Veracode issue CWE 915 -

I'm having a POST method in my ASP.NET core web API which takes a model as a parameter (binding POST content directly to model). The model contains all the parameters as optional parameters. While scanning the web service using Veracode, I get flaw-1 with CSE 915 (Insufficient input validation for ErrorReporter Service reasons.) which is the possible scenario for MVC EF application.
I have gone through the article. It is saying to use Bind attribute with Include and Exclude properties. But in my case, I don't have any parameter which is mandatory to pass in the model.
Is there any alternative to resolve this or any attribute using which I can remove the Veracode scan for this specific method in the code itself.

Insufficient Input Validation is caused by using the user input directly to take decisions and it can be overcome by sanitizing the taken input.
var userInput = new Sanitize(userInput).Value;
This Sanitize method could be put in appropriate class of your project
public Sanitize(dynamic input)
string inputValue = Convert.ToString(input);
Value = inputValue.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "");


Spring passing object/string between controllers (GET & POST)

I've been struggling with passing some value between controller.
I have one controller like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String addGet(HttpServletRequest request, #ModelAttribute(value="branch") Branch branch, Model model, blahblahblah)
//What I want to pass and re use:
String loadRespond;
branch= branchManager.convertString(loadRespond); //METHOD TO SPLIT STRING & INDUCT TO OBJECT
After I successfully inducted all the attributes into the object branch,i show them all through a binding form. What i want to do is, when i'm going to update the data/change some attribute, i want to compare the old branch to the new changed branch. This means that i have to pass the old branch object or the loadRespond string onto the POST method so that can be used. Do anyone have any idea of how to do this? Maybe to assign it to hidden type field in the jsp? and then use it on the controller with request mapping /add of method type post? Thanks..I'm a newbie..
Why don't you try out with session scope ?
store your old branch into the session . and when you get the new object compare with the old one (by retrieving from session)
You can save into session as any of both,
request.getSession().setAttribute("sessionvar", "session value");
A nice Example here to start with it.
Side-note : your question title doesnt quite expalain your problem and the solutions may vary
As San Krish notes in his answer the most common way is to use #SessionAttributes and pass objects/data using them.
This is useful if you don't worry about user moving backwards and forwards in a page, or want basic control of the object.
Now if you want to have a chain where controller 1 passes to controller 2 which may pass to controller 3 your best bet is to implement web flows.
For short and sweet and quick: SessionAttributes is the way to go, example here
For chain passing, greater control and validation use Spring Web Flows.

ASP.Net Web API Help Pages: Ignore certain properties

Is it possible to have the Help Page sample generator ignore certain properties of a particular type?
For example, we use the same DTO for object Request and Response messages, for both POST and PUT requests. When user is POSTing a model (creating a new record) they don't need to provide the ID field.
But once its created and we serialize the new record into the response body, the ID field is included and returned to the client.
So in the POST request sample, I don't want the ID field to be displayed because for post request it doesn't make sense.
But the POST response sample, I do want the ID field displayed...
I am aware that there is the ApiExplorerSettings attribute which can be applied to a Class or Method...but is there anything similar for a Property?
Something like this would be great:
public class MyDTO
[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreForRequestApi = true, IgnoreForResponseApi = false)]
public int Id { get; set; }
// Other properties omitted for brevity...
Using the following annotation I've successfully hidden a property from the generation!
[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]
No, there isn't a similar option for a property. HelpPage uses formatter instances configured on the application to serialize the samples and as you can imagine the formatters must not have this knowledge within themselves.
Regarding workarounds:
a. You could explicitly set the raw sample for a particular action's requestsample via the SetSampleRequest extension of HttpRequestMessage. You should be able to see some examples about this in the file at *Areas\HelpPage\App_Start\HelpPageConfig.cs*.
b. In the file Areas\HelpPage\SampleGeneration\HelpPageSampleGenerator.cs, there is a method called WriteSampleObjectUsingFormatter which uses the application's formatter instances to write the samples. Here you would need to create new formatter instances having similar settings as your normal application has(so that they reflect the exact serialization/deserialization semantics that your application would normally react to when actual requests are made) and then try to hide the properties which you want to. We want to create new instances because we do not want to disturb the normal functioning of the application.
Example: In case of Json, you could create a new Json formatter instance and provide a ContractResolver which can hide the properties. Check this link:
In case of Xml, I am not sure how we can hide properties without using the IgnoreDataMember attribute and also being non-intrusive.
Currently I would prefer option 'a' as its comparatively a simple workaround than 'b'.
ASP.NET WEB API uses Json.NET for JSON and DataContarctSerailizer for XML formatting so if you add [JsonIgnore] annotations over properties that you do not want included in your serialization should work just fine.

input validation not working on mvc 4 model sent as JSON

I have a model and a form in the view. I have a simple field of string which is called description. I'm able to insert scripts like: <script>alert('xss')</script> to that field.
I can see that in other actions on my site with other models I can't
I do not have an AllowHtml or anything like that.
the only difference is that for this model I use a post with a json object and content-type of application/json
the ModelState.IsValid is returning true. even though there is a description property with an xss script on it...
and for the other actions I make a simple ajax post.
why isn't the validation input work on this kind of JSON ajax posts?
how can I prevent xss across the entire site for this kind of ajax requests?
It is because ValidateInput is only for FormValueProvider. As for JsonValueProvider, you need to roll out your own mechanism.
1) Create a marker attribute CustomAntiXssAttribute
2) Create a custom model binder by sub-classing DefaultModelBinder
3) Overrides BindProperty method -> get the attempted value for the underlying property, sanitize it and assign it to the view model property.
Check this out.
Replace the line var valueResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(propertyDescriptor.Name); with var valueResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bindingContext.ModelName) ? string.Empty : bindingContext.ModelName + ".") + propertyDescriptor.Name); in order to support nested ViewModel.
try using AntiXssLibrary from Nuget, and by using getSafeHtmlContent. you can get the safe content while you're saving your records to db.
Another approach is to use a Sanitizer library like this one, you can choose which HTML tags you want to be filtered out.

MVC3, turn off field validation for a field not in a ViewModel

I have a Form in an MVC3 project. One of my input fields should accept HTML. Unfortunately I cannot have a ViewModel which this value maps to. The Field is autogenerated and read in automatically. I am getting the following error.
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client
Since there is no viewmodel, I cannot apply the [AllowHTML] attribute. Does anyone know a workaround that does not involve disabling validation for the entire page?
Thank You
Additional Information:
I can access the unvalidated value by doing the following:
using System.Web.WebPages;
using System.Web.Helpers;
.....Inside Controller....
string value = Request.Unvalidated("input-40");
The problem now is that the Request.Params collection throws an exception. I would like to access all the other values and have them be validated...just not that one. Is there a way for me to validate the other fields either explicitly or access a validated collection.
The following would be fine
string value = System.Web.Something.ValidateInput(Request.Unvalidated("input-41"));
Unfortunately I don't know where/if this method exists
You can try the ValidateInput(false) attribute:
public ActionResult YourAction(FormCollection yourCollection)
// your stuff
Use ValidateInput attribute for your action method. Seems to be unsafe but should work, cannot test it now.

Make the route parameter actually appear in the address bar

I have a tiny application in MVC 3.
In this tiny application, I want my URLs very clear and consistent.
There's just one controller with one action with one parameter.
If no value is provided (that is, / is requested by the browser), then a form is displayed to collect that single value. If a value is provided, a page is rendered.
The only route is this one:
new { controller = "Main", action = "Index", account = UrlParameter.Optional }
This all works fine, but the account parameter never appears in the address line as a part of the URL. I can manually type and it will work, but other than that, the account goes as a post parameter and therefore does not appear. And if I use FormMethods.Get in my form, I get ?account=whatever appended to the URL, which is also not what I want and which goes against my understanding. My understanding was that the MVC framework would try to use parameters set in the route, and only if not found, it would append them after the ?.
I've tried various flavours of setting the routes -- one route with a default parameter, or one route with a required parameter, or two routes (one with a required parameter and one without parameters); I've tried mixing HttpGet/HttpPost in all possible ways; I've tried using single action method with optional parameter string account = null and using two action methods (one with parameter, one without), but I simply can't get the thing appear in the URL.
I have also consulted the Steven Sanderson's book on MVC 3, but on the screenshots there are no parameters either (a details page for Kayak is displayed, but the URL in the address bar is htpp://localhost:XXXX/).
The only thing that definitely works and does what I want is
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { account = "whatever" });
But in order to do it, I have to first check the raw incoming URL and do not redirect if it already contains an account in it, otherwise it is an infinite loop. This seems way too strange and unnecessary.
What is the correct way to make account always appear as a part of the URL?
My understanding was that the MVC framework would try to use
parameters set in the route, and only if not found, it would append
them after the ?
Your understanding is not correct. ASP.NET MVC doesn't append anything. It's the client browser sending the form submission as defined in the HTML specification:
The method attribute of the FORM element specifies the HTTP method used
to send the form to the processing agent. This attribute may take two
get: With the HTTP "get" method, the form data set is appended to the URI specified by the action attribute (with a question-mark ("?")
as separator) and this new URI is sent to the processing agent.
post: With the HTTP "post" method, the form data set is included in the body of the form and sent to the processing agent.
ASP.NET MVC routes are used to parse an incoming client HTTP request and redispatch it to the corresponding controller actions. They are also used by HTML helpers such as Html.ActionLink or Html.BeginForm to generate correct routes. It's just that for your specific scenario where you need to submit a user entered value as part of the url path (not query string) the HTML specification has nothing to offer you.
So, if you want to fight against the HTML specification you will have to use other tools: javascript. So you could use GET method and subscribe to the submit handler of the form and inside it manipulate the url so the value that was appended after the ? satisfy your requirements.
Don't think of this as ASP.NET MVC and routes and stuff. Think of it as a simple HTML page (which is what the browser sees of course) and start tackling the problem from that side. How would you in a simple HTML page achieve this?
