xcode product clear not clearing the issue viewer - xcode

On XCode I do a build and it adds issues in the issue viewer, with warnings and error(s).
In the past I did Product | Clean and my issues list was cleared (made empty). But now it shows a message "Clean succeeded" and the warnings are still there!
Is this a bug, or is there some setting?
I'm using XCode Version: 9.4.0 according to the help/XCode-help.

OK. It was a list of problems with the current versions of the build, after upgrading the XCODE which now works only with more advanced versions of Android.
I followed the recommendations (and ruined my project which cannot be built) but that cleared all the issues. I then returned with an old batch, ignore all the warnings and build happily ever after.


PODs Failing to compile after xcode update

I just updated my xcode to Version 10.1 (10B61). After doing so, my pods don't work. See below error messages. Aside from PKHUD, the error messages don't provide suggestions as to how to fix this issue. Per online sources, I've updated my OS to High Sierra 10.13.6. Any suggestions on how to get the app to compile? It was working before the update.
On Xcode, select the Pods project and on the left panel select the frameworks that are causing the issue. On Build Settings, browse for Swift and make sure you have correctly set the version you have installed of those frameworks.
You can check that framework is fine after you tweak that value by compiling the framework after selecting it.
Just run cmd+B to compile and check if it build successfully. If you don't see the framework on the list just go to manage schemes and add it.

Latest release not appearing in Xcode Crashes Organizer

I released a new version 6 days ago. I see some crashes in iTunesConnect analytics, but none in the crashes organizer, nor does my release even appear in the "version" dropdown within the crashes organizer.
Normally it takes a day or two after a release for crash reports to make their way into the Xcode Crashes organizer, and anecdotally I've seen the crashes appear in the Xcode Crashes organizer about the same time as in the iTunesConnect analytics website.
Interestingly, the previous versions still show in the "version" dropdown and I can see reports continue to trickle in for them. There is a steep decline in crash reports for that previous version, presumably as most folks have moved to the latest version.
On a new machine, with a fresh XCode install (but linked to the same developer account) I see the same behavior. Maybe it's a problem with my developer account?
Update 2016.09.01: Two months later, new releases are still not showing up in the releases dropdown automatically. The workaround posted below to manually add them has been working great, but hopefully I don't have to do it forever. I have to assume this is a problem with my local setup as this can't be happening to everyone. Let me know if you figure out a long term fix.
Update 2016.10.13: The work around isn't working for my most recent release. I again see crashes in ITC, but after manually adding an entry for the release in Info.json, I see "No crash information is available for this release."
Update 2016.10.15: I guess the work around is continuing to work, the crash reports were just delayed by an extra 48 hours.
Update 2016.1.20: At some point, (maybe around mid december, XCode 8.2?), I started to see new releases appear automatically again, and no longer have the joy of manually editing my XCode config data every time I push a build. Other than updating XCode, I can't think of any way I might have "fixed" it.
It's likely a bug with Xcode/ITC services. I filed a radar (#27277793) yesterday and was on ITC tech support today. If you're having this issue please report it to Apple and reference the existing radar (#27277793) so Apple can recognize we're having the same problem and prioritize a fix.
A workaround to get the crash reports for my latest release was to manually add a new entry in the crash organizers Info.json.
In: $HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/<bundle.id> edit the Info.json and add a new entry to the beginning of the "productVersions" array based on the existing entries, but change the build number to whatever build the crash reports are for.
You also must update the appStoreStatus field depending on whether your app is in TestFlight or in the AppStore. appStoreStatus: 1 for TestFlight and appStoreStatus: 3 for AppStore.
After relaunching Xcode and going to the crashes organizer I watched as the last 6 days of crash reports came in.
Yay for human readable configuration data!
Had similar issue where Xcode crash reports stopped updating after we increased our deployment target iOS version. Fix was to edit Info.json like mentioned above and remove all unsupported OS versions from "supportedOSVersions" array of latest build that was appearing in "productVersions" array.
This worked for me when none of the above answers did.
Find the Info.json file as described above in mkirk's answer. Make a copy as a backup. In the productVersions section remove any unneeded versions. As you can see below, "productVersions" is a json array, and it will contain a series of json objects, each of which represents one of your versions. I desperately needed crash reports for a recent release to the app store and after deleting all versions preceding that (below it) and restarting Xcode, voila! the Organizer suddenly began showing all my crash reports.
"productVersions" : [
"version" : "4.0.45",
"productType" : 1,
Remove the entire $HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/ directory. Quit and restart Xcode and then run Organizer. They all come through after that.
Please follow below steps,
Remove bundle from Xcode products using,
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/com.yourapp.bunlde
Restart you Xcode and open Organizer
Make sure that itunesconnect sites are accessible
Xcode->Organizer is supposed to download all crashlogs from beginning. Hope that helps.

Xcode 6.4 crashes in Swift breakpoint

In one project I'm using I can't set breakpoints in Swift code, Xcode always crashes when reaching one of them, doesn't matter if it's a "manual" or an exception breakpoint.
In other projects everything works as expected, only for one project Xcode 6.4 (6E35b) always crashes.
I tried cleaning, deleting derived data, resetting simulator, restarting Xcode/Mac - nothing helped at all.
Anyone else experiencing this problem and hopefully knows what helps?
Seems only to be the case on one machine (Xcode 6.4, 10.10.5), but not on the other (Xcode 6.4, El Capitan). But as I mentioned in the comments, reinstalling Xcode didn't help, are there some other preferences I could reset/delete?
Here's the Xcode crash log file:
I would try uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode to see if it helps... I've heard of successes with this technique for similar issues.
Just delete the entire Xcode.app from /Applications, and reinstall from the .dmg. If you're not certain of the binaries and have time / bandwidth, consider re-downloading the .dmg.
If that doesn't work, try the following source control tricks (substitute "your favorite revision control" for "git"):
Try purging all objects not in source code control
Another approach: Check out the app again into a fresh repository (this will get even the files that may have been committed but ignored later).
If not under source code control, grab a .gitignore from here and add it to git, then check out into another directory (this will leave everything but source, interface builder, project files and resources/assets behind).
I'd suggest moving the breakpoint code to another location (such as making a function call and breaking either before or inside the function). However, if all Swift code has this problem, that may not work.
Finally, after making an interim commit (to roll back to), try it in Xcode 7 beta. Bit of a hassle because you have to upgrade to Swift 2.0, but if you keep the deployment target the same no iOS target changes are needed.
If this really is a burden and/or it's a small project, you could try creating a new project and migrating the files and storyboard over, but likely this is too much effort.
Either way, since you note it's pretty much all breakpoints in Swift code, file a bug with Apple's bug reporter. They really need to hear about issues such as this, since you don't seem to be alone in having this issue.
EDIT: Where are others seeing this issue?
Maybe we can see commonality -- since this is only reported in Swift projects (so far). A colleague has seen this problem with breakpoints (as well as stepping through code) in Xcode 6.4 on 10.10.4. (I've seen Xcode 6.4 crashes in the past as well).
I see OS version 10.10.5 mentioned as a target where this happens (#swalkner); is this a beta? If OS 10.10.4/5 is the only place we see this, it might be significant. If it's a project/OS interaction, it might be tricky to reproduce / fix, but I'd encourage everyone to submit detailed bug reports to Apple (maybe even link this post).
Some points to note if you're seeing this:
Operating System Version
Target: Simulator vs. Hardware; iOS vs WatchKit app.
Target SDK version(s)
Swift only? Or on an Objective-C only project? Mixed?
Only one project, or several?
It's a longshot, but let me know if it's working:
uncheck the "Always show Dissasembly" check
Debug > Debug Workflow > Always Show Disassembly
In older versions of Xcode (<6.1):
Product > Debug Workflow > Show Disassembly When Debugging
I've just spent the past few hours trying to solve exactly the same issue.
I thought at first, it had started due to installing Xcode 7 on the same machine as Xcode 6.4. The problem certainly coincided.
However, due to having version control, I could look and see what files had changed since opening the project with Xcode 7.
The images.xcassets file had changed. Reverting this file back has stopped Xcode from crashing each time it hit a breakpoint.
I'm not sure whether this helps at all, but definitely look at images.xcassets and if needs be, delete it, recreate it and ensure it's setup 100%. It certainly fixed my issue.

Xcode 4.6 Strange issues with Debugger."po" command does not work

I just recently upgraded to xcode 4.6 and strange things are happening to the debugger. "po" command ceases to work some times. Also step by step debugging sometimes does not work. Is anybody else having the same issues
I have found the issue with this. I checked the Optimization Level for your Apple LLVM Compiler code compilation in target settings, changed it to None and now the debugging works as it should
Just try to clean up everything from Project menu, delete derived data folder from organizer. Exit and restart XCode. It may clean up some garbage memory and set things up. I have experienced that it improves po a bit.

Xcode 4 always shows "Scanning for working copies", keeps re-downloading libs

note I have read several other questions on this but am still confused
Firstly: I have a clean install of XCode 4.5 and have used it to open and build a CMake-generated .xcodeproj. Things build fine but as many other questions mention, it constantly shows a #Scanning for working copies" progress bar.
I have not distributed or packaged any apps or anything like that, and I have no SCM set up.
Every time I launch Xcode 4.5, it starts downloading:
Xcode 4.5 Developer library
OS X 10.8 Core Library
iOS 6.0 Library
I've waited for it to finish a couple of times but still the next time, it does it again. It doesn't seem to stop me being able to build, what's going on here?
No idea if it's related, but I earlier got a warning from a snapshot saying I didn't have access to the location it wanted to save to (inside the XCode.app dir IIRC).
You can manually stop the downloading of these libraries from the preferences > downloads .Also make sure the "Check for and install updates automatically" is unchecked.
