Access-Control-Allow-Origin error when pagination_enabled in api platform -

I had to turn the parameters pagination_enabled to false in one of my entity in api-platform. Unfortunately when I do so I have an error in the client part :
1- [Error] Origin http://localhost:3000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
2- [Error] Failed to load resource: Origin http://localhost:3000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (codeable_concepts, line 0)
3- [Error] Fetch API cannot load http://localhost:8080/codeable_concepts. Origin http://localhost:3000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
How can I fix it ?

I think that one part of the problem is that I tried to fetch a collection which is to big (300 entity with relations). When I put "pagination_items_per_page"=100 it works fine but when I put it at "pagination_items_per_page"=200 there is an error.
My question now is how to get the entire collection of more than 300 entity? Which parameter should I change in the api-platform configuration?

Related Failed to load resource

I have this issue trying to connect to websocket using (Socket.IO.js build:0.9.16)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://my_vps_ip' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
the strange things are:
localhost it works fine
in amazon ec2 instance it works fine
in another vps (cloud vps bought here) it doesn't works
This is my code:
socket = io.connect('' ,{
transports: ['websocket'],
secure: true,
'force new connection' : false,
'reconnect' : true,
Apache 2.4.18 in twice VPS, same configuration, same modules
I really don't understand ...
I dunno if this help but I've faced with same kind of problem time ago.
Check your URL and ensure it NOT end with /
e.g. !=
It looks like you've run into a CORS issue. You need to make sure that you are explicitly allowing access to the requested resource.
You may want to look at former guidance.

Warning status issue in jmeter result table

I have to do load testing for a web based application. I am getting status as warning the results table. My request contains the URL and the path as /. I have passed username and password in the parameters section. Even after tried many times still it shows status as warning.
I have also tried using Proxyserver address, port, user name and password ...still no luck..
Please help me on this.
If you get a Warning status, this means that JMeter detected a response code > 399.
There can be a lot of reasons for this, examples:
Wrong URL : 404
Error : 500
To have more details on it, add a View Results Tree and inspect all tabs to see:
Request : What you are sending (headers / Cookies / body)
Response : What you are getting (headers / Cookies / body)
Then fix your HTTP request by comparing request in browser with what you have build.
Alternatively, use JMeter recording feature.
To see all ways to debug a script, have a look at this book where sample chapter explains lot of ways.
If you get warning status that means your entered URL contains https:// part which means your given URL working with HTTP protocol.
Remove https:// part from
- HTTP Request Defaults
- HTTP Request
So replace https:// part by WWW and try again

Cesium GeoServer error : An error occurred in "WebMapServiceImageryProvider": Failed to obtain image tile

I'm trying to run Cesium with GeoServer in order to learn and practice things I need to do.
I have installed and downloaded everything needed but when I am trying to run the basic examples from Cesium \ GeoServer I get the error mentioned above.
My code is the following :
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
var provider = new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({
url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms',
layers: '',
proxy: new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/')
and the error is
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) Cesium.js:21186 An error occurred in "WebMapServiceImageryProvider": Failed to obtain image tile X: 1 Y: 0 Level: 0.
when removing the proxy field, I get this error
Image from origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:64365' is therefore not allowed access. Cesium.js:21186 An error occurred in "WebMapServiceImageryProvider": Failed to obtain image tile X: 0 Y: 0 Level: 0.
I have googled it and tried to configure the web.xml file according to the CORS IIS7 (running VS15) guide but with no luck.
Any chance someone know what can I do ?

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in jsf.js.faces?ln=javax.faces

I am getting the below JavaScript error when I'm trying to access the application.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in jsf.js.faces?ln=javax.faces
The browser is loading, but page is not displayed.
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in jsf.js.faces?ln=javax.faces
This will happen when the server returned a HTML document while the browser tried to download the mentioned JavaScript file (which is necessary for a.o. the functioning of <h:commandLink> and <f:ajax> in JSF 2.x).
You probably already know that HTML documents usually begin with a < and a JavaScript file absolutely not. Inspecting the HTTP traffic monitor and the actual HTML response should give clues as to what exactly it returned. Press F12 in Chrome/Firefox23+/IE9+ to see it. Perhaps it's a HTTP 4xx error? 401 unauthorized? Or 403 forbidden?
That can in turn happen if your (homegrown) security/login framework is badly configured. This problem is in turn not related to JSF itself. Basically, you need to fix/reconfigure it allow requests on /javax.faces.resource/*.
See also:
JSF page style missing when using login filter
Exclude css & image resources in web.xml Security Constraint
HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied (CSS blocked?)

xhrPost : from an http view to an https url

using Dojo, is it possible to make an Ajax call using xhrPost from an HTTP view to a HTTPS url ?
The url must be HTTPS (as defined in Struts).
If I simply set "MyCommand" as the 'url' parameter of the xhrGet, I get a 302 error code.
If I transform "MyCommand" using javascript to something like "https://......./servlet/MyCommand" I see the following error in Firebug : "uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method".
I'm stuck using both approaches, the only solution I found is to remove the "https" clause in the struts configuration file, and of course this is not a correct solution :)
Thanks for any help.
Best regards,
connection to https from http involves a different port of the target. This violates the same-origin policy which should be enforced by the browser to the running javascript code.
It should work with an iframe.. encapsulates this behaviour for you
If your server responds with a redirect to a non-ssl (correctly to same-origin) page you should be able to read the response (because the iframe is now in the same-origin).
