Turning several Enumerables into one - ruby

Is there a way to get several Enumerable objects to appear as a single Enumerable without flattening it into an Array? Currently I've written a class like so, but I feel there must be a built-in solution.
class Enumerables
include Enumerable
def initialize
#enums = []
def <<(enum)
#enums << enum
def each(&block)
if block_given?
#enums.each { |enum|
puts "Enumerating #{enum}"
enums = Enumerables.new
enums << 1.upto(3)
enums << 5.upto(8)
enums.each { |s| puts s }
As a simple example, it needs to be able to accept an infinite enumerator like so.
inf = Enumerator.new { |y| a = 1; loop { y << a; a +=1 } };

Well, it might be done with standard library using Enumerator. The advantage of this approach would be it returns the real enumerator, that might be mapped, reduced etc.
MULTI_ENUM = lambda do |*input|
# dup is needed here to prevent
# a mutation of inputs when given
# as a splatted param
# (due to `input.shift` below)
input = input.dup.map(&:to_enum)
Enumerator.new do |yielder|
loop do
# check if the `next` is presented
# and mutate the input swiping out
# the first (already iterated) elem
input.first.peek rescue input.shift
# stop iteration if there is no input left
raise StopIteration if input.empty?
# extract the next element from
# the currently iterated enum and
# append it to our new Enumerator
yielder << input.first.next
MULTI_ENUM.(1..3, 4.upto(5), [6, 7]).
map { |e| e ** 2 }
#⇒ [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]

After all. Use Enumerable::Lazy#flat_map with .each.lazy on elements:
inf = Enumerator.new { |y| a = 1; loop { y << a; a += 1 } }
[(1..3).to_a, inf].lazy.flat_map { |e| e.each.lazy }.take(10).force
#⇒ [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

I ended up with this solution, maybe is close to what you already tried:
def enumerate(*enum)
enum.each_with_object([]) { |e, arr| arr << e.to_a }.flatten
enumerate( 1..3, 5.upto(8), 3.times, 'a'..'c' ).each { |e| p e }
# => 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, "a", "b", "c"
Or (same mechanics):
def enumerate(*enum)
enum.flat_map { |e| e.to_a }


Ruby - Can't replace last range's element with another one

So I want to merge overlapping ranges and it should like the following:
Input: ranges = [(1..2), (3..6), (5..8)]
Output: expected = [(1..2), (3..8)]
but when the code iterate over the intervals and goes to the else statement I just get a message "function_merge.rb:9:in block in merge': undefined methodend=' for 2..19:Range (NoMethodError)"
I tried to save merged.last.end and interval.end to variables, rewrote the if statement over couple of lines (if interval.end > merged.last.end merged.last.end = interval.end end) but all that didn't work :-(
def merge(intervals)
merged = []
intervals.sort_by! { |interval| interval.begin }
intervals.each do |interval|
if merged.empty? || merged.last.end < interval.begin
merged << interval
merged.last.end = interval.end if interval.end > merged.last.end
return merged
I don't understand why I get this error message since "end" is a range method? I just want to "update" the merged.last.end with the interval.end number.
If you have any tips how to solve it, would be very nice :-)
As Sebastian points out, Ranges are immutable. Instead of trying to change the Range you'll have to make a new one.
def merge(intervals)
merged = []
intervals.sort_by! { |interval| interval.begin }
intervals.each do |interval|
if merged.empty? || merged.last.end < interval.begin
merged << interval
merged[-1] = Range.new(merged.last.begin, interval.end, interval.exclude_end?)
return merged
It has been explained that ranges are immutable. The question implies the elements covered by the ranges are all comparable (e.g, not ['a'..'z', 1..10]). I assume that the array of ranges does not contain a mix of finite and infinite ranges.
def distill(arr)
a = arr.reject { |r| r.exclude_end? ? (r.end <= r.begin) : r.end < r.begin }.
return [] if a.empty?
combined = []
curr = a.shift
loop do
break (combined << curr) if a.empty?
nxt = a.shift
if nxt.begin > curr.end
combined << curr
curr = nxt
last = [curr, nxt].max_by { |r| [r.end, r.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1] }
curr = last.exclude_end? ? (curr.begin...last.end) :
distill [5..8, 7...9, 9..11, 1...4, 38..37]
#=> [1...4, 5..11]
distill [1.5...2.2, 2.2..3.0, 3.0...4.5, 4.7..5.3, 5.2..4.6]
#=> [1.5...4.5, 4.7..5.3]
distill ['a'..'d', 'c'..'f', 'b'..'g']
# 'a'..'g'
See Range#exclude_end?.
The steps for the first example are as follows.
arr = [5..8, 7...9, 9..11, 1...4, 38..37]
a = arr.reject { |r| r.exclude_end? ? (r.end <= r.begin) : r.end < r.begin }.
#=> [1...4, 5..8, 7...9, 9..11]
#=> false, so do not return
combined = []
curr = a.shift
#=> 1...4
a #=> [5..8, 7...9, 9..11]
The calculations within the loop can be best explained by salting the code with puts statements and displaying the results.
loop do
puts "a.empty? #=> true, so break #{combined + [curr]}" if a.empty?
break (combined << curr) if a.empty?
puts "a.empty? #=> false"
nxt = a.shift
puts "nxt=#{nxt}, a=#{a}"
puts "nxt.begin=#{nxt.begin} > #{curr.end} = curr.end = #{nxt.begin > curr.end}"
if nxt.begin > curr.end
combined << curr
puts "combined << #{curr} = #{combined}"
curr = nxt
puts "curr = nxt = #{curr}"
last = [curr, nxt].max_by { |r| [r.end, r.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1] }
puts "last=#{last}, last.exclude_end?=#{last.exclude_end?}"
curr = last.exclude_end? ? (curr.begin...last.end) :
puts "new value of curr=#{curr}"
a.empty? #=> false
nxt=5..8, a=[7...9, 9..11]
nxt.begin=5 > 4 = curr.end = true
combined << 1...4 = [1...4]
curr = nxt = 5..8
a.empty? #=> false
nxt=7...9, a=[9..11]
nxt.begin=7 > 8 = curr.end = false
last=7...9, last.exclude_end?=true
new value of curr=5...9
a.empty? #=> false
nxt=9..11, a=[]
nxt.begin=9 > 9 = curr.end = false
last=9..11, last.exclude_end?=false
new value of curr=5..11
a.empty? #=> true, so break [1...4, 5..11]
It is sometimes convenient to be able to return an empty (but valid) range such as 38..37; one should not think of empty ranges as necessarily being an indication that something is amiss.
Alternative solution
If the ranges are all finite, as in the example, and the combined sizes of the ranges is not excessive, one could write the following.
def distill(arr)
chunk_while { |x,y| y == x.next }.
map { |a| a.first..a.last }
distill [5..8, 7...9, 9..11, 1...4, 38..37]
#=> [1..3, 5..11]
distill ['a'..'d', 'c'..'f', 'b'..'g']
# 'a'..'g'
The steps for the first example are as follows.
arr = [5..8, 7...9, 9..11, 1...4, 38..37]
a = arr.flat_map(&:to_a)
#=> => [5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3]
b = a.uniq
#=> [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3]
c = b.sort
#=> [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
d = c.chunk_while { |x,y| y == x.next }
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator::Generator:0x00005c2683af8dd0>:each>
e = d.map { |a| a.first..a.last }
#=> [1..3, 5..11]
One can convert the enumerator d to an array to see the elements it will generate and pass to chunk_while's block:
#=> [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]]
See Enumerable#chunk_while. One could alternatively use Enumerable#slice_when.

Ruby - converting a string into hash with each character as key and index as value?

I am trying to transform a given string into a hash with each its character = key and index = value.
For example, if I have str = "hello", I would like it to transform into {"h"=>0, "e"=>1, "l"=>2, "l"=>3, "o"=>4}.
I created a method as such:
def map_indices(arr)
arr.map.with_index {|el, index| [el, index]}.to_h
#=> map_indices('hello'.split(''))
#=> {"h"=>0, "e"=>1, "l"=>3, "o"=>4}
The problem is it skips the first l. If I reverse the order of el and index: arr.map.with_index {|el, index| [index, el]}.to_h, I get all the letters spelled out: {0=>"h", 1=>"e", 2=>"l", 3=>"l", 4=>"o"}
But when I invert it, I get the same hash that skips one of the l's.
#=> {"h"=>0, "e"=>1, "l"=>3, "o"=>4}
Why is this behaving like such? How can I get it to print {"h"=>0, "e"=>1, "l"=>2, "l"=>3, "o"=>4}?
It can be done, but will confuse other Ruby programmers.A normal hash treats a key "a" as identical to another "a". Unless a little known feature .compare_by_identity is used:
h = {}.compare_by_identity
"hello".chars.each_with_index{|c,i| h[c] = i}
p h # => {"h"=>0, "e"=>1, "l"=>2, "l"=>3, "o"=>4}
Any of the following could be used. For
str = "hello"
all return
{"h"=>[0], "e"=>[1], "l"=>[2, 3], "o"=>[4]}
.with_object({}) { |(c,i),h| (h[c] ||= []) << i }
See String#each_char, Enumerator#with_index and Enumerator#with_object. The block variables have been written to exploit array decomposition.
.with_object(Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }) { |(c,i),h| h[c] << i }
See the form of Hash::new that takes a block and no argument. If a hash has been defined
h = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
and later
h[c] << i
is executed, h[c] is first set equal to an empty array if h does not have a key c.
.with_object(Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }) { |i,h| h[str[i]] << i }
.transform_values { |a| a.flat_map(&:last) }
See Enumerable#group_by, Hash#transform_values (introduced in Ruby v2.5) and Enumerable#flat_map.
Note that
#=> {"h"=>[["h", 0]], "e"=>[["e", 1]], "l"=>[["l", 2], ["l", 3]],
# "o"=>[["o", 4]]}
Another option you can use is zipping two enumerations together.
s = "hello"
This yields: [["h", 0], ["e", 1], ["l", 2], ["l", 3], ["o", 4]]
I am new to Ruby and I am sure this can be refactored, but another alternative might be:
arr1 = "Hello".split(%r{\s*})
arr2 = []
for i in 0..arr1.size - 1
arr2 << i
o = arr1.zip(arr2)
a_h = []
o.each do |i|
a_h << Hash[*i]
p a_h.each_with_object({}) { |k, v| k.each { |kk,vv| (v[kk] ||= []) << vv } }
=> {"H"=>[0], "e"=>[1], "l"=>[2, 3], "o"=>[4]}

How can I pass in a block to my "bubble sort" method?

The below code is my newbie take on a bubble sort method.
#For each element in the list, look at that element and the element
#directly to it's right. Swap these two elements so they are in
#ascending order.
def bubble_sort (array)
a = 0
b = 1
until (array.each_cons(2).all? { |a, b| (a <=> b) <= 0}) == true do
sort = lambda {array[a] <=> array[b]}
sort_call = sort.call
loop do
case sort_call
when -1 #don't swap
a += 1
b += 1
when 0 #don't swap
a += 1
b += 1
when 1 #swap
a += 1
b += 1
else #end of array, return to start
a = 0
b = 1
puts array.inspect
array = [4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 23, 5546, 234, 234, 6]
I want to be able to alter this method so that it takes a block of code as an argument and uses this to determine how it sorts.
For example:
array = ["hello", "my", "name", "is", "daniel"]
bubble_sort(array) {array[#a].length <=> array[#b].length}
(When I've tried this I've turned a and b into instance variables throughout the code.)
I have tried using yield but I get undefined method 'length' for nil:NilClass once the end of the array is reached. I've tried adding in things such as
if array[#b+1] == nil
#a = 0
#b = 1
This helps but I still end up with weird problems like infinite loops or not being able to sort more than certain amount of elements.
Long story short, I have been at this for hours. Is there a simple way to do what I want to do? Thanks.
The way you're calling your lambda is a bit odd. It's actually completely unnecessary. I refactored your code and cleaned up a bit of the redundancy. The following works for me:
def sorted?(arr)
arr.each_cons(2).all? { |a, b| (a <=> b) <= 0 }
def bubble_sort (arr)
a = 0
b = 1
until sorted?(arr) do
# The yield call here passes `arr[a]` and `arr[b]` to the block.
comparison = if block_given?
yield(arr[a], arr[b])
arr[a] <=> arr[b]
if [-1, 0, 1].include? comparison
arr.insert(a, arr.delete_at(b)) if comparison == 1
a += 1
b += 1
a = 0
b = 1
sample_array = [4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 23, 5546, 234, 234, 6]
# Sanity check:
100.times do
# `a` is the value of `arr[a]` in our function above. Likewise for `b` and `arr[b]`.
print bubble_sort(sample_array.shuffle) { |a, b| a <=> b }, "\n"
A cleaner version:
# In place swap will be more efficient as it doesn't need to modify the size of the arra
def swap(arr, idx)
raise IndexError.new("Index #{idx} is out of bounds") if idx >= arr.length || idx < 0
temp = arr[idx]
arr[idx] = arr[idx + 1]
arr[idx + 1] = temp
def bubble_sort(arr)
loop do
sorted_elements = 0
arr.each_cons(2).each_with_index do |pair, idx|
comparison = if block_given?
yield pair.first, pair.last
pair.first <=> pair.last
if comparison > 0
swap(arr, idx)
sorted_elements += 1
return arr if sorted_elements >= arr.length - 1
# A simple test
sample_array = [4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 3, 23, 5546, 234, 234, 6]
sample_str_array = ["a", "ccc", "ccccc"]
100.times do
print bubble_sort(sample_array.shuffle) { |a, b| a <=> b }, "\n"
print bubble_sort(sample_str_array.shuffle) { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length }, "\n"
You're not too far off. Just a few things:
Make your function take a block argument
def bubble_sort (array, &block)
Check to see if the user has provided a block
if block_given?
# Call user's comparator block
# Use the default behavior
Call the user's comparator block
block.call(a, b)
In the user-provided block, accept block params for the elements to compare
bubble_sort(array) {|a,b| a.length <=> b.length}
That should put you in the right ballpark.

How to replace element in multidimensional array in ruby

I am having some difficulty with my code and I am hoping for some insight:
I have a 2d array for a board and I am attempting to replace a number with "X" when called, but am having struggles achieving this.
class BingoBoard
def initialize
#bingo_board = Array.new(5) {Array (5.times.map{rand(1..100)})}
#bingo_board[2][2] = 'X'
def new_board
#bingo_board.each{|row| p row}
def ball
#letter = ["B","I","N","G","O"].shuffle.first
#ball = rand(1..100)
puts "The ball is #{#letter}#{#ball}"
def verify
#bingo_board.each{|row| p row}
#bingo_board.collect! { |i| (i == #ball) ? "X" : i}
newgame = BingoBoard.new
puts newgame.ball
I am aware that when verify is called it is iterating only through the array1, but I am unsure how to go about making the fix. Any help appreciated.
This is the root of the problem:
#bingo_board.collect! { |i| (i == #ball) ? "X" : i}
In this example, i is an array. So what you might want to do is to replace your code with something like:
#bingo_board.collect! do |i| # you're iterating over a double array here
if i.include?(#ball) # i is a single array, so we're checking if the ball number is included
i[i.index(#ball)] = 'X'; i # find the index of the included element, replace with X
Or if you prefer one-liner:
#bingo_board.collect! { |i| i.include?(#ball) ? (i[i.index(#ball)] = 'X'; i) : i }
Be aware that this is going to only replace the first occurrence of the element. So, say if your ball is 10, and you have:
[8, 9, 9, 10, 10]
you will get:
[8, 9, 9, "X", 10]
If you want ALL of the 10s to be replaced, then do something like:
#bingo_board.collect! do |i|
if i.include?(#ball)
i.collect! { |x| x == #ball ? 'X' : x }

Ruby: reuse value in a block without assigning it to variable (write object method on the fly)

There are several situations where I'd like to apply a block to a certain value and use the value inside this block, to use the enumerator coding style to every element.
If such method would be called decompose, it would look like:
result = [3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| array[2] + array[3] } # result = 15
# OR
result = {:key1 => 'value', :key2 => true}.decompose{ |hash| hash[:key1] if hash[:key2] } # result = 'value'
# OR
[min, max] = [3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| [array.min, array.max] } # [min, max] = [3, 8]
# OR
result = 100.decompose{ |int| (int - 1) * (int + 1) / (int * int) } # result = 1
# OR
result = 'Paris'.decompose{ |str| str.replace('a', '') + str[0] } # result = 'PrisP'
The method simply yields self to the block, returning the block's result. I don't think it exists, but you can implement it yourself:
class Object
def decompose
yield self
[3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| array[2] + array[3] }
#=> 15
{:key1 => 'value', :key2 => true}.decompose{ |hash| hash[:key1] if hash[:key2] }
#=> "value"
[3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| [array.min, array.max] }
#=> [3, 8]
It actually exists (I could not believe it didn't).
It is called BasicObject#instance_eval. Here's the doc: http://apidock.com/ruby/BasicObject/instance_eval
Available since Ruby 1.9 as this post explains: What's the difference between Object and BasicObject in Ruby?
