docker-entrypoint best practice for script execution - bash

I want to run a couple of scripts on my;
My question if whether it makes any difference and if it does, what is the recommended way of going about this, regarding the following options:
${HOMEDIR}/myscript --param1 --param2
bash -c "${HOMEDIR}/myscript --param1 --param2"
source ${HOMEDIR}/myscript --param1 --param2

It actually depends on what you are doing and what are you trying to do.
${HOMEDIR}/myscript --param1 --param2
This one will execute the script. When the script is done, any changes that it made to the environment are discarded.
bash -c "${HOMEDIR}/myscript --param1 --param2"
Running bash -c "my command here" vs. just running my command here is primarily different in that the former starts a subshell and the latter runs the commands in the current shell.
There are a number of differences in the effects, however:
Changes to the environment made in the subshell cannot affect the
parent shell (current directory, values of environment variables,
function definitions, etc.)
Variables set in the parent shell that
has not been exported will be unavailable in the subshell.
Here is my reference since I did not know much about bash -c
source ${HOMEDIR}/myscript --param1 --param2
When you call source (or its alias .), you insert the script in the current bash process. So you could read variables set by the script.
When you call sh, you initiate a fork (sub-process) that runs a new session of /bin/sh, which is usually a symbolic link to bash. In this case, environment variables set by the sub-script would be dropped when the sub-script finishes.
Also here my reference.
TL;DR: If you do not want the bash to keep the changes you want with that scripts you will be running on, I recommend you to use (A). If you want the bash to keep the variables and changes, use (C). If you want to keep the changes and make the bash run the script on another bash, use (B) as I listed the differences between them.


Access local shell variables in vim

In vim I can access my bash environment variables such as $PWD and $PATH. I would like to know how to access my temporary shell variables in vim too.
For example, suppose I was in my terminal and define a variable foo="bar". Then I enter vim and try to access this variable with the following command :!echo $foo, but it does not recognize this variable. From my understanding, vim starts a new shell each time a bash command is invoked and then closes it immediately after. Is there a way to use the same shell in vim that my local variable foo was defined in?
No, you can't interact with the parent shell from a subprocess it spawned (without that shell's active participation, which isn't reasonably/practically available in the scenario at hand) -- but you can export your variables to make them accessible to new shells started in child processes.
set -a
...will make any variable defined going forward be automatically exported to the environment, even without an explicit export command.
Since (unlike the C system() function) vim's system() honors the SHELL environment variable, if SHELL=/bin/bash (or :set shell=/bin/bash has been run in vim), you can also invoke exported functions from vim. That is, if you define the function and export it as follows:
foo() { echo "bar"; }
export -f foo
...then you can invoke it with !foo from inside vim.
Even then, however, this is running in a new, transient shell instance, not the original parent process.
Environment variables and shell variables are two entirely different concepts, but as we manipulate them in a similar way in bash, it's easy to get confused.
Whenever a process is created (by fork), it may include an environment, given by its parent at fork-time. The child process may then access and modify its content. How this is done as a user depends on the program :
In vim, you can access an environment variable like this : :echo $foo
In bash, you can access it like this : $ echo "$foo"
In most programming languages, you can access it with a syntax coherent with the rest of the language, such as ENV['foo'] in ruby
On the other hand, a program may allocate memory for any internal use, but notably, it will quite often define and use variables. Once again, this depends on the program :
In vim, you would use the :let command to assign an internal variable
In bash, you would assign a variable with $ foo='bar', and then read it with $ echo "$foo"
In most programming languages, you have a variation of the foo='bar' syntax, sometimes with type declarations, etc
As you can see, bash uses the same syntax to read an environment variable and one of its own private variables, which can lead to some confusion.
When you execute vim from your bash shell, the environment is copied over from the parent process (bash) to the child (vim), but the private memory of bash (including the variables you may have defined) are not.
Thus, accessing them from the child process would require some inter-process communication mechanism, between parent and child. While technically doable, this option is not implemented in bash nor vim.
In order for your variable to be accessible from vim (or any forked process, for that matter), you need it to be present in the environment of your vim process.
Several options to do that :
$ export foo='bar' : This will mark your variable for export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. That's what you want in most cases.
$ foo='bar' vim : This adds your variable to the environment of this vim command. Very useful for troubleshooting, or for one-liners.
$ set -a : As you can see in bash manpage, this marks every subsequent definitions for export to the environment of subsequent commands. It's essentially equivalent to prepending every subsequent definition by export.
To go further
The question uses the :!echo $foo syntax to display the value of foo, which is yet another usecase. The ! here is actually an escape sequence that allows you to execute a shell command from vim.
However, vim cannot execute anything in the parent shell (the one you executed the vim command in), so it creates a new bash shell in a child process, executes echo in it, and displays the result.
In the current case, the result is mostly the same, but it could easily be misleading in other situations, so it's important to understand what is happening here.
There is another vim syntax, using expand, that allows one to lookup variables : :echo expand("$foo")
It however works entirely differently.
If no internal variable named foo exists, vim will invoke a shell to look it up (similarly to what ! would do).
This options is way slower than an environment lookup, and not recommended for most usecases.
If you want to use a value from your shell on the :substitute command, there's actually a way to do it.
I don't know if it solves your need but here we go.
Let's say we want to substitute Mydir by your PWD:

Makefile to add shell aliases

I am already using a makefile, and I was hoping to be able to use it to store a few useful aliases that the user could then invoke. I know that I can make a bash file with the aliases already built in, so and run it with source, so I can do something like:
# File:
alias useful="command to run"
alias also-useful="another command -to run"
Then I can run this in the current terminal session with:
source ./
Using a Makefile
So I was hoping to achieve something similar with a makefile, I was hoping to have a simple aliases entry, so the user could just run:
make aliases
I prefer to avoid adding an extra file if this is at all possible, because I don't want to add extra files for such simple tasks. If you have any suggestions that would be better, I'd be open to hearing them too.
If what you're asking is for make aliases to create aliases that you can then invoke at your shell prompt, something like:
$ make aliases
$ useful
then that is impossible and the reason has nothing to do with make.
In a UNIX/POSIX system the process hierarchy is strict: a process starts one or more sub-processes, and each of those can start more, etc. So a login manager process starts your shell (or your window manager), your shell starts make, which is another process, and make will run another shell as a subprocess to run each recipe, and each shell will run programs like compilers, commands like rm which are also processes, etc.
It is a fundamental rule of all processes that they cannot modify the environment (memory) of their parents (and they can only modify the environment of their children before they are started). So, if you start a new shell and change your working directory then exit that shell, the parent's shell is not changed. If you set an environment variable in the child process, the variable is not set in the parent. Etc.
Shell aliases are part of a particular shell's memory. So a program you start cannot create aliases in its parent shell. It doesn't matter if that program is make or anything else.
That's why you have to use the special command source to load those into your shell: instead of running a new shell, the source command tells the current shell to run the commands in the script as if you'd typed them in at the command line... so no new process is created and the current shell's environment and memory is modified. If you ran your aliases file as a shell script, via aliases rather than source aliases, then a new shell would be created, the aliases would be defined, then the shell would exit and all the aliases would be gone again.
So, all that to say it's not possible for make to define aliases in the shell that invokes it: the operating system won't allow it.

Use of a pipe prevents left process to export variables. Why?

I have the following one-line bash file
export PATH=<new path>
In another script, I use:
echo $PATH # --> old path
. | grep bar
echo $PATH # --> old path!!!!
Depending on the machine I execute this second script on, the PATH is or is not updated in the main script. On the machines where it does not work, whatever the command right of the pipe, it still does not work. On the contrary, if I drop the pipe, it always work whatever the machine.
My machines are supposed to have the exact same configuration (even though, considering this issue, it looks as if they don't). Bash version is 4.1.2.
Do you have any idea where/what to look to understand this behaviour?
In bash, all parts of a pipeline are executed in separate subshells, which is why sourcing the script doesn't change the path.
Some shells are able to run the last command in the current shell environment (ksh93, for example), but bash does not (unless job control is disabled and the lastpipe shell option is enabled, and the pipeline is not executed in the background).
The bash manual states, in the "Pipelines" section,
Each command in a pipeline is executed as a separate process (i.e., in
a subshell).

How to override sha bang interpreter in shell scripts recursively?

I've a master shell script which calls functions defined in various other shell scripts. The master script includes other scripts using 'source' command.
I want to use a common interpreter for all the scripts regardless of what the she bang ("#!/bin/sh") has been set to in those scripts. I want to supply that interpreter from command line.
for example: (with #!/bin/sh) (with #!/bin/sh) (with #!/bin/sh) (with #!/bin/sh) calls functions which are defined in the subscripts and are included as 'source', 'source' and 'source'.
When I run ./, the subscript use their respective interpreters as directed by "#!/bin/sh" line. I want to run all of them using '/bin/bash', the master and the subscripts but without changing the she bang line because there are a lot of such scripts. Is there any way to do this?
Call the interpreter explicitly:
bash ./
Note that the shebang line has no effect on scripts run using source. That command always executes the script in the current shell process, so it uses whatever interpreter is currently running.
But this all seems dangerous. If someone writes #!/bin/sh instead of #!/bin/bash, it may have dependencies on sh syntax that would be violated if bash were used instead.

Access variable declared inside Makefile command

I'm trying to access a variable declared by previous command (inside a Makefile).
Here's the Makefile:
Here's the script declaring the variable I want to access,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Here's the script trying to access the variable previously defined,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $myVar
Unfortunately when I run make, myVar isn't accessible. Is there an other way around? Thanks.
Make will run each shell command in its own shell. And when the shell exits, its environment is lost.
If you want variables from one script to be available in the next, there are constructs which will do this. For example:
( . ./; ./ )
This causes Make to launch a single shell to handle both scripts.
Note also that you will need to export the variable in order for it to be visible in the second script; unexported variables are available only to the local script, and not to subshells that it launches.
UPDATE (per Kusalananda's comment):
If you want your shell commands to populate MAKE variables instead of merely environment variables, you may have options that depend on the version of Make that you are running. For example, in BSD make and GNU make, you can use "variable assignment modifiers" including (from the BSD make man page):
!= Expand the value and pass it to the shell for execution and
assign the result to the variable. Any newlines in the result
are replaced with spaces.
Thus, with BSD make and GNU make, you could do this:
$ cat Makefile
foo!= . ./; ./
#echo "foo=${foo}"
$ cat
export test=bar
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "$test"
$ make
Note that does not include any shebang because it's being sourced, and is therefore running in the calling shell, whatever that is. That makes the shebang line merely a comment. If you're on a system where the default shell is POSIX but not bash (like Ubuntu, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc), this should still work because POSIX shells should all understand the concept of exporting variables.
The two separate invocations of the scripts create two separate environments. The first script sets a variable in its environment and exits (the environment is lost). The second script does not have that variable in its environment, so it outputs an empty string.
You can not have environment variables pass between environments other than between the environments of a parent shell to its child shell (not the other way around). The variables passed over into the child shell are only those that the parent shell has export-ed. So, if the first script invoked the second script, the value would be outputted (if it was export-ed in the first script).
In a shell, you would source the first file to set the variables therein in the current environment (and then export them!). However, in Makefiles it's a bit trickier since there's no convenient source command.
Instead you may want to read this StackOverflow question.
EDIT in light of #ghoti's answer: #ghoti has a good solution, but I'll leave my answer in here as it explains a bit more verbosely about environment variables and what we can do and not do with them with regards to passing them between environments.
