Laravel Passport new access token generated on login - laravel

I've gotten Laravel 5.6 set up with Passport and working with the Implicit grant.
The only thing I don't understand is, every time I hit /oauth/authorize, a new access token is generated in the database. If there is no existing token, it will prompt the user to authorise the request and then create a new access token that expires in 1 year.
If a token already exists and is valid (e.g. user already authorised the request before), it logs the user in directly but also creates a new access token (leaving n+ tokens available instead of invalidating the previous tokens).
This means that my users will see duplicates in their 'authorised applications' screen, which doesn't look right.
Is this normal? Should I be doing something more when logging out instead of just deleting the token locally?


Oauth with same credentials and multiple sessions

I am working on an eCommerce Website and an App. We use SAP Hybris for OAuth 2.0.
To get an access token I send a Cliend ID, Client secret, Username and Password to the auth server.
Problem Example:
If I log in with the App first and then the Website, I won't be able to refresh my token in one of the sessions.
The token I receive from the server is pretty standard and looks like this:
The only difference is that in the "Website Token" the expires_in would have a lower value than 43199 since it was requested after the "App Token".
Since both the access_token as well as the refresh_token are identical, the moment one of them expire and we try to fetch a new token the first session that does it will receive completely different credentials. As soon as the second session (which is now expired) tries to also refresh it's credentials the server will deny new credentials since the old credentials can be used only once to get new tokens.
Every 12 hours the tokens become expired and the first client to request a new token effectively logs out the other client by doing so.
What could I do to deal with this problem?
I was thinking it should be possible to send a unique ID to my request to generate a unique token. However I cannot find any information about this on the SAP Docs.

Laravel passport - refresh token problem with bad connection

There is API on Laravel, which uses Laravel Passport for authentication. All worked well with the default settings. Then we decided to change the lifetime of the access token to 1 day and 1 month accordingly. It caused a problem with the refresh token.
Example: Access token is expired and the app sends the refresh token request to API. Then the app loses internet connection and can't get a new token. (Server sends new tokens but the app is unavailable). After the internet connection returned, the app sends a new refresh request but get 401. So apps need to get new code from API to authenticate the user. I don't think it's a good idea to force the user to login every day.
Any suggestions? Maybe there is some way like "handshake" to solve that problem? I mean refresh token only after confirmation the app got new tokens.
If I correctly understand your question, you're saying that you initially have an Access Token1, Refresh Token1 pair, and when the Access Token1 expired you try to request a new Access Token using the Refresh Token1.
Now, for some reason, you fail to receive this new Access Token2, Refresh Token2 pair, so what does the user do?. Well, you see this from the Consumer's point of view. If you see the same scenario from the Oauth2 Server's point of view.
The Server does not know if you failed to receive the token or you received it and failed to save. The server's job was to generate a new access token based on your valid refresh token. And as soon as it creates a new access token, it invalidates the old refresh token. This is the standard Oauth2 implementation.
You may try to make it so that the Old refresh token is not immediately revoked on new access token generation. But this introduces a possibility of replay attacks.
Hence, The standard practice is to have the User log-in again.

Laravel 5.5 API for 1st party apps only

I'm creating a SPA app with Vue.js (will be stored on remote server) and I'm confused as to what I should use.
At first I considered the use of Passport, but I don't understand how to make an API with Passport for 1st party only. Also I don't understand, how to make it quite secure if I need to send to the server my client-secret and client-id.
Then I read more about JWT, but there's no scopes for my tokens and no refresh tokens. It means if somebody stole the token from localStorage, then he will get access to this user permanently.
And one more question about the token access and API. I read a lot about different token expiration when it depends on its importance. It means token for changing password must be valid for a period of 5 minutes, but token for reading some information should be valid for 6 months. Is it right and how to do this right?
About JWT or Passport - what should I use then?
If you access api directory from client(using angular/react/vue js..) I suggest you to use Passport. in the passport there is a option call Password Grant Tokens, so user have to enter user credential and it'll generate a token(you can adjust the lifetime of the token) and when it expire you can refresh it. And yes if someone stole your token they can access your data
Read this if you want to know more:

Refresh Token gets revoked with Access Token in Laravel Passport

I am using laravel/passport password_grant for authentication. The whole generating access_token and refresh_token process is working fine. Now I am trying to use laravel passport token events to revoke old tokens.
I referred to this post for the process -
This works... But when refreshing an access token using the previously provided refresh token, a new access token is being created and also a new refresh token being is created. Eventually, while revoking the old access token, the old, not expired refresh token also gets revoked.
But I think, the refresh token must be revoked only when it has expired.
And also when I remove the EventListeners from the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider $listen array, the revoking mechanism still works.
It's like even pulling out the plug the light bulb is still on.
How to solve this issue? Or am I wrong with the concept somewhere?
But when refreshing an access token using the previously provided refresh token, a new access token is being created and also a new refresh token being is created.
That's basically what makes refresh tokens prevent MITM attacks (to some extent). If someone intercepts your communication and finds your access token, they can impersonate you for as long as it lives. But if they intercept your request to refreshing your tokens, only one of you (the user and the attacker) can use it because it's revoked once used. If you get to use it first, it becomes useless to them. If they use it first, you'll be logged out because your old tokens will be revoked. If they can intercept all your requests - and keep finding your new access tokens, you need to reconsider your security setup.
From RFC6749 section 1.5. Refresh Token under Figure 2: Refreshing an Expired Access Token:
(H) The authorization server authenticates the client and validates
the refresh token, and if valid, issues a new access token (and,
optionally, a new refresh token).

Laravel API auth with JWT

I'm trying to build a laravel app that uses an api to get and update info. Some API routes should only be accessible to logged in users.
I have implemented JWT so on login a token is generated for user and passed to javascipt. Also I removed expiring from the tokens to avoid a situation where user can see admin panel but token is expired and he can't do anything.
So now I have a problem when if a user logs out and logs back in, he gets a new token, but the old token is still usable. How can I delete JWT token for a given user?
