while page yet, i have set everything - laravel

I am trying to make via hi in view but its give me white page display. I have created controller and view ... path is also set in web.php
Route::post('/member/add-single-trade/import_single_trades_parse', 'trades\ImportSingleTradesController#tradesImport');
public function tradesImport()
return view('member.add-single-trade.import-excel.import_fields', compact( ''));
BLADE: import_fields.blade.php

why dont you just return 'hi' in tradesImport() to see whether the route works fine

SOLVED: underscore does not work in route: /member/add-single-trade/import_single_trades_parse
It's working with : /member/add-single-trade/import-single-trades-parse


Laravel routes with vue/vue router

I'm basically using VueRouter to create all my routes which is working really well. However, my application is built using Laravel. So if I refresh any of the routes I get an error that the route is not defined. So at the minute in every controller I've had to add an index function. This just returns the view of my app.blade which is just the usual tags etc and the to load my single page app. I'm just wondering if there is a cleaner solution? I guess I could move the return view into a single Controller and make my Controllers extend this. But I'm just wondering if there is a better way I'm missing?
i.e. one of my routes via VueRouter:
path: "/clients",
name: "clients",
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "clients" */ "../resources/js/components/Views/Clients/Clients.vue")
The route in my clients.php file
Route::get('/clients', [App\Http\Controllers\ClientController::class, 'index'])->name('clients');
Then the ClientController index function
public function index()
return view('app');
It would just be nice to have the loading of the app.blade done somewhere else and not need to be specified per controller. Any help would be appreciated to ensure it's all done efficiently!
Here is how I solved this issue for one of my projects which is also single page application in Vue and Laravel: https://github.com/lyyka/laravel-vue-blog-spa/blob/master/routes/web.php
Simply, in your routes file, you put this code:
Route::get('/{any}', function () {
return view('welcome');
})->where("any", ".*");
And in my welcome view I have:
<div class = "container">
Basically this will return your app view for any URL and so your Vue SPA should work properly. Generally, it is not a good practice to put callback functions inside your routes file, but in this case, you won't even be using your routes file as it is a SPA, so this solution can pass! :)
You should use your single html file and make a controller.
On your controller
public function index(){
return view('index');
on your web.php
basically, you should make the same route on your laravel and vue
Route::get('/products', [ProductsController::class,'index']);
in my vue-routes
import Products from './components/Products.vue'
component: Products

Laravel view product page not found

I have a problem, doing some product page, already got listen all products from database. And now doing view object page, to check currently product details. Doing everything by this video:
But it's not working for me. Writing page not found when I press to a link View product.
1. I have created: view_object.blade.php
2. Have a controller:
'public function view_brac( $BrackID )
return view('view_object');
3. Have a route:
4. And this is a link to View full object:
'< a href="view_object& < ?php echo $ users->BrackID? >">Plačiau< /a >'
Can some you help, why this not working?
If you want to use URI with parameter like view_object?brackId=5, change the route to:
Route::get('view_object', 'BracController#view_brac');
The controller method to:
public function view_brac()
return view('view_object');
And the link to the view:
Then you'll be able to get the brackId in a view or a controller method with:
{{ request('brackId') }}
First, you aren't returning anything in your controller method along with the view.
public function view_brack( $BrackID )
$brack = Brack::find($BrackID);
return view('view_object', compact('brack'));
Second, the route definition is incorrect.
Last, create your anchor tag using Laravel's helper functions.

Laravel 5.3 parse variable from controller to blade view not working

I cannot seed my blade with variables from my controller.
Look at my controller:
public function formAdd()
return view('restaurant.categoryAdd')->with(['myvar' => 'xxx']);
In my view categoryAdd:
This way, I got a 500 error. But if I change my view to:
#if (isset($myvar))
There is not 500 error, the page is ok, but the 'Success!' is not returned. It means $myvar is undefined. I tested various codes, but I still cannot seed my view.
I tried:
return view('restaurant.categoryAdd')->with(['myvar' => 'xxx']);
return view('restaurant.categoryAdd')->with('myvar', 'xxx');
return view('restaurant.categoryAdd',['myvar' => 'xxx']);
obs: I'm running XAMPP, and It's the only issue I had at this time.
obs2: The problem is not the 'return view' method, It's just working. The problem is my view, It's not receiving the variable.
So try this:
In your controller:
public function formAdd() {
$variable = 'Hello';
return view('restaurant.categoryAdd')->with('myvar', $variable);
In your view (if HTML, simply):
print $myvar;
The problem was in camelcase. I changed the view to 'categoryadd' and It's working now.

Laravel 4: if statement in blade layout works strange

Could someone explain me why I get blank screen with printed string "#extends('layouts.default')" if I request page normally (not ajax)?
I'm trying to solve problem with Ajax, I don't want to create 2 templates for each request type and also I do want to use blade templates, so using controller layouts doesn't work for me. How can I do it in blade template? I was looking at this Laravel: how to render only one section of a template?
By the way. If I request it with ajax it works like it should.
Yes #extends has to be on line 1.
And I found solution for PJAX. At the beginning I was not sure this could solve my problem but it did. Don't know why I was afraid to lose blade functionality if you actually can't lose it this way. If someone is using PJAX and needs to use one template with and without layout this could be your solution:
protected $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function index()
return $view = View::make('home.index')
->with('title', 'index');
$this->layout->title = 'index';
$this->layout->content = View::make('home.index');
Try moving #extends to line 1 and you will see the blade template will render properly.
As for solving the ajax problem, I think it's better if you move the logic back to your controller.
if ( Request::ajax() )
return Response::eloquent($books);
} else {
return View::make('book.index')->with('books', $books);
Take a look at this thread for more info: http://forums.laravel.io/viewtopic.php?id=2508
You can still run your condition short handed in the fist line like so

JToolbar::save() redirection

I'm going through the Joomla 2.5 tutorial to build a custom component. Now I'm facing an issue on the redirection after using JToolbar::save() or JToolBarHelper::cancel for that matter. By default Joomla wants to redirect to the default layout (from the edit layout). However I don't want it to do that. I want it to redirect back to another view. In Joomla 1.5 I would have done this through adding the function into the controller - something like
function cancel()
//redirects user back to blog homepage with Cancellation Message
$msg = JText::_( 'COM_BLOG_POST_CANCELLED' );
$this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jjblog&view=jjblog', $msg );
Now that works beautifully for the cancel function, however for save this is a much more complex thing. If I want to overwrite the url do I have to redirect the controller to the model and then write in all the code for the model interaction? Because that seems slightly excessive just for a url redirection like you would in Joomla 1.5?
Hope you have added the save toolbar code with the proper controller name like this
Create a save function in appropriate controller.
Add the task in the form
Finnally make sure you have added form action withthe corresponding component name.
You can try this-
In the controller firstly you call the parent save function than redirect to url.
function save(){
OK it didn't need to $this->setRedirect at all. Just needed me to change the value to
protected $view_list = 'jjBlog';
which then sets the redirects of everything back to that list view.
Source link for this is here.
Thanks for all the responses though!!
protected function addToolbar ()
JRequest::setVar ('hidemainmenu', false);
JToolBarHelper::title (JText::_ ('Configuration'), 'configuration.gif');
JToolBarHelper::save($task = 'save', $alt = 'JTOOLBAR_SAVE');
public function save()
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$mainframe->enqueueMessage (JText::_ ('COM_SOCIALLOGIN_SETTING_SAVED'));
$this->setRedirect (JRoute::_ ('index.php', false));
I think you can use
global $mainframe;
If you are overriding joomla's default save function in your custom component like
function save( $task = 'CustomSave', $alt = 'Save' ) // or even same name Save
Inside your controller you can use the CustomSave as the task and use $mainframe for redirect.
$mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication();
Hope this may help you..
