rxjs - combining inner observables after filtering - rxjs

I call backend that respond with:
Each JSON can have following schema:
"isValid": boolean,
"data": string
I want to get array with all data, that have isValid is set to true
mergeMap((urls: []) =>
urls.map((url: string) =>
filter(response => response.isValid),
map(response => response.data)
When both .json have "isValid" set to true, I get array with both data.
But when one of them has "isValid" set to false observable never completes.
I could use mergeAll instead of combineAll, but then I receive stream of single data not collection of all data.
Is there any better way to filter out observable?

As you said, the inner observable never emits, because filter does not forward the only value that is ever emitted by the backend.get observable. In that case, the operator subscribing on that observable - in your case combineAll - will also never receive any value and cannot ever emit itself.
What I would do is just move the filtering and mapping to combineAll by providing a project function, like that:
mergeMap((urls: string[]) =>
urls.map((url: string) => backend.get(url))
combineAll(responses =>
.filter(response => response.isValid)
.map(response => response.data)
See if that works for you ;)

import { forkJoin, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
interface IRes {
isValid: boolean;
data: string;
interface IResValid {
isValid: true;
data: string;
function isValid(data: IRes): data is IResValid {
return data.isValid;
const res1$: Observable<IRes> = backend.get(url1);
const res2$: Observable<IRes> = backend.get(url2);
// When all observables complete, emit the last emitted value from each.
forkJoin([res1$, res2$])
.pipe(map((results: IRes[]) => results.filter(isValid)))
.subscribe((results: IResValid[]) => console.log(results));


How to map an Observable with values from another observable

I obtain my Ofertas here
getOfertasByYear(year:number): Observable<Oferta[]> {
return this.http.get<Oferta[]>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/ofertas/year/${year}`)
añoPresentada:new Date(oferta.fechaPresentacionFulcrum).getFullYear(),
}) as Oferta)
tap(data => console.log('OfertasService-getOfertasByYear(): ', data)
But I need to calculate his organismoId and that is here
getOrganismoDeOferta(ofertaId:string): Observable<Organismo> {
return this.http.get<Organismo>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/organismos/oferta/${ofertaId}`)
tap(//data=>console.log('OfertasService-getOrganismos(): ', data)
And I don't know how to pass the result of this Observable to te mapped property
getOfertasByYear(year:number): Observable<Oferta[]> {
return this.http.get<Oferta[]>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/ofertas/year/${year}`)
añoPresentada:new Date(oferta.fechaPresentacionFulcrum).getFullYear(),
}) as Oferta)
tap(data => console.log('OfertasService-getOfertasByYear(): ', data)
I subscribe to it but I don't know how to make the assignment
I have tried to obtain all Ofertas and All Concursos but neither
ofertas$ = this.dataService.getOfertas();
concursos$ = this.dataService.getConcursos();
ofertasConOrganismos$ = forkJoin([
map(([ofertas, concursos]) =>
ofertas.map(oferta => ({
organismoId: concursos.find(c => c.id == oferta.concursoId).organismoId
}) as Oferta))
But I get this error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'organismoId')
Any idea, please?
Instead of using a plain map and then calling .subscribe(), you can use a "Higher-Order Mapping Operator" to handle the inner subscription for you. In this case, let's use switchMap.
The idea is to return an observable inside switchMap that emits the data you need. Since you need to make multiple calls, we can leverage some help from forkJoin.
With forkJoin you pass in an array of observables, and it will emit an array of the results. So here below we map the array of Oferta to an array of observables that will each emit the Oferta with the organismoId appended:
getOfertasByYear(year: number): Observable<Oferta[]> {
return this.http.get<Oferta[]>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/ofertas/year/${year}`).pipe(
switchMap(ofertas => forkJoin(
ofertas.map(oferta => this.appendOrganismo(oferta))
Nothing too fancy for the definition of appendOrganismo(); we just make the http call, then map the result to the desired shape:
private appendOrganismo(oferta: Oferta) {
return this.getOrganismoDeOferta(oferta.id).pipe(
map(organismo => ({
añoPresentada: new Date(oferta.fechaPresentacionFulcrum).getFullYear(),
organismoId: organismo.id

rxjs ForkJoin but have it complete when 1 of 2 observables give a value

I'm new to rsjx but I'm looking for a solution like the Forkjoin but it should complete when 1 of the 2 observables have a value. It needs to be like a ForkJoin because I need to know which observable got a value.
I'm loading categories and I have an autocomplete. Categories is an observable and the valueChanges is returned as an observable.
#Select(IngredientCategoryState.selectIngredientCategories) ingredientCategories$!: Observable<IngredientCategory[]>;
this.filter = this.ingredientForm.controls['category'].valueChanges.pipe(
map((data) => {
if (typeof data === 'object') {
return data.name;
return data;
Then I used the forkJoin but then it requires both observables to have a value
this.filteredIngredientCategories$ = forkJoin({
ingredientCategories: this.ingredientCategories$,
filter: this.filter
map(({ ingredientCategories, filter }) => {
return this._filter(ingredientCategories, filter);
I solved it with a combineLatest and triggering the autocomplete field
combineLatest([this.ingredientCategories$, this.filter$])
map((data) => {
return this._filter(data[0], data[1]);
).subscribe((ingredientCategories) => {
this.filteredIngredientCategories = ingredientCategories;
You can use race to use the first source to emit.
I need to know which observable got a value
Instead of "knowing" which one emitted, you can transform the output of each source to return the object shape you need:
this.filteredIngredientCategories$ = race(
map(ingredientCategories => ({ ingredientCategories, filter: undefined }))
map(filter => ({ filter, ingredientCategories: undefined }))
map(({ ingredientCategories, filter }) => {
return this._filter(ingredientCategories, filter);
Here's a working StackBlitz demo.

How do I iterate over functions that return rxjs observables

I want to iterate over a series of asynchronous functions and end the iterating when a false is returned.
I'm new to rxjs and can't get the use-case below to work. I feel like I'm not understanding something fundamental. Can someone please point it out to me?
function validateA(): Observable<any> {
// do stuff.
return of({ id: "A", result: true }); // hardcoding result for now
function validateB(): Observable<any> {
// do stuff
return of({ id: "B", result: true }); // hardcoding result for now
function validateC(): Observable<any> {
// do stuff
return of({ id: "C", result: false });// hardcoding result for now
from([validateA, validateB, validateC])
map(data => data()),
takeWhile(data => !!data.result)
.subscribe(data => console.log(`${data.id} passed!`));
I would say that the core of your logic is right. What is missing is some rxJs pecularity.
The solutions could be something like this. Explanation of the nuances are in the comments.
// start from an array of functions and turn it into a stream using RxJs from function
from([validateA, validateB, validateC])
// now execute each function sequentially, one after the other, via concatMap
// operator. This operator calls each function and each function returns an Observable
// concatMap ensures that the functions are called sequentially and also that the returned Observable (because each function returns an Observable)
// is "flattened" in the result stream. In other words, you execute each function one at the time
// and return the value emitted by the Observable returned by that function
// until that Observable completes. Considering that you use the "of" function to
// create the Observable which is returned by each function, such Observable emits just one value and then completes.
concatMap(func => func()),
// now you have a stream of values notified by the Observables returned by the functions
// and you terminate as soon as a flase is received
takeWhile(data => !!data.result)
.subscribe(data => console.log(`${data.id} passed!`));
The following seems to do the trick and calls functions lazily:
import { from, Observable, of } from "rxjs";
import { concatAll, find, map } from "rxjs/operators";
function validateA() {
return of({ id: "A", result: false });
function validateB() {
return of({ id: "B", result: true });
function validateC() {
return of({ id: "C", result: false });
from([validateA, validateB, validateC])
map(validate => validate()),
find(data => data.result)
.subscribe(data => console.log(`${data.id} passed!`));

distinctUntilChanged in nested pipe with switchMap

I have an observable stream set up as below. I have an interval that is polling every two seconds. I then switchMap that to make two dependent API calls (mocked here with 'of's). After, I want to use distinctUntilChanged to make sure the final object is different. The only thing is that distinctUntilChanged doesn't fire.
I'm assuming it has SOMETHING to do with the fact that we are creating new streams and therefore never collects two objects to compare, but I don't fully understand.
switchMap(() => loadData()),
.subscribe(res => console.log(res)); // { name: 'test' } is printed every two seconds
function loadData() {
return of('API call').pipe(
mergeMap(numb => of({ name: 'test' })),
distinctUntilChanged((prev, cur) => {
console.log('CompareFn'); // This will never fire.
return JSON.stringify(prev) === JSON.stringify(cur)})
Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-ko6k3c?devtoolsheight=60
In this case, I would like there to only be a single value ever printed from the next handler as distinctUntilChanged should stop all values after the first.
Would appreciate an explanation as to why this isn't working as I would expect it to.
the problem is that your distinctUntilChanged is operating on the inner observable, not the outter... you need to do this
switchMap(_ => loadData()),
distinctUntilChanged((prev, cur) => {
return JSON.stringify(prev) === JSON.stringify(cur);
.subscribe(res => console.log(res));
function loadData() {
return of('API call').pipe(
mergeMap(numb => of({ name: 'test' }))
in your prior set up, only one value ever reached distinctUntilChanged as the interval switched into a new observable via switch map.

RxJS: forkJoin mergeMap

I'm trying to make multiple http requests and get returned data in one object.
const pagesToFetch = [2,3]
const request$ = forkJoin(
mergeMap(page => this.mockRemoteData(page)),
mockRemoteData() return a simple Promise.
After first Observable emits (the once created from first entry of pagesToFetch the request$ is completed, second value in not included. How can I fix this?
You can turn each value in pagesToFetch into an Observable and then wait until all of them complete:
const observables = pagesToFetch.map(page => this.mockRemoteData(page));
Or in case it's not that simple and you need pagesToFetch to be an Observable to collect urls first you could use for example this:
mergeMap(pages => {
const observables = pages.map(page => this.mockRemoteData(page));
return forkJoin(observables);
Try the below sample format...
URL 1,
).subscribe((responses) => {
error => {console.log(error)}
