffer[0]);
HWUT has an internal infrastructure to post-process test output, but it is not documented and therefore not reliable--at the time of this writing.
Edit the file "hwut-info.dat" in your TEST directory.
These R my Tests on Something Important (Title)
--not *.exe
bash execute-this.sh
The --not *.exe makes sure that HWUT will not execute the *.exe files which you compiled. The bash execute-this.sh line lets HWUT consider the file execute-this.sh as a test application and call it with 'bash'.
Inside the execute-this.sh you might want to make your application, execute it and filter the output, i.e.
#! bash
make my-test.exe
./my-test.exe | awk ' /^A>/ '
which will print only those lines which start with 'A>'. grep and awk are your friends, here. You might want to familiarize yourself with these two.
Alternatively, you may filter directly in your connection application.

RSpec - script to upgrade from 'should' to 'expect' syntax?

I have hundreds of files that also have hundreds of 'should' statements.
Is there any sort of automated way to update these files to the new syntax?
I'd like options to both create new files and also modify the existing files inline.
sed is a good tool for this.
The following will process all the files in the current directory and write them out to new files in a _spec_seded directory. This currently handle about 99%+ of the changes but might still leave you with a couple of manual changes to make (the amount will depend on your code and coding style).
As always with a sed script you should check the results, run diffs and look at the files manually. Ideally you are using git which helps make the diffs even easier.
find . -type f -name '*_spec.rb' | while read file; do
mkdir -p ../_spec_seded/"${file%/*}"
echo "next file...$filenum...$file"
let filenum+=1
cp "$file" ../_spec_seded/"$file"
sed -i ' # Exclude:
/^ *describe .*do/! { # -describe...do descriptions
/^ *it .*do/! { # -it...do descriptions
/^[[:blank:]]*\#/! { # -comments
/^ *def .*\.should.*/! { # -inline methods
/\.should/ {
s/\.should/)\.to/ # Change .should to .to
s/\(\S\)/expect(\1/ # Add expect( at start of line.
/\.to\( \|_not \)>\=/ s/>\=/be >\=/ # Change operators for
/\.to\( \|_not \)>[^=]/ s/>/be >/ # >, >=, <, <= and !=
/\.to\( \|_not \)<\=/ s/<\=/be <\=/
/\.to\( \|_not \)<[^=]/ s/</be </
/\.to\( \|_not \)\!\=/ s/\!\=/be \!\=/
/\.to +==\( +\|$\)/ s/==/eq/
/=\~/ { # Change match operator
s/$/ )/
s/\[ )$/\[/
s/[^}.to|end.to]\.to /).to / # Add paren
/eq ({.*} )/ s/ ({/ ( {/ # Add space
/to\(_\|_not_\)receive/ s/_receive/ receive/ # receive
/\.to eq \[.*\]/ {
s/ eq \[/ match_array([/
/expect.*(.*lambda.*{.*})/ { # Remove unneeded lambdas
s/( *lambda *{/{/
s/ })\.to / }\.to /
/expect *{ *.*(.*) *})\.to/ { # Fix extra end paren
}' ../_spec_seded/"$file"
Please use with caution. Currently the script create new files in _seded/ for review first for safety. The script is placed in /spec directory and run from there.
If you have hundreds of files this could save you hours or days of work!
If you use this I recommend that "step 2" is do manually copy files from _spec_seded to spec itself and run them. I recommend that you don't just rename the whole directories. For one thing, files, such as spec_helper.rb aren't currently copied to _spec_seded.
11/18/2013 Note: I continue to upgrade this script. Covering more edge cases and also making matches more specific and also excluding more edge cases, e.g. comment lines.
P.S. The differences which should be reviewed can be seen with (from the project directory root):
diff -r /spec /_spec_seded
git also has nice diff options but I like to look before adding files to git at all.
Belated update, mainly for those who may find their way to this page via a search engine.
Use Yuji Nakayama's excellent Transpec gem for this purpose. I've used it over 10 times now on different projects without issue.
From the website:
Transpec lets you upgrade your RSpec 2 specs to RSpec 3 in no time. It supports conversions for almost all of the RSpec 3 changes, and it’s recommended by the RSpec team.
Also, you can use it on your RSpec 2 project even if you’re not going to upgrade it to RSpec 3 for now.
