Spring basic security confiugred userid/password not working - spring-boot

Our application is based on Spring-boot 2.0. I've enabled basic security by adding the following dependency to pom.xml:
I also have added properties so that I can define my own userid and password for basic security, instead of the generated ones. I defined them like this in /resources/applicaiton.properties file:
When I startup my application, I can see that is still generates the password for me in the log. Also, I am unable to login using user1/pass1 combination. I can only successfully login with the user=user and password=generated-password-from-log file.
Why won't spring security allow me to login with user1/pass1? What could be the problem?

Those properties need the spring prefix.
spring.security.user.name=user # Default user name.
spring.security.user.password= # Password for the default user name.
If I want to configure something I often take a look at this List
I hope this helps.


Unable to access /actuator endpoints

I've got a small project running Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Streams with version Greenwich.SR4.
So far I've tried to include the following dependency.
Wanting to have a /check/health endpoint which basically returns a code 200.
I've modified the config accordingly so that I don't have useless health configs within.
However, whenever I try to run localhost:8080/check/health a 404 is prompted. What could be happening?
Also mentioning that I've tried including my own #RestController but same behavior happens.
The URL for the health check should be http://localhost:8080/check/health, not /check/status.
It is depends on the Spring-Boot version. After version 2.0 the path name is manage, so your right url is: http://localhost:8080/check/health
You can also change that with (.yml version):
context-path: /manage
enabled: false

SpringBoot + Thymeleaf + Security Dialect how to configure?

I really new in Spring Boot and Thymeleaf and I working on a sample project which is implementing Spring Security. And I also want to use Thymeleaf Security Dialect for my project. As I read there is no need to create a configration for Security Dialect in case of Spring Boot.
First what I want to achieve is to show the logged in user in the view.
What I have done so far:
I added this div to view:
<div sec:authentication="name">
The value of the "name" property of the authentication object should appear here.
And added a dependecy to pom.xml:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.thymeleaf.extras/thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4 -->
If anybody has any idea please let me know.
I solved this issue, or I found a solution.
The problem is that I used a 3.0.0.RELEASE version of thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4. With 2.1.2.RELEASE works fine.

spring boot 1.3.1 devtools hot reload not work if your project name is spring-boot

Spring boot 1.3.1.RELEASE, used devtools.
Now I add some code in controller method, e.g.
logger.info("delete {} ", name);
but in eclipse console, nothing output, and access this url , the new add logger did not output. So why is so? why hot reload not work?
I found something could explain this phenomenon. Because my project name is spring-boot, and run Application class in eclispe you could see:
you could see after Application name appended (1)
I don't know what's this mean.
After rename project name to anything else(e.g. spring-boot-reservation), now I found devtools could work normally.
And this time the number after Application name is changed to 2,

automatic configuration of Spring Social’s ConnectController not working

I have followed the steps given in the below site to create a simple spring boot application that access the facebook data using maven and spring boot.
which is also same as http://www.technicalkeeda.com/spring/spring-social-facebook-integration-example but in gradle.
The problem i am facing is when i am trying to run the application, I have am seeing that url is successfully redirected to "/connect/facebook" but it doesnt load the facebookConnect.html instead it throws error
as shown below:
Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Tue Mar 10 19:24:41 IST 2015
There was an unexpected error (type=Method Not Allowed, status=405).
Request method 'GET' not supported
I have also tried using the same code given in the site and also used my facebook appId and appSecret in it , which i had generated by giving a random host name in the facebook app, still i get same error.
I have also tried adding the random host name which i created to the /etc/hosts file in the windows.
Could anyone please help me why i am not able to see the .html page that has to be rendered by the ConnectController automatically ?
I finally got the answer.
it is we need to additional parameter in the application.properties file which is
along with the id and secret.
this property was not mentioned in the tutorials. finally this worked. :)
Had the exact same issue. spring.social.auto-connection-views: true in the application.yml (or .parameter equivalent) does indeed solve it, but then the default facebookConnect.html and facebookConnected.html are being used.
I solved it by removing the above application parameter and simply adding Thymeleaf tempting engine to the pom.xml:
And then you can use your own facebookConnect.html and facebookConnected.html located at src/main/resources/templates/connect/
Hope it can help.

Spring-Social-facebook + Spring MVC integration

I am trying to access facebook data via spring social facebook integration using the instructions provided at http://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-facebook.
But currently i am facing 2 type of problem
When i run example as mentioned in tutorial i get following error
No matching bean of type [org.springframework.social.facebook.api.Facebook] found for dependency
When i run this with #Configuration on FacebookConfig class, i get below mentioned error
A ConnectionFactory for provider 'facebook' has already been registered
Is there a workaround to it?
I have kept the war file with source code at https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=EA49CD7184E0E40!168&authkey=!AIkoKKx5-Um8AQE
What version are you using?
Try using the version 1.1.0.RELEASE
If it not works, please try post the stacktrace printed.
You need to create a the beans to your class, please post more information like your pom.xml and your spring context configuration.
Ihad the same problem. Spring Social Facebook will automatically add connection factory based on the configuration in application.properties. This auto-configured connection factory is clashing with the one that you're trying to add. Try just to remove your connection factory you add through addConnectionFactories.
Try to use different setting to load your custom connection factory...
E.g. Instead of using OOTB keys use different keys:
#Facebook Social App Details:
# Commented below 2 OOTB Keys & Bingo it worked.
This will resolve your problem.
