Bash single-line nested for-loop is taking comparison variable as a command - bash

I believe my error is in do if ($i -gt 100) area but I havent been able to figure it out.
My input is:
for i in `ps | cut -d ' ' -f1`; do if ($i -gt 100); then echo $i; fi; done
My output is this where the process IDs have been taken as commands.
bash: 13968: command not found
bash: 21732: command not found
bash: 21733: command not found
bash: 21734: command not found
How can I fix this and what is the relevant man page that I should read up on? Thank you.

if ($i -gt 100)
should be changed to
if [ $i -gt 100 ]
Note that there is a space before and after [], this is neccessary, otherwise you will get a syntax error (its because [ is a link to test in /usr/bin).
The relevant manapge would be man test, as [ is test.
Also, but this has nothing to do with the question, I recommend switchting from
in bash.

It's not clear what your script is trying to do (the posted answers produce no output on my system) but if you want to print all PIDs that are greater than 100, here's how you'd do that:
$ ps | awk '$1 > 100{print $1}'

just add spaces after and before brackets and the expression
for i in `ps | cut -d ' ' -f1`; do if [ $i -gt 100 ]; then echo $i; fi; done


Compare length of sound file in bash

I want to have a shell script, that checks the length of a sound file and check if the length is shorter, than a specified length. But I keep getting an error message "command not found" at the if-statement.
soundlength=$(soxi -D $1)
enter code here
if [$soundlength < $2]
# do something
I am guessing the $soundlength is a string and it's failing to compare string to int, but I can't find a solution to this.
Thanks in advance for all answers.
The problem is that soxi returns 0 or a float - example 27.741995, therefore you will need bc or awk to check if the output is bigger than N, this because bash don't support floats.
Here is an example with bc:
soundlength=$(soxi -D $1)
if [ 1 -eq "$(echo "${soundlength} > ${2}" | bc)" ]; then
echo "${soundlength} is > than ${2}"
And here is an example with AWK:
soundlength=$(soxi -D $1)
if awk 'BEGIN{exit ARGV[1]>ARGV[2]}' "$z" "$y"; then
echo "${soundlength} is > than ${2}"
If you don't want to use either bc of awk you could give a try to zsh shell, it supports floats.

shell script works but drop error "line[8] expected argument ["

I have shell script that works (does what i want to do,finds if listed user is online), but each time drop error "line[8] expected argument [". I've tried using == but same thing. There's my code:
until [ $truth -eq 1 ]
for i; do
isthere=$(who is here | awk '{print $1}' | grep $i)
if [ $isthere = $i ] #(8 line is here)
echo "found user: "$isthere". program now will close.";
exit 0;
echo "user not found, retrying after 3sec...";
sleep 3;
Thank you for you help and time.
Looks like $isthere or $i is empty. You should quote them: if [ "$isthere" = "$i" ]
In other news: most semicolons are useless; a semicolon it is not a statement terminator, but a statement separator, along with newline.

Using bash, separate servers into separate file depending on even or odd numbers

The output comes from a command I run from our netscaler. It outputs the following ... One thing to note is that the middle two numbers change but the even/odd criteria is always on the last digit. We never have more than 2 digits, so we'll never hit 10.
I need to populate a file called "even" and "odds." If we're dealing with numbers I can figure it out, but having the number within a string is throwing me off.
Example code but I'm missing the part where I need to match the string.
if [ $even_servers -eq 0 ]
echo $line >> evenfile
echo $line >> oddfile
This is a simple awk command:
awk '/[02468]$/{print > "evenfile"}; /[13579]$/{print > "oddfile"}' input.txt
There must be better way.
How about this version:
for v in `cat <my_file>`; do export type=`echo $v | awk -F 'WEB' '{print $2%2}'`; if [ $type -eq 0 ]; then echo $v >> evenfile ; else echo $v >> oddfile; fi; done
I assume your list of servers is stored in the filename <my_file>. The basic idea is to tokenize on WEB using awk and process the chars after WEB to determine even-ness. Once this is known, we export the value to a variable type and use this to selectively dump to the appropriate file.
For the case when the name is the output of another command:
export var=`<another command>`; export type=`echo $var | awk -F 'WEB' '{print $2%2}'`; if [ $type -eq 0 ]; then echo $var >> evenfile ; else echo $var >> oddfile; fi;
Replace <another command> with your perl script.
As always grep is your friend:
grep "[2468]$" input_file > evenfile
grep "[^2468]$" input_file > oddfile
I hope this helps.

Bash IF statement

rather noobie question here.. i think. but i cant get this script to work. It is going to be included inside a script that i asked about here a few days ago (BASH output column formatting). basically i want to be able to scrape a site for a portion of text and return a ONLINE/OFFLINE answer. I apologize for poor formatting and weird variable names. Thanks for taking a look and helping me out!
printf "" > /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt
ifStatementConditional="grep '' /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt | wc -l"
echo $($domainCurlRequest) >> /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt
if [ $ifStatementConditional -eq 2 ] ;
then second_check="online"
else second_check="DOMAIN IS OFFLINE"
echo $second_check
i keep getting the following error when trying to run this script
/Users/USER12/Desktop/ line 6: [: too many arguments
i tried to rewrite another way but got same errors so my logic or syntax or something is off.
Thanks again for taking a look and helping me out!!!
ifStatementConditional="grep '' /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt | wc -l"
This is a string assignment. You probably want backticks, or the $() construct. Otherwise, $ifStatementConditional will never equal 2
if [ $ifStatementConditional -eq 2 ] ;
This is expanded as:
if [ grep '' /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt | wc -l -eq 2 ] ;
Which explains your error.
I think you meant that:
curl "" > /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt
ifStatementConditional=$("grep '' /Users/USER12/Desktop/domainQueryString_output.txt | wc -l")
if [ $ifStatementConditional -eq 2 ] ; then
second_check="DOMAIN IS OFFLINE"
echo $second_check
No need to do printf "" > somefile.txt when you do a curl after, and you append to that file
$() is to capture subshell output. That what was missing here.

Trying to test space in filesystem on Unix

I need to check if I Filesystem exists, and if it does exist there is 300 MB of space in it.
What I have so far:
if [ "$(df -m /opt/IBM | grep -vE '^Filesystem' | awk '{print ($3)}')" < "300" ]
echo "not enough space in the target filesystem"
exit 1
This throws an error. I don't really know what I'm doing in shell.
My highest priority is AIX but I'm trying to get it to work for HP and Sun too.
Please help.
Here is the code I got working.
if [ "$(df -m /opt/IBM/ITM | awk 'NR==2{print ($3)}')" -lt "300" ]
echo "not enough space in the target filesystem"
exit 1
How about posting the error? Anyway, try the following syntax, ie. double brackets and no double quotes:
if [[ $(...) < 300 ]]; then
From man bash:
[[ expression ]]
Return a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional
expression expression.
